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Telework, namely so remote work, is composed of three basic forms: home based-telework, alternated telework and mobile telework. These three basic forms of telework and the traditional form of work are compared to identify their respective impact on work centrality, work social representation, and on relations between work life and out of work life. The mobile teleworkers present a high work centrality and the alternated teleworkers, a high family centrality. Concerning the representation, only mobile teleworkers and home based teleworkers cannot think the work without the basic knowledge of constraint. For the exchanges between work of life and out of work life, traditional workers separate their domains of life even though alternated teleworkers and home based-teleworkers combinate it. Mobile teleworkers develop exchanges between some domains of life.This study proves that it is not necessary to reason globally but to consider the specificity of each telework forms introduced or to implant in a organization.  相似文献   

The occupational physicians are obliged, like any doctor, to respect the ethical obligations imposed on their profession, including in the exercise of the missions specific to occupational medicine and contained in the Labor Code. The occupational physician is not isolated and works in a multidisciplinary team of a health service at work. He must communicate with other health professionals, but also with employers, representative bodies of staff. Medical confidentiality holds a special place in the triangular relationship between the occupational physician, the employee and the employer. The medical practice in the field of occupational health requires that many provisions of the Labor Code be followed, including the respect of the secret of manufacture and the position of advising employers and employees. The occupational physician must communicate with the employer in order to best achieve his mission, but in practice, it may be difficult for the occupational doctor to make his recommendations heard to improve the working conditions of employees without power, when he cannot argue his opinions on medical information.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2023,2023(180):54-57
Regarding social law, work-related suicide can be qualified as a professional risk, in particular as a work accident. It's the option chosen by case-law. The idea is to compensate: qualifying suicide as a work accident provides a social security compensation to the suicided employee's family and, in certain cases, the possibility to sue the employer. But, this case-law does not really question the prevention of the suicide before its commitment. In Labour law, the employer's obligation to prevent risks must face the risk of work-related suicide.  相似文献   

The ergonomic analysis of work (Daniellou, 1996; Wisner, 1996) and especially the psychological analysis of real working activity (Leplat, 2000) allow investigating the main factors of work situations. The objective is to show the influence on the nursing representations of psychiatric services that are restructured, of the initial working situations, the projects, the restructuring models. The analyses assess the nursing representations of psychiatric services that are restructured, the projects, the restructuring models, the real working activity. The data show impacts of collective work and restructuring models, especially the damaging consequences of fusions. The results enable the authors to discuss from the points of views of theory, methodology and interventions.  相似文献   

Currently medical and paramedical studies in France are organised separately. Nurses, doctors and specialists are trained separately with specific programs. Organization and public health policy are in permanent evolution. These changes confront caregivers to insecurity during their daily jobs. In this context, interprofessional cooperation is needed. Medical simulation mannequin are used to train caregivers to technical and non-technical activities in safe environment for students as well as for the patients. It allows teachers to analyse the way the students planned, attempted or carried out their actions, and to study the emotional aspects of stressful work in operating room. We will expose the co-construction, use, evaluation and enhancement of such practices in terms of professional team training.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to show that the organization of work, appearing in a cultural context marked by inequity, and raising the symptoms of stress, has an adverse impact on the functioning of Cameroonian universities. From a random probability sample of 287 university teachers were selected. Relative to the French version of the organizational factors Karasek and Siegrist questionnaire and inventory-based stress symptoms questionnaire were administered to them. The analysis method was statistical results and hypotheses were tested with multiple regression. All hypotheses are confirmed.This research raises awareness of mental health, if it is not supported, can further contribute to weaken higher education in Cameroon.  相似文献   

The number of workers with weakened health is increasing and situations combining poor health and work/job search are multiplying due to a combination of factors: changes in work, therapeutic treatments, greater attention to mental disorders, a rise in the retirement age and the ageing of the “active” population. Understanding the relationship between health and work through infra-pathological disorders and chronic diseases leads to several decompartments: temporal, disciplinary, of actors and spaces. This dossier aims to give visibility to these renewed approaches from a multi-disciplinary, theoretical and practical perspective.  相似文献   

Organizational agility has become an increasing focus for companies and has led to the emergence of new developmental methods. This article presents the cross-evaluation as an approach to evaluating and developing inter-team interface efficacity. Though 360 degrees feedback collective processes are being evaluated, and during reflexive workshops they decide what improvements to make in their team functioning. Based on a literature review and more specifically on the theories of social identity and groupthink this article describes the scientific bases of the cross-evaluation method and the biases that can be involved and how to reduce them. It suggests new avenues of research and practical suggestions for practitioners about an inter-team development method.  相似文献   

In this article we address, on the basis of various knowledge in ergonomics, work psychology and work demography, the stakes of a confrontation between two trends in progress: on one side the structural ageing of workforce, on the other side work intensification, and intensification of changes at work. This analyze includes statements on these evolutions by themselves, and a synthesis of knowledge on the difficulties created by the intensification of work, or changes at work, for elderly workers, but also on work strategies that those can elaborate, using their experience, in order to cope with these constraints.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(128):120-123
Setting a total length for time off work is a forensic act that all physicians must be able to perform. Given the importance of the legal consequences of this evaluation, it seems desirable that this practice is mastered by all practitioners. However, in practice there is often a disparity between forensic assessments and evaluations provided by other practitioners. To assess this difference in evaluation, we conducted a retrospective study, looking at 4 years of archives, of victims of Marseille's forensic service (CHU Timone), and highlighted a disparity between medical examiners, GPs and emergency physician's assessments. In both comparisons between medical examiners versus GPs (n = 367) or medical examiners versus emergency physicians (n = 511), were found in one third of cases of forensic requalification. The majority of checks on where GP's (80%) determined on over 8 days leave were reassessed under this limit by a medical examiner. This trend is reversed for the majority of (61%) requalification cases of emergency assessments (assessment over eight days by medical examiners. This study, proving a fact long suspected, raises many questions about these disparities evaluation we have discussed.  相似文献   

In order to examine the reasons of the choice and the effectiveness of the strategies of conciliation related to the adaptation of working time, we present two empirical studies which investigate the relationships between the level of maternal separation anxiety and the choice of the duration of the schedules of work. The first study was conducted among two groups of working mothers, one of 41 mothers working at full-time, the other of 33 mothers having chosen to work part-time. The second study relates to 45 employees of mass marketing having the possibility of choosing nonstandard work schedules (early the morning, late the evening) or in day. The results confirm that, on a psychological level, the question of worked time is crucial for the active mothers. They illustrate how the new constraints related to the changes of the world of work (flexibility and precariousness) can be sometimes undergone by the women, sometimes appropriated by them in order to reconcile work and their family role.  相似文献   

With about 28,000 asylum requests a year since 1990, Switzerland is one of the western countries with the highest inflow of refugees. The aim of this article is to answer two questions: What is the role of refugees in the Swiss economy? and what are the factors influencing their incorporation into the labour market? The research is based on the multivariate analysis of an individual database of 110,000 asylum seekers and refugees, in-depth interviews and 174 questionnaires to refugees and employers.  相似文献   

It is now a fact that health and well being at work are enhanced by organizational characteristics (Dupret, Bocéréan, Teherani, & Feltrin, 2012) and individual characteristics such as coping strategies used in a stressful situation (Truchot & Fisher, 2002). The purpose of this research is to study the interaction between organizational characteristics and coping strategies in the emergence of psychosocial risks factors. This study was conducted with 427 employees, as part of a psychosocial risk assessment. The analysis (Sobel tests and LISREL modelization) show the moderating influence between coping strategies and the organizational variables on occupational health and life quality.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(2):191-203
When we are confronted with children presenting of the behavioural problems in the consultations in child psychiatry, therapeutic work in-group becomes often an alternative. The device of group of psychodrama can allow conflicting the violence of the excitations for children latency. We must however pay attention to the range of the regressions, which it induces in the installation of the group, in the activation of the groups' processes and the reactions to our interventions. In order to preserve phenomena of influence being able to cause the failure of these orientations, it is necessary to think these approaches in reference to intersubjective dimensions and in a plurifocal step compared to the colleagues of the institution.  相似文献   

The National Interprofessional Agreement of 2013 on the quality of life at work shows a willingness to institute discussion spaces allowing employees to express themselves on the quality of their work. This questions the modalities of the discussion for those who initiate it as well as for those who participate in it, trust seeming to be indispensable in order to allow for transparency and debate. The authors propose to take a further step from the analysis of a professional controversy by identifying the need to share common assumptions among peers to develop debates.  相似文献   

The new needs as regards care taking charge of patients have contributed to the creation of health networks. As they are growing fast, they are an integral part of the French sanitation system. The impact, on the health professionals, of networking is, today, the object of contrasted research and results, but has little been studied as far as Social Psychology, Work and Organizations are concerned. This article follows a research project which had the objective, on the one hand, to describe the effects of the participation to a health network mental health at work and, on the other hand, to examine the variables and process accounting for the variability of these effects. This research privileges an approach to the health network as a place of socialization and personalization (Malrieu, 1979). The research on the ground is carried out in collaboration with the health network town-hospital Prevention and Taking charge of Pediatric Obesity Network (RéPPOP) Midi-Pyrénées. We have carried out semi-guided interviews with 20 private professionals (8 doctors, 8 dieticians, 3 psychologists, 1 physiotherapist) members of the RePPOP Midi-Pyrénées network. The main results show that the perception of positive and/or negative effects of networking on mental health varies according to the age of membership of the network and the processes of transfer of experience (from professional practice within the network to professional practice off-network and vice versa). Proposals are deduced in terms of continuing education within the network.  相似文献   

Our thesis is that the international psychiatric classifications (DSM-IV, CIM-10) have simply neglected the topical issue of the addiction concept. Indeed, because they are merely based on statistics, they organised the treatments on a political basis while obliterating the true therapeutic approach of the patient's deep suffering. On the other hand, the Humanist tradition issued from Pinel's work two centuries ago and continued by Freud, has questioned this social angst and promoted an interdisciplinary approach where medical, social and psychological realities converge. Relying on psychoanalytic data, we claim that only a work on memory based on a clinical approach which is tailored to suit the patient's particular requirements while taking into account his (past) experience can help him overcome his own tendencies and actions. Finally, we propose some therapeutic directions toward a “necessity to build history”.  相似文献   

«quo On disait autrefois, en Angleterre, que le Droit est un âne. S'agissant de l'indemnisation du dommage corporel, la France a fait beaucoup mieux : notre droit est franchement imbécile. Il s'agit maintenant de se donner les moyens de se sortir de cette situation : cela est tout à fait à notre portée ». C'est sur ces mots que s'achève le percutant rapport du docteur Louis Mélennec Pour une loi unique d'indemnisation du handicap et du dommage corporel, et pour l'abolition des systèmes actuels (responsabilité civile, accidents du travail, pensions d'invalidité dont Médecine & Droit publie ici quelques bonnes pages. L'auteur y analyse et dénonce avec force les incohérences du système français d'indemnisation du handicap et du dommage corporel et préconise la reconstruction d'un système unitaire harmonieux et cohérent. « Ce rapport, d'une inexorable sévérité, étayée par l'analyse intellectuelle et l'expérience personnelle de l'auteur, devrait-il obliger aussi bien les pouvoirs publics2 que les spécialistes du droit social et les juristes du dommage corporel à une réflexion sans concession sur toutes les incohérences ainsi stigmatisées åquo.  相似文献   

This article presents an ongoing research regarding work-related health issues as they are perceived and identified by professionals practicing in occupational health services. The study is based on interviews with occupational doctors, nurses, technicians in prevention of occupational hazards and assistants, employed in two general services. The article starts with an overview of the recent changes in the workplace and in the practicing conditions of the professionals in the services. It then analyses the types of issues they identify among the employees they have in charge. Finally, the article examines the actions that can be done by the services, and the limitations of these actions. The professionals appear to be negotiating with various strains.  相似文献   

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