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Markey CN  Markey PM  Birch LL 《Sex roles》2004,51(3-4):209-216
This study was designed to examine the role women's husbands may play in determining their body satisfaction. One hundred and seventy-two (172; mean age = 37.53 years) European American women's body satisfaction, their perceptions of their husbands' satisfaction with their bodies, and their husbands' actual satisfaction with their bodies were assessed using the Body Figure Rating Scale; women's weight status was assessed using body mass index (BMI). Results indicated that wives were much more dissatisfied with their bodies than were their husbands and that wives thought their husbands were much more dissatisfied with their bodies than the husbands actually were. Further, findings suggested that wives' BMIs were not as strongly related to husband's satisfaction with their wives' bodies as they were to wives' own satisfaction or perceptions of their husbands' satisfaction with their bodies.  相似文献   

揭示了患者的认知因素对满意度的重要影响,提出医务工作者应改变仅是从自我做起,提高病人满意度的传统做法,强调要注重从患方入手,既要降低病人不现实的期望值,又要提高病人对医护服务的感知度.这样,在付出等量医技服务的情况下,通过矫正患者的认知误区,改善患者的认知状况,可获得更高的病人满意度.  相似文献   

Cette recherche part de l’hypothèse que les valeurs culturelles sont l’un des déterminants des réactions des salariés face à l’insécurité professionnelle. Dans la première investigation, les valeurs culturelles ont été appréhendées au niveau de l’individu à partir des réponses de 141 salariés de diverses origines ethniques appartenant à une grande entreprise agro‐alimentaire américaine qui réduisait ses effectifs. Les répondants ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant leurs valeurs culturelles, leur perception de la sécurité au travail, leurs attitudes professionnelles, leurs réactions affectives vis‐à‐vis de la réduction des effectifs et leur niveau de stress lié au travail. Les résultats ont montré que le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle avait un impact généralement négatif sur les employés. Toutefois, les salariés présentant des valeurs culturelles communautaires ressentaient plus négativement que leurs homologues individualistes le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle. Dans le second volet de la recherche, la culture a été définie au niveau national. On a proposé aux salariés de sept organisations, quatre chinoises et trois américaines, de remplir des questionnaires appréciant leurs réactions à leur perception de l’insécurité professionnelle. Il apparut que les Chinois (mentalité communautaire) réagissaient plus négativement que les Américains individualistes face à la menace constituée par l’insécurité professionnelle. Les résultats sont analysés à la lumière du développement de pratiques organisationnelles qui comprennent la réduction des effectifs et autres procédures qui impliquent une moindre stabilité des emplois. This research explored the hypothesis that cultural values moderate employee reactions to job insecurity. In the first study, cultural values were measured at an individual level of analysis based on responses from one hundred and forty‐one ethnically diverse employees of a large US‐based food‐processing company undergoing a downsizing. Participants completed surveys assessing their cultural values, perceptions of job security, job attitudes, affective reactions to the downsizing, and job‐related stress levels. Results indicated that the perception of job insecurity had a generally negative impact on employees. However, employees with collectivist cultural values were more negatively affected by the perception of job insecurity than their individualist counterparts. In the second study, culture was operationalised at the national level of analysis. Employees from seven organisations (four based in China; three based in the US) completed surveys assessing their reactions to perceived job insecurity. Results suggest that Chinese (i.e. collectivist) employees reacted more negatively to the threat of job insecurity than their US counterparts (i.e. individualist employees). These results are discussed in light of growing organisational trends that include the use of downsizing and other techniques that herald a decrease in job stability.  相似文献   

Historically, career and vocational counseling have served as cornerstones to the counseling profession. Still, there are several survey studies that indicate that interest in career counseling among counseling professionals has eroded. Conversely, there has been an overwhelming response from counselors to the idea of wellness. The intent of this article is to encourage practicing counselors and researchers to consider career development as a key ingredient in the conceptualization of wellness. Furthermore, it is imperative that we begin to assist clients in achieving this aspect of occupational wellness through the integration of career identity and personal identity.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and integrates past research on personal values in work organisations, seeking to portray the role personal values play in shaping the choices and behaviour of individuals in work settings. We start by addressing the role of values in the occupational choice people make. We then review research on the relationships of personal values to a variety of behaviours at work. We continue with discussing the multiple paths through which managers’ values affect organisations and their members. In the last section, we address the interplay between organisational levels, and discuss the congruency between personal and organisational values and its implications for organisations and their employees. Together, the research reviewed indicates how the broadness and stability of values make them an important predictor of behaviour at various levels of the organisation. We end by discussing directions for future research on values in organisations.  相似文献   



Drawing mainly upon Applicant Attribution-Reaction Theory (AART), we clarify and underscore the role of attribution dimensions (personal control, external control, and stability) in forming applicant fairness perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral reactions.


Students seeking (or about to seek) jobs (N = 264) participated in an experimental study in which procedural justice rules and outcome favorability (selected or rejected) were manipulated. Participants reported their attributions, fairness perceptions, and behavioral intentions. Hypotheses were tested through SEM and bootstrapping.


Applicant attributions were predicted by outcome favorability and the extent to which the interview process satisfied/violated procedural justice rules. In line with AART, process fairness perceptions mediated relationships between applicant attribution dimensions and both organizational perceptions and behavioral intentions.


Organizations should satisfy justice rules in employee selection processes because such rules affect applicant attributions, which in turn predict perceptions and behavioral intentions. In addition to identifying antecedents and consequences of fairness perceptions, antecedents and consequences of applicant attributions should be investigated, as both relate to important organizational outcomes.


This study is one of a very few to test propositions from AART. Through an experimental design of high internal validity, we show that outcome favorability and the satisfaction/violation of justice rules predict job applicant attributions (personal control, external control, and stability). We further show that applicants’ attributions explain unique variance in their perceptions of the employing organization and in their behavioral intentions (e.g., recommend organization to others; litigate) beyond that explained by selection outcome and fairness perceptions.  相似文献   

This study examined social psychological processes associated with anti‐Arab reactions (prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination) following the September 11 terrorist attacks. Participants (N= 201) responded to an online survey. Perceived threats, self‐categorization, social dominance orientation, and just‐world beliefs were tested for their effectiveness in predicting anti‐Arab reactions. The results reveal that self‐categorization and social dominance orientation each individually accounted for a substantial percentage of the variance, while perceived threats accounted for a relatively small amount of the variance in anti‐Arab responses. However, an integrated model demonstrated that social dominance orientation, threats, self‐categorization, and a threat by self‐categorization interaction provided the best prediction of anti‐Arab reactions. Results are discussed in terms of the theoretical and practical applications for understanding out‐group derogation following political‐cultural world events.  相似文献   

吴晓波  周浩军  胡敏  李俊 《心理科学》2012,35(4):943-950
本文考察感知价值、满意度对继续使用意向的作用机理。基于相关理论与实证研究,我们首先提出3G用户继续使用意向概念模型与研究假设,然后通过实证研究对假设进行检验。研究结果表明感知价值和满意度决定继续使用意向。满意度是继续使用意向最强的预测因子。感知有用性和感知使用成本既直接作用于继续使用意向,也通过满意度间接作用于继续使用意向。感知易用性和感知形象提升直接作用于继续使用意向,而不需要通过满意度的中介作用。  相似文献   

Theorists have all but ignored the career development of ethnic and cultural minorities. The purpose of this article is to rectify this oversight by presenting a values‐based theory of occupational choice, satisfaction, and success. Values were chosen as the cornerstone of the theory because work values have been identified as critical variables in the career development process (e.g., N. A. Fouad, 1995; D. E. Super & B. Sverko, 1995). Cultural values also play an important role in the occupational choice‐making process (e.g., F. A. Ibrahim, H. Ohnishi, & R. P. Wilson, 1994). Although they are the primary factors in choosing and advancing in an occupation, a number of other variables interact with values.  相似文献   

Maintaining a satisfying heterosexual relationship is important to many individuals?? happiness and physical health. Evolutionary theories on the formation of relationships suggest that adult attachment and relationship commitment are universal mechanisms for securing and maintaining such mating relationships. This study sought to understand how these two mechanisms may link to each other and how they in turn contribute to relationship satisfaction with one??s current partner in Hong Kong Chinese and American cultures. Similarities in the model for relationship satisfaction were found among young dating couples in the United States and Hong Kong. Specifically, attachment anxiety was positively linked to structural commitment, whereas attachment avoidance was negatively related to personal commitment. Both dimensions of attachment (anxiety and avoidance) and both components of commitment (personal and structural) were found to predict current relationship satisfaction significantly and equivalently across cultures, with the pathway from attachment avoidance to current relationship satisfaction similarly mediated by personal commitment in both cultural groups. These results were interpreted in terms of a probable universal logic informing the interpersonal dynamics involving attachment and relationship commitment.  相似文献   

In this study, we found a significant relationship between college students' (N-363) evaluations of family (self, mother, father, and locus of control), as well as relationships approaching significance for their evaluations of stepparents, p = .06. We also found support for the importance of the family in the formulation of perceptions of parental figures as well as in the formulation of fundamental beliefs regarding self-esteem and personal control.  相似文献   

This study examines the value systems of a sample of over three hundred respondents to determine differences between those who use the services of an attorney and those who do not. Using a modification of the Rokeach Value Survey, it is found that those people who use legal services are more apt to value "independence" more highly than do those who do not use lawyers. This finding seems to contradict the work of Phillips (1963) who found that those who value "self-reliance" are more apt to shun the services of mental health professionals. It is suggested that lawyers may function as aids to those who value independence highly and psychiatrists for those who do not. This study casts doubts on simpler models of the delivery of legal services based on traditional marketing approaches.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the influence of perceived demographic dissimilarity and interaction on customer‐service satisfaction. Data were collected from 301 spectators at a professional men's tennis tournament. Results indicate that perceived demographic dissimilarity was negatively associated with customer service satisfaction. Further, this relationship was moderated by the amount of interaction between the employee and customer, such that the negative relationship was strongest when interaction was high. Results are discussed in terms of the theoretical implications related to relational demography and practical implications in terms of the “business case” for diversity.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to explore the role of illness stereotypes in appraisals of health threat. The results of Study 1 indicated that a substantial proportion of questionnaire respondents believed that high blood pressure (BP) is associated with positive personal characteristics (e.g., persistence) whereas a smaller proportion believed that high BP is associated with negative characteristics. In addition, more favorable stereotypes were correlated with lower ratings of the seriousness of high BP. Study 2 examined the effects of experimentally induced illness stereotypes on the health-related judgments of subjects who received false feedback on a test of their BP. The results revealed a significant effect of illness stereotypes on health-threat appraisals of high BP. Subjects who were led to believe that high BP was associated with achievement and competence perceived high BP as a less serious threat to health than did subjects who believed high BP was associated with less desirable traits. In addition, subjects given high BP readings reported fewer symptoms they were told were associated with high BP when the disorder was associated with negative characteristics. The results demonstrate the importance of illness stereotypes in appraisals of health threats, symptom reporting, and reactions to medical diagnosis.  相似文献   

医学由生物医学模式向生物心理社会医学模式转变,医疗质量的内涵也从单一的临床医疗质量转变为临床疗效、服务质量、就医时间、医疗费用等诸方面的综合质量.在美国顾客满意度指数模型的基础上构建患者满意模型并分析其影响因素,提出增进医疗服务质量的借鉴性方法.  相似文献   

Deux expériences ont évalué les conséquences d’informations portant sur la durée d’attente et d’explications concernant les raisons du délai sur les réactions de clients confrontés à un service remis à plus tard. Dans la première étude, 111 participants ont lu un scénario décrivant une attente dans un cabinet médical. Dans l’autre étude, 87 sujets ont vécu un réel retard dans un laboratoire. Dans les deux cas, les participants ont ensuite fait part de leurs réactions suite au retard et évalué le service. Les résultats montrent que la présentation d’une information innocentant celui qui fournit le service provoque les réactions les plus favorables de la part de la clientèle, tandis que l’absence d’explications entraîne des réactions plus positives qu’une explication mettant en cause le responsable. Donner une estimation de la durée d’attente n’a que des effets limités sur les réactions. Les résultats sont analysés à partir des théories du temps d’attente. Two experiments tested the effects of providing wait duration information and explanations for the reason for a delay on customer reactions to a delayed service delivery. In Study 1, 111 participants read a paper‐and‐pencil scenario about a wait for service at a doctor's office. In Study 2, 87 participants experienced an actual delay at a research facility. In both studies, participants were subsequently surveyed about their service evaluation and reactions to the delay. Results indicate that providing a provider‐not‐at‐fault explanation led to the most positive customer reactions, whereas providing no explanation led to more positive reactions than a provider‐at‐fault explanation. Providing waiting duration estimates had only limited effects on customers’ reactions. Results are discussed from the perspective of wait time theories.  相似文献   

Neill  Christina M.  Kahn  Arnold S. 《Sex roles》1999,40(3-4):319-329
We examined the impact of personal spiritualityand religious social activity on the life satisfactionof older widowed women. Fifty-one White, femaleretirement community residents completed measures of personal spirituality, religious socialactivities, and life satisfaction. Ten residents werealso interviewed about their religious beliefs andactivities. Although the interviews revealed bothpersonal spirituality and religious social activity tobe central to the life satisfaction of these women,quantitative results suggested only involvement withreligious social activities was related to lifesatisfaction. Interviews revealed thatchurch activitiesprovided the women a loving family and a supportivecommunity. Religious activities helped these older womenovercome hardships, gave them a chance to sustainfriendships, and provided a vehicle through which they couldcontribute to their community.  相似文献   

The current research was designed to examine objective and contextual factors related to the appraisal of potentially sexually harassing situations. Working female participants (n = 208) from a mid-sized southwestern university completed a workplace experiences survey in small groups. The majority of participants were Hispanic/Latina (77.9%). We predicted that characteristics of personal harassment experiences (e.g., number of distinct types of behaviors experienced, frequency, duration) and bystander harassment experiences would contribute independently to how upset women were by their own sexual harassment experiences. Results indicated that characteristics of personal harassment experiences and bystander experiences did predict how upset women were by their own gender harassment and by unwanted sexual attention experiences. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of considering multiple types of workplace stressors (e.g., personal and bystander sexual harassment experiences) and their relation to the appraisal process.  相似文献   

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