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A variety of experimental findings have indicated that a system of precategorical acoustic storage is responsible for the recency effect obtained in the immediate serial recall of sequences of digits, consonants, or syllables. This study investigated whether such findings could be generalized to the recall of sequences of words. Experiment 1 showed that phonemic similarity among a sequence of words failed to reduce the modality effect or the recency effect. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this finding was not attributable to a failure to control the phonemic properties of the stimulus material. Experiment 3 showed that the stimulus suffix effect obtained with sequences of words was not affected by the acoustic similarity between the list items and the stimulus suffix. Finally, Experiment 4 demonstrated that phonemic similarity among a sequence of words failed to reduce the stimulus suffix effect. These results were explained by extending the original model of short-term memory to incorporate a system of postcategorical lexical storage.  相似文献   

Ss gave immediate ordered recall for series of seven isolated vowel sounds from a vocabulary of three-/a, u, i/. In a 2 by 2 design, the stimulus vowels were either 50 or 300 msec in duration (though always presented at a 2/sec rate), and the seven-item series was followed by either a nonverbal recall cue or a verbal recall cue that is a stimulus suffix. There was an interaction such that the recall impairment caused by the verbal suffix was larger when the stimulus items were vowels of long duration than when they were vowels of short duration. Since short vowels tend to be more categorically perceived than long vowels, this result reinforces the view that vowels and stop consonants are differently represented in auditory short-term memory for reasons that have to do with the way m winch they are perceived or vice versa.  相似文献   


In the Netherlands, about 20% of children do not have any contact with their non-resident parent after parental divorce. There are often many reasons underlying the broken contact, but one might well be the process of parental alienation, when the child denigrates and excludes the non-resident parent. This article presents the results of two studies conducted among divorce experts and divorced, non-resident parents. A total of 138 respondents co-operated in our studies. Of the respondents, 58% thought PAS either does not, or rarely occurs in the Netherlands, and 42% thought it does occur. The extent of parental alienation was classified as mild (33%) or moderate (9%). From our factor analysis, it became clear that Gardner's classification of eight separate symptoms of parental alienation was not evident in our research data. We were able to distinguish four separate aspects: two of them concerning alienation due to the resident parent and two concerning alienation due to the child. Our results underpin the importance of mediation, since it seemed that parental alienation syndrome (PAS) occurred significantly more often when decisions with relation to the children were not taken together by the parents but were determined in court. We consider that compulsory mediation and better communication during divorce would prevent many cases of PAS.  相似文献   

Current views of precategorical acoustic storage (PAS) have been largely based on differences in the level of recall of terminal list items as a function of input modality and on experiments in which various types of suffixes are added to unstructured auditory lists. Experiments with grouped lists reveal that PAS can make a far more extensive contribution to serial recall. A series of four experiments investigated grouping effects in relation to existing accounts of consolidation, attentional selection, and auditory masking in PAS. Grouping effects obtained with very brief intralist pauses were inconsistent with the consolidation and masking hypotheses. Contrary to the attentional hypothesis, nontemporal grouping by voice or by spatial location was found to be as effective as grouping by extended pauses. When nontemporal methods of grouping were combined with intralist pauses, the two sets of grouping cues were no better than one, suggesting that list segmentation by pauses and by item attributes must be explained in terms of a single process. These results are discussed in the context of previous research that implies the existence of an auditory store with a capacity greater than previously attributed to PAS. Existing data on modality and suffix effects are seen as specific instances of a more general relation between the structure of spoken sequences and their subsequent recall.  相似文献   

Lists of digits 5 and 7 items in length were presented to second graders, sixth graders, and low-IQ sixth graders in either the visual or auditory modality. Half the auditory lists were followed by the redundant nonrecalled, auditorily presented word “recall” which served as a list suffix. The second graders had the most errors in the ordered recall task followed by the low-IQ sixth- and normal sixth-graders in that order. The size of the modality and suffix effects for the various groups seemed to indicate that, for the younger subjects, a larger proportion of the recall after auditory presentation comes from the Prelinguistic Auditory Store than for the older subjects.  相似文献   

采用系列位置回忆任务, 探讨作为声调语言的汉语普通话中声调及情绪信息是否具有近因及后缀效应, 从而揭示同为超音段信息的声调和情绪韵律在前分类声音存储器(Precategorical Acoustic Storage, PAS)中是否具有单独的表征, 及该表征可能受到哪些因素的影响。实验一和二分别考察了声调是否具有近因和后缀效应, 实验三和四分别考察了情绪信息是否具有近因和后缀效应。实验结果发现两者均在PAS存储器中有单独的表征, 但这种表征会受到一些因素的影响, 且受影响的方式不一样。研究结果表明作为超音段信息的声调和情绪信息在表征上的不稳定性和脆弱性, 及在短时记忆加工过程中的特殊性。  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to adapt the Perceived Acceptance Scale (PAS), developed by Brock, Sarason, Sanghvi and Gurung to evaluate the cognitive component of perceived social support, to the Spanish language. In a sample of 855 university students registered for the first time in different degree courses, the reliability, dimensionality and external validity of the scale scores were analyzed. The results show adequate internal consistency in both the subscales (friends, family, father and mother) and in the overall scale. The factorial structure, derived from a confirmatory factorial analysis, fitted the theoretical model proposed by the authors of the scale. The scale scores showed evidence of convergent and discriminant validity from the observed relationships with the measures of perceived social support. The psychometric properties of the adapted scale provide an adequate measuring instrument for evaluating perceived acceptance in Spanish university students.  相似文献   

Ss attempted ordered recall of acoustically presented strings of seven consonant-vowel syllables. In a control condition, each string was followed by a tone in presentation, while in the experimental (suffix) conditions, a verbal syllable followed the last to-be-remembered item. The independent variable was the phonemic similarity between the verbal suffix and the memory stimuli Although the verbal syllables produced a large suffix effect as compared with the control condition, and although more errors were made overall when similarity was high, the degree to which the verbal suffix items reduced the recency advantage at the end of the series was independent of their phonemic similarity to the stimuli. This independence was taken as support for a distinction between acoustic and articulatory coding.  相似文献   

The current study used the Propensity for Abusiveness Scale (PAS; Dutton, 1995) to predict emotional response to conflict among university students. The participants were 162 first- and second-year undergraduate students at the University of British Columbia. Participants listened to taped conflict and filled out a battery of questionnaires. The PAS correlates significantly with pre-anger, anxiety, subanger, and general arousal levels, suggesting that a type of emotional priming takes place when persons high on the PAS know they are about to be exposed to an interpersonal conflict. It is concluded that anticipation of intimate conflict appears to heighten negative affect in some young adults and that this response may interfere with future intimate conflict-resolution strategies.  相似文献   

Analysis of acoustic interactions between animals in active choruses is complex because of the large numbers of individuals present, their high calling rates, and the considerable numbers of vocalizations that either overlap or show close temporal alternation. The authors describe a methodology for recording chorus activity in bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana) using multiple, closely spaced acoustic sensors that provide simultaneous estimates of sound direction and sound characteristics. This method provides estimates of location of individual callers, even under conditions of call overlap. This is a useful technique for understanding the complexity of the acoustic scene faced by animals vocalizing in groups.  相似文献   

A brief, vivid phase of auditory sensory storage that outlasts the stimulus could be used in perception in two ways: First, all of the neural activity resulting from the stimulus, including that of the sensory store, could contribute to a sensation of growing loudness; second, the sensory store could permit the continued extraction of information about the sound's acoustic properties. This study includes a task for which these two processes lead to different predictions; a third prediction is based on the two processes combined. The task required loudness judgments for two brief tones presented with a variable intertone interval. The results of Experiments 1-3 were as one would expect if both the growth of sensation and information extraction contributed to the pattern of loudness judgments. Experiment 4 strengthened the two-process account by demonstrating the separability of the two processes. Approaches to mathematical modeling of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine, derived from cow brains, has been shown previously to dampen the ACTH and cortisol response to physical stress. Further research investigated the influence of soy lecithin phosphatidylserine supplementation on mood and heart rate when faced with an acute stressor. In this study, we investigated the effects of soy lecithin phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylserine complex (PAS) supplementation on pituitary adrenal reactivity (ACTH, cortisol) and on the psychological response (Spielberger State Anxiety Inventory stress subscale) to a mental and emotional stressor. Four groups of 20 subjects were treated for three weeks with daily dosages of either 400 mg PAS, 600 mg PAS, 800 mg PAS, or placebo before exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Treatment with 400 mg PAS resulted in a pronounced blunting of both serum ACTH and cortisol, and salivary cortisol responses to the TSST, but did not affect heart rate. The effect was not seen with larger doses of PAS. With regard to the psychological response, 400 mg PAS seemed to exert a specific positive effect on emotional responses to the TSST. While the placebo group showed the expected increase in distress after the test, the group treated with 400 mg PAS showed decreased distress. These data provide initial evidence for a selective stress dampening effect of PAS on the pituitary-adrenal axis, suggesting the potential of PAS in the treatment of stress related disorders.  相似文献   

Acoustic recordings were used to investigate the cardiac responses of a captive dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) to sound playback stimuli. A suction-cup hydrophone placed on the ventral midline of the dolphin produced a continuous heartbeat signal while the dolphin was submerged. Heartbeats were timed by applying a matched-filter to the phonocardiogram. Significant heart rate accelerations were observed in response to playback stimuli involving conspecific vocalizations compared with baseline rates or tank noise playbacks. This method documents that objective psychophysiological measures can be obtained for physically unrestrained cetaceans. In addition, the results are the 1st to show cardiac responses to acoustic stimuli from a cetacean at depth. Preliminary evidence suggests that the cardiac response patterns of dolphins are consistent with the physiological defense and startle responses in terrestrial mammals and birds.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning and multidimensional scaling procedures were used to study auditory perception of complex sounds in the budgerigar. In a same-different discrimination task, budgerigars learned to discriminate among natural vocal signals. Multidimensional scaling procedures were used to arrange these complex acoustic stimuli in a two-dimensional space reflecting perceptual organization. Results show that budgerigars group vocal stimuli according to functional and acoustical categories. Studies with only contact calls show that birds also make within-category discriminations. The acoustic cues in contact calls most salient to budgerigars appear to be quite complex. There is a suggestion that the sex of the signaler may also be encoded in these calls. The results from budgerigars were compared with the results from humans tested on some of the same sets of complex sounds.  相似文献   

We trained budgerigars by operant conditioning to discriminate among a set of contact calls in a same-different task and analyzed response latencies from this task by using multidimensional-scaling (MDS) and cluster-analysis procedures. Humans listened to the same calls and indicated the similarity between pairs of calls by a direct rating procedure. An MDS program (sindscal) was used to arrange these complex acoustic stimuli in multidimensional space reflecting perceptual organization. Multiple regression techniques were used to identify the acoustic characteristics of contact calls that were correlated with the perceptual dimensions obtained from MDS. A number of spectral characteristics (e.g., peak frequency, rate of frequency modulation, and concentration of spectral energy) emerged as important for both budgerigars and humans, but the relative salience of these cues differed for the two species. Additional tests with two groups of budgerigars--cagemates and noncagemates--showed that experience with calls can change the salience of various acoustic characteristics used for perceptual organization and individual recognition.  相似文献   

A new combination of operant conditioning and psychophysical scaling procedures was used to study auditory perception in a small bird. In a same-different discrimination task, budgerigars learned to discriminate among pure tones that varied along one or more acoustic dimensions. Response latencies were used to generate a matrix of interstimulus similarities. Multidimensional scaling procedures were used to arrange these acoustic stimuli in a multidimensional space that supposedly reflects the bird's perceptual organization. For tones that varied in intensity, duration, and frequency simultaneously, budgerigars were much more sensitive to frequency changes. From a set of tones that varied only in intensity, it was possible to calculate the growth of loudness with intensity for the budgerigar. For tones that varied only in frequency, budgerigars showed evidence of an "acoustic fovea" for frequency change in the spectral region of 2-4 kHz. Budgerigars and humans also differed in their perceptual grouping of tone sequences that rise, fall, or remain constant in pitch. Surprisingly, budgerigars were much less responsive to pitch contour than were humans.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 (N = 8), a 20-ms light pulse, given at various times before a noise burst, inhibited reflex expression with a single trough at a lead time of 70 ms, whereas a dark pulse facilitated the reflex with two peaks at 40 and 160 ms. In Experiment 2 (N = 18) facilitation by dark onset had a single peak, and inhibition by light onset a single trough; thus, the double peak of the dark pulse may result because inhibition from light onset at the end of the dark pulse was briefly impressed on the facilitatory effect of dark onset. In Experiment 3 (N = 12), diazepam (2.5 mg/kg, but not 1 mg/kg) eliminated dark facilitation but not light inhibition. These diazepam data reveal a basic similarity, perhaps identity, of the mechanisms responsible for the effect of dark onset and those producing reflex facilitation by Pavlovian fear conditioning and prolonged background noise, because all are moderated by a GABAergic system.  相似文献   

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