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The problem dealth with was how perception of a three-dimensional space is related to the corresponding two-dimensional retinal image. The stimulation used was a straight line changing length and direction. For this stimulation a geometrical model was developed. The basic decoding principle in this model is that the changes in the two-dimensional figure will be perceived as three-dimensional motions of an object with constant shape and size. This principle was approximately verified for the majority of the data. The main deviation from the model was that there was generally less perceived depth than predicted. Also a second decoding principle was generally verified: rotary, but not translator motion is perceived from this kind of stimulation. A third unexpected decoding principle was found in the data: the line is perceived in a frontal-parallel direction when it has its maximal extention.  相似文献   

Apparent common behavior of contours with respect to a property for which each contour is ambiguous (in this case direction of rotary motion in depth) was used as a criterion of the unitary processing of the contours or “grouping.” Grouping was found to decrease as a monotonic function of the difference in line orientation and, for fixed orientations, to decrease as a monotonic function of line separation. These results are tentatively attributed to the distribution of line detectors in the projection area.  相似文献   

An explanation of apparent direction of rotary motion in depth derived from a general theory of perceptual constancy and illusion is proposed with experimental data in its support. Apparent direction of movement is conceived of as exhibiting-perceptual constancy or illusion as a function of apparent direction of orientation m depth for plane objects and apparent relative depth for three-dimensional objects. Apparent reversals of movement direction represent either regular fluctuations between constancy and illusion of direction as a function of valid and invalid stimuli for orientation, or irregular and random fluctuations in their absence. In three preliminary experiments, the apparent movement direction of plane ellipses was investigated as a function of surface pattern information for orientation, and in Experiment I apparent reversals during 20-revolution trials were studied. In Experiment II, apparent movement direction of 3D elliptical V shapes as a function of surface pattern information for relative depth was investigated. In addition to supporting the explanation proposed, the data offer a resolution of a conflict between different theories of apparent reversal of motion in depth.  相似文献   

Two principles for predicting the relative frequency of illusory reversals of rotating plane objects were derived and tested empirically. Ten objects, variously’ combining valid and confounding depth cues, were used. Predictions based on the principles were confirmed in every case. The results are offered as an improved explanation of the Ames trapezoid illusion and other illusions of rotary motion.  相似文献   

The general background of these experiments was the fact, known from e.g. trapezoidal window experiments, that rotary motion under certain conditions is perceived as oscillation. The aim was to identify the variables that determine the perceived angle of this oscillatory motion. Different shapes and different methods of generating the stimulation were used. No effect was obtained when varying the degree of trapezoidality of trapezoids, the location of the axis of rotation, the size of the stimulus pattern and the speed of the change. Both the occurrence and the perceived angle of oscillation was effected, however, by the width-height ratio of the stimulation, a decreasing ratio giving increasing occurrence of oscillation and decreasing perceived angle.  相似文献   

In 6 experiments, incidental memory was tested for direction of motion in an old-new recognition paradigm. Ability to recognize previously shown directions depended greatly on motion type. Memory for translation and expansion-contraction direction was highly veridical, whereas memory for rotation direction was conspicuously absent. Similar results were obtained in conditions in which motions were illustrated with pictures. Results suggest that explicit representations of direction in long-term memory are not so much related to motion per se as to the consequences of motion, the displacements of objects. Memory for all motions following circular pathways was found to be corrupted by a generic bias to regard the clockwise direction as familiar. Assessment of memory in these cases required disentangling familiarity bias for the clockwise direction from explicit recognition of direction.  相似文献   

Direction of rotation judgments were obtained from 72 subjects for computer-generated dot patterns simulating points randomly distributed in a sphere rotating about a vertical axis. The displays were produced either with normal polar projections or with perspective effects limited to the horizontal or to the vertical dimension of the projection. The simulated viewing distance used in the projections and the visual angle subtended by the projected displays were also varied. Accuracy of direction judgments was about the same with perspective effects limited to the vertical dimension as with normal polar projections but did not exceed chance expectations with perspective effects limited to the horizontal dimension. Accuracy was lower at the greater simulated viewing distance and at the greater visual angle.  相似文献   

Participants were shown a line rotating at a constant angular velocity and were asked to judge whether motion was continuous or whether the line jumped (i.e., moved either forward or backward in the rotary cycle). In two experiments, the participants were significantly better than chance in detecting these jumps in simple rotary motion even when the jumps occurred during a saccade. Moreover, in Experiment 2, when the jump occurred during a saccade followed by a masking flash, perception of the jump was at least as good as when it occurred during a fixation followed by a masking flash. These results complement and extend the findings of Verfaillie and co-workers, who found that perceptions of some changes in biological motion were as good across fixations as when they occurred during a fixation. These findings are in contrast to the common finding, in the reading literature, that people are consciously "blind" to many changes in the text and to those, in the scene perception literature, in which detection of static changes across fixations is above chance but plausibly well below the level that would be expected if the change occurred during a fixation.  相似文献   

Two separated colinear lines appear displaced from colinearity when either the target or the subject’s head is rotated in a frontal plane. The direction of perceived offset is reversed for opposite directions of rotation. The present experiments prove that the effect depends on some property of the visual system that is responsive to stimulus motion per se and is not manifested in the response to stationary targets. Two mechanisms which may be responsible for the rotation-contingent effect are considered: (1) An induction mechanism based on the dynamics of induced tilt or of figural aftereffect displacement. (2) A mechanism based on variation of visual latency with stimulus energy/time.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The necessity of simultaneous length and direction changes for the perception of rotary motion in depth was studied using patterns of one to four segments of a horizontal line. The patterns changed in length only, according to one of four waveforms: A sinusoidal waveform, with both the left and right half of the pattern changing at the same rate (simulating a parallel projection of rotary motion); a sinusoidal waveform, with asymmetric left-right changes (simulating a polar projection of rotary motion); a linear waveform, the same for both the left and right halves (a simple expansion and contraction); and a linear waveform on which the asymmetries of a polar projection were superimposed. Most reports described rotary motion in depth. Both the linearity and the right-left symmetry of the waveforms affected the proportion of rotary motion responses, with the proportions greater for the sinusoidal waveforms and for the asymmetrical waveforms.  相似文献   

J M Beusmans 《Perception》1998,27(9):1079-1085
The 'direct-perception' model of heading perception posits that heading is computed directly from optic flow without an intervening structural representation of environmental layout. Here, I give an example in which such a representation is seen to play a role in the interpretation of optic flow. Manipulating the outline of concave objects to give an erroneous percept of convexity caused the perceived direction of heading during a stimulated approach to change as well. Thus, the representation of environmental structure provides the context for using and interpreting image motion.  相似文献   

Under some circumstances, moving objects capture attention. Whether a change in the direction of a moving object attracts attention is still unexplored. We investigated this using a continuous tracking task. In Experiment 1, four grating patches changed smoothly and semirandomly in their positions and orientations, and observers attempted to track the orientations of two of them. After the stimuli disappeared, one of the two target gratings was queried and observers reported its orientation; hence direction of the gratings' motion across the screen was an irrelevant feature. Despite the irrelevance of its motion, when the nonqueried grating had collided with an invisible boundary within the last 200 msec of the trial, accuracy reporting the queried grating was worse than when it had not. Attention was likely drawn by the unexpected nature of these changes in direction of motion, since the effect was eliminated when the boundaries were visible (Experiment 2). This tendency for unexpected motion changes to attract attention has important consequences for the monitoring of objects in everyday environments.  相似文献   

Features that we have recently attended to strongly influence how we allocate visual attention across a subsequently viewed visual scene. Here, we investigate the characteristics of any such repetition effects during visual search for Gabor patch targets drifting in the odd direction relative to a set of distractors. The results indicate that repetition of motion direction has a strong effect upon subsequent allocation of attention. This was the case for judgments of a target’s presence or absence, of a target’s location, and of the color of a target drifting in the odd direction. Furthermore, distractor repetition on its own can facilitate search performance on subsequent trials, indicating that the benefits of repetition of motion direction are not confined to repetition of target features. We also show that motion direction need not be the target-defining dimension throughout a trial block for motion priming to occur, but that priming can build up with only one presentation of a given target direction, even within blocks of trials where the target may, unpredictably, be defined by a different feature (color, in this case), showing that dimensional-weighting accounts cannot, on their own, account for motion direction priming patterns. Finally, we show by randomizing the set size between trials that priming of motion direction can decrease search rates in visual search.  相似文献   

Bowns L  Barlow HB 《Perception》2011,40(2):135-142
Distortions of the local spatial-frequency power spectrum caused by motion blur may be used by the visual system to improve motion analysis (e.g., Barlow and Olshausen, 2004 Journal of Vision 4415-426). We tested this hypothesis by measuring the error of perceived motion direction of moving patterns in the presence of random noncoherent motion manipulated to create different spatial power spectra. The results showed that error increased when the background power spectrum was similar to the motion power spectrum; however, when the background power spectrum had an anisotropy consistent with motion blur, the error was reduced. Shifting the power spectrum away from the motion power spectrum reduced the error.  相似文献   

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