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In this article, we articulate and defend a contextual approach to political theory. According to what we shall call ‘iterative contextualism’, context has two important roles to play in determining what is required by justice. First, it is through the exploration and evaluation of multiple contexts that general principles are devised, revised and refined. Second, significant weight should be given to the norms to be found in specific contexts because the people affected by those norms strongly identify with them. Having said this, the application of general principles to particular contexts may still result in recommendations which deviate to some degree from the prevailing norms. In this case, we shall argue that although justice requires something other than what local norms say, what is required is likely to be intimated by the relevant context. Thus, whilst considerations of identification act as significant constraints on iterative contextualists’ thinking, the idea of intimations provides them with an important resource.  相似文献   

Although women typically favor affirmative action, they do exhibit a range of reactions to affirmative action programs. To understand the diversity of reactions, the present study proposed an examination of various forms of affirmative action in the context of the discrimination problem such actions were designed to address. In Study 1, 60 female university students were presented with one of six scenarios describing a situation of discrimination against women, followed by a series of potential affirmative action response options which participants rated in terms of their level of endorsement. Analyses of variance showed that, despite the range of discrimination scenarios, some of which presented extreme cases of discrimination against women, respondents consistently endorsed nondiscrimination measures, and opposed affirmative action strategies involving preferential treatment. Study 2, which preselected 43 women who valued social equality, replicated this finding and found that these results were not due to women not perceiving the presence of collective discrimination. Study 3 examined the attitudes of women in a law and security police training stream (n = 19), whose vulnerability to employment discrimination, both as a group and personally, would be salient. The women in this study endorsed all forms of affirmative action, including explicit preferential treatment in the hiring of women police officers. The implications of these results for the consideration and implementation of affirmative action programs are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores three cases of Do-It-Yourself, open-source technologies developed within the diverse array of topics and themes in the communities around the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (Public Lab). These cases focus on aerial mapping, water quality monitoring and civic science practices. The techniques discussed have in common the use of accessible, community-built technologies for acquiring data. They are also concerned with embedding collaborative and open source principles into the objects, tools, social formations and data sharing practices that emerge from these inquiries. The focus is on developing processes of collaborative design and experimentation through material engagement with technology and issues of concern. Problem-solving, here, is a tactic, while the strategy is an ongoing engagement with the problem of participation in its technological, social and political dimensions especially considering the increasing centralization and specialization of scientific and technological expertise. The authors also discuss and reflect on the Public Lab’s approach to civic science in light of ideas and practices of citizen/civic veillance, or “sousveillance”, by emphasizing people before data, and by investigating the new ways of seeing and doing that this shift in perspective might provide.  相似文献   

Two empirical studies investigated the context sensitivity of various rules for fostering organizational justice using hypothetical vignettes. Study 1 compared the importance of distributive justice rules (equity, equality, need) and procedural justice rules (process control, decision control, consistency, correctability, accuracy, bias suppression, ethicality) across individual and team contexts. The results showed that team contexts enhanced the importance of equality, consistency, and decision control. Study 2 compared the importance of procedural justice rules across different types of teams. The results showed that the accuracy rule was more important in small teams, while the consistency and bias suppression rules were more important in diverse teams. The importance of other rules, including interpersonal and informational justice, did not vary across the experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Mrovlje  Maša 《Philosophia》2016,44(4):1079-1098
Philosophia - The article examines the political challenge and significance of forgiveness as an indispensable response to the inherently imperfect and tragic nature of political life through the...  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that justice and organisational citizenship behaviors (OCB), as well as the relationship between them, are not culture free. However, most studies have been carried out in parts of Asia and Northern Europe, and especially in the USA, shedding little understanding on the dynamics of justice and OCB in less‐studied contexts. We show how four dimensions of organisational justice predict four dimensions of OCB in an under‐studied context—Portugal, a feminine, collectivistic, high power distance and low performance‐oriented culture—a profile that is antipodal to that of US culture. A sample of 269 employees reported their justice perceptions, their OCBs being described by supervisors. The findings suggest that: (a) employees are more sensitive to the interactional dimensions of justice than to the procedural and distributive ones; (b) among the interactional dimensions, the interpersonal one is more predictive of some OCB dimensions than the informational one. Des données théoriques et empiriques suggèrent que la justice et les comportements de citoyenneté organisationnelle (OCB), tout comme la relation entre eux, ne sont pas sans base culturelle. Toutefois, la plupart des études ont été menées dans certaines parties de l’Asie, de l’Europe du Nord, et plus particulièrement aux USA, ce qui restreint la compréhension des dynamiques de la justice et des OCB qui peuvent être appréhendés dans d’autres contextes. Nous montrons comment 4 dimensions de la justice organisationnelle prédisent 4 dimensions des OCB dans un contexte peu étudié—le Portugal, une culture féminine, orientée vers la collectivité, avec une forte distance au pouvoir et de faibles performances—, un profil aux antipodes de la culture américaine. Chacun des 269 employés de l’échantillon indique ses perceptions de la justice, ses OCB ont été décrits par ses supérieurs. Les résultats montrent que (a) les employés sont plus sensibles aux dimensions interactionnelles de la justice qu’à celles procédurales et distributives (b) parmi les dimensions interactionnelles, l’interpersonnelle est plus prédictive de certaines dimensions des OCB plutôt que l’informationnelle.  相似文献   

As we celebrate 60 years of the Christian Conference of Asia, it becomes incumbent on us to reflect on what it means to speak of ecumenism from an Asian perspective. What is uniquely Asian about ecumenism in Asia? And how have Asians imagined ecumenism and contributed to the larger ecumenical discourse? In this article, I shall first consider what is specific to the Asian context and specifically map both Asian continental uniqueness and the Asian context itself; secondly, I will look at specific issues in Asian ecumenism; and lastly, I will attempt to chart trajectories for Asian ecumenism by seeking an alternative interpretation of the marks of the church as expounded in the Nicene Creed.  相似文献   

Traditional inflationary approaches that specify the nature of truth are attractive in certain ways; yet, while many of these theories successfully explain why propositions in certain domains of discourse are true, they fail to adequately specify the nature of truth because they run up against counterexamples when attempting to generalize across all domains. One popular consequence is skepticism about the efficaciousness of inflationary approaches altogether. Yet, by recognizing that the failure to explain the truth of disparate propositions often stems from inflationary approaches allegiance to alethic monism, pluralist approaches are able to avoid this explanatory inadequacy and the resulting skepticism, though at the cost of inviting other conceptual difficulties. A novel approach, alethic functionalism, attempts to circumvent the problems faced by pluralist approaches while preserving their main insights. Unfortunately, it too generates additional problems – namely, with its suspect appropriation of the multiple realizability paradigm and its platitude-based strategy – that need to be dissolved before it can constitute an adequate inflationary approach to the nature of truth.  相似文献   

吴忠民 《学海》2001,(6):76-80
现代意义上的公正的依据有两类一类是理念依据,包括平等、自由、社会合作诸项理念;另一类是现实依据,包括现代化进程和市场经济.这两类依据规定了现代公正的基本内容和基本规则.忽略其中的任何一类或一项依据,对于现代公正的理解都会流于偏颇.完整地理解与把握现代公正的各项依据,是确立现代公正基本内容与基本规则的必要条件.  相似文献   

休谟的正义理论一方面坚持"互利原则",把功利视为正义的动机;另一方面,又主张"同情原则",认为同情是正义感的来源,正义来自人们对公益的关心.休谟正义理论中的这个矛盾,表明正义本身所包含的两层要素:正义既具有有利于当事双方的互利性,又要求当事双方有着互相认同的能力.  相似文献   

论公平范畴   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
公平体现了人们之间的利益关系 ,具有历史性和相对性。公平有不同的外延 ,如分配公平、经济公平、社会公平等等。公平的种类可以从动态和静态的不同角度进行划分。社会主义公平是经济公平与社会公平的统一 ,要努力实现机会公平与结果公平的结合 ,静态公平与动态公平的结合。在经济伦理领域 ,公平范畴具有两个层次 :一是作为规范的公平原则 ;二是与效率联系在一起作为经济伦理的重要价值目标的公平原则。  相似文献   

Fault and responsibility are key concepts in understanding how victims and assailants are, or are not, held accountable by society. We used a fractional factorial vignette design with a community-residing sample of 3,679 adults to examine judgments about intimate partner violence (IPV). Although fault, or causal responsibility, was assigned most often to assailants (69%), respondents assigned solution responsibility most often to both persons (52%) or to the victim alone (31%): interpersonal communication for couples (38%) and self-protective actions for victims (i.e., engaging formal authorities [12%] and/or leaving the assailant [11%]) were the most frequent suggestions. Potential injury to the victim and gender/relationship-based norms had the greatest impact on judgments. Findings may inform strategies to alter social norms regarding IPV. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

In this paper, I want to scrutinise the value of utilising the concept of disease for a theory of distributive justice in health care. Although many people believe that the presence of a disease-related condition is a prerequisite of a justified claim on health care resources, the impact of the philosophical debate on the concept of disease is still relatively minor. This is surprising, because how we conceive of disease determines the amount of justified claims on health care resources. Therefore, the severity of scarcity depends on our interpretation of the concept of disease. I want to defend a specific combination of a theory of disease with a theory of distributive justice. A naturalist account of disease, together with sufficientarianism, is able to perform a gate-keeping function regarding entitlements to medical treatment. Although this combination cannot solve all problems of justice in health care, it may inform rationing decisions as well.  相似文献   

This article focuses on Jesus?? parable popularly known as ??The Laborers in the Vineyard?? (Matt. 20:1?C16). I propose that a psychoanalytic reading of the parable offers insights that are missing or overlooked in more traditional readings. In support of this proposal, I discuss the interpretation of the parable by Richard Q. Ford (1997) and his emphasis on the critical role of the listener in effecting the reconciliation of disputing parties; and then turn to Freud??s analysis of beggar jokes (Freud 1905/1960) to explore the generosity vs. envy issue to which the landowner alludes in his response to the complaining workers. I also employ Freud??s view that humor (Freud 1927/1963) reflects the superego??s comforting side to suggest that humor may assist in the effort to get the disputing parties to listen to one another and even perhaps to resolve their differences.  相似文献   

Group memberships serve an important function in our lives. They help define who we are; thus, they are intimately involved in our daily functioning. But in certain situations, our group memberships may have a particularly profound influence on the way we behave, such as in situations where stereotypes apply. In this article, I examine the role group membership plays in distinguishing between different performance effects that are based on stereotypes associated with our group memberships. Knowing the role that group memberships play in such effects can refine existing theory and research while also providing insight into methods for combating the adverse effects of stereotypes on behavior. Accordingly, I review a number of stereotype-based performance effects that involve both negative and positive stereotypes as well as describe how group membership moderates these effects. I then discuss how stereotyped concerns associated with our group memberships can clarify the distinction between stereotype threat and priming effects. In the final portion of this article, I highlight how learning about a counter-stereotypic person from one's group can serve to reduce the negative effects of stereotypes on performance.  相似文献   

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