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Hemispheric processing of global form, local form, and texture.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hemispheric processing of global form, local form, and texture of hierarchical patterns composed of many, relatively small elements and patterns composed of few, relatively large elements was examined in two experiments, employing a Stroop-type paradigm. In experiment 1 subjects were instructed to attend either to the global or the local level of the pattern and to identify the form at the designated level. In experiment 2 subjects were to identify the global form or the texture. A right visual field (left hemisphere) advantage was obtained for detection of local form, and a left visual field (right hemisphere) advantage was obtained for detection of global form. When many-element patterns were processed in terms of global form and texture, the results failed to show reliable hemispheric differences. The results suggest that the hemispheres differ in their sensitivity to the relatively more global versus the relatively more local aspects of visual patterns which require focused attention (as in global/local form detection). When the task involved distributed attention (as in texture detection) no lateralized effects were observed.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported in which Ss were required to determine whether a random, angular form, presented at any of a number of picture-plane orientations, was a “standard” or “reflected” version. Average time required to make this determination increased linearly with the angular departure of the form from a previously learned orientation. The slope and intercept of the reaction-time (RT) function were virtually constant, regardless of the perceptual complexity of the test form and the orientation selected for initial learning.When Ss were informed in advance as to the identity and the orientation of the upcoming test form and, further, were permitted to indicate when they were prepared for its external presentation, RT for determining the version of the form was constant for all test-form orientations. However, the time needed to prepare for the test-form presentation increased linearly with the angular departure of the form from the learned orientation.It is argued that the processes both of preparing for and of responding to a disoriented test form consist of the mental rotation of an image, and that both sorts of mental rotation (pre-stimulus and post-stimulus) are carried out at essentially the same constant rate.  相似文献   

The Beck and Exner systems of assigning Rorschach form quality were compared, There are some inherent differences in the form quality tables of these two Rorschach systematizers. The Beck system is more extensive and seems slightly biased toward-or "poor" form quality in comparison to the Exner system. When the Rorschach records of psychiatric patients were scored for form quality, the Beck system yielded a significantly lower Extended F+% than the Exner system. This effect is probably related to the inherent differences in the respective form quality tables which resulted from the different procedures used in deriving these listings of form quality.  相似文献   

Summary: In order to investigate the predictive efficacy of three MMPI short forms, the standard form answer sheets of 50 inmate volunteers and 44 clinic outpatients were scored separately for Faschingbauer's, Hugo's and Mini-Mult scales. T-score correlations and t tests between the standard form and each short form, as well as comparisons using Lacks' criteria were reported. Results indicated that the Faschingbauer form w;ls superior to the other two forms. Results were discussed in terms of the populations tested and in reference to the different methodologies used in developing each of the short forms.  相似文献   

A principle of second-order isomorphism asserts that the functional similarities among internal representations parallel the structural similarities among the external objects to which those representations correspond. In accordance with this principle, subjects were asked to rate the similarities of all pairs of the numbers 0 through 9 in each of 24 conditions distinguished by the forms into which they were to be mentally transformed and then judged-including the visual forms of rows of dots and Arabic numerals, the auditory form of spoken English names, and the amodal form of the abstract concepts of the integers themselves. Similarity ratings were found to depend entirely upon the form in which the numbers were to be judged and not at all upon the form in which they were actually presented. Regardless of the form presented, multidimensional scaling solutions for each of the 24 conditions were readily interpretable in terms of structural properties of the form judged-curvature and closure for visual numerals; number of syllables, initial consonant, and vowel phoneme for auditory names; and numerical magnitude, odd-evenness, etc., for abstract concepts. Reanalyses of chronometric data are presented to illustrate how a fuller understanding of human cognitive processes may be attainable by using such structural models of internal representation in conjunction with studies of overt confusion and reaction time.  相似文献   

Independent processing of form, colour, and texture in object perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most investigations of object recognition have focused on the form rather than the material properties of objects. Nevertheless, knowledge of the material properties of an object (via its surface cues) can provide important information about that object's identity. In this study, we used Garner's speeded-classification task to explore whether or not the processing of form and the processing of surface properties are independent. In experiment 1, participants made length and width classifications in an initial form task. Participants were unable to ignore length while making width classifications, and were unable to ignore width while making length classifications. This suggests that the perception of length and the perception of width share common processing resources. In a subsequent task, we examined possible interactions between the processing of form and the processing of surface properties. In contrast to the findings with the form task, participants were able to ignore form while making surface-property classifications, and to ignore surface properties while making form classifications. This suggests that the form of objects and their surface properties are processed independently. In experiment 2, we went on to show that the two prominent surface-property dimensions of colour and texture can also be processed independently. In other words, participants were able to ignore colour while making texture classifications, and vice versa. Finally, in experiment 3, we examined the possibility that the stimuli and required responses that we used in experiment 2 were too categorical and thus not optimal for assessing whether or not colour and texture share common processing resources. Using a different stimulus set, participants were again able to ignore colour while making texture classifications, and vice versa. Taken together, these results provided convincing evidence that the separate ventral-stream brain regions identified for form, texture, and colour in a recent neuroimaging study (Cant and Goodale, 2007 Cerebral Cortex 17 713-731) can indeed function independently.  相似文献   

This article describes the construction of a short form of the adolescent version of the Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI; Gleser & Ihilevich, 1969; Ihilevich & Gleser, 1986). The DMI is a paper-and-pencil test for which subjects are asked t o describe their reactions to 10 hypothetical dilemmas. The responses involve a forced choice method in which each of the alternative responses represent one of five defense clusters entitled Turning Against the Object, Principalization, Turning Against the Self, Reversal, and Projection. Two hundred ninety-five adolescent psychiatric patients (122 boys and 173 girls) ages 12-16 were administered the adolescent form of the DMI. Based on an analysis of each of the 10 dilemma stories, a 6-story short form was devised. Correlations between this short form and the long form of the DMI ranged from .90 to .95 on the five defense scales, with no significant effect of gender. Internal reliability estimates of the short form scales were also favorable. These results indicate that the short form of the adolescent DMI is an acceptable substitute for the lengthier inventory from which it was derived and is more utilizable in clinical and research settings.  相似文献   

A mixed group containing university students, mostly studying mathematics, and some senior school pupils took two paper‐and‐pencil conditional reasoning tests in varying order with a one‐week interval between the tests. One test consisted of five problems presented entirely in written form. The second test took one of two forms, both identical to the first test except that in the first form inessential drawings were added to the presentation of four of the problems and in the second form drawings, which acted as concrete referents and were essential, were added to the same four problems. Irrespective of the order of testing, subjects' performance on the problems with drawings used as concrete referents was significantly worse than on the corresponding problems presented in written form. Furthermore, the results of the initial testing session showed the school group performed significantly worse on both the form of test with inessential drawings and the form with concrete referents than on the written form. In addition, a group of students with recent training in reasoning significantly outperformed all others. Finally, negative conclusion bias was only observed for the Modus Tollens inference. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In two experiments, pigeons were trained on a successive discrimination between a color and either a compound S+ or a compound S- consisting of a form superimposed on a second color. Two stimulus control tests followed discrimination training: an attention test in which the form and colors used in training were presented singly and in combination, and then a resistance-to-reinforcement test using the form element of S+ or S- and a novel form. In the attention test, the birds trained with a compound S+ responded most to the S+ compound, less to the S+ color alone, and still less to the S+ form on a dark key. Few responses were made to the negative stimulus, either alone or with the S+ form added. The birds trained with a compound S- pecked most at the S+ color and to a compound of the S+ color with the S- form added. The resistance-to-reinforcement test showed that the birds trained with a compound S+ responded more to the S+ form than to a novel form. However, the birds trained with a compound S- did not reliably respond more to a novel form than to the S- form. These findings suggested that the form element of a compound S+ gains some excitatory control, but the form element of a compound S- does not acquire inhibitory control. The possibility existed that low levels of responding to the S+ form on a dark background in the first experiment were due to use of a darkened key to separate S+ and S- periods during discrimination training. However, the essential findings were the same in a second experiment in which darkening of the chamber separated S+ and S- periods.  相似文献   

Low-income, rural adults and middle-income, urban adults provided oral definitions for eight common nouns. Two general issues were addressed: (1) whether the rural adults' definitions would conform to the well-documented Aristotelian form typically found among middle-class, well-educated adults; and (2) whether different definitional types would emerge for two different noun classes, social vs. object nouns. Participants' definitions were examined for conceptual content and linguistic form. Among rural participants, the mean proportion of definitions conforming to the Aristotelian model was .13, contrasted with .69 for the urban participants. Also, rural adults were significantly less likely to cast definitions in the conventional linguistic form than were urban adults. On other measures of definitional skill as well, rural participants demonstrated less mastery. There were no significant differences in definitional form between social and object nouns. Various explanations for the findings are considered.  相似文献   

10 forms were drawn on the palms of 48 subjects who were without vision. Subjects were then required haptically to explore three forms and choose the drawn shape. Three intervals, 0, 5, and 15 sec., were inserted between the presentation of the drawn form and the choice. It was expected that there would be a decline in the accuracy of form recognition with an increase in delay. Form recognition was significantly superior with no delay and loss of shape information seems to occur rather quickly since there was no significant difference in the accuracy of form recognition between the two longer delays.  相似文献   

The way people with various degrees of aesthetic expertise integrate form and color information in a pleasantness judgment was investigated in 2 experiments. Participants were asked to assign an overall pleasantness value to combinations of forms and colors. In Experiment 1, the factors manipulated were form and color inside the form. In Experiment 2, they were form and color of the ground. In judging the pleasantness of form-color combinations, participants applied a complex rule in which the weight attributed to one element depends on the value of the other element. When the value of an element is medium (when it is neither liked nor disliked), its weight is lower than when its value is low (when it is disliked). As a result, the weight of the other element is proportionally altered. The data support a nonequal averaging combination rule. Very few differences between experts and nonexperts were observed. This result supports the view that the pleasantness judgments were based largely on automatic reactions.  相似文献   

The ease of detecting ambiguity in Japanese by Japanese subjects was examined. A total of 20 Japanese adults detected the ambiguity in 60 Japanese sentences. The results were in marked contrast to the earlier results of MacKay and Bever (1967), who found lexical ambiguity the easiest, surface ambiguity the next easiest, and underlying ambiguity the most difficult to detect. Two types of Japanese lexical ambiguity were used in the present study, and the results showed that the surface ambiguity was the easiest to detect and one form of lexical ambiguity was the most difficult to detect. A second form of lexical ambiguity was the second easiest to detect and underlying ambiguity was more difficult to detect than this second form but easier than the first form of lexical ambiguity. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

If people possess a rule that the root of a verb plus -ed produces the past tense, why does this rule produce an unacceptable form when applied to an irregular verb (e.g., comed)? One possibility is that the unacceptability of comed is the result of lexical priming. That is, comed primes the correct form came, and the awareness of came causes comed to be perceived as unacceptable. If so, then the acceptability of a misinflected form should be determined by the factors that influence the priming of its correct form, such as the frequency and hence speed of retrieval of its correct form. Three experiments were conducted. In Experiment 1, subjects were faster to reject misinflected irregular verbs when the correct irregular form had a higher frequency than when it had a lower frequency. Furthermore, the higher the frequency of the correct form, the more unacceptable the misinflected form seemed. Experiment 2 used the naming task to confirm that the presentation of a misinflected form facilitated the naming of its correct form. In Experiment 3, subjects were faster to accept an irregular verb when it was primed by a misinflected irregular verb than with a correct regular verb. This was taken as evidence that the misinflected irregular verb accesses the correct form.  相似文献   

The reliabilities and validities of true-false and forced-choice formats in personality assessment were compared. Subjects from college residential units were assigned randomly to groups receiving the Personality Research Form (PRF) in either forced-choice or standard true-false form. Reliabilities were substantially higher for the true-false form. Peer rating validities for each format were in a comparable range, but correlations with self-ratings were higher for the true-false form. Results do not support the contention that a forced-choice format is consistently more valid than a standard format. Subjects well acquainted with ratees manifested more highly differentiated judgments, showed consistently higher validity, but were more prone to show a bias to attribute more salient traits, like dominance and exhibition, to ratees.  相似文献   

Following a pretest, 8 participants who were unfamiliar with algebraic and trigonometric functions received a brief presentation on the rectangular coordinate system. Next, they participated in a computer-interactive matching-to-sample procedure that trained formula-to-formula and formula-to-graph relations. Then, they were exposed to 40 novel formula-to-graph tests and 10 novel graph-to-formula tests. Seven of the 8 participants showed substantial improvement in identifying formula-to-graph relations; however, in the test of novel graph-to-formula relations, participants tended to select equations in their factored form. Next, we manipulated contextual cues in the form of rules regarding mathematical preferences. First, we informed participants that standard forms of equations were preferred over factored forms. In a subsequent test of 10 additional novel graph-to-formula relations, participants shifted their selections to favor equations in their standard form. This preference reversed during 10 more tests when financial reward was made contingent on correct identification of formulas in factored form. Formula preferences and transformation of novel mathematical and stimulus functions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined 4-month-old infants' fixation times to familiar and novel visual patterns. Thirty-two male and 32 female infants were given 12 successive 15 sec exposures to one simple geometric pattern followed by test trials consisting of two exposures to the same pattern, two to a pattern with the same form but novel color, two with a novel form but the same color, and two with both novel form and color. Results indicated habituation of fixation times to the repeated stimulus and recovery to novel stimuli, particularly in male infants. Generalization was also obtained with less recovery to patterns with only one dimension novel than to those with both novel. Most individual infants were also found to be attending to both dimensions rather than some infants attending mainly to color changes and others attending mainly to form changes.  相似文献   

The perceptual/memory process abilities of adult stutterers were compared with those of normal adult speakers. Unisensory tasks were used as standards for comparison of the simultaneous, bisensory processes. Subjects were tested individually on sensory oral form, manual form, and word recall tasks followed by combinations of word recall and oral form discrimination, and word recall and manual form discrimination. Four bisensory combinations were tested, and in each test subjects were asked for the discrimination of the forms or recall of the words. Results showed that on both bisensory tasks in which the subjects were asked for the words rather than the form discrimination the stutterers were significantly poorer than the normals. On the bisensory tasks in which the forms were called for, the stutterers' performances were equal to the normals. No differences were found between the groups on the three unisensory tasks. These findings are related to some processing theories and to EEG studies of word recall in adult stutterers.  相似文献   

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