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Tracy S. Kendler's strong desire to get a college education had to overcome economic hardships of the Great Depression and a mother's conviction that finding a suitable husband was more important. Solomon Asch at Brooklyn College, by scholarly example, encouraged her to seek a career in psychology. At the University of Iowa she studied with both Kurt Lewin and Kenneth Spence and finally opted to conduct a research program, ultimately on cognitive development, within a neobehavioristic methodological orientation. Being married to academic psychologist Howard H. Kendler, and a mother of 2 sons, created problems in fashioning an independent academic career, but persistence and research productivity, sometimes a result of collaborative efforts with her husband, finally led to a distinguished career.  相似文献   

Polychronicity and multitasking have been described as being indispensible in work today because they enable people to use their time flexibly and effectively. We conducted a diary study among 93 employees during the mornings and evenings of 5 consecutive workdays (n = 418 observations). The study used hierarchical linear modeling with polychronicity and other personal characteristics at the person level, and multitasking behavior along with multitasking opportunities, interruptions, and unplanned work as antecedents, and affective well-being and self-rated performance as outcomes at the day level. We found several relations between antecedents and multitasking, as well as between multitasking and consequences. Polychronicity interacts with these relationships, such that polychronic individuals’ affective well-being and self-rated performance are less affected on days with much multitasking compared to monochronic individuals.  相似文献   

This qualitative case study employed social constructionist theory and a discursive or language-based approach to examine aspects of identity and subjectivity in one woman's account of living with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Two, 2-hour semi-structured interviews were conducted, 6 weeks apart. In the first interview, the participant was asked to tell her ‘story’ of what her life with OCD was like. A discursive analysis focusing on the woman's construction of self was conducted on her narrative. During the second interveiw, the participant was asked to give her reactions to the analysis and to provide further interpretations and/or explanations which were then discussed. The results indicate how different ‘voices’ in the woman's narrative represent the power relations involved in her self-presentation of life with OCD within a particular social and discursive context. A key discourse involving religion as a metaphor was also identified as a way of representing the woman's experience of OCD and understanding her perception of control. The study illustrates how a discursive approach involving reflexivity can be used to explore identity and subjectivity with an OCD respondent/client.  相似文献   

The literature assessing relations between interparental functioning and youth adjustment is extensive. Most of this literature used a between subjects approach and examines youth responses to conflict reported by parents. The current study used a daily diary approach to complement the existing literature by assessing relations between aspects of marital interactions and adolescent reported daily mood using a within-family approach. We hypothesized that parents’ emotionality during interactions, the severity of their marital conflicts, and the degree to which their conflicts were resolved would be associated with their adolescents’ daily moods. To test these hypotheses a diverse sample (N?=?86; 27% Black, 33% White, 26% Hispanic, and 14% another race or families members differed in race) of mothers, fathers, and adolescents drawn from the Supporting Healthy Marriage project completed 15 days of daily diaries. Multilevel modeling results suggested differential associations between mother and father reports of their own emotions during interactions, conflict severity, and conflict resolution and adolescents’ daily moods. Overall, there were more significant results indicating fathers’ compared to mothers’ associations with adolescents’ daily moods, providing support for the need to continue efforts to engage fathers in family strengthening programs.  相似文献   

STAR (The Strategic and Tactical Assessment Record) is a versatile research tool designed to evaluate the effects of sustained performance and other stressors on integrated, complex cognitive functioning. This completely automated task is presented in the form of a highly motivating computer game. However, unlike typical computer games, successful performance of STAR depends on an individual’s ability to rapidly and accurately assess risk/benefit ratios in a variety of situations, and on the skilled use of an array of multipurpose control systems. STAR is unique in that approximately 80 performance measures are unobtrusively embedded in the operations required to “play the game”; no obvious performance assessment interferes with task presentation. STAR provides multiple measures of psychomotor function, attention, memory, information processing, decision making, risk-taking behavior, subjective state, errors, and error paths. In this report, we describe STAR, and summarize two preliminary experiments designed to separately evaluate the effects of task difficulty and task stress level on complex performance.  相似文献   

The current study aimed to develop a more complete picture of the day-to-day experience of mental health for bisexual people, including the relationships between social interactions and mental health. Specifically, the relationships between the occurrence of microaggressions and positive and negative identity events and reports of stress and anxiety within individuals were observed. Feelings of self-esteem, positive and negative affect, social belonging, and sexual identity certainty and centrality were also investigated as between-subject factors. Positive identity events were negatively associated with reports of stress and anxiety, whereas negative identity events were positively associated with stress and microaggressions positively associated with anxiety.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s commonalities between nursing and psychology have been explored, with subsequent establishment of a Nursing and Health Psychology Committee within the American Psychological Association's Division 38. A survey was undertaken to study this little-known, unique cadre of individuals with dual preparation in both nursing and psychology. Participants were queried regarding their educational preparations in both disciplines, current employment, theoretical and/or research interests, and current projects. Results of the survey provide information about the characteristics of this group. Dual preparation appears to offer certain advantages for the practice of health psychology.  相似文献   

Previous research on meaning in life and coping has generally been focused on reactive coping strategies and global meaning judgments. To extend this, the present study used a daily diary method to collect longitudinal data, and examined whether individuals’ daily meaning in life predicted use of proactive coping techniques and whether this relationship was mediated by positive affect. Adults (n = 132) completed a diary to track their meaning in life and positive affect every day for 21 consecutive days. Global levels of meaning in life, positive affect, and proactive coping were measured both at baseline and after the daily reporting phase ended. Hierarchical linear modeling demonstrated that daily meaning in life was a positive predictor of daily positive affect. Furthermore, combined latent growth curve and structural equation models indicated that the rate of change in daily meaning in life predicted change in proactive coping over the course of the study, and that this relationship was mediated by change in positive affect. The mediational effect of positive affect in the relationship between meaning in life and proactive coping was also verified by the reported global levels of these variables. These findings suggest that meaning in life may play an important role in coping with future life stress. Our discussion centers on the positive functions of meaning in life and the mechanisms of the predictive relationship of meaning in life in terms of proactive coping.  相似文献   

In this article, the experience of conversion, which is usually delegated to the realm of spiritual studies, is applied to the counseling experience. It is posited that a person who goes through a successful counseling process will experience a turning around, will cease leading life in a dysfunctional way, and will move forward in a manner by which the person experiences life in a new perspective. This new perspective brings the person wholeness and balance.  相似文献   

We describe the association between postpartum depression and the quantity and content of infant media use. Households with depressed mothers viewed twice as much television as households with non-depressed mothers did, and depressed mothers appeared to derive comparatively greater pleasure from television viewing. Maternal depression was associated with an increased exposure to child-directed content by 6–9-month-old infants, although it was not associated with an increased exposure to adult-directed programming. Depressed mothers also reported being less likely to sit and talk with their children during television use or to consult outside sources of information about media. This increase in television exposure without corresponding parental involvement could negatively affect developmental outcomes.  相似文献   

The long-term negative consequences of job insecurity on employees’ health and well-being have been demonstrated by several studies, but there is very little evidence on the daily experience of job insecurity and on the factors that may influence it. Therefore, we investigated whether short-term changes occur in the experience of job insecurity and whether these are influenced by daily co-worker conflicts. We carried out a diary study, in which 66 employees answered a questionnaire over the course of five working days. We conducted a multilevel analysis in which we included co-worker conflicts as a predictor, and type of contract, emotional stability, and aggregated job insecurity perceptions as control variables. Our results revealed that job insecurity varies on a daily level, and that 23 per cent of the variance could be explained at a within-person level. Co-worker conflicts were a significant positive predictor for perceived job insecurity in subsequent days after controlling for aggregated job insecurity perceptions at person level. Reversed causation was not found. Practical implications for organisations should focus on the promotion of positive social relations in the work environment in order to mitigate or avoid the negative consequences of social stressors in uncertain times.  相似文献   

This paper discusses current hardware and software in use at the Center for Automated Systems in Education, a project of the department of psychology at Southwest Texas State University. The hardware ranges from inexpensive microcomputers to sophisticated color graphic display systems. The advantages and disadvantages of various systems are considered. Current projects of interest to educators and psychologists are mentioned.  相似文献   

Work experience is becoming increasingly accepted as a legitimate educational activity. There are however differences of opinion among educationalists concerning the purpose of the activity and the types of young people for whom it is of most value. There is also a great deal of uncertainty about the organisation of work experience schemes, particularly relating to insurance, trade unions and classroom preparation. This paper outlines the approach which the Trident Project has adopted, and the ways in which it is organising work experience for pupils in some of the schools and colleges of ten local education authorities.  相似文献   

We investigated perceptions of spousal social control and the partners' behavior, affect, and relationship satisfaction at the start of a weight loss attempt. Gender and body mass index (BMI) were explored as moderators. In order to examine the short-term effects of social control, participants completed daily assessments reporting spouses' influence and their own behavior and well-being. Instrumental and reinforcing social control were associated with better health behavior, well-being, and relationship satisfaction, but showed no impact over time. Monitoring control was inconsistently associated with health behavior and well-being. BMI moderated some of the relations between social control strategies, health behavior, and well-being. Findings suggest spouses can contribute to partners' weight loss attempts with influence strategies, but considering weight status may determine which strategies are the most beneficial.  相似文献   

Case material is used to illustrate specific clinical application of the concept of primary femininity. Some contemporary contributions to the psychoanalytic theory of female psychosexual development are presented as complementary with, rather than contradictory to, more familiar, longstanding formulations that emphasize phallic strivings in women. In the clinical example reported, a fantasy of genital damage underlay a woman's premenstrual distress. Aspirations and concerns related to both aspects of her fundamental bisexuality participated in symptom formation and had to be investigated in order to achieve symptom relief. As the analytic work unfolded, it could be seen that the patient's awareness of her feminine aims served to keep her masculine aims out of awareness, and vice versa.  相似文献   

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