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Luminance difference thresholds (ΔI) were obtained by a successive and a simultaneous method of presenting the stimuli Spatial and temporal separation between the fields was the independent variable while other variables as stimulus size, luminance, retinal area of stimulation and duration were kept constant ΔI was less for simultaneously presented stimuli than for successively presented stimuli This was related to spatial and temporal interaction effects such that the greater the spatial interaction between simultaneously presented fields, the greater the discriminability while the greater the temporal interaction between successively presented fields, the less the sensitivity to luminance differences. It was suggested that the basis of the luminance discrimination may be different under conditions of temporal interaction than under conditions of spatial interaction between the fields.  相似文献   

Recent research revealed considerable decline in visual perception under low luminance conditions. However, systematic studies on how visual performance is affected by absolute luminance and luminance contrast under low mesopic conditions (<0.5 cd/m2) is lacking. We examined performance in a simple visual discrimination task under low mesopic luminance conditions in three experiments in which we systematically varied base luminance and luminance contrast between stimulus and background. We further manipulated eccentricity of the stimuli because of known rods and cones gradients along the retina. We identified a “deficiency window” for performance as measured by d’ when luminance was < 0.06 cd/m2 and luminance contrast as measured by the luminance ratio between stimulus and background was below < 1.7. We further calculated performance-based luminance as well as contrast efficiency functions for reaction times (RTs). These power functions demonstrate the contrast asymptote needed to decrease RTs and how such a decrease can be achieved given various combinations of absolute luminance and luminance contrast manipulations. Increased eccentricity resulted in slower RTs indicative of longer scan distances. Our data provide initial insights to performance-based efficiency functions in low mesopic environments that are currently lacking and to the physical mechanisms being utilized for visual perception in these extreme environments.  相似文献   

The visual discrimination threshold can be considered as an image of the resolution power of the visual system. Measured with a psychophysical method, it shows a diurnal pattern with a low threshold in the morning, i.e., high sensitivity and an increase in the afternoon that persists until the early evening.  相似文献   

The relation between hue discrimination and stimulus luminance was investigated. It was found that discrimination was best at the highest luminance and deteriorated at the lowest, except in the yellow region.  相似文献   

Many models of perceptual processing assume that participants integrate stimulus evidence over time, for example, random walk models. This class of models is tested in a luminance discrimination paradigm in which the onsets of the stimuli are either instantaneous (stepped) or slowly ramped. The ramped portion of ramped stimuli occurs prior to the stepped stimuli onsets. Consequently, there is more luminance energy in ramped stimuli. Therefore, if participants integrate luminance energy, they should perform better to ramped stimuli. This did not occur in 4 experiments. Participants performed better to stepped stimuli than ramped stimuli in earlier foreperiods and the reverse in later foreperiods. A new model is proposed in which participants monitor both integrated luminance energy and quick temporal changes in luminance, but they do so in a serial fashion. First, participants monitor temporal changes in luminance; later, they monitor integrated luminance energy.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we investigated the role of apparent motion in discriminating left/right gaze deviation judgments. We demonstrated that discrimination accuracy and response confidence was significantly higher when the eyes were moved to the left or right, compared to when the eyes were presented in their final shifted position (static images). To dissociate the role of motion signals from luminance signals, gaze stimuli were also presented in reverse contrast. Replicating past studies polarity reversal had a profound and detrimental effect on gaze discrimination in static images, although, intriguingly, while response confidence remained low, participant performance improved as gaze angle increased. In striking contrast to these data, polarity reversal had no negative effect on performance when the eyes were moved. We discuss these findings in the context of a multiple-cue account of gaze perception.  相似文献   

Bornstein’s hypothesis that there is a loss of color discrimination in tropical areas was not supported in earlier research in the Cook Islands. Using a more sensitive color vision test (the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue Test), a loss of color discrimination in the red-purple and blue-green regions of the spectrum was found. The lack of sex differences in this color discrimination loss supports a physiological rather than a genetic explanation of the observed decrement.  相似文献   

Selective attention to 1 of 2 overlapping objects was assessed in a cuing paradigm. Participants detected or identified targets that appeared in 1 of 6 possible target locations (3 on each object). Significant cuing effects for the simple detection of such targets using both reaction time and sensitivity measures of performance were found. Cuing effects were consistently greater when the participants were required to identify some aspect of the target even when the tasks (detection vs. identification) were equated for overall performance level. These differences in cuing effects between tasks were much reduced if the target locations were no longer grouped into 2 objects. It is suggested that identical stimuli can elicit differing attentional mechanisms depending on task type (rather than task difficulty) and that these mechanisms differ in the nature of the representation of the visual world.  相似文献   

A color-naming experiment was performed in which both surround luminance and exposure duration were varied. The data showed substantial effects from these changes; however, none could be interpreted to indicate the presence of a Bezold-Brucke shift or tritanopia.  相似文献   

Arrington JG  Levin DT  Varakin DA 《Perception》2006,35(12):1665-1678
It has recently been demonstrated that people often fail to detect between-view changes in their visual environment. This phenomenon, called 'change blindness' (CB), occurs whenever the perceptual transient that usually accompanies a change is somehow blocked, or made less salient. In the well-known flicker paradigm, the transient is blocked by inserting a blank screen between the original and changed scenes. We tested whether transients that do not involve the appearance or disappearance of visual objects would also produce CB. Therefore we tested whether the appearance or disappearance of color information, and increments or decrements in luminance, could cause CB. In three experiments, subjects searched for changes in natural scenes. We found that both color transients and luminance transients significantly reduced change detection (by approximately 30%) relative to a no-transient condition.  相似文献   

In a 2006 study the influence of spacing between vertical lines, exposure time, and number of vertical lines on visual performance was identified. The present study further explored the effects of luminance ratio on discrimination of separation. Analysis showed the luminance ratio of target vertical lines affected the visual performance of both younger and elderly people. The luminance ratio was greater, as was accuracy; however, accuracy might not become greater when the luminance ratio was too high. Further, the effect of the number of vertical lines on accuracy was significant, as was consistent with the 2006 study. Two interactive two-way effects were found, group x luminance ratio and luminance ratio x number of vertical lines.  相似文献   

Under what circumstances is the common motion of a group of elements more easily perceived when the elements differ in color and/or luminance polarity from their surround? Croner and Albright (1997), using a conventional global motion paradigm, first showed that motion coherence thresholds fell when target and distractor elements were made different in color. However, in their paradigm, there was a cue in the static view of the stimulus as to which elements belonged to the target. Arguably, in order to determine whether the visual system automatically groups, or prefilters, the image into different color maps for motion processing, such static form cues should be eliminated. Using various arrangements of the global motion stimulus in which we eliminated all static form cues, we found that global motion thresholds were no better when target and distractors differed in color than when they were identical, except under certain circumstances in which subjects had prior knowledge of the specific target color. We conclude that, in the absence of either static form cues or the possibility of selective attention to the target color, features with similar colors/luminance-polarities are not automatically grouped for global motion analysis.  相似文献   

Under what circumstances is the common motion of a group of elements more easily perceived when the elements differ in color and/or luminance polarity from their surround? Croner and Albright (1997), using a conventional global motion paradigm, first showed that motion coherence thresholds fell when target and distractor elements were made different in color. However, in their paradigm, there was a cue in the static view of the stimulus as to which elements belonged to the target. Arguably, in order to determine whether the visual system automatically groups, or prefilters, the image into different color maps for motion processing, such static form cues should be eliminated. Using various arrangements of the global motion stimulus in which we eliminated all static form cues, we found that global motion thresholds were no better when target and distractors differed in color than when they were identical, except under certain circumstances in which subjects had prior knowledge of the specific target color. We conclude that, in the absence of either static form cues or the possibility of selective attention to the target color, features with similar colors/luminance-polarities are not automatically grouped for global motion analysis.  相似文献   

Prolonged viewing of bright vertical (horizontal) gratings alternating with dim horizontal (vertical) gratings generates negative brightness aftereffects that are contingent on the orientation of orthogonal test gratings. The effect is measured by a brightness cancellation technique, similar to the color cancellation technique used in measuring McCollough effects. Like the latter, brightness aftereffects appear to persist for long periods. The magnitude of these aftereffects is a positive monotonic function of the luminance difference between the inducing gratings, and it depends on the conditions of induction; monocular induction generates larger aftereffects than binocular induction does. The aftereffect transfers interocularly, although its magnitude in the contralateral eye is substantially attenuated; binocular measurement, following monocular induction, results in even smaller aftereffects. An attempt to understand these findings within the computational model of brightness perception developed by Grossberg and Mingolla (1985a, 1985b) is presented.  相似文献   


Diverse adaptive visual processing mechanisms allow us to complete visual search tasks in a wide visual photopic range (>0.6 cd/m2). Whether search strategies or mechanisms known from this range extend below, in the mesopic and scotopic luminance spectra (<0.6 cd/m2), has yet to be addressed. Based on a study that addressed simple target discrimination in luminance environments using contrast-dependent behavioral efficiency functions, we assessed visual search in more complex-feature and conjunction-search paradigms. The results verify the previously reported deficiency windows defined by an interaction of base luminance and luminance contrast for more complex visual-search tasks. Based on significant regression analyses, a more precise definition of the magnitude of contribution of different contrast parameters. Characterized feature search patterns had approximately a 2.5:1 ratio of contribution from the Michelson contrast property relative to Weber contrast, whereas the ratio was approximately 1:1 in a serial-search condition. The results implicate near-complete magnocellular isolation in a visual-search paradigm that has yet to be demonstrated. Our analyses provide a new method of characterizing visual search and the first insight in its underlying mechanisms in luminance environments in the low mesopic and scotopic spectra.


Attentional effects of letter cues on target processing were investigated in a bilateral spatial cueing paradigm. Luminance contrast of the cue stimuli and of the target stimuli were both manipulated. Consistent with predictions derived from theoretical models of visual attention, manipulating cue luminance and target luminance had very different effects on performance. In agreement with the dorsal stream attention hypothesis (Marrett et al., 2011) orienting effects were unaffected by changes in cue luminance; but in agreement with the work of Reynolds, Pasternak, and Desimone (2000) and Carrasco, Ling, and Read (2004) orienting effects were strongly modulated by changes in the luminance and perceptual quality of the target. Theoretical implications of the results are considered and the data are explained in terms of a sensory enhancement effect, whereby attention amplifies the neuronal responses for attended stimuli.  相似文献   

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