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Narasingha P. Sil 《Religion》2013,43(3):289-298
The famous 19th‐century Bengali saint Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa has almost universally been regarded as a Shakta (sometimes confused with Tantrika) devotee of the Mother Goddess Kali. His association with the Kali temple at Daksineshvar, in the northern suburb of Calcutta, has no doubt been a powerful argument behind his Shakta/Tantrika affiliation. This paper argues that Ramakrishna was essentially a bhakta (devotee) in the Vaisnava tradition and his cultural and family inheritance. His idea of the divine and his career and logia as a priest and a saint provide ample justification to consider him essentially a Vaisnava whose spiritual battle‐cry was to demand to have dalliance with God.  相似文献   

Through the use of popular statuary, devotional pictures and calendars available in the markets and temple stalls of Calcutta, I compare the ways in which the legacy of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda has been preserved in popular symbolism with the ‘photo‐iconographic’ tradition which has been fostered within the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. I argue that links between Ramakrishna and the Kali tradition remain strong in the popular imagination, as expressed through popular art in Calcutta, and that Swami Vivekananda often appears as a more peripheral figure in settings which include the goddess Kali. In this respect, I argue that such popular depictions of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda are more in accord with the conclusions reached by critical scholars who have distanced Vivekananda from Ramakrishna's passionate involvement in the Kali cult, than with depictions of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda within the Ramakrishna Math and Mission which stress the novelty of Ramakrishna, and the continuity between his teaching and that of Vivekananda.  相似文献   

The feminist significance of the Goddess Kali lies in an indigenous worshipful attitude of “Kali‐bhakti” rather than in the mere image of the Goddess. The peculiar mother‐child motif at the core of the poet Ramprasad Sen's Kali‐bhakti represents, I argue, not only a dramatic reconstruction of femininity but of selfhood in general. The spiritual goal of a devotee here involves a deconstruction of “master identity” necessary also for ethico‐political struggles for justice.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):97-120

For British critics, Christopher Isherwood went off the literary radar when he declared himself a pacifist and de-camped to California on the eve of WWII. Nothing he wrote after the Berlin Stories (1939), when his life was barely half over, until Christopher and his Kind, in 1976, when he emerged as a kind of gay literary icon, was accorded much serious attention from Britain's literary establishment. Furthermore, what he published during his long relationship with a guru in the Ramakrishna Vedanta tradition—which culminated in the classic My Guru and his Disciple (1980)—has scarcely been taken seriously, and only a few of the more astute literary critics have detected the influence of Vedanta philosophy in his later work (e.g. Nagarajan, 1972). Yet there have been calls for Isherwood to be re-evaluated as a serious religious writer (Wade, 2001).

If such calls are to be taken seriously there are several issues that need to be addressed, not the least of which would be the dominant cultural expectations surrounding the (im)possibility of a spirituality not predicated on the denial of sexuality. "My personal approach to Vedanta was, among other things, the approach of a homosexual looking for a religion which will accept him," he wrote in 1970 (Bucknell, 2000: ix).

There is also the problem of an unreconstructed colonialist prejudice towards religious practices associated with a subject people. Here, I review important aspects of the non-dualist philosophy of his Advaita training that allowed Isherwood to integrate his sexuality and his writing with his religious practice.

Isherwood was inclined less to approach ideas as abstract principles and more as they were embodied in particular people. With this particular Swami, an exponent of the Ramakrishna Vedanta tradition, Isherwood found his lifelong guide, and the narrative of his spiritual journey is the history of a relationship that deepened over 40 years. That relationship is the other focus of this article.  相似文献   

Two axiological elementshumility and passionI argue, are at the ethical core of Bengal Vaishnavism. These modes of behavior, derived from early theological sources, are dialectically related and form the basis for an ethics of devotion that allows the devotee to accept, while simultaneously transcending social norms and identities. I draw primarily from what is considered the most honored story of the Bhgavata Purna , the Rsall, involving the cowherd maidens who exhibit the highest devotion to God, and from the Caitanya Caritmrta , the biography of the sixteenth century revivalist and saint Caitanya, the tradition's model for devotional life.  相似文献   

In 1946 St Anthony of Padua (1195–1231) was declared a Doctor of the Church, recognised for his profound learning. Whereas much has been written about St Anthony, very little of it concerns his profound learning – and so it is not inappropriate to ask wherein this learning lies. Reading St Anthony reveals Christological concerns to be at the heart of his work and in this paper the author explores and clarifies his position. However, anyone looking for new and exciting Christological insights is likely to be disappointed, for St Anthony is entirely orthodox and traditional, although we should not only consider the content of his work, but his ‘method’ too. The way that the saint presents doctrine, and the inferences he draws from it, has much to be commended. Indeed, St Anthony may well be contrasted with those modern theologians who, it has been suggested, have rather lost track of what it is they are really doing.  相似文献   

An analysis of creativity in English and Engineering Departments in the University, which suggests that the quest for academic respectability has forced the teacher of English in his research to pursue the goal of analysis, a goal which he in fact denies in his teaching. His teaching remains flexible in its attempts to elicit a creative response on the part of the student, while his research (if it is to be publishable) must adhere to a fairly rigid pattern of orthodoxy. The physicist is often driven in his teaching (simply by the demands of the very bulk of physical knowledge) to emphasise the analytical, the instrument-nature of knowledge, while in his research he remains—or tries to remain—essentially creative, far less rigid than in his teaching. The engineer, who has only recently learned to lionise the analytical and essentially rigid aspects of his work (he has only recently, after all, become a member of the University), is perhaps in fact more creative both in his teaching and his research than either of the others, though there is an increasing pressure in the University to make him conform to standards of “respectability”.  相似文献   

《Ecological Psychology》2013,25(4):235-247
J.J. Gibson's direct perception thesis is the cornerstone of ecological psychology. Not to understand this is not to understand ecological psychology. Beginning in the summer of 1968, when I first met Gibson, and after working with him for the next year at Cornell, I underwent a conversion crisis. I came to appreciate his thesis through a few philosophical insights that I here share with the reader through an open letter to Gibson, where I seek to illuminate the reasons for my conversion from being a Miller-Chomsky psycholinguist and a Piaget devotee to a radical Gibsonian. This conversion has influenced my work even until the present. Indeed, I am still working through its implications in all that I attempt. I share this intimate portrait of my relationship to Gibson and his profound ideas in hope that others who have struggled with his thesis might be helped along their way as I was.  相似文献   

The paper examines the memory and hagiography of the important but little-researched late sixteenth-century bhakti saint Agradās. After introducing this influential Vai??ava devotional poet and the Rām rasik tradition he is said to have founded, the paper explores the political realities and motivations behind the molding of Agradās’s hagiography in particular ways in the nineteenth century and how his saintly authority has been drawn upon in modern times. Through a case study of Agradās, the paper makes an argument about the totemic function of the Hindu saint as a tangible expression of the intangible values and sentiments that bond and mobilize religious communities.  相似文献   

The spiritual journey of a Buddhist devotee is a continual exploration of the truth of interdependence which Siddhartha Gautama realized to become the Buddha, “the Enlightened One.” On the morning of the enlightenment, the Buddha apprehended the truth that all things and all beings are interconnected and mutually dependent in time and space. One measure of the spiritual maturity of the Buddhist devotee is his or her appreciation for the profound responsibilities and gratitude we share for all things. To illustrate the significance of interdependence in our lives, the author turns to the wisdom contained inVital Involvement in Old Age by Erik and Joan Erikson and Helen Q. Kivnick.  相似文献   

Courtland Lee is exemplary in his accomplishments nationally and internationally. His academic achievements are notable in multicultural counseling and social justice. His leadership in counseling has been outstanding with his having served as president of the American Counseling Association, the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, and the International Association for Counselling. In this interview, Lee describes his development as a person, a counselor, and a counselor educator.  相似文献   

The Saint     
Today, within the Christian culture, the celebrity has replaced the idea of the saint. Very strangely, the celebrity is the dire opposite of the classic notion of the saint. Even more strikingly, the idea of celebrity runs contrary to Jesus' teachings. Of course, in Jesus' day, there were no celebrities, as we know them today. What passed for celebrities in his day were the rich and wealthy. They were the ones that everyone looked up to and admired, but Jesus tells us that they are actually the most unfortunate, and that wealth is the most dangerous of any of the idols that possess us and keep us from the fullness of life God has for us.  相似文献   

Within the curtilage of Lincoln Cathedral lie buried the remains of three very different people to whom sainthood has been attributed: Saint Hugh, Bishop of Lincoln (d.1200); 'Little Saint Hugh' (d.1255), a child maliciously alleged to have been murdered by the local Jewish community; and Edward King (d.1910), Anglican Bishop of Lincoln. Hugh is a saint of the Catholic Church, commemorated by Catholics and Anglicans; 'Little Saint Hugh' was for a short while acclaimed by local people as a saint but never officially recognised as one; Edward King is commemorated by Anglicans but not formally recognised as a saint. The marked difference of approach to the attribution of sainthood between local Christians and Catholic Church authorities, as well as between Catholics and Anglicans, is illustrated by this case study, which raises important ecumenical questions: 'What makes a saint?’, ‘How are non-Catholics to regard the Roman Catholic procedure for beatification and canonisation?’, ‘To what extent can there be fully ecumenical calendars of local saints?’, ‘Does beatification offer a way forward by which Catholics may recognise the holiness of non-Catholic Christians?’  相似文献   

Heinroth is known as the first professor of psychiatry. His chair was established 200?years ago on the 21st of October 1811. His major importance for the history of psychotherapy has not yet been acknowledged. Heinroth regarded restriction as well as activation as fundamental remedies for mental illnesses. Restriction meant making a voluntary decision to live a life based on religious faith and to abstain from earthly satisfaction. Within his specific psychotherapeutical module??the ??direct-psychic?? method??he utilized the patient??s mental powers??mood, mind and will, but also his spirituality. His therapeutic approach additionally contained elements of cognitive, behavioral and conversational therapy.  相似文献   

Heinroth is known as the first professor of psychiatry. His chair was established 200 years ago on the 21st of October 1811. His major importance for the history of psychotherapy has not yet been acknowledged. Heinroth regarded restriction as well as activation as fundamental remedies for mental illnesses. Restriction meant making a voluntary decision to live a life based on religious faith and to abstain from earthly satisfaction. Within his specific psychotherapeutical module—the ‘‘direct-psychic’’method—he utilized the patient’s mental powers—mood, mind and will, but also his spirituality. His therapeutic approach additionally contained elements of cognitive,behavioral and conversational therapy.  相似文献   

Karl Rahner's theology is essentially spiritual and pastoral. His theology arose from his experience as a Jesuit, living at the heart of the traumas of twentieth-century Europe and, at the same time, interpreting the new academic insights in Church history and the early Fathers, scholasticism and modern philosophy, within the framework of the Church's traditional teaching.  相似文献   

Joseph Sandler was instrumental in bringing about what Ogden (1992) has termed the “quiet revolution” in psychoanalytic theory over the past several decades. His accomplishments reflected his capacity to combine empirical research skills with the highest order of understanding of psychoanalytic theory. From the more traditional frame of reference acquired through his analytic training, Sandler gradually evolved a complex integration of ego psychology and object relations theory that has become increasingly dominant. Throughout this process, Sandler strove to keep theory tied to clinical activity. While most analysts pay lip service to the intimate relationship of theory and practice, Sandler, using the Hampstead Psychoanalytic Index as his framework, researched the applicability of psychoanalytic concepts to the clinical setting. This resulted in reconceptualizations of some of the basic building blocks of psychoanalysis. His training as an experimental psychologist gave him a fresh perspective on traditional concepts, which he supported and altered on the basis of empirical research. His immersion in child development at the Anna Freud Centre also influenced his intellectual development.  相似文献   

International Journal of Hindu Studies - Rarely is the presence of the Gujarati saint Jalarām Bāpā (1799–1881) felt more immediately, and indeed collectively, by his devotees...  相似文献   

Love and Lust Revisited: intentionality, homosexuality and moral education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT In his book Sexual Desire , Roger Scruton wrongly maintains that human sexual experience is essentially intentional. His thesis depends on his highly revisionary definitions of 'sexual arousal' and 'sexual desire', the artificial nature of which I expose and criticise.
He admits that homosexual desire is capable of the same kind of intentionality as heterosexual desire, and is therefore not intrinsically obscene or perverted, but he advances reasons why homosexuality is morally different from heterosexuality and is therefore an object of disapproval. His arguments presuppose 'an impassable moral divide' between the sexes and are, on his own admission, not very cogent.
Since he allows that homosexual desire is a natural and spontaneous phenomenon and also proposes that moral education should guide us towards a state in which our sexuality is entirely integrated within a life of personal affection and responsibility, consistency requires that he adopt a sexual ideology which does not discriminate against homosexuality. For homosexuals are unlikely to achieve the 'sexual integrity' which Scruton advocates (and which I endorse) if they are constantly encouraged to disparage their own sexual nature and if social institutions make no positive provision for them.  相似文献   

Xudong Fang 《Dao》2003,3(1):121-141
Z{uphu} Xi (1130–1200) was one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Chinese philosophy. From the beginning of the fourteenth century until 1905, when the examination system was abolished, his and C{upheng} Yi’s interpretations of the Confucian Classics were regarded as orthodox and served as the basis of civil service examinations and intellectual standards for the Chinese literati. His influence was not limited to China, as his thoughts became orthodoxy in Korea and in some important schools of thought in Japan (see Chan). Because of his great contribution to culture, Z{uphu} Xi has been honored as Zhuzi or Z{uphu} Fuzi. This paper will review contemporary Chinese studies of Zhuzi, particularly of his philosophy, that have been conducted in mainland China since 1980.  相似文献   

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