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Adaptation to vertical field displacements dependent on head turning about a vertical axis was demonstrated under two conditions, rapid training with 100 head movements and 1-h-long training with continuous head turning. The effect of rapid training was measured with the slant estimation method. Adaptation after the longer training was ascertained by comparing the uncertainty ranges for apparent target immobility before and after the adaptation period. Adaptation to field displacements in directions parallel to the plane of the head rotation obtained under corresponding conditions was also measured and found to be somewhat greater than adaptation to vertical field displacements. The result of work by Wallach and Frey that adaptation to field displacement in the direction with the head rotation is greater than to displacement against it was corroborated. While the previous result had, been obtained with rapid adaptation and with the slant estimation method, we confirmed it with 1-h training and by measuring the uncertainty ranges before and after the adaptation period.  相似文献   

Observers who lie supine with their heads inverted report large (up to 60°) tilt of a light line in an otherwise dark room when their heads and/or bodies are tilted. Most observers report that visual subjective vertical is tilted in the direction opposite to the head/body tilt. The results can be interpreted by employing a model developed by Mittelstaedt (1983), which suggests that visual subjective vertical is derived from a gravity vector transduced by vestibular and somesthetic receptors combined with “idiotropic vectors” that represent the orientation of the observer’s own head and body axes.  相似文献   

Modification of the constancy of visual direction was produced by partially adapting Ss to the displacements of the visual field caused by magnifying lenses during 1 h of continuous head turning. The adaptation effects were measured by determining the range of perceived target immobility before and after this adaptation period. A method for measuring the range of apparent immobility of an auditory signal during head movements was developed and employed to test whether a modification of the constancy of visual direction transfers to the constancy of auditory direction. No such transfer was found, and it was concluded that a modification of the constancy of visual direction does not consist in an altered evaluation of kinesthetic cues for head turning. The method and the equipment used in the investigation of the constancy of visual direction are described; knowledge of the previous brief publications on this topic is not needed.  相似文献   

The effect of full-field sinusoidal visual roll motion stimuli of various frequencies and peak velocities upon the orientation of subjective visual vertical (SV) was studied. The angle of the optokinetically induced displacement of SV was found to be a linear function of the logarithm of the stimulus oscillation angle. Interindividual slopes of this function varied between 2 and 9. The logarithmic function is independent of stimulus frequency within the range of .02 Hz to .5 Hz and of peak stimulus velocity from 7.5°/sec to 170°/sec. It holds for oscillation angles up to 100°–140°. With larger rotational angles, saturation is reached. With small stimulus angles, a surprisingly high threshold (5°-8°) was observed in our experiments. This may reflect the unphysiological combination of visual roll stimuli without corroborating vestibular and proprioceptive inputs normally present when body sway produces visual stimulation. Under natural conditions, the visual feedback about spontaneous sway stabilizes body posture by integrating rotational velocity over stimulus duration which is equal to rotational angle.  相似文献   

When the normal constancy process on which the apparent immobility of the visualfield during head movements is based was strengthened by the same method that produces adaptation to abnormal conditions in the constancy of visual direction, and when this training of the normal constancy process immediately preceded experimental adaptation, the effectiveness of the latter was diminished. This result applied not only to adaptation to horizontal field displacement and to vertical field displacement during turning of the head, but also to vertical field displacement during nodding of the head, a condition to which adaptation was here demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Adaptation to field displacement during head movements in the direction with the head rotation and in the direction against it was produced under otherwise identical conditions and compared; the field displacement rate was also varied. A rapid training procedure was used, and a novel one-trial test was employed that could measure the adaptation well enough to compare the effects of various training conditions. The one-trial test measured the magnitude of one of the manifestations of adaptation, the apparent displacement of a stationary target during head movements. This apparent horizontal target displacement was transformed into an oblique one by having the head movements that brought forth the apparent target displacement simultaneously cause an objective vertical target displacement. The slant of the resultant apparent motion path varied with the magnitude of the apparent horizontal target displacement. It was measured by having S reproduce its slant angle. It was found that adaptation to field displacement in the direction with the head rotation was consistently greater than adaptation to the opposite displacement conditions. An explanation for this result is offered.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to evaluate the influence of active and passive limb movements on adaptation to visual displacement. Over a wide frequency range (0·5-1·25 Hz) with constant amplitude, 30°, significant adaptation was achieved with active and passive movements. When arm movement frequency was constant at 1·0 Hz but amplitude of movement was varied, less adaptation was achieved for both active and passive movements than when amplitude was held constant. Even at a frequency above that of most naturally occurring limb movements, 1·67 Hz, and with variable amplitude motion, significant adaptation was achieved with active and passive limb movements. These findings emphasize the importance of visual-proprioceptive discordances for adaptation to visual displacement when only sight of the hand is permitted. Significant differences did not appear between the active and passive movement conditions in any of the experiments.  相似文献   

Counteradaptation, previously demonstrated in connection with adaptation in distance perception, was obtained after exposure to displaced visual direction. When S adapted to a laterally displacing wedge prism by walking during the exposure period, there was not only a change in the perceived visual direction, but also a change m the proprioceptively perceived walking direction. When S adapts to lateral displacement of the visual direction by looking at his stationary or his moving arm, visual adaptation is obtained in the latter, but not in the former, case (Held & Hein, 1958). We obtained a change in the proprioceptively perceived position of the arm when it was stationary during the exposure period, a condition which had not yielded visual adaptation, and a much smaller, not significant, change in the felt position in the case of the actively moved arm. In the present experiments, changes in proprioceptively perceived direction or position amounted to counteradaptation.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - A newly developed technique, allowing continuous recording of hand movements during the tracing of lines on a horizontal writing surface, was used to...  相似文献   

Persistence in the dark following 48 min of visual adaptation to tilt and displacement was compared in two experiments to determine if same or different processes are involved in the two kinds of adaptation. Decay of tilt adaptation occurred rapidly, all within about 16 min. However, it was not complete and some residual tilt adaptation persisted for at least as long as 56 min. Decay of displacement adaptation occurred more slowly but was clearly complete after at most 56 min in the dark. Displacement adaptation appears to be entirely subject to decay, while tilt adaptation involves an additional, more long-term component. Results are interpreted in terms of independent systems for the perception of location and orientation.  相似文献   

Constancy of egocentric visual direction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The relative contributions of proprioceptive and efferent information in eliciting adaptation to visual rearrangement were studied under two conditions of visual stimulation. Subjects permitted sight of their forearm under normal room illumination showed significant adaptation when the forearm was (a) moved up and down under the action of tonic vibration reflexes, (b) voluntarily moved through the same trajectory at the same pace, (c) viewed while still, and (d) viewed while the margins of the elbow were vibrated. The reflex movement condition elicited significantly greater adaptation than the other conditions. Subjects allowed only sight of a point source of light attached to their hand showed significant adaptation when the forearm was (a) reflexly moved, (b) voluntarily moved through the same trajectory at the same rate, (c) passively moved, (d) still, and (e) vibrated while still. Less adaptation occurred as the amount of proprioceptive information about limb position was decreased. The adaptation elicited by voluntary movements of the forearm and by reflex movements did not differ significantly. It is concluded that corollary-discharge signals may not be crucial in adaptation to visual rearrangement; a more important factor appears to be discordance between proprioceptive and visual information.  相似文献   

An observer's memory for the final position of a moving stimulus is shifted forward in the direction of its motion. Observers in an upright posture typically show a larger forward memory displacement for a physically downward motion than for a physically upward motion of a stimulus (representational gravity; Hubbard & Bharucha, 1988). We examined whether representational gravity occurred along the environmentally vertical axis or the egocentrically vertical axis. In Experiment 1 observers in either upright or prone postures viewed egocentrically upward and downward motions of a stimulus. Egocentrically downward effects were observed only in the upright posture. In Experiment 2 observers in either upright or prone postures viewed approaching and receding motions of a stimulus along the line of sight. Only in the prone posture did the receding motion produce a larger forward memory displacement than the approaching motion. These results indicate that representational gravity depends not on the egocentric axis but on the environmental axis.  相似文献   

The influence of two variables, length of exposure and amount of optical distortion, on adaptation to displaced vision was examined. The extent of adaptation was positively related to number of trials in a task involving spatial localization of a target displaced by a wedge prism. A substantial adaptation (38%) was produced after only two trials. The adaptation was also positively related to degree of optical displacement, except at the highest level used. The findings are discussed in terms of availability of information about the discrepancy between vision and task.  相似文献   

In this study an attempt is made to specify the conditions under which counter displacement (test contour displaced toward the inspection contour) will occur. Three experiments are described in which different lengths of inspection of the test-(T-) figure are given following short and long inspections of the inspection-(I-) figure. In Experiment I, after partial dissipation of the figural after-effect (FAE), a period of continuous inspection of the T-figure was employed. In Experiments II and III distributed inspection of the T-figure was given by increasing the number of measurements of the FAE. In all experiments counter displacement was evident. The results were consistent with an interpretation of counter displacement offered earlier by the authors.  相似文献   

The initial categorization of complex visual scenes is a very rapid process. Here we find no differences in performance for upright and inverted images arguing for a neural mechanism that can function without involving high-level image orientation dependent identification processes. Using an adaptation paradigm we are able to demonstrate that artificial images composed to mimic the orientation distribution of either natural or man-made scenes systematically shift the judgement of human observers. This suggests a highly efficient feedforward system that makes use of “low-level” image features yet supports the rapid extraction of essential information for the categorization of complex visual scenes.  相似文献   

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