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Various behavioral CRs elicited by saccharin solution previously paired with either lithium or amphetamine were measured in a series of four experiments. With one conditioning trial, lithium (Experiment 1), but not amphetamine (Experiment 2), produced nonconsummatory behavioral evidence of conditioning in the form of chin-rub CRs; both drugs, however, produced strong flavor aversions. With 3 conditioning trials, lithium- and amphetamine-paired flavors elicited a pattern of agitated activity, characterized by increased general activity, rearing duration, and body temperature, when the flavor was forcibly presented through an intraoral cannula (Experiment 3). When the flavor was presented in a single-bottle test (Experiment 4), 3 conditioning trials produced a similar pattern of agitated activity characterized by increased general activity, rearing (duration and frequency), stretching (duration and frequency), and limb flicking. Although both drugs supported the pattern of increased agitation-related CRs, only the lithium-paired flavors elicited chin-rub CRs (Experiments 1, 3, and 4). The difference between the drug conditions was not the result of a greater saccharin aversion in the lithium-conditioned group than in the amphetamine-conditioned group (Experiment 4). The results are related to findings that suggest that flavor aversions are mediated by a shift in the hedonic properties of the drug-paired flavors.  相似文献   

Heart rate and respiration were recorded as rabbits were exposed to visual and auditory events: light-on, light-off, light-change, noise-on, noise-off and noise-change. Each event lasted one second. One kind of stimulus event was presented ten times each session. Each kind of event was used for five sessions. On the following sessions (forty) two kinds of stimulus events were continued and used during the same session in order to introduce novelty. A beat-to-beat analysis of heart rate with corresponding respiration analysis showed (1) that rise and decay time of the reactions tended to decrease although magnitude might increase with repetition of the stimulus, (2) that some reactions elicited by some stimuli persisted beyond 400 trials, (3) that some reactions, not seen at first, appeared after 20–30 trials, (4) that respiration could be ruled out as a necessar causal factor for the heart rate changes, (5) that rate changes are specific to the modality or quality of the stimulus (e.g. noise-on vs. noiseoff or light-on), (6) that some reactions may be attenuated by stimulus novelty.  相似文献   

We evaluated a behavioral intervention for a 9-year-old girl with selective mutism. The intervention consisted of role play and video self-modeling. The frequency of spoken initiations, responses to questions, and communication breakdowns was measured during three social situations (i.e., ordering in a restaurant, meeting new adults, and playing with new children) and in three community settings. Results demonstrated increases in spoken initiations and responses and decreases in communication breakdowns across all situations and settings.  相似文献   

The author tested causal beliefs and conditioned responses in a task involving retrospective revaluation of the causal status of a target cue with respect to electric shock. Successful revaluation was observed on both self-report shock expectancy and skin conductance, whether the training trials were directly experienced, described, or partly experienced and partly described. The results contradict models that link anticipatory conditioned responses to a separate or earlier process from that underlying explicit causal knowledge. They suggest instead that a single learning process gives rise to propositional knowledge that (a) drives anticipatory responding, (b) forms the basis for self-reported causal beliefs, and (c) can be combined with other knowledge, provided either by experience or symbolically, to generate inferences such as retrospective revaluation.  相似文献   

The testing effect refers to the finding that retrieval practice of previously studied information enhances its long-term retention more than restudy practice does. Recent work showed that the testing effect can be dramatically reversed when feedback is provided to participants during final recall testing (Storm, Friedman, Murayama, & Bjork, 2014). Following this prior work, in this study, we examined the reversal of the testing effect by investigating oscillatory brain activity during final recall testing. Twenty-six healthy participants learned cue–target word pairs and underwent a practice phase in which half of the items were retrieval practiced and half were restudy practiced. Two days later, two cued recall tests were administered, and immediate feedback was provided to participants in Test 1. Behavioral results replicated the prior work by showing a testing effect in Test 1, but a reversed testing effect in Test 2. Extending the prior work, EEG results revealed a feedback-related effect in alpha/lower-beta and retrieval-related effects in slow and fast theta power, with practice condition modulating the fast theta power effect for items that were not recalled in Test 1. The results indicate that the reversed testing effect can arise without differential strengthening of restudied and retrieval-practiced items via feedback learning. Theoretical implications of the findings, in particular with respect to the distribution-based bifurcation model of testing effects (Kornell, Bjork, & Garcia, 2011), are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present research water-deprived rats were used in a conditioned lick suppression paradigm to test and further develop Rescorla's (1968) contingency theory, which posits that excitatory associations are formed when a conditioned stimulus (CS) signals an increase in unconditioned stimulus (US) likelihood and that inhibitory associations develop when the CS signals a decrease in US likelihood. In Experiment 1 we found that responding to a CS varied inversely with the associative status of the context in which the CS was trained and that this response was unaltered when testing occurred in a distinctively dissimilar context with a different conditioning history, provided associative summation with the test context was minimized. These results suggest that manifest excitatory and inhibitory conditioned responding is modulated by the associative value of the training context rather than that of the test context. In Experiment 2 it was demonstrated that postconditioning decreases in the associative value of the CS training context reduced the effective inhibitory value of the CS even when testing occurred outside of the training context. Moreover, this contextual deflation effect was specific to the CS training context as opposed to any other excitatory context. Collectively, these studies support the comparator hypothesis, which states that conditioned responding is determined by a comparison of the associative strengths of the CS and its training context that occurs at the time of testing rather than at the time of conditioning. This implies that all associations are excitatory and that responding indicative of conditioned inhibition reflects a CS-US association that is below (or near) the associative strength of its comparator stimulus. It is suggested that response rules which go beyond a monotonic relation between associative value and response strength can partially relieve learning theories of their explanatory burdens, thereby allowing for simpler models of acquisition.  相似文献   

Recent findings from animal conditioning studies have revealed methods of reducing responses to a very low level with a minimum of aversive by-products. These findings were incorporated into the design of a cigarette case that automatically locked itself for a period of time after a cigarette was removed from it. The next cigarette could be taken at the end of the interval, which was signalled by distinctive stimuli. Five heavy smokers were allowed to become accustomed to using the case. Then, the duration for which the case was locked was gradually increased over a period of weeks to about 1 hr. Smoking gradually decreased to the target level of about one-half of a package of cigarettes per day. Control procedures showed that specific features of the apparatus were responsible for the reduction of smoking. The results indicated that this apparatus was sufficiently effective, convenient, and acceptable to smokers to constitute a practical procedure for reducing smoking to the level considered medically safe. The procedure may also have potential for reducing other habit-forming or addictive behaviors.  相似文献   

We compared behaviorally and physiologically the olfactory responses of slugs (Limax marginatus) that had been subjected to aversive, appetitive, or unpaired training with food odors (carrot or cucumber). In the aversive training, the slugs were exposed to the food odor as a conditioned stimulus (CS), and then quinidine sulfate solution as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) was immediately applied to the lip of the slugs. This training caused a decrease in preference level for the CS. The unpaired training, in which the CS and the UCS were presented to the slugs with a 5-min interval, induced no change in the preference level for the CS. In the appetitive training, the slugs were allowed to eat the CS odor source without UCS application. When we used nonstarved slugs, it was found that the preference level for the CS increased upon the appetitive training. These results indicate that each training changed the preference for the odors in a characteristic manner. In the physiological experiments, we used brain-inferior tentacular nose preparations isolated from slugs and investigated the olfactory responses of the oscillations in the local field potential (LFP) of the procerebral (PC) lobe. We found that odor presentation induced various types of changes in the LFP oscillation frequency, although the rate of occurrence of the frequency modulation differed between odors used in the aversive and the unpaired training (aversive-conditioned and unpaired odors). The aversive-conditioned odors induced a decrease in the oscillatory frequency. Unpaired odors did not change it. Moreover, odors used in the appetitive training (appetitive-conditioned odors) induced an increase in the frequency. Thus, it was considered that those modulations of PC lobe oscillatory activity were independent of odor and reflected learned preference for odors.  相似文献   

The gaze-cueing effect is a robust phenomenon which illustrates how attention can be shaped by social factors. In four experiments, the present study explored the interaction between the ethnic membership of the participant and that of the face providing the gaze cue. Firstly, we aimed to further investigate the differential impact of White, Black, and Asian faces on the gaze-cueing effect in White individuals. Secondly, we aimed to explore, for the first time, the impact of faces belonging to different ethnicities on gaze cueing in Chinese participants. The results allowed to rule out alternative accounts and showed that White participants exhibit a gaze-cueing effect for White and Asian faces, but not for Black faces, consistent with previous studies. As regards Chinese participants, the overall findings suggested a stronger gaze-cueing effect for White faces than for Asian faces. The results are discussed with reference to differences in the perceived social status of the various groups, pointing to the need of taking into account different cultural contexts.  相似文献   

The face-sensitive N170 is typically enhanced for inverted compared to upright faces. Itier, Alain, Sedore, and McIntosh (2007) recently suggested that this N170 inversion effect is mainly driven by the eye region which becomes salient when the face configuration is disrupted. Here we tested whether similar effects could be observed with non-face objects that are structurally similar to faces in terms of possessing a homogeneous within-class first-order feature configuration. We presented upright and inverted pictures of intact car fronts, car fronts without lights, and isolated lights, in addition to analogous face conditions. Upright cars elicited substantial N170 responses of similar amplitude to those evoked by upright faces. In strong contrast to face conditions however, the car-elicited N170 was mainly driven by the global shape rather than the presence or absence of lights, and was dramatically reduced for isolated lights. Overall, our data confirm a differential influence of the eye region in upright and inverted faces. Results for car fronts do not suggest similar interactive encoding of eye-like features and configuration for non-face objects, even when these objects possess a similar feature configuration as faces.  相似文献   


During visual search, task-relevant representations in visual working memory (VWM), known as attentional templates, are assumed to guide attention. A current debate concerns whether only one (Single-Item-Template hypothesis; SIT) or multiple (Multiple-Item-Template hypothesis; MIT) items can serve as attentional templates simultaneously. The current study was designed to test these two hypotheses. Participants memorized two colors, prior to a visual-search task in which the target and the distractor could match or not match the colors held in VWM. Robust attentional guidance was observed when one of the memory colors was presented as the target (reduced response times (RTs) on target-match trials) or the distractor (increased RTs on distractor-match trials). We constructed two drift-diffusion models that implemented the MIT and SIT hypotheses, which are similar in their predictions about overall RTs, but differ in their predictions about RTs on individual trials. Critically, simulated RT distributions and error rates revealed a better match of the MIT hypothesis to the observed data than the SIT hypothesis. Taken together, our findings provide behavioral and computational evidence for the concurrent guidance of attention by multiple items in VWM.


The nucleus accumbens (NAc) plays a role in hedonic reactivity to taste stimuli. Learning can alter the hedonic valence of a given stimulus, and it remains unclear how the NAc encodes this shift. The present study examined whether the population response of NAc neurons to a taste stimulus is plastic using a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) paradigm. Electrophysiological and electromyographic (EMG) responses to intraoral infusions of a sucrose (0.3 M) solution were made in naïve rats (Day 1). Immediately following the session, half of the rats (n = 6; Paired) received an injection of lithium chloride (0.15 M; i.p.) to induce malaise and establish a CTA while the other half (n = 6; Unpaired) received a saline injection. Days later (Day 5), NAc recordings during infusions of sucrose were again made. Electrophysiological and EMG responses to sucrose did not differ between groups on Day 1. For both groups, the majority of sucrose responsive neurons exhibited a decrease in firing rate (77% and 71% for Paired and Unpaired, respectively). Following conditioning, in Paired rats, EMG responses were indicative of aversion. Moreover, the majority of responsive NAc neurons now exhibited an increase in firing rate (69%). Responses in Unpaired rats were unchanged by the experience. Thus, the NAc differentially encodes the hedonic value of the same stimulus based on learned associations.Our search for sustenance and pleasurable stimuli is often balanced by our desire to avoid punishment and harm. Similarly, neural systems responsible for generating approach behavior must be countered by signals that suppress approach behavior under contexts where approach is dangerous or maladaptive (Hoebel et al. 2007). The nucleus accumbens (NAc) is acutely involved in food intake and goal-directed, approach behavior. Pharmacological manipulations of the NAc promote food intake even in sated rats (Maldonado-Irizarry and Kelley 1995; Stratford and Kelley 1997). Lesions or inactivation of the NAc impair conditioned approach behavior (Cardinal et al. 2002; Blaiss and Janak 2009). Interestingly, drugs that lead to inhibition of select regions of the NAc increase positive hedonic responses to palatable taste solutions (Pecina and Berridge 2005). Recordings from individual NAc neurons have mirrored these findings. We and others have shown that consumption of palatable food stimuli is associated with decreases in the firing rate of the majority of responsive NAc neurons (Nicola et al. 2004b; Roitman et al. 2005; Taha and Fields 2005; Wheeler et al. 2008). In addition, decreases in NAc neural activity are associated with bouts of licking behavior for palatable stimuli (Taha and Fields 2006), and disruption of these decreases halt feeding bouts (Krause et al. 2010). Finally, decreases in NAc neural activity are associated with preferred locations previously paired with drug reward (German and Fields 2007). Thus, decreases in NAc activity appear to be closely linked to positive hedonic stimuli, stimuli that have been explicitly paired with them and behavioral approach.The NAc is also responsive to aversive stimuli (Carlezon and Thomas 2009; Levita et al. 2009). The delivery of aversive taste stimuli to rats is associated with increases in the firing rate of the majority of responsive NAc neurons (Roitman et al. 2005; Wheeler et al. 2008). In addition to responding to primary appetitive and aversive taste stimuli, NAc neurons develop responses to predictors of reward and aversion. Individual NAc neurons selectively encode cues that predict either appetitive (Roitman et al. 2005; Day et al. 2006) or aversive (Roitman et al. 2005) stimuli following purely Pavlovian conditioning or a combination of instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning (Setlow et al. 2003; Nicola et al. 2004a). NAc neurons come to encode departure from locations not associated with reward with the majority response being that of excitation (German and Fields 2007). Thus, NAc neurons appear to encode aversive stimuli and withdrawal behavior with increases in activity. These and other findings have led to the recent postulation that reward and aversion are differentially encoded by the activity of NAc neurons (Carlezon and Thomas 2009).Data supportive of the activity hypothesis (Carlezon and Thomas 2009) have been generated by the use of different stimuli to serve as appetitive or aversive primary or predictive stimuli. Thus, selective encoding could be biased by the sensory properties of each stimulus rather than their hedonic valence. When a novel, palatable taste is paired with visceral malaise, a Pavlovian association is made and a conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is established. Subsequent exposure to the once palatable stimulus is met with avoidance or aversion and rejection (Garcia et al. 1974; Schafe et al. 1995). Thus, the same taste stimulus can either be appetitive or aversive, depending on Pavlovian associations. Here, individual NAc neurons were recorded in rats (Paired) before (Day 1) and after a CTA (Day 5) was established and compared with rats that received equal exposure to the same stimuli but in an unpaired manner (Unpaired), and hence no CTA developed. Simultaneously, oro-motor behavior was characterized to provide an index of the associative strength of the taste stimulus. Using this paradigm, we determined that the population response of the NAc does indeed encode hedonic valence.  相似文献   

Through associative learning, cues for biologically significant reinforcers such as food may gain access to mental representations of those reinforcers. Here, we used devaluation procedures, behavioral assessment of hedonic taste-reactivity responses, and measurement of immediate-early gene (IEG) expression to show that a cue for food engages behavior and brain activity related to sensory and hedonic processing of that food. Rats first received a tone paired with intraoral infusion of sucrose. Then, in the absence of the tone, the value of sucrose was reduced (Devalue group) by pairing sucrose with lithium chloride (LiCl), or maintained (Maintain group) by presenting sucrose and LiCl unpaired. Finally, taste-reactivity responses to the tone were assessed in the absence of sucrose. Devalue rats showed high levels of aversive responses and minimal appetitive responses, whereas Maintain rats exhibited substantial appetitive responding but little aversive responding. Control rats that had not received tone-sucrose pairings did not display either class of behaviors. Devalue rats showed greater FOS expression than Maintain rats in several brain regions implicated in devaluation task performance and the display of aversive responses, including the basolateral amygdala, orbitofrontal cortex, gustatory cortex (GC), and the posterior accumbens shell (ACBs), whereas the opposite pattern was found in the anterior ACBs. Both Devalue and Maintain rats showed greater FOS expression than control rats in amygdala central nucleus, GC, and both subregions of ACBs. Thus, through associative learning, auditory cues for food gained access to neural processing in several brain regions importantly involved in the processing of taste memory information.  相似文献   

LONG WF  BURR IW 《Psychometrika》1949,14(2):137-161
A modification of the Wherry-Doolittle test selection method is presented by which tests are included in a multiple correlation (obtained for a given battery of tests) in the sequence in which the rate of return in validity per unit of testing time is greatest, rather than in the order of the size of their contribution to the multiple correlation. It is proposed that the modified method can be utilized profitably when there are economic or practical limits on the time available for test administration.The major portion of this article is based upon a thesis by W. F. Long directed by Dr. Joseph Tiffin with the counsel of Dr. Irving W. Burr. This thesis was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Psychology, Purdue University, June, 1947.  相似文献   

This study used data from 3 sites to examine the invariance and psychometric characteristics of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 across Black, Hispanic, and White mothers of 5th graders (N = 4,711; M = 38.07 years of age, SD = 7.16). Internal consistencies were satisfactory for all subscale scores of the instrument regardless of ethnic group membership. Mean and covariance structures analysis indicated that the hypothesized 3-factor structure of the instrument was not robust across ethnic groups. It provided a reasonable approximation to the data for Black and White women but not for Hispanic women. Tests for differential item functioning (DIF) were therefore conducted for only Black and White women. Analyses revealed no more than trivial instances of nonuniform DIF but more substantial evidence of uniform DIF for 3 of the 18 items. After having established partial strong factorial invariance of the instrument, latent factor means were found to be significantly higher for Black than for White women on all 3 subscales (somatization, depression, anxiety). In conclusion, the instrument may be used for mean comparisons between Black and White women.  相似文献   

Neonates born to depressed (n = 44) versus non-depressed (n = 43) mothers were compared on individual items of the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS). The neonates of depressed mothers received lower scores on orienting to the live face/voice stimulus and on the alertness items, suggesting they were less attentive. They also scored less optimally on the cuddliness and hand-to-mouth activity items, suggesting they were more aroused. These data lend support to the model that infants of depressed mothers are more aroused and less attentive.  相似文献   

Overall ratings of perceived exertion, i.e., undifferentiated RPE, are often used as indicators of exercise intensity during walking, jogging, and cycling; however, conflicting results concerning RPE during aerobic dance exercise have been reported, and the use of differentiated RPE, i.e., local RPE and central RPE, has not been investigated. The purposes of this study were to assess local, central, and over-all RPE, and physiological responses [heart rate (HR); % HRmax; absolute and relative VO2;% VO2 max, ventilation (VE), ventilatory equivalent (VE.VO2(-1); and oxygen pulse] during aerobic dance exercise varied by Arm Movement (Static Arm vs Dynamic Arm) and Impact (High vs Low). Trained women (N = 25; max VO2 = 50.4 +/- 7.5 ml.kg-1.min.-1) completed four aerobic dance steps. No RPE were significantly correlated with heart rate or VO2; however, for all steps all RPE were significantly (r = .40-.62) correlated with VE.VO2(-1) or VE. No interactions were present for RPE or physiological variables, and main effects were noted for Impact and Arm Movement. All RPE were greater for High Impact and for Static Arm Movement. Because VE and VE.VO2(-1) were correlated with Overall RPE for all steps, this may suggest that participants "attended to" perceived changes in respiratory phenomena during aerobic dance exercise. It appears that during combined arm-and-leg aerobic dance exercise the use of Overall RPE is sufficient to assess perceptual sensations associated with the intensity of the exercise. Changes in Overall RPE were proportionate to objective measures of exercise intensity, i.e., HR and VO2; however, it is recommended that both HR and Overall RPE be used to assess fully a participant's objective and subjective responses during aerobic dance exercise.  相似文献   

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