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Simulations of Grossberg's FACADE model of visual perception have previously been used to explain afterimage percepts produced by viewing a sequence of orthogonally oriented gratings. Additional simulations of the model are now used to predict new afterimage percepts. One simulation emphasizes that the afterimage percepts are the result of orientation afterresponses and color afterresponses that interact at a filling-in stage. We report experimental data that agree with FACADE's prediction. A second simulation emphasizes the properties of the model's filling-in stage and predicts a situation where the afterimage percept should not appear. We report experimental data indicating that this model prediction is incorrect. We argue that the model is unable to account for this result unless the filling-in stage mechanisms are different from a diffusive-type process. We propose an alternative mechanism, and simulations demonstrate the system's ability to account for the afterimage data.  相似文献   

It has been argued that attention and awareness might oppose each other given that attending to an adapting stimulus weakens its afterimage. We argue instead that the type of attention guided by spatial extent and perceptual levels is critical and might result in differences in awareness using afterimages. Participants performed a central task with small, large, local, or global letters and a blue square as an adapting stimulus in three experiments and indicated the onset and offset of the afterimage. We found that increases in the spatial spread of attention resulted in the decrease of afterimage duration. In terms of levels of processing, global processing produced larger afterimage durations with stimuli controlled for spatial extent. The results suggest that focused or distributed attention produce different effects on awareness, possibly through their differential interactions with polarity dependent and independent processes involved in the formation of color afterimages.  相似文献   

Wede J  Francis G 《Perception》2006,35(9):1155-1170
Sequential viewing of two orthogonally related patterns produces an afterimage of the first pattern (Vidyasagar et al, 1999 Nature 399 422-423; Francis and Rothmayer, 2003 Perception and Psychophysics 65 508-522). We investigated how the timing between the first stimulus (a vertical bar grating) and the second stimulus (a horizontal bar grating) affected the visibility of the afterimage (a perceived vertical grating). As the duration from offset of the first stimulus increased, reports of afterimages decreased. Holding fixed the total time from offset of the first stimulus and increasing the duration from offset of the second stimulus while decreasing the time between the first and second stimuli, caused a decrease in afterimage reports. We interpret this finding in terms of Grossberg's BCS - FCS (boundary contour system--feature contour system) theory. In this theory, the afterimage percept is the result of color complement after-responses in the FCS system interacting with orientation after-responses in the BCS system. The two types of after-responses interact at a stage of neural filling-in to produce the afterimage percept. As the duration between the stimuli increases, the color after-responses weaken so that visible filling-in is less likely to occur. A similar effect occurs for the orientation after-responses but at a faster time scale. Simulations of the model match the experimental data.  相似文献   

Binocular rivalry was investigated using gratings of different orientations in three experiments. No consistent effects of orientation were found for predominance measures of rivalry between real images. Rivalrous afterimages, on the other hand, did exhibit orientation selectivity: vertical gratings were visible for longer than were 45-deg gratings. This effect was compared to the similar orientation selectivity found for monocular observation of grating afterimages. Comparisons of binocular rivalry between real images and afterimages were made in terms of the frequency distributions of the dominance periods.  相似文献   

In visual search for a conjunction it is much more difficult to search for the conjunction of 2 colors or 2 orientations than for Color x Orientation or Color x Shape conjunctions. The result is not limited to particular colors or shapes. Two colors cannot occupy the same spatial location in Color x Color searches. However, Experiments 6 and 7 show that Color x Shape searches remain efficient even if the color and shape are spatially separated. Our guided search model suggests that in searches for Color x Shape, a parallel color module can guide attention toward the correct color, whereas the shape module guides attention toward the correct shape. Together these 2 sources of guidance lead attention to the target. However, if a target is red and green among red-blue and green-blue distractors, it is not possible to guide search independently toward red items and green items or away from all blue items.  相似文献   

We present a method for studying experimental data based on a psychometric model, the “Rasch model” (Rasch, 1966; Thissen & Steinberg, 1986). We illustrate the method with the use of a data set in the field of concept research. More specifically, we investigate whether a conjunctive concept can be seen as an additive combination of its constituents. High correlations between model and data are obtained, but a formal goodness-of-fit test indicates that the model does not completely account for the data. We then alter the Rasch model in such a way as to capture our idea of why the model deviates from the data. This results in higher correlations and a strong increase in goodness-of-fit. It is concluded that our ideas, as incorporated in the model, adequately summarize the data. More generally, this research illustrates that applying the Rasch model and altering it according to one’s hypotheses is an excellent way to analyze experimental data.  相似文献   

Judgments of the color and shape of a stimulus specified by a cue indicating its location demonstrate stochastic independence. Evidence for the independence of color and orientation was obtained when the cue followed stimulus offset immediately, the cue followed stimulus offset by 2 s, and when either a central or peripheral precue focused attention on the cued stimulus at the time of its presentation. It appears that an object's color and orientation are represented independently even following the attentional focusing thought to support feature integration.  相似文献   

The study of gender differences is a pervasive topic in relationship science. However, there are several neglected issues in this area that require special care and attention. First, there is not just one gender effect but rather three gender effects: gender of the respondent, gender of the partner, and the gender of respondent by gender of the partner interaction. To separate these three effects, the dyadic research design should ideally have three different types of dyads: male-female, male-male, and female-female. Second, the analysis of gender differences in relational studies could benefit from the application of recent advances in the analysis of dyadic data, most notably the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Third, relationship researchers need to consider the confounding, mediating, and moderating effects of demographic variables. We use the American Couples (Blumstein & Schwartz, 1983) data set to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

Many experiments in psychology yield both reaction time and accuracy data. However, no off-the-shelf methods yet exist for the statistical analysis of such data. One particularly successful model has been the diffusion process, but using it is difficult in practice because of numerical, statistical, and software problems. We present a general method for performing diffusion model analyses on experimental data. By implementing design matrices, a wide range of across-condition restrictions can be imposed on model parameters, in a flexible way. It becomes possible to fit models with parameters regressed onto predictors. Moreover, data analytical tools are discussed that can be used to handle various types of outliers and contaminants. We briefly present an easy-touse software tool that helps perform diffusion model analyses.  相似文献   

Carol H. Adams  Mark Sherer 《Sex roles》1985,12(11-12):1211-1218
The present study tested the theory that masculine persons are as favorably adjusted psychologically as androgynous persons. Grouped on the basis of Bem Sex Role Inventory scores, androgynous, masculine, feminine, and undifferentiated college males and females were compared on MMPI, self-efficacy, and assertiveness measures. Strong support was obtained for superior adjustment of masculine males and females. A factor analysis was performed to elucidate the nature of the Masculinity scale, and it suggested that masculinity is related to assertiveness and self-efficacy rather than to the absence of maladjustment.  相似文献   

M Dick  S Hochstein 《Perception》1988,17(2):177-189
An asymmetric model is described for interactions in the perception of two dimensions (length and orientation) of a single visual stimulus. Two methods were used to test these interactions, and models for the interpretation of the possible outcomes of these tests are discussed. A length discrimination task showed facilitation (decreased reaction time) when orientation was covaried with length, and interference (increased reaction time) when random orientation variation was introduced. A smaller effect was seen when length was varied in an orientation discrimination task in a correlated or random fashion. Analysis of sequential effects showed that reaction times are fastest on repetition trials and are slowed by either the need to change the response or the need for additional sensory processing. With the second method, it was found that the amount of information transmitted in the estimation of orientation was not affected by the introduction of the redundant dimension of length, but that there was a significant gain in the amount of information transmitted in the estimation of length by the addition of the redundant dimension of orientation. It is concluded that orientation is probably a perceptual primitive of the visual system whereas length is a computed variable.  相似文献   

Schofield AJ  Yates TA 《Perception》2005,34(7):769-792
Recent studies of texture segmentation and second-order vision have proposed very similar models for the detection of orientation modulation and contrast modulation (OM and CM). From the similarity of the models it is tempting to assume that the two cues might be processed by a single generalised texture mechanism; however, recent results (Kingdom et al, 2003 Visual Neuroscience 2 65-76) have suggested that these cues are detected independently, or at least in a mechanism that is able to maintain an apparent independence between the cues. We tested new combinations of OM and CM and found that CM at 0.4 cycle deg(-1) facilitates the detection of OM at 0.2 cycle deg(-1) when the peaks of contrast align with the extremes of orientation. There is also some evidence of weak facilitation of CM by OM under the same conditions. Further, this facilitation can be predicted by filter--rectify--filter channels optimised for the detection of each cue, adding weight to the argument that texture cues are processed in a single generalised mechanism that nonetheless achieves cue independence or near-independence in many circumstances. We also found that the amount of suprathreshold masking produced by an orientation cue depends on the overall percept formed by that cue.  相似文献   

A method is described for scale-invariant segregation of image structure solely on the basis of orientation content. This kind of image decomposition is an unexplored image-processing method that is complementary to the well-explored method of filtering in spatial frequency bands; the latter technique is rotation-invariant, whereas the former technique is scale-invariant. The complementarity of these two approaches is explicit in the fact that orientation and spatial frequency are orthogonal variables in the two-dimensional Fourier plane, and the filters employed in the one method depend only on the radial variable, whereas those employed in the other method depend only on the angular variable. The biological significance of multiscale (spatial frequency selective) image analysis has been well-recognized and often cited, yet orientation selectivity is a far more striking property of neural architecture in cortical visual areas. In the present paper, we begin to explore some coding properties of the scale-invariant orientation variable, paying particular attention to its perceptual significance in texture segmentation and compact image coding. Examples of orientation-coded pictures are presented with data compression to 0.3 bits per pixel.  相似文献   

Some comparative experiments on the dichoptic induction of the movement aftereffect (MAE) contingent on color and the MAE contingent on orientation are reported. Colorcontingent movement aftereffects could be evoked only when the eye which had viewed color during adaptation also viewed color during test sessions. When the apparent color of the test field was changed by binocular color rivalry, contingent movement aftereffects (CMAEs) appropriate to the suppressed color were reported. After dichoptic induction of the orientation-contingent MAE, aftereffects could be obtained whether the eliciting gratings and stationary test fields were presented together to either eye alone or were dichoptically viewed.  相似文献   

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