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Philosophical Studies -  相似文献   

The notion of justice is broad and complex. When we pursue justice too harshly after a conflict, we create new injustice and more victims; when we do not, the offenders usually keep hurting others and the violence is prolonged. As a matter of fact, only a few perpetrators can be punished. On the other hand, does punishment of the offender alone heal the victim or restore peace and harmony in society? Moreover, when the victim forgives, should the society still punish the offender? What role do truth recovery, state tribute (paid to the victims) and monetary compensation play in finding the balance between punitive justice and restorative justice? This paper takes up these issues of justice and, while discussing certain aspects of the relationship between punitive justice and restorative justice in some processes of social (national) reconciliation, tries to present some answers.  相似文献   

The adolescent's understanding of procedural justice and its possible relationships with age, formal thought and sex were investigated. Based on social cognition literature, four predictions were tested: (1) juridical understanding develops along a number of levels; (2) it is fully, partially, or not dependent on formal thought; (3) its dependence, if any, is limited to some of the abilities composing formal thought, i.e., the experimental abilities; (4) no sex differences exist. A battery of formal tasks and a questionnaire tapping juridical understanding were addressed to 120 adolescents, equally sampled from grades 8, 10, and 12, in order to test these predictions. Qualitative analysis showed the understanding of justice developed on four levels: naive realism, integrated realism, inquisitive thinking, intersystemic thinking. ANOVA applied on justice scores and the regression of justice on the formal scores validated predictions 2(b), 3, and 4. The kind of formal and postformal thought contributions to social cognition and the relationships among various social cognition domains were discussed.  相似文献   

小学儿童奖赏公平性的认知发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方富熹  王文忠 《心理学报》1994,27(4):354-361
采用信息加工研究途径并假设故事情境探索小学儿童对奖赏公平性的社会认知发展,并将儿童的发展与成人作对比。研究结果表明,7,9岁儿童容易将"均等"与"公平"混淆,还没形成一个稳定的分配模式,而12岁儿童已能运用"努力"、"成果"、"能力"等规则较为稳定地作出公平奖赏决定或评价,但还没达到对更高层次的社会准则的理解和掌握。儿童这一发展制约于他们的信息加工能力以及获得有关社会价值观的社会化过程。  相似文献   

Despite an abundance of research conducted on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) at the individual level of analysis, relatively little is known about unit-level OCB. To investigate the antecedents of unit-level OCB, data were collected from employees of 249 grocery store departments. Structural equation modeling techniques were used to test a model in which procedural justice climate was hypothesized to partially mediate the relationship between leadership behavior (servant-leadership) and unit-level OCB. Models were tested using both employee ratings and manager ratings of unit-level OCB. The results gave general support for the hypotheses, although there were some differences depending on the source of the OCB ratings (supervisor or subordinate), whether the type of department was controlled for, and whether a common method variance factor was included. Overall, the evidence generally supported the association of both servant-leadership and procedural justice climate with unit-level OCB. Building on the current study, a multilevel framework for the study of OCB is presented in conjunction with a discussion of future research directions in four specific areas.  相似文献   

Abstract: The paper suggests that the state is subject to assessment according to principles of social justice because state institutions or practices exercise forms of power over which no particular person has control. This rationale for assessment of social justice equally applies to legally optional or informal social practices. But it does not apply to individual conduct. Indeed, it follows that principles of social justice cannot provide a basis for the assessment and guidance of individual choice. The paper develops this practice‐based conception of the subject of justice by rejoining G. A. Cohen's influential critique of Rawls’ focus on the “basic structure” of society.  相似文献   

Jonathan Wolff 《Ratio》1995,8(1):87-99
In the first section the problem of political obligation is motivated, and in Section 2 the core structure of the problem is laid bare. A recognition of this structure prompts reflection that the problem will appear very different to different thinkers, depending on their moral theories. It also invites the speculation that the problem will be incapable of solution on some moral theories while trivial on others. This polarity does reflect the state of much of the literature until fairly recently. However this picture is seen to be too crude, and in the third section it is shown how an interesting solution has been proposed by advocates of the ‘theory of fairness’. In Section 4 this theory is evaluated, concentrating particularly on George Klosko's version, which is, in part, rejected. However it is argued that no version of the theory is able to guarantee universal political obligations. In Section 5 it is argued that this is an unnoticed advantage of the theory, for it may well be that, morally at least, we should allow those who do not benefit from the existence of the state to escape political obligations. The consequences of this view are examined and found not to be as threatening as they might first have appeared.  相似文献   

分配公平与程序公平对工作倦怠的影响   总被引:216,自引:6,他引:216  
李超平  时勘 《心理学报》2003,35(5):677-684
根据3家企业294份调查问卷的结果对工作倦怠量表MBI-GS进行了修订。然后,利用修订的MBI-GS和组织公平量表在6家企业进行了调查,524份有效问卷的调查进一步验证了MBI-GS的构想效度和信度;t检验和方差分析结果表明,人口统计学变量会影响组织公平和工作倦怠;分层回归的结果发现,在控制了人口统计学变量后,组织公平对工作倦怠具有较强的预测作用;进一步的优势分析表明,预测情绪衰竭时,分配公平相对来说更重要,贡献了已解释方差的65.91%;预测玩世不恭时,程序公平相对来说更重要,贡献了已解释方差的56.07%  相似文献   

This study examined antecedents and consequences of procedural justice climate (Mossholder, Bennett, & Martin, 1998; Naumann & Bennett, 2000) in a sample of manufacturing teams. The results showed that climate level (i.e., the average procedural justice perception within the team) was significantly related to both team performance and team absenteeism. Moreover, the effects of climate level were moderated by climate strength, such that the relationships were more beneficial in stronger climates. In addition, team size and team collectivism were significant antecedents of climate level, and team size and team demographic diversity predicted climate strength.  相似文献   

Andrew Williams 《Ratio》2008,21(4):476-493
In Rescuing Justice and Equality, G. A. Cohen reiterates his critique of John Rawls's difference principle as a justification for inequality‐generating incentives, and also argues that Rawls's ambition to provide a constructivist defence of the first principles of justice is doomed. Cohen's arguments also suggest a natural response to my earlier attempt to defend the basic structure objection to Cohen's critique, which I term the alien factors reply. This paper criticises the reply, and Cohen's more general argument against Rawls's constructivism. 1  相似文献   

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