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采用问卷法对武汉市两所中学549名青少年早期和中期的中学生进行调查,探讨网络亲子沟通对青少年抑郁的影响,同时考察线上社会资本在二者之间的中介作用,以及该中介效应的前半路径是否受年龄的调节。结果表明:(1)在控制性别、年龄和线下亲子沟通的条件下,网络亲子沟通负向预测青少年抑郁;(2)线上社会资本在网络亲子沟通与青少年抑郁之间起完全中介作用;(3)线上社会资本的中介作用受到青少年年龄的调节,相比青少年早期阶段,该中介作用在青少年中期阶段更显著。这些结果对于综合解释网络亲子沟通对青少年抑郁的作用路径与机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Financial constraints are economic limitations on behavior. Given that millions of people experience chronic or episodic financial constraints, we sought to review research that provides insight into how they affect consumer behavior. We propose an integrative framework that draws insights from multiple literatures that have examined financial constraints from different perspectives. The framework distinguishes between four perspectives, which are rooted in literatures on resource scarcity, choice restriction, social comparison, and environmental uncertainty and highlights different temporal stages of responding to financial constraints, distinguishing between reacting, coping, and adapting. Beyond the obvious negative effects of financial constraints, our framework emphasizes consumer resilience, highlighting that consumers often successfully cope with and devise adaptive strategies to deal with financial constraints. By broadening the behavioral and temporal scope of financial constraints considered within consumer psychology, this framework helps us to understand the often strong and sometimes counterintuitive effects of financial constraints on consumer behavior.  相似文献   

The current study applied the Social Development Model (SDM) to improve understanding of the mediation processes through which the family environment was related to Chinese adolescent delinquent behavior. We tested the hypothesized model using structural equation modeling with questionnaire data collected from 736 Chinese 7th and 9th graders, their parents, and their teachers from two middle schools in Beijing, China. Testing the model separately for boys and girls yielded adequate fit indices for both although the hypothesized model was not invariant across gender and several gender differences were identified. The SDM appeared to be a valuable tool in studying the development of Chinese adolescent delinquency.  相似文献   

核心价值体系:社会资本的支撑性要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从伦理学的角度看,社会资本是一种以社会交往为载体,通过信任规范机制以及成型化关系网络产生社会信任进而配置社会资源的社会活动方式,它既包括社会个体的行为方式,更折射社会整体的价值体系。社会资本生存并服务于人类的社会关系和交往活动。社会交往自身特质和社会资本匮乏使得核心价值体系构成了社会资本的支撑性要素和价值基础,指导着社会资本的合理发展。把核心价值体系纳入社会资本建设体系有助于社会资本的积聚和核心价值体系功效的发挥。核心价值体系作为社会资本的支撑性要素,有助于整合人们的认知、情感、意志和行为,有助于达成共识、减少纷争、扩大交流、增进互信与和谐。形成合理融洽的社会资本结构体系和良性互动的社会运行机制。  相似文献   

采用自编的《青少年语文创造力测验》,研究了初一到大一750名青少年语文创造力的发展.结果表明:(1)青少年的语文创造力存在显著的年级差异,随着年级的升高,语文创造力呈波浪式持续发展的趋势;(2)青少年语文创造力存在显著的性别差异,初二到高二以及大一,女生的语文创造力显著的优于男生.  相似文献   

When people are engaged in social interaction, they can repeat aspects of each other’s communicative behavior, such as words or gestures. This kind of behavioral alignment has been studied across a wide range of disciplines and has been accounted for by diverging theories. In this paper, we review various operationalizations of lexical and gestural alignment. We reveal that scholars have fundamentally different takes on when and how behavior is considered to be aligned, which makes it difficult to compare findings and draw uniform conclusions. Furthermore, we show that scholars tend to focus on one particular dimension of alignment (traditionally, whether two instances of behavior overlap in form), while other dimensions remain understudied. This hampers theory testing and building, which requires a well-defined account of the factors that are central to or might enhance alignment. To capture the complex nature of alignment, we identify five key dimensions to formalize the relationship between any pair of behavior: time, sequence, meaning, form, and modality. We show how assumptions regarding the underlying mechanism of alignment (placed along the continuum of priming vs. grounding) pattern together with operationalizations in terms of the five dimensions. This integrative framework can help researchers in the field of alignment and related phenomena (including behavior matching, mimicry, entrainment, and accommodation) to formulate their hypotheses and operationalizations in a more transparent and systematic manner. The framework also enables us to discover unexplored research avenues and derive new hypotheses regarding alignment.  相似文献   

师生关系在青少年发展中的作用全国大城市抽样调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1640中国青少年(平均年龄14.5岁)以及他们的父母和老师参加了一次全国城市青少年抽样调查.该调查的目的是为了研究师生和亲子关系对青少年发展的影响(如学生成绩,心理健康,利他行为和问题行为).结果发现师生关系与青少年发展有很高的相关,甚至超过亲子关系与青少年发展的相关.另外,师生关系等与青少年发展的相关程度不受性别及年龄的影响,此研究的发现指出教师在中国青少年发展中的重要作用,进一步加强了一个正在起步的研究领域--非父母成人(包括教师)在青少年发展中的作用.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a growing public health problem, and gaps exist in knowledge with respect to appropriate prevention and treatment strategies. A growing body of research evidence suggests that beyond individual factors (e.g., socio‐economic status, psychological processes, substance abuse problems), neighborhood characteristics, such as neighborhood economic disadvantage, high crime rates, high unemployment and social disorder, are associated with increased risk for IPV. However, existing research in this area has focused primarily on risk factors inherent in neighborhoods, and has failed to adequately examine resources within social networks and neighborhoods that may buffer or prevent the occurrence of IPV. This study examines the effects of neighborhood characteristics, such as economic disadvantage and disorder, and individual and neighborhood resources, such as social capital, on IPV among a representative sample of 2412 residents of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Using a population based sample of 2412 randomly selected Toronto adults with comprehensive neighborhood level data on a broad set of characteristics, we conducted multi‐level modeling to examine the effects of individual‐ and neighborhood‐level effects on IPV outcomes. We also examined protective factors through a comprehensive operationalization of the concept of social capital, involving neighborhood collective efficacy, community group participation, social network structure and social support. Findings show that residents who were involved in one or more community groups in the last 12 months and had high perceived neighborhood problems were more likely to have experienced physical IPV. Residents who had high perceived social support and low perceived neighborhood problems were less likely to experience non‐physical IPV. These relationships did not differ by neighborhood income or gender. Findings suggest interesting contextual effects of social capital on IPV. Consistent with previous research, higher levels of perceived neighborhood problems can reflect disadvantaged environments that are more challenged in promoting health and regulating disorder, and can create stressors in which IPV is more likely to occur. Such analyses will be helpful to further understanding of the complex, multi‐level pathways related to IPV and to inform the development of effective programs and policies with which to address and prevent this serious public health issue.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) were investigated in 222 urban, largely African-American adolescents (68%). High internal consistency was demonstrated, and factor analysis confirmed the three subscale structures of the MSPSS: family, friends, and significant other. Correlations with a family caring scale supported the discriminant validity of the Family subscale. These results confirm the reliability, validity, and utility of the MSPSS with an urban, largely African-American adolescent sample. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Much evidence exists documenting the comorbidity of anxiety and affective disorders in youth. Furthermore, comorbidity appears to have serious implications both in terms of severity of impairment and course of disorder. Despite this, little is known about the meaning behind the high rate of co-occurrence of anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. Several conditions exist that may give rise to comorbidity. Specifically, two disorders may be comorbid when there is a high rate of symptom overlap between the disorders, when one underlying construct is split into two separate disorders, when the disorders share common risk or etiological factors, or because one disorder causes or increases the risk of developing the second disorder. The present paper examines each of these explanations as they relate to the comorbidity of anxiety and depression in youth.  相似文献   

This paper explores the association between social capital and average happiness in the United States. Social capital is measured as a multidimensional concept consisting of social trust and two different indicators of sociability. In order to employ the variation both over time and across states, the data are organized in either a panel of nine US Census regions over the period 1983–1998 or in averages over this period in a cross-section of 48 states. The results show that social trust is positively associated with happiness while the potential effects of informal sociability at the level of society only appear significant in the regional estimates. The findings document the importance of social trust for average happiness but also hold more general implications for social capital theory.  相似文献   

采用青少年父母教养方式问卷、青少年小五人格问卷和青少年社会适应评估问卷对六城市的2288名中学生进行调查,探讨父母教养方式对青少年社会适应的影响及人格类型在其中的调节作用。结果发现:(1)青少年父母教养方式可分为民主型、权威型、专制型和忽视型四种,所占比例分别为35.2%、16.9%、20.8%、27.1%,不同父母教养类型的青少年在社会适应、人格五因素各维度上的差异达到显著水平;(2)除撤回爱护与行事效率之间相关不显著外,父母教养行为与青少年社会适应各维度相关均达到显著水平;(3)人格类型可以调节父母教养行为对青少年社会适应的预测作用,表现在支持陪伴、自主准予及知晓度对积极适应的影响以及规则引导、自主准予及知晓度对消极适应的影响。  相似文献   

The current study provides an innovative examination of how and why religious networking organizations work for social justice in their local community. Similar to a coalition or community coordinating council, religious networking organizations are formal organizations comprised of individuals from multiple religious congregations who consistently meet to organize around a common goal. Based on over a year and a half of ethnographic participation in two separate religious networking organizations focused on community betterment and social justice, this study reports on the purpose and structure of these organizations, how each used networking to create social capital, and how religion was integrated into the organizations' social justice work. Findings contribute to the growing literature on social capital, empowering community settings, and the unique role of religious settings in promoting social justice. Implications for future research and practice also are discussed.  相似文献   

Hierarchical linear modeling was used to examine the relationships between social capital (at the individual, the neighborhood, and the regional levels) and adolescents' fear of crime, while controlling for the main individual (sociodemographics, television viewing, and bullying victimization), neighborhood (neighborhood size and aggregated victimization), and regional (crime rate and level of urbanization) variables. Data were analyzed using a three‐level model based on 22,639 15.7‐year‐old (SD = 0.67) students nested within 1081 neighborhoods and 19 Italian regions. The findings revealed that individual and contextual measures of social capital, modeled at the individual, neighborhood, and regional levels simultaneously, showed negative associations with adolescents' fear of crime. Males and participants with higher family affluence were less likely to feel fear of crime, whereas victimization, both at the individual and neighborhood levels, had a positive association with fear of crime. Strengths, limitations, and potential applications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

This 1‐year longitudinal study examined relations between social comparison orientation (SCO) and socioemotional adjustment and academic achievement. A sample of Grades 7 and 8 students (N = 336, initial M age = 14.08 years) in China participated in the study. Data were collected from self‐reports, peer assessments and school records. It was found that early SCO positively contributed to later academic achievement. Moreover, the relations between early SCO and later socioemotional adjustment were moderated by the initial status of adolescents. Specifically, SCO was positively associated with social competence and negatively associated with depression in initially competent and well‐adjusted adolescents, but the pattern of the associations was opposite in initially incompetent and poorly adjusted adolescents. The results indicate that whereas SCO may contribute directly to academic achievement, its contributions to socioemotional development might depend on adolescents' initial status in adjustment.  相似文献   

为探讨被动性社交网站使用、冗思、核心自我评价与初中生抑郁的关系,本研究采用被动性社交网站使用问卷、冗思问卷、核心自我评价问卷以及流调中心用抑郁量表对673名初中生进行调查研究。结果显示:(1)被动性社交网站使用与冗思和抑郁均呈显著正相关,而与核心自我评价呈显著负相关;核心自我评价与冗思、抑郁呈显著负相关;冗思与抑郁呈显著正相关;(2)被动性社交网站使用不仅对初中生抑郁具有显著的直接预测作用,而且能够通过三种间接效应对抑郁产生影响,即核心自我评价的单独中介作用、冗思的单独中介作用以及二者的链式中介作用。  相似文献   

This study examined the utility of modifying the Social Anxiety Scale for Children—Revised (SASC-R) for use with adolescents, and examined associations between adolescents' social anxiety (SA) and their peer relations, friendships, and social functioning. Boys (n = 101) and girls (n = 149) in the 10th through 12th grades completed the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) and measures of social support, perceived competence, and number and quality of their best friendships. Factor analysis of the SAS-A confirmed a three-factor structure: Fear of Negative Evaluation, Social Avoidance and Distress in General, and Social Avoidance Specific to New Situations or Unfamiliar Peers. Girls reported more SA than boys, and SA was more strongly linked to girls' social functioning than boys'. Specifically, adolescents with higher levels of SA reported poorer social functioning (less support from classmates, less social acceptance), and girls with higher levels of SA reported fewer friendships, and less intimacy, companionship, and support in their close friendships. These findings extend work on the SASC-R to adolescents, and suggest the importance of SA for understanding the social functioning and close friendships of adolescents, especially girls.  相似文献   

The concept of social capital is becoming increasingly common in community psychology and elsewhere. However, the multiple conceptual and operational definitions of social capital challenge its utility as a theoretical tool. The goals of this paper are to clarify two forms of social capital (bridging and bonding), explicitly link them to the structural characteristics of small world networks, and explore the behavioral and ecological prerequisites of its formation. First, I use the tools of network science and specifically the concept of small‐world networks to clarify what patterns of social relationships are likely to facilitate social capital formation. Second, I use an agent‐based model to explore how different ecological characteristics (diversity and segregation) and behavioral tendencies (homophily and proximity) impact communities’ potential for developing social capital. The results suggest diverse communities have the greatest potential to develop community social capital, and that segregation moderates the effects that the behavioral tendencies of homophily and proximity have on community social capital. The discussion highlights how these findings provide community‐based researchers with both a deeper understanding of the contextual constraints with which they must contend, and a useful tool for targeting their efforts in communities with the greatest need or greatest potential.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent disorder, particularly among Black youth and youth in urban settings. In addition to well-documented academic and social dysfunction, ADHD is associated with increased risk for depression and suicide. However, there is a stark mismatch between services available and need among adolescents with ADHD, especially those from low-income backgrounds. Implementation of services in schools is one promising way to overcome barriers to care, decrease stigma associated with mental health care, and offer the ability to practice mental health skills in a more natural environment. As such, the current study aims to (a) describe the iterative development of a school-based depression prevention program (i.e., Behaviorally Enhancing Adolescents’ Mood in Schools [BEAMS]) for adolescents with ADHD in an underresourced, urban school district using stakeholder feedback; and (b) evaluate the preliminary effectiveness of an open trial of BEAMS. Raw data for all participants (n = 6; 83% Black, 17% biracial; 83% male) with indications for significant Reliable Change Indices are presented in addition to two case vignettes to illustrate treatment components and exemplify participant response. Pre- and posttreatment focus group data are presented to depict the development of the BEAMS program, lessons learned, and modifications made to BEAMS, in preparation for a larger randomized trial. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用访谈法探讨8个已求助和5个未求助家庭的青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识;比较已求助者和未求助者、青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的差异。结果显示,青少年和父母从6个方面描述心理咨询:功能、形式、适用问题、服务提供者、求助者和效果,各方面提及次数最多的分别是问题解决、谈话法、心理困扰、心理医生、心理有病的人和有帮助;误解包括心理咨询是针对心理有病的人,只有严重问题才需要求助。已求助者比未求助者更了解心理咨询,提及问题解决、心理困扰和有帮助的次数更多。青少年更多认为心理咨询是心理老师处理正常群体的心理困扰;父母更多认为心理咨询是心理医生处理心理疾病。青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识趋于理性和准确,但仍有误解需要澄清。  相似文献   

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