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The purpose of the current study was to assess whether children would categorize pictures when taught the relevant listener and speaker behaviors separately. A category-sort test was used to assess emergent conditional relations. Category-sort trials consisted of looking at (Test 1) or tacting/labeling (Test 2) a sample stimulus and selecting the appropriate comparison stimuli. In Experiment 1, 4 children (3-5 years) were taught to tact pictures of six U.S. state maps as either north or south. An assessment was conducted to determine whether they would (1) correctly categorize or sort when presented with a visual sample and (2) select the correct stimuli when hearing their category names (listener behavior). Two of the children categorized the pictures during Posttest 1 after the initial (pairwise) tact training. The other 2 categorized after receiving additional tact training with all pictures presented together. However, one of them categorized only during Posttest 2. In Experiment 2, 4 children (3-5 years) were taught to select pictures when hearing their category names. An assessment was conducted to determine whether they would (1) correctly categorize or sort and (2) tact the stimuli (speaker behavior). One child categorized the pictures during Posttest 1, and two during Posttest 2. The other child required additional training with all pictures grouped together. When participants failed to categorize, they also failed to tact the pictures accurately. Taken together, results from Experiments 1 and 2 show that both speaker and listener behavior play an important role in stimulus categorization.  相似文献   

Historically, blindness has been associated with compensation for the loss of vision by the other senses. However, research to date has focused on perceptual compensations, largely ignoring possible cognitive compensations. We explored the notion that cognitive skills of blind children may facilitate performance in apparently perceptual tasks, by investigating the cognitive factors related to naming a familiar odour. Eighty-three children participated in olfactory and cognitive tasks (thirty-two early-blind, five late-blind, fourteen low-vision, and thirty-two sighted). In the olfactory tasks, the early-blind children performed significantly better than the sighted children on the odour-naming task but not on the odour-sensitivity task. From the cognitive tasks, scores on a nonvisualisable word-pairs task and a sound-word-pairs task were significantly higher for early-blind children and were highly correlated with odour-naming score. The early-blind children outperformed the sighted controls on a task of directed attention. The groups did not differ on memory for a story or for visualisable word pairs. The results suggest that blind children enjoy an advantage in tasks that assess nonvisual memory for paired associates and directed attention, and that superiority on these tasks facilitates performance in the odour-naming task. Other data suggest that sighted children rely on visualisation as a strategy to aid their performance on the cognitive tasks, and are disadvantaged when these strategies cannot be utilised.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded at the left and right temporal and parietal sites during a word-naming task in 61 children ranging in age from 5.1 to 6.2 years. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed on the average ERP waveforms. Analyses of the factor scores revealed that the P240, N380, and SW components were asymmetrically distributed over the hemispheres. Fast reading acquisition was associated with smaller N380 and larger SW activity than slow reading acquisition. Multiple regression analyses indicated that only right hemispheric ERP components were significantly associated with rate of reading acquisition. These findings are discussed in terms of right hemispheric involvement in early reading acquisition.  相似文献   

There is growing empirical evidence that shows that transposed-letter pseudowords (e.g., relovution) are perceptually very similar to their base words. This is a finding that has important implications for the choice of an input coding scheme in visual word recognition and naming. In the present experiment, we examined the presence of transposed-letter effects for pseudowords by using the naming task in a transparent orthography (Spanish): The pseudowords were created by transposing two letters or by replacing two letters (e.g., relovución vs. retosución). Since it has been suggested that transposed-letter effects may be greater for developing than for adult readers (Castles, Davis, & Forster, 2003), we recruited beginning readers (second graders, i.e., 7-year-olds), intermediate readers (fourth graders, i.e., 9-year-olds), and adult readers (college students). Results showed that developing and adult readers frequently mispronounced transposed-letter pseudowords (lexicalisations, mostly). Interestingly, the difference between the transposed-letter pseudowords and the replacement-letter pseudowords vanished when measuring the correct naming times. We examine the implications of these findings for models of visual word recognition and naming.  相似文献   

Previous studies on naming have presented the object and its name simultaneously during both training and testing, and thus the training component may establish a transformation of function directly between the object and the name. Successful tests for listener naming may thus not require the emergence of a novel (entailed) transformation of function. The current study aimed to control for this possibility by presenting the object and the name sequentially and nonsimultaneously. Eight typically developing toddlers participated in the current study. During name training, objects and names were presented nonsimultaneously, and all participants failed to emit listener-naming responses during the first test session. Subsequently, 4 participants received multiple exemplar training, which led to improvements in listener naming for all 4; and speaker naming for only 1 participant. As a control condition, the remaining 4 participants were tested repeatedly, without multiple exemplar training, and did not show any consistent improvements in their listener or speaker performances. Multiple exemplar training thus appeared to be effective in establishing generalized listener responses, which involved generating entailed transformation of functions. The strategy of using nonsimultaneous stimulus presentations could allow for greater precision in identifying the behavioral processes involved in listener-naming.  相似文献   

Immediate memory capability for 12 children (8 years) and 12 adults (21 years) was assessed electrophysiologically by using P300 event-related brain potential (ERP) stimulus sequences. These were derived from an auditory discrimination paradigm in which participants detected target stimuli in a series of target (T) and standard (S) tones that were varied by randomly presenting one of four sequence patterns (SSSS, TTTT, TTTS, SSST). Short-term memory capability was assessed behaviorally by recall performance of a 20-word list. Children and adults showed virtually identical P300 amplitude sequence patterns, such that for both groups component size increased systematically as the discrepancy between standard and target stimuli increased across sequence patterns. P300 latency evinced similar, albeit weaker, stimulus sequence effects, with children having longer component peak latencies. Memory recall performance was substantially weaker for the children than for adult participants, especially for recency effects. The findings suggest that immediate memory for stimulus sequences is fully developed in young children, although long-term memory is not.  相似文献   

Relational Frame Theory posits that complex language develops through arbitrarily applicable relational networks, with potential implications for individuals with autism. Responding relationally based on comparison occurs when participants respond to any number of comparative properties, such as “bigger” or “faster.” Experiment 1 established two 3-member comparative networks, in which a stimulus A was conditioned as “bigger” or “faster” than a stimulus B, and the stimulus B was conditioned as “bigger” or “faster” than a stimulus C in 2 children with autism. Both participants met the mastery criterion for the trained relations and demonstrated the emergence of the untrained combinatorially entailed A–C and C–A relations. The participants could also match the arbitrary A stimuli with larger or faster objects and the C stimuli with smaller or slower objects. The results were replicated in Experiment 2 with the same participants, where a 5-member relational network was established for the bigger/smaller relation.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested preschoolers' use of abstract principles to classify and label objects by shape or function. Three- and 4-year-olds were instructed to match objects by shape or function. Four-year-olds readily adopted either rule, but 3-year-olds followed only the shape rule. Without a rule, 4-year-olds tended to match by shape unless object function was shown during matching (Experiment 2). Three-year-olds' ability to use a function rule was tested in several conditions (re-presenting functions; reminders to "use the rule"; repeating rule on every trial). None induced consistent function matching (Experiment 3). Supplemental memory and verbal tasks showed that 3-year-olds have trouble using function as an abstract basis of comparison. Naming data, however, show that preschoolers are learning that object labels are based on function. The results show preschoolers' growing flexibility in adopting abstract generalization rules and growing knowledge of conventions for extending words.  相似文献   

The present research was designed to extend research by Strain, Patterson, and Seidenberg (1995) who found that imageability facilitates naming of low-frequency irregular words. Experiment 1 shows that the impact of imageability on word naming varies with phonological coding skill. In Experiment 2, the effect of imageability on naming low-frequency irregular words was shown to occur across an extended set of items. Together, the present findings support the notion that semantics may play a role in phonological coding when the mappings between orthography and phonology are weak.  相似文献   

Cognitive mechanisms underlying repetition priming in picture naming were decomposed in several experiments. Sets of encoding manipulations meant to selectively prime or reduce priming in object identification or word production components of picture naming were combined factorially to dissociate processes underlying priming in picture naming. Experiments 1, 2, and 3 were conducted with Spanish-English bilingual participants and bilingual materials. Experiments 4, 5A, and 5B were single-language experiments in English or Spanish. A simple process model was used to formalize the theoretical predictions and test them across all experiments simultaneously. Object identification and word production processes were selectively influenced in an additive manner, which suggests that the 2 sets of processes are independent and sequential. The patterns of facilitation support a quantitative model of transfer-appropriate processing in which shared processes from encoding to test are the causal basis and speeded processes are the mechanism of facilitation.  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of the similarities between the stimulus familiarization effect and latent inhibition. Just as latent inhibition has been readily demonstrated in infrahumans, and only with considerable difficulty in adult humans, the experiments reported here obtained a significant interaction between the stimulus familiarity effect and age. Children exhibited increased reaction time to preexposed stimuli as opposed to nonpreexposed stimuli, but adults did not show this effect. In addition, a number of variables were shown to affect the amount of decrement. The decrement increased as a function of the number of preexposures and decreased with the addition of a second stimulus placed in a conditioning relationship to the to-be-tested stimulus during preexposure. However, an increased in the interstimulus interval was only marginally effective in increasing the inhibitory effects of preexposure. The data were discussed in relation to a conditioned attention explanation for these phenomena of behavioral decrement.  相似文献   

A model of how five key facets of life events are related to one another and influence mental health and functioning was examined. The facets are the experience of control over, anticipation of, pleasantness from, stress generated by, and adjustment to life events. Multivariate analyses of data from 420 adult male respondents yielded results that were largely consistent with the hypothesized model. The results suggested that control over and anticipation of life events influenced the perceived stress produced by the events and the ability to adjust to them. In turn, it appeared that such stress and adjustment influenced mental health and functioning. The effects of control and anticipation on mental health and functioning were indirect only. Contrary to our hypothesis, control seemed to heighten perceived stress; but control, as well as anticipation, appeared to increase the ability to adjust. Whereas previous studies found no effect of desirable events on well-being, this study found that pleasant events had a beneficial effect. The discussion examines the implications of the findings for future research.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that reaction time (RT) and premotor time varied as a function of force even in simple-RT paradigm. The present purpose was to examine whether stimulus uncertainty induced by catch trials would cause programming delay until after the signal to respond. Subjects were required to react and produce a designated peak force as soon as possible after a visual stimulus, with and without catch trials. Five different levels of force were 10, 30, 50, 70, and 90% of the maximum grip strength of subjects. Analysis showed that simple RT and premotor time changed as a function of force, regardless of whether catch trials were removed. These findings suggest that stimulus uncertainty is not a necessary condition for programming delay.  相似文献   

Human culture relies on extensive use of social transmission, which must be integrated with independently acquired (i.e. asocial) information for effective decision‐making. Formal evolutionary theory predicts that natural selection should favor adaptive learning strategies, including a bias to copy when uncertain, and a bias to disproportionately copy the majority (known as ‘conformist transmission’). Although the function and causation of these evolved strategies has been comparatively well studied, little is known of their development. We experimentally investigated the development of the bias to copy‐when‐uncertain and conformist transmission in children from the ages of 3 to 7, testing predictions derived from theoretical models. Children first attempted to solve a binary‐choice quantity discrimination task themselves using asocial information, but were then given the decisions of informants, and an opportunity to revise their answer. We investigated whether children's revised judgments were adaptively contingent on (i) the difficulty of the trial and (ii) the degree of consensus amongst informants. As predicted, older but not younger children copied others more on more difficult trials than on easier trials, even though older children also showed a tendency to stick with their initial, asocial decision. We also found that older children, like adults, were disproportionately receptive to non‐total majorities (i.e. were conformist) whereas younger children were receptive only to total (i.e. unanimous) majorities. We conclude that, whilst the mechanism for incorporating social information into decision‐making is initially very blunt, across the course of early childhood it converges on the adaptive learning mechanisms observed in adults and predicted by cultural evolutionary theory. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at http://youtu.be/Qb6JINGYqVk  相似文献   

PurposeBased on previous evidence that cognitive control of lexical selection in object (noun) naming operates differently in adults who stutter (AWS) versus typically-fluent adults (TFA), the aim was to investigate cognitive control of lexical selection in action (verb) naming in AWS.Method12 AWS and 12 TFA named line drawings depicting actions using verbs. Half of the pictures had high-agreement action names and the other half low-agreement action names. Naming accuracy and reaction times (RT), and event-related potentials (ERPs) time-locked to picture onset, were compared between groups.ResultsNaming RTs were slower for low- versus high-agreement trials, and the magnitude of this effect was larger in AWS versus TFA. Delta-plot analysis of naming RTs revealed that individual differences in selective inhibition were associated with the agreement effect on naming RTs in AWS but not TFA. Action naming elicited frontal-central N2 activity in both agreement conditions in TFA but not AWS. Additionally, a later, posterior P3b component was affected by agreement in TFA only. In AWS, low-agreement action naming elicited frontal P3a activation.ConclusionsResults suggest that cognitive control of action name selection was qualitatively different between groups. In TFA, cognitive control of lexical selection in action naming involved nonselective inhibition, as well as more efficient working memory updating on high- versus low-agreement trials. In AWS, cognitive control of low-agreement action naming involved increased focal attention. Individual differences in selective inhibition may have moderated cognitive control of action naming in AWS.  相似文献   

S. J. Lupker, P. Brown, and L. Colombo (1997) reported that target naming latencies are strongly affected by the difficulty of the other stimuli in a trial block, an effect they attributed to readers' strategic use of a time criterion to guide responding. In the present research, the authors asked whether there are also trial-by-trial ("sequential") effects by examining naming latency as a function of the difficulty of the preceding stimulus. In Experiment 1, both nonwords and high-frequency regular words were named more rapidly following a word than a nonword. Experiments 2, 3, and 4 were parallel experiments involving a variety of stimulus types (e.g., high- and low-frequency inconsistent words, easy and hard nonwords). In all cases, similar sequential effects were observed (i.e., all stimulus types had shorter latencies following an easier-to-name than a harder-to-name stimulus). In terms of the time-criterion account, criterion placement appears to be affected by the relative difficulty of the preceding stimulus in a way that is independent of stimulus type.  相似文献   

Cognitive effects of mild head injury in children and adolescents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A comprehensive review of recent neuropsychological studies of mild head injury (MHI) involving children and adolescents is presented. The seminal work of Rutter and his colleagues is reviewed. An alternative conceptualization of MHI as proposed by various researchers is elaborated and further research investigating the cognitive sequelae of MHI is reviewed. MHI is discussed within the context of development and information processing models. Finally, the sequelae of MHI are reviewed with respect to academic functioning. Methodological problems inherent in studies of MHI are identified and discussed. The studies reviewed here support the conclusion that both the cognitive and emotional consequences of MHI should receive serious evaluation.  相似文献   

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