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6~9岁儿童特质观与其人格特质的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽珠  高雯 《心理科学》2007,30(4):839-843
为考察特质观与稳定的行为方式之间的关系,采用情境故事法和问卷法分别对180名6~9岁儿童进行了特质稳定性理解的个别测查和人格特质的教师评定。结果发现,持三种不同特质观(实体论、中间论、渐变论)的6~9岁儿童开始在认真有恒、自制稳重、聪慧性、开朗活泼和同情利他五种人格特质行为上表现出显著差异;6~9岁儿童的特质观能够预测以上五种人格特质,丽儿童“开朗插泼”和“聪慧性”特质行为的线性组合是预测儿童特质观的最佳指标。这些研究结论有助于说明关于特质的认知在调解和制约个体稳定的行为理解和反应中的重要作用,验证了人格认知流派的观点;支持了认知与人格之间交互作用的理论假设;对于解释年幼儿童发展中的不适应问题具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

为了探讨童年期儿童应对方式发展的成因,本研究以应对方式问卷和心理素质量表为研究工具,对355名小学三年级学生进行了2年追踪调查。考察了不同应对方式在学业困难情境和同伴冲突情境下的发展轨迹,以及特质性因素心理素质对于不同应对方式发展的影响。结果表明:(1)童年期儿童的积极应对方式在学业困难和同伴冲突情境中有着不同的发展轨迹,而消极应对方式在学业和人际情境中有着相同的发展轨迹。(2)特质因素心理素质在不同的时间均可以显著预测童年期儿童的积极或消极应对方式。这说明童年期儿童应对方式的发展是情境因素和特质因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

A型人格、自我价值感对中学生不同情境应对方式的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈红  黄希庭 《心理科学》2001,24(3):350-351
应对方式的研究存在两种不同的取向,即过程取向和特质取向。过程取向重点研究特定生活事件中个体的应对过程,探讨各类特殊事件下特定个体的应对方式特点,较少考虑人格因素的影响。目前国内外对应对方式的研究大多仍倾向于过程取向。特质取向强调个体差异或人格变量的影响。该取向研究个体是否存在个性倾向性的、相对稳定的和习惯化了的应对风格或特质。  相似文献   

领域问题是对传统真理一元论的诘难,为解决领域问题,产生了紧缩论和多元论两种途径。谢尔的真理论就是一种多元真理论,她反对紧缩主义,认为“真”是一种实质属性,其核心属性为“符合”,但符合的方式是多样的,具体的符合方式是由不同领域的情况以及人们的认知能力决定的。谢尔以数学为例展示了一种多重符合的方式。她的理论为实质真理论提供了凭证,又改良了赖特和林奇理论的不足,合理地解释了“真”的统一性和多元性的关系。但也面临着理论依据不足、理论不完善以及很多传统符合论的遗留问题有待解决。  相似文献   

特质论与状态论之争是智慧研究领域新兴的热门话题。特质论认为智慧是稳定且不易干预的人格特质;状态论认为智慧是一种相对容易波动的心智状态,短期内可以改变且容易受外在情境的影响。基于人格心理学研究的“密度分布说”则为特质论与状态论之争提供了系统的整合模型。受此启发,本研究在以往理论的基础上提出“特质-状态正态分布假说”,旨在进一步补充完善“密度分布说”并为特质论与状态论研究提供新的理论视角。未来研究仍需结合多种智慧测量手段,加强纵向追踪研究,探索智慧本质观与密度分布说的关系,开展相应的跨文化研究。  相似文献   

宋子明 《哲学动态》2023,(10):106-114
决策的形式模型只有通过适当的解释才能与实证或规范内容相连接。研究个体选择行为的微观经济学,需要采取实证的自然主义方法论来定位其科学性,同时免不了对理性选择进行规范考察。根据经济学家对决策论模型的主流解释“显现论”,对选择行为的说明和预测是基于对行为的经验观测和内在一致性条件的。在哲学上,显现论曾一度被认为是逻辑实证主义和行为主义的“宿醉”,近年来却得到颇有影响力的辩护,也使经济理论的实证地位得到支持。而对信念、偏好、意图等心理状态及相关规范内容的兴趣,使得决策论模型在哲学上的应用默认了一种心理主义解释。通过引证并回应近年来哲学领域里对显现论的辩护,可以看到,决策论模型允许心理主义解释。但通过论证理论反例的泛在化,澄清其实证预测功能面临先天困境,从而能更恰当地理解决策论的实证地位。  相似文献   

西季威克对功利主义的辩护在历史上具有重大影响,但当代西方学者对他的辩护结构在理解上出现了分歧,从而对他的道德认识论立场有不同的看法,我们将其归结为基础论、融贯论和兼容论三种解读.西季威克对常识道德的考察虽然在他的伦理体系内具有重要作用,但这并不能构成融贯论和兼容论的根据,相反,它完全可以在基础论的语境中得到合理解释.  相似文献   

压抑是个体为了避免体验到消极情绪而采用的一种防御机制或应对方式,是一种远离或回避威胁的想法、冲动或信息的行为倾向或特质。本文介绍了精神分析论、特质论、认知论和神经心理学关于压抑的观点,并分析了压抑对心身健康具有“短期效益,长期危害”的原因。在此基础上提出了压抑研究需要进一步探讨的三个问题。  相似文献   

李楠 《道德与文明》2015,(2):136-141
面对情境主义者对美德存在的挑战,美德伦理学家的应对可分为先天德性论和后天德性论两派。后天德性论的劣势在于需要放弃部分关于美德的承诺,但是先天德性论对情境主义的既有回应也存在缺陷。一个完备的来自先天德性论的回应包括两个方面,一是说明情境主义者所谓"善行"与美德存在与否是如何不相干的,二是以不依赖于经验证据的方式论证美德存在。  相似文献   

张悦  金圣基 《孔子研究》2023,(4):101-110
丁茶山作为朝鲜后期实学思想的集大成者,其《周易》解释的主要学术贡献之一在于出入汉宋易学,通过批判继承汉代象数易学解释方法,提出了以“易理四法”为核心的易学解释体系。茶山《周易》解释的突出特点在于统合象数与义理,由卜筮而转出“成德”的人文意涵。这主要表现在,茶山充分肯定了《周易》作为卜筮之书与改过迁善之书的双重性质,既将《周易》作为卜筮之书从象数角度对其卦爻辞进行了解释,又试图探讨圣人作《易》之本旨,揭示了其道德人文的义理精神。由茶山之天道观和人道观出发,立足于其《周易》解释中提出的“顺天命”和“改过迁善”工夫,即可揭示茶山《周易》解释的道德修养论特质,即在实践中结合外在道德约束与内在道德自觉两种修养功夫。这在很大程度上克服了性理学重本体轻工夫、重内在道德自觉(内圣)轻外在道德实践(外王)的空疏之弊。  相似文献   

Hogue  Mary B.  Yoder  Janice D.  Ludwig  Jennifer 《Sex roles》2002,46(11-12):377-384
In this experiment, we manipulated leadership appointment in 3 ways for both a woman and a man. In accord with status characteristics theory, we found that interventions designed to increase the status of the appointee allow the new leader to be more influential and thus more effective. In addition, we found that when a woman is appointed leader with no reason offered for her appointment, followers are willing to be led by her, but, following the theory of motivated reasoning, they will search the context for a plausible reason for their decisions. Suggestions are offered for organizations that want to facilitate the effectiveness of new women leaders; additional recommendations are made for assisting new women leaders.  相似文献   

医本仁术 命大于天——反思一尸两命案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孕妇因呼吸道感染求诊,必须实施剖腹产手术,医院因陪同人员拒不在手术知情同意书上签字,未能进行手术并眼睁睁地看着孕妇和胎儿死亡。本案是个极其个别的案例,但是仔细反思足以说明当前的相关法律法规尚有不足,医院处理也有许多值得商榷之处。除了法律法规之外,不仅医患沟通出了障碍,临床医务人员之间的交流,更是需要大大加强。  相似文献   

A person's weight may be perceived as an important aspect of his or her sexuality and a significant determinant of his or her interpersonal sexual experiences. However, researchers interested in body weight and sexuality have focused exclusively on sexual disorders found in individuals with eating disorders; consequently, little is known about people's beliefs about weight and sexuality, despite the individual and interpersonal significance of such beliefs. Undergraduates received information about a male or female, obese or normal-weight stimulus person and then evaluated that person along several dimensions related to sexuality. Participants believed that an obese man's sexual experiences would be highly similar to those of a normal-weight man. However, participants viewed an obese woman as less sexually attractive, skilled, warm, and responsive, and perceived her as less likely to experience desire and various sexual behaviors than a normal-weight woman. In addition, participants believed that an obese woman was less sexually attractive, skilled, warm, and responsive than an obese man.  相似文献   

[anarchism] desires above all…the political, economic, and social equalization of the two sexes…we demand…that every individual, man or woman, coming into life, shall find as nearly as possible equal means for the development of his or her different faculties and for their utilization by his or her labor; to organize a society which, renders for every individual…the exploitation of anybody else, impossible.  相似文献   

The first was [a woman], 32, waiting for a bus on San Francisco's Geary Boulevard at 7:57 one evening last week. A man stepped up to her, shot her twice fatally in the chest, and ran back to a waiting dark-colored Cadillac. Ten minutes later and eight blocks away ? a retired Coast Guardsman who had turned 69 that day was struck down by three bullets in the back and belly. At 9:15, near Market Street, octogenarian ? died instantly from two bullets in his back. Three miles south, at 9:50, [a woman], 45, was cut down as she stood in the doorway of a laundromat. And ten blocks away, at 10:10, [another woman], 23, the mother of a four-month-old boy, was climbing the stairs to her new house when a man walked up and said amiably, “Hi, howya doin'?” [She] turned to reply, and a bullet burrowed through her body to her spine, possibly paralyzing her for life. (“Crime: Nothing Personal,'Newsweek February 11, 1974.)  相似文献   

To examine the postulate that the drinking woman is viewed differently than her nondrinking counterpart, two experiments were conducted. In Study 1, 174 subjects completed an alcohol expectancy questionnaire that was modified to assess expected alcohol effects on another person: young man or young woman. The woman was perceived as being more sexual after drinking than was the man. These perceptions were also influenced by expected alcohol dosage, subjects' gender, and drinking experience. In Study 2, 176 subjects read a vignette depicting a woman having drinks with a man. To manipulate the stimulus woman's consumption and the drink payment arrangement, 8 versions of the vignette were employed: The woman was described as drinking cola or alcohol (beer, wine or whiskey) and as paying for her own drinks or allowing the man to “pick up the tab”. Subjects rated the drinking woman as significantly more aggressive, impaired, sexually available, and as significantly more likely to engage in foreplay and intercourse. Perceptions of her sexual disinhibition and likelihood of sex play were significantly enhanced if the man bought the drinks. Compared to their own perceptions of her, subjects estimated that her date would see her as significantly more disinhibited and socially skilled and as less impaired. The alcohol-drinking woman was also seen as less attractive than her cola-drinking counterpart. Practical implications regarding stereotypes about cross-gender drinking situations and theoretical implications regarding alcohol expectancy research are discussed.  相似文献   

I describe the therapy of a 20-year-old woman who believed that her difficulties in concentrating and remembering were caused by her 'ME' (Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS). She had been fathered by a man who never left his own wife. Work with her dreams revealed a within-body drama in which she was locked in an unspeakable fight to the death with her mother. Her symptoms improved after parallels between a dream and an accident showed her own self-destructive hand in her story. Another dream, reflecting her first 'incestuous' affair, showed her search for her original father-self as someone separate from mother, and a later affair provided a between-body drama, helping her to own the arrogant and abject traits she had before seen only as her mother's. I show how we worked in the area of Winnicott's first 'primitive agony' as experienced by a somatizing patient, stuck in a too-close destructive relationship with her mother-body. I discuss how analytical work can be done with the primitive affects and conflicts against which the ME symptoms may be defending.  相似文献   

This paper explores Bessie Head's writing as a survival strategy through which she transformed her lived experience into imaginative literature, giving meaning and purpose to a life under permanent threat from the dominant group first in South Africa and later in Botswana. This threat included the destructive effect of the many fixed labels imposed upon her including: a 'Coloured' woman, the daughter of a woman designated mad, an exile, a psychotic, a tragic black woman, and a Third World woman writer. Her endeavours to avoid and defeat such limited, static definitions produced work characterised by contradiction and paradox, through which she asserted her right to survive and determined, like Makhaya in When Rain Clouds Gather, to establish 'a living life' in place of the 'living death that a man could be born into' (Head 1989, 136). Through a combination of Head's personal letters and papers and her published work, it can be seen how her particular preoccupations and experiences including her life in exile, her beliefs about her origins, her relationship to her absent mother, her distress, her madness and her need for love and for work were transformed into writing which expresses not only the destructive circumstances of her life but also its life-affirming aspects. Her writing was also a means by which she could create identities to express the dangers she encountered from the all-pervasive power structures which influenced her life and her sense of self, as well as ways to transcend them, enabling her to say in the last years of her life 'I am no failure' (20.2.1986 KMM BHP).  相似文献   

Summary While emotional responses will vary among young men, for many of them the draft constitutes some kind of crisis. Although it may be very difficult, most young men will be able to cope with the complicating factors of the draft and will take it in stride along with other disturbing events in the normal course of life. A young man may be able to cope with his feelings resulting from the draft in ways akin to his coping with similar situations. However, if the threat is too intense, and if there is not sufficient time to mobilize his usual coping mechanisms, the young man will be thrown into a state of crisis. In view of the nature of the developmental process, a young man between the ages of 18 and 22 has rarely developed an adequate sense of identity. Hence, he may be especially vulnerable to the emotional threat of the draft because of the very nature of the process of personality development.In such a crisis he will need someone to help him cope with the new situation. There are some guidelines which should help the counselee to mobilize his own emotional resources to cope constructively with the crisis. A pastoral counselor may help such a person to honestly face his fears and conflicts, and to face them gradually. Increasing his knowledge about the available possibilities in a particular situation will help him to increase his power to cope with the crisis. Being enabled to face his negative feelings with a sense of responsibility, he will be enabled to accept himself in terms of the situation in which he finds himself. Discovering significant other persons as supportive may give him the necessary time and support to enable him to develop a means of coping with the situation which he faces.  相似文献   

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