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Subjects matched durations of keypresses to loudnesses of pure tones. Resulting duration responses were found to be assimilated to the value of the immediately preceding stimulus and responses from one to at least six trials back in the sequence of loudness stimuli. Responses were contrasted with the values of stimuli two through six trials back in the sequence. These sequential dependencies and other properties of the data were predicted by a cognitive model in which cross-modality matches are mediated by category judgments of stimuli on both continua, and subjects use heuristic strategies to reduce response uncertainty.  相似文献   

Subjects were tested on cross-and within-modality matching conditions with either a 5-sec or a 20-sec delay imposed between standard and comparison stimuli. Half the subjects were informed before the trial of what the comparison modality would be, while the others were not. There was a strong effect of instructions on the cross-modality conditions, but little on the within-modality conditions. The informed subjects showed better performance in the haptic-visual condition, while for the uninformed subjects, visual-haptic performance was better. The results suggest the importance of subjects’ processing strategies in cross-modality performance.  相似文献   

”Stevens' law”, that the psychophysical law is a power function, is often taken to be confirmed by results of cross-modality matching experiments, for it predicts both the fact that cross-modality matching experiments yield power functions, and the exponents of these power functions. Both these predictions, however, follow from a more general form of the psychophysical law, of which Fechner's law is a special case. In view of this, an interpretation of cross-modality matching based on stimulus discriminability rather than sensation magnitude is proposed.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Ss performed four tasks each: (1) magnitude estimation of area, (2) magnitude estimation of numerousness, (3) cross-modality matching of force of handgrip to area, and (4) cross-modality matching of force of handgrip to numerousness. An additional 48 Ss performed Tasks 2 and 4. Psychophysical power functions were fitted to the data of each S for each condition. Higher correlations between individual exponents were found for conditions employing a common response (i.e., estimating or squeezing) than were found for conditions with the same set of stimuli. Individual differences among exponents stem more from the idiosyncratic use of the dependent variable than from different sensory characteristics.  相似文献   

Taste intensity judgments in response to chemical stimulation of single human fungiform papillae were obtained by the method of magnitude estimation. Intensity scales constructed from these data were compared to those obtained from the same subjects in response to stimulation of the whole mouth. Single papilla functions conformed well to the power law governing the growth of sensation magnitude, although a minority of single papilla functions exhibited peaking of response magnitude at intermediate concentrations, followed by a decline in response magnitude at higher concentrations. Single papilla exponents were found to be lower than whole mouth exponents and were positively correlated with detection and/or recognition thresholds of the papillae for most compounds. Exponents of summated single papilla functions were greater than median single papilla exponents, but their relative magnitude vs. whole mouth exponents varied by test compound. The data were discussed in relationship to previous findings concerning flow rate effects, threshold-exponent relationships across the tongue surface, and level-dependent spatial summation.  相似文献   

Paralleling closely an experiment on group polarization by Vinokur and Burnstein (1978), subjects discussed one of three risky, cautious, or neutral choice dilemmas. For each of the value items, one half of the six-person groups consisted of a cautious minority and a risky majority; the other half consisted of a risky minority and a cautious majority. The minorities always consisted of trained confederates. The results indicated that on risky items minorities that argued for risk had more influence than minorities advocating caution; on neutral and cautious items the majority was not influenced by the minority whether it advocated the risky or cautious alternative.  相似文献   

There are at least two qualitatively different types of subjective experience that can accompany accurate recognition memory. Sometimes recognition is accompanied by conscious recollection of the learning episode (i.e., it isremembered), and in other cases it is not (i.e., it is simplyknown that the item is old). In the present study, we assessed the subjective experience that accompanies crossmodality confusion errors (misidentifying words as pictures) by measuring the extent to which subjects claimed toremember versusknow that the item was presented as a picture. The results of two experiments demonstrate that cross-modality confusion errors are often accompanied by conscious recollection, although not to the same extent as accurate memories. The findings also show that there is considerable overlap in the recollective experience that accompanies accurate and erroneous memories. Finally, the results support the contention that recollective experience cannot be directly inferred from test performance.  相似文献   

Three observers matched tone bursts and flashes for stimulus magnitude. Matches were made by each observer during 14 sessions over a 2-month period. No intraindividual differences in power function exponents were found. Power function exponents for individuals seem to remain constant across many repetitions of this psychophysical task.  相似文献   

Proctor (1981) presented a theoretical framework that distinguishes factors contributing to disparities in time to classify physical-same, name-same, and different letter pairs as a function of three variables: method of presentation (simultaneous vs. successive), case relationship (samecase vs. opposite-case pairs), and blocking (blocked vs. mixed presentation of same-case and opposite-case pairs). He also argued that these variables were critical in multIletter matches, and performed a between-study comparison of existing data to support his contention. Because comparison across studies is always a tenuous process and because the absence of several relevant conditions precluded a complete analysis of predictions, a within-experiment manipulation of the three relevant variables was desirable. The present study reports such an experiment. In general, the factorial manipulation of variables supported predictions of Proctor’s framework and indicated that many phenomena of multiletter matching, including the widely studied fast-“same” phenomenon, are attributable primarily to differences in the rate at which component letter pairs are matched.  相似文献   

On the exponents in Stevens' law and the constant in Ekman's law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Research has shown that judgments tend to assimilate to irrelevant "anchors." We extend anchoring effects to show that anchors can even operate across modalities by, apparently, priming a general sense of magnitude that is not moored to any unit or scale. An initial study showed that participants drawing long "anchor" lines made higher numerical estimates of target lengths than did those drawing shorter lines. We then replicated this finding, showing that a similar pattern was obtained even when the target estimates were not in the dimension of length. A third study showed that an anchor's length relative to its context, and not its absolute length, is the key to predicting the anchor's impact on judgments. A final study demonstrated that magnitude priming (priming a sense of largeness or smallness) is a plausible mechanism underlying the reported effects. We conclude that the boundary conditions of anchoring effects may be much looser than previously thought, with anchors operating across modalities and dimensions to bias judgment.  相似文献   

Words and pictures were studied, and recognition tests were given in which each studied object was to be recognized in both word and picture format. The main dependent variable was the latency of the recognition decision. The purpose was to investigate the effects of study modality (word or picture), of congruence between study and test modalities, and of priming resulting from repeated testing. Experiments 1 and 2 used the same basic design, but the latter also varied retention interval. Experiment 3 added a manipulation of instructions to name studied objects, and Experiment 4 deviated from the others by presenting both picture and word referring to the same object together for study. The results showed that congruence between study and test modalities consistently facilitated recognition. Furthermore, items studied as pictures were more rapidly recognized than were items studied as words. With repeated testing, the second instance was affected by its predecessor, but the facilitating effect of picture-to-word priming exceeded that of word-to-picture priming. The findings suggest a two-stage recognition process, in which the first is based on perceptual familiarity and the second uses semantic links for a retrieval search. Common-code theories that grant privileged access to the semantic code for pictures or, alternatively, dual-code theories that assume mnemonic superiority for the image code are supported by the findings. Explanations of the picture superiority effect as resulting from dual encoding of pictures are not supported by the data.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported which investigate the effects of study/test compatibility on implicit and explicit memory performance. In the first experiment subjects either named each visually presented target item, or generated each item from a close semantic associate. They were then given either a free recall test or a visual word-stem completion task. A generation effect was evident in the free recall data (generated items were better recalled than named items) and this pattern was reversed for word-stem completion. In the second experiment subjects again named or generated items and were then given an auditory word-stem completion task. Under these conditions, cross-modal priming was found both for named and for generated items, but the reverse generation effect, which was evident in Experiment 1 with word-stem completion, was eliminated. In the final experiment, subjects were asked to name the targets, read them silently, or read them under conditions of articulatory suppression, and were then given an auditory stem completion task. Significant cross-modal priming was observed under all three conditions. The strongest priming was found in the naming condition and the weakest in the suppression condition. The results are interpreted within the transfer appropriate processing framework.  相似文献   

Following up on studies of the "attentional blink," we studied interference between successive target stimuli in visual and auditory modalities. In each experiment, stimuli were two tones and four dots, simultaneously presented for 1,800 msec. Targets were brief intensity changes in either a tone or a dot. Subjects gave unspeeded responses. In four experiments, our results showed interference between targets in the same modality, but not across modalities. We conclude that, under our experimental conditions, restrictions in concurrent target identification are largely modality specific.  相似文献   

Direct and inverse cross-modality matches made by 20 subjects were assessed for ratio judgment consistency. Each subject matched apparent duration to loudness, and vice versa, in both a directly and an inversely proportional manner. All four tasks were repeated twice so that individual differences could be examined using interrepetition correlations. Group data exhibited the appropriate inverse relationship indicative of consistency, although the inverse matches were slightly curvilinear and resembled earlier studies with inverse attribute scales. Some individuals showed a high degree of consistency but many departed widely from inverse proportionality. Individual differences in exponents, which occurred for both types of tasks, were not removed by S. S. Stevens’ (1971) regression balance procedure. However, interrepetition correlations for the differences in the absolute values of the direct and inverse exponents of individuals were nonsignificant, suggesting that when subjects’ exponents differed for the two types of tasks they did so on a random basis. The latter finding implies that subjects would give inversely proportional matches were it not for random factors. The findings were discussed in relation to other types of ratio consistency.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted that examined people's predictive accuracy for their future states of awareness. In both experiments, participants learned word pairs and were tested with a cued recall test. When recall failed, predictive judgments were obtained. In Experiment 1, feeling of knowing judgments predicted not only future recognition but also the state of awareness as remembered or known that was associated with that recognition. In Experiment 2, predictive remember-know judgments were found to be accurately diagnostic of future states of awareness as well. One conclusion to be drawn from these data is that recollective details are among the partial knowledge that is retrieved in the absence of successful cued recall. General implications for theories of feeling of knowing are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual subjects' performance was examined for cross-modality matching (CMM) of loudness to visual area, as well as for magnitude estimation (ME) of the component continua. Average exponents of power functions relating response magnitude to stimulus intensity were .73 for area, .20 for loudness, and 2.44 for CMM. Predictions of the CMM exponent based on ME were higher than the empirical values, whereas more accurate predictions were made from magnitude production exponents obtained in a previous study. Sequential dependencies were assessed by comparing the response on trial n to the response on trial n--1. The coefficient of variation of the response ratio Rn/Rn-1 was systematically related to the stimulus ratio Sn/Sn-1 for both area and loudness. The coefficient was lowest for ratios near 1 and increased for larger or smaller values. For CMM, the coefficient of variation appeared to be independent of stimulus ratios. The correlation between log Rn and log Rn-1 was also related to Sn/Sn-1 for both ME and CMM. The correlation was highest when Sn/Sn-1 was 1 and dropped to 0 with increasing stimulus separation, but CMM yielded a shallower function than ME.  相似文献   

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