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Forty 4-year-old children were subjects in an experimental designed to determine whether learning to attend to relevant cues is a sufficient condition for acquisition of length and number conservation. Three groups of non-conservers were trained by means of an oddity-problem procedure to attend to the cues specifying either length, number, or both length and number. They were subsequently tested along with an untrained control group on tasks of length, number, mass and continuous quantity conservation. Some improvement in conservation was found, but it was neither impressive in magnitude nor specific to the cues of training. For example, the group trained to attend to length cues conserved length about 25% of the time, the same rate at which this group also conserved number, mass, and liquid quantity. This non-specificity is contrary to an attention hypothesis and suggests instead that training, to the extent it was effective, induced a general, abstract quantitative knowledge.  相似文献   

The developmental priority of identity conservation as contrasted with equivalence conservation theorized by Elkind (1967) was investigated using quantity and number conservation tasks. Subjects were 60 four-, five-, and six-year-old children of middle socioeconomic class background. All children received a battery of tasks which included qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation of quantity and number problems. For the quantity battery, under the without justification condition, conditional probabilities and significant performance differences in the mean number of trials passed indicated that the order of acquisition of quantity tasks did conform to the hypothesized sequence: qualitative identity, quantitative identity, and equivalence conservation. No significant performance differences for number concepts were noted for both justification and without justification conditions. Scalogram analyses performed upon the combined quantity number task array indicated a scale or quasi-scale in the predicted order of difficulty. It was concluded that identity concepts develop prior to equivalence concepts when the content area is quantity conservation. In contrast, clear-cut conclusions cannot be made about number conservation.  相似文献   

This study compared normal developing children, aged 34 to 51 mo., on comprehension and production of relative dimensional adjectives using object manipulations in a close elicitation procedure and on Piagetian operational tests of conservation of continuous quantity, length, reversibility and seriation. Analysis indicated a significant difference on the expressive language performance of the transitional and the concrete operational children over the preoperational children, but no significant differences occurred between the first two groups. Children who performed better on seriation were significantly better on expressive language performance. Children classified as operational for length performed better on all language measures than those classified as nonoperational. Reversibility and conservation of a continuous quantity did not differentiate children.  相似文献   

Study 1 examined the relative effectiveness of four different training conditions on the attainment of conversation of quantity. Subjects were 75 nonconserving preschoolers, ranging in age from 3.10 to 5.0 years. Treatment consisted of pretense play training, direct conservation training, a combination of pretense play and conservation training, mere exposure to the conservation tasks without the benefits of instruction, and a control condition which provided only conservation pre- and post-tests. The results of the two conservation post-tests indicated that a combination of pretense play and conservation training was the most effective condition, followed by the conservation training and then by the pretense play training. The data also suggested that the effects of the conservation-only training condition might be less stable than those attained with pretense play training. Study 2 compared the effectiveness of child initiated pretense play training with adult initiated play. Subjects were 47 nonconserving children ranging in age from 4.0 to 5.8. Treatment consisted of child initiated pretense play, adult initiated play, a condition which combined both treatments, and a control group. The results of the two conservation post-tests indicated that the child initiated pretense play training was most effective, followed by the combined condition and by the adult initiated training. The three pretense play training conditions induced significantly more conserving responses in previously nonconserving children than the control group.  相似文献   

林泳海  金莉 《心理学探新》2006,26(3):74-78,92
该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。被试为城市幼儿园34名MD儿童和30名正常儿童,平均年龄约6.0岁。结果发现:学习不良儿童早期数学能力在逻辑、计算和空间保持上有缺陷,与Johnson、Ginsburg等人的研究结果一致。与以往研究有所不同的是:在计数能力上,MD儿童与正常儿童间差异不明显;在数守恒能力上,MD儿童明显低于正常儿童;空间保持缺陷表现突出,表现为书写数字时的镜像反应、图形的错误表征等。  相似文献   

This essay explores various problematical aspects of Descartes' conservation principle for the quantity of motion (size 3 speed), particularly its largely neglected "dual role" as a measure of both durational motion and instantaneous "tendencies towards motion." Overall, an underlying non-local, or "holistic," element of quantity of motion (largely derived from his statics) will be revealed as central to a full understanding of the conservation principle's conceptual development and intended operation; and this insight can be of use in responding to some of the recent and traditional criticisms of Descartes' physics.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between perceptive judgment of quantity and conservation judgment of quantity with regard to the concept of area. Twenty children who passed an area conservation task (mean age = 8) and 20 children who failed it (mean age = 6, 7) were administered an area judgment task. This task was a replication of Anderson and Cuneo's study (1978, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 107, 335-378). The conserving children generally appeared to apply an additive rule (the height and width rule) observed by Anderson and Cuneo in 5 year olds. The nonconserving children in contrast generally presented patterns suggesting centration on one of the two dimensions. The implications for Anderson's and Piaget's conceptions of conservation development are discussed.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the reported capacity of some non-conservers of weight to deal successfully with tasks involving multiple classification. Tests of seriation, class inclusion, conservation of quantity, weight and volume, and eight multiple classification tasks (after Inhelder and Piaget) were given to 49 recently immigrated Yugoslav children (median age 10.5 years) in Australian primary schools, using Serbo-Croat as the language of administration. Performance on most of these tests of concrete operational behaviour was found to be about two years retarded as compared with Genevan data. On seven of the eight multiple classification tasks, not less than one-third of non-conservers of weight were able to give operational solutions. No differences were found in this group of 22 non-conservers, in terms of success vs. non-success in multiple classification, in age, sex, urban/rural domicile of origin, more/less recent arrival in Australia, or Macedonian/Serbian ethnicity. It is concluded that a case can be made for not regarding the concrete operations stage as a formal unity, but instead (following Flavell and Wohlwill) as a set of structures without necessary interdependence.  相似文献   

An analysis of the quantitative processes underlying conservation of quantity is presented. Models of quantitative operators (subitizing, counting, estimation) are derived from adult performance in quantification tasks, and some features of the operators are described. The emergence of conservation is described in terms of the development of the operators and a set of rules which evoke them and coordinate their results. Empirical data related to the developmental argument is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews research dealing with problem solving abilities amongst Papua New Guineans. Studies concerned with individual intelligence tests, group intelligence tests, achievement tests, conservation measures, classificatory skills, and formal operational thinking are considered. Data are discussed which compared the performance of Papua New Guinean children and adults with people elsewhere, and with foreigners resident in Papua New Guinea. As well, important differences within Papua New Guinea related in particular to schooling and language-culture group are noted. By contrast with some previous conclusions about the cognitive skills of Papua New Guineans, it is concluded that while there are differences between some Papua New Guinean groups and groups from English speaking countries in problem-solving performance, developmental patterns appear to be similar. Thus, educated. Papua New Guineans eventually achieve the highest levels of formal thinking.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 two training procedures were used to teach four-year-olds to conserve. Verbal rule instruction consisted of providing verbal rules and demonstrations of the operations referred to by the rules. Feedback consisted of providing verbal feedback contingent upon the children's responses. One week after training on conservation of number and length the children were given a posttest which included tests of conservation of number, length, and mass. Children who were given verbal rule instruction conserved significantly more on the number and length posttest problems than children who were not. However, this learning did not transfer to the mass problems, possibly because mass is not naturally acquired until some time after conservation of number and length. The feedback training procedure had no effect on conservation performance. In Experiment 2, the verbal rule instruction procedure was used to train four-year-olds on conservation of length and mass. One week after training the children were tested on both conservation of number, which is typically acquired before length and mass, and conservation of weight, which is typically acquired after length and mass, as well as on conservation of length and mass. Children who were given training conserved more on all four types of problems than children in the control group.  相似文献   

Three hundred and forty primary level boys and girls from the Milne Bay and Morobe Provinces of Papua New Guinea were tested for conservation of number, length, quantity, and area. Relationships observed between schooling, age, sex and conservation confirmed previous conclusions from work in Papua New Guinea about the importance of the first two of these variables for conservation. Comparisons between different language-culture groups suggested that explanations of any lag in achieving conservation in Papua New Guinean children must give attention to specific characteristics of children's environments since groups which were significantly superior performers on some tasks were significantly inferior on others.  相似文献   

林国彬 《心理学报》1992,25(1):60-67
本实验对三只恒河猴和一只熊猴在一系列判断与数量有关的问题上进行训练,继而让动物对呈现数多少的刺激对进行“同”和“异”的判断。刺激物是画在白色卡片上的黑点,在设计上排除使动物利用黑点累加面积和卡片亮度作为线索的可能性,也使动物不可能记住黑点排列的特定模式。本实验共有六项实验程序,在最后一项中,把数从2到6的所有“同”和“异”的刺激对全部呈现给动物。实验结果表明有两只恒河猴和一只熊猴达到所有六项实验程序的预定标准。本文讨论了实验结果在皮亚杰关于数量守恒观点上的含义,以及据以解释数多少判断的可能的内部过程。  相似文献   

Thirty nonconservers from first- and second-grade classrooms, 15 of whom had received perceptual/attentional training, were tested on four Piagetian conservation tasks (number, length, and continuous quantity solid/liquid) presented on 16 mm movie film with taped instructions. Eye movements were recorded during the response period for each task. Subsequent analyses of eye-movement patterns showed clear differences between the training and control groups. Trained conservers showed more visual exploratory activity and less perceptual centration than control group subjects. Moreover, the eye-movement patterns of trained conservers closely approximated those shown by natural (i.e., untrained) conservers in previous studies. The findings were discussed in terms of possible cognitive structural changes resulting from conservation training.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eight primary level boys and girls from the Madang, North Solomons, and Southern Highlands Provinces of Papua New Guinea were tested for conservation of number, length, quantity, and area. School grade, and age were related to performance in some cases, though sex had little effect. There were significant differences between the language-culture groups tested on three of the four conservation tasks. Since there was little consistency of performance over the four tasks, it was suggested that explanations of the variations of cognitive performance found within Papua New Guinea, and between Papua New Guinean groups and others may need to give attention to specific characteristics of each group's environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between modes of information integration and performance on a variety of Piagetian concrete operational tasks. The sample consisted of 180 6- to 8-year-olds. Factor analysis of the Piaget tests revealed five interpretable factors: conversation of substance—equality, conservation of substance— inequality, conservation of number, class inclusion, and matrices. Factor analysis of the marker tests for information integration revealed two factors: simultaneous and successive. All the Piaget measures, with the exception of class inclusion, were related to the simultaneous factor. Class inclusion was weakly related to the successive factor.  相似文献   

Approximate methods of solving for discriminant functions have been tried on three sets of data. The principal illustration is the problem of finding a weighted sum of scores, on four psychological tests, so that men and women may be distinguished most clearly. The work starts from the complete solution, due to R. A. Fisher, where it is necessary to solve as many simultaneous equations, dependent on the standard deviations of the tests and their mutual correlations, as there are tests. It is proposed, by way of numerical simplification, that a set of equations be substituted where some one quantity replaces all the correlations. A solution is obtained where the weights to be assigned the tests are very simply expressed in terms of differences between the mean values of tests, the standard deviations of tests, and the said quantity. The difficulty remains of finding an estimate of the arbitrary constant that will give good discrimination. If an optimal solution is made a result is obtained which, in the three sets of data considered, is almost indistinguishable from that yielded by the complete solution. The calculation of this optimal common quantity is, however, itself so considerable that another estimate, previously suggested by R. W. B. Jackson, appears more profitable. This estimate is derived simply from the variability between the total scores for each subject and the variability of each test. Using this estimate, the discriminant functions can be rapidly calculated; the results compare very favorably, in the case of the data considered, with those from the complete solution.The present work was done while the writer was employed by the Ontario Department of Health.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to increase understanding regarding the effects of goal-setting practices on a wide range of dependent variables over time. Goal type (control group, quality goal, quantity goal, and dual goal) was manipulated across 3 time periods. Goal × Time interactions were predicted such that quantity, effort, task interest, and positive affect would initially be low, but by later trials would be higher in the quantity and dual-goal conditions compared to the quality goal and control groups. Quality was expected to be greatest in the quality goal condition and to be relatively constant over time. Participants (N= 80) were undergraduates at a large midwestern university. Results indicated some support for our hypotheses in that Goal × Time interactions were found for quantity produced, rated effort, task interest, and positive affect.  相似文献   

Task differences were assessed with 120 first graders in a 2 × 3 × 3 factorial design combining Socioeconomic level (middle vs lower), Concepts (conservation of length, transitivity of length, and conservation of continuous quantity), and Tasks (three tasks for each concept selected on the basis of frequency of usage). As predicted, task by concept interactions were found on all four task response measures. This finding is consistent with Piaget's concept of horizontal decalage and with Flavell and Wohlwill's competence-performance model, which proposes that intermediate phases of stage transition are characterized by considerable intertask differences and initial and final phases by intertask consistency in performance. The importance of investigating the effects of task variables on multiple dependent measures at various age levels and points in time was emphasized. Concept, task, and socioeconomic class differences were also found on some of the measures.  相似文献   

Accuracy of metamemory for text was compared for multiple‐choice, essay and recall tests. Essay and recall tests were scored with Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), number of correct idea units and number of word matches. Each measure was correlated with college students' predictions and posttest confidence judgments across texts to determine metamemory accuracy. Metamemory accuracy varied for different types of tests with multiple‐choice tests generally producing greater accuracy than essay tests. However, metamemory accuracy for essay and recall tests depended on the measure used to score them. Number of correct idea units produced the highest metamemory accuracy, word matches produced an intermediate level, and LSA produced the lowest accuracy. Students used the quantity of output in their judgments, so performance measures that related most strongly to quantity matched judgments better than measures based on answer quality. The results are compatible with an accessibility account of judgments about performance on text. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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