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Joachim Wach's classic 1924 treatment of two types of teaching and learning relationships is summarized by Professor Denny and commented on from three contemporary perspectives by three teaching scholars who raise the basic question, “Are Wach's models of student and disciple adequate for the nineties?” Following an introduction by Frederick M. Denny, the contributions presented are: I. Are Wach's Models of Student and disciple Adequate for the Nineties?, by Margaret R. Miles, II. Response to Joachim Wach's “Master and Disciple: Two Religio-Sociological Studies”: Buddhism, by Charles Hallisey and III. Wach and the Double Truth, by Earle H. Waugh.  相似文献   

Luther's famous Ninety‐five Theses overshadowed his twenty‐eight theses of the Heidelberg Disputation. This is regrettable insofar as Luther broke in Heidelberg with the traditional scholastic method and introduced for the first time publicly his influential theology of the cross. Luther's existential emphasis in this Disputation is particularly significant, because he answers here the big questions for us: Who am I really in the sight of God? What is my true identity in Christ? Luther radically exposes our self‐centeredness and calls us to look at the world, God, and ourselves through “suffering and the cross,” as only in this way will we be able to perceive clearly and “say what a thing is.” He encourages us to become theologians of the cross who have given up on themselves and discovered that “everything is already done.” Luther's passionate plea to put the cross of Christ at the center of our lives is a welcome reminder for us today, even five hundred years later, as we seek to find out who we are, who God is, and what God is accomplishing in and through us. Rescuing Luther's Heidelberg Disputation from oblivion is vital for the health of both church and academia today.  相似文献   


While historians of the early-modern Church of England have become familiar with the influence exerted upon it by Genevan and Zurich theologians, the impact of Heidelberg University and the Rhineland Palatinate was arguably equally important and has hitherto been neglected. That influence is charted here through the impact of the Heidelberg Catechism and the commentaries upon it by the Heidelberg divines Jeremias Bastingius and especially Zacharias Ursinus. While these were almost ubiquitous in the late-Elizabethan and Jacobean churches, Heidelberg divinity nevertheless came increasingly to be viewed with suspicion by churchmen under Charles I because of its alleged (and not entirely illusory) links to puritanism. It is argued here that with the creation of the Westminster Greater and Lesser Catechisms, the Heidelberg Catechism and commentaries on it no longer served a useful purpose even for puritans, and that later churchmen were unfamiliar with the influence that it had exerted in the recent past.  相似文献   


This article notes Luther's, Melanchthon's, and Augustine's influence, but also Bullinger's independence in interpretation. It explores Bullinger's rejection of the view that Scripture is obscure and needs the Fathers to interpret it. His underlying position is that Scripture interprets Scripture. Other principles include the comparison of passages of Scripture, interpreting a few texts by many, obscure texts by clear ones, the necessity for languages, the use of rhetoric, the covenant as the sum and scope of Scripture, an emphasis on the natural sense, and the contribution of secular disciplines. A concluding section considers briefly Bullinger's later use of essentially five principles  相似文献   

This essay is about identity and the place of religion and theology in how it is thought about and performed. I purse this subject through a theologically informed reading of the 1845 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. Taking Douglass's Narrative as emblematic of how identity continues to be conceived, I explain what is promising in the close link forged between religion, theology and culture. The promise of Douglass's Narrative resides in the emancipatory politics of race that it produces and the creative use of the theology of Easter in that politics. But I also explore the contradictions arising from that link—in particular, Douglass's oppressive gender politics. To overcome this problem, I conclude the article by pushing Douglass's cultural reading of identity and the Cross in a more robust theological direction, a direction that gestures towards a theology of Israel and of Pentecost.  相似文献   

This article argues that common ground may be found between Dionysius and Luther if one goes beyond the customary “mystical” framework for analyzing Dionysius’ work and views Luther (despite his dismissal of Dionysius as an impostor) as standing in a long line of interpreters who had sought to give Dionysian ideas a more explicitly Christological focus. Specifically, I argue, the similarities lie in Luther's conceptualization of God's hidden presence and the reformer's strongly ontological doctrine of justification. The latter has a procession‐return structure within which the status of the justified person, qua justified, is expressed in terms reminiscent of the Dionysian analogia.  相似文献   

In Sein und Zeit, Heidegger claims that (1) das Manis an 'existential' i.e. a necessary feature of Dasein's Being; and (2) Dasein need not always exist in the mode of the Man-self, but can also be eigentlich, which I translate as 'self-owningly'. These apparently contradictory statements have prompted a debate between Hubert Dreyfus, who recommends abandoning (2), and Frederick Olafson, who favors jettisoning (1). I offer an interpretation of the structure of Dasein's Being compatible with both (1) and (2), thus resolving the Dreyfus-Olafson debate. Central to this resolution is the distinction between das Manand the Man-self. Das Manis one of three existential 'horizons', or fields of possibilities; the other two horizons are the world and death. At any time, Dasein encounters entities in one of two basic modes: either by 'expressly seizing' possibilities of the horizon, or by occluding these possibilities. These modes are 'existentiell', i.e. features of Dasein's Being that are possible, but not essential. Self-ownership and the Man-self are the two basic existentiell modes of being oneself, i.e. projecting everyday possibilities of oneself appropriated from the horizon of das Man. What differentiates these two modes is the stance one takes to the possibility of death, the existential horizon of being oneself.  相似文献   


Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt's Whether We Should Proceed Slowly [Ob man gemach faren soll] in 1524 was no best seller, and the work is often overlooked today. However, its author was a prolific publisher, especially of German tracts, in the early sixteenth century. His influence upon other so-called radical reformers remains yet to be measured adequately. Despite the fact that Gemach was written shortly before Karlstadt's expulsion from Electoral Saxony, its thesis resonated strongly with other writers who were disenchanted with the trajectory of reforms in Wittenberg after 1522. A careful analysis of Karlstadt's argumentation reveals a rigorous reliance upon Old Testament texts, and it represents the development of a position that holds the Christian congregation responsible for implementing reforms in worship that are mandated in God's commands. As Karlstadt's response to Luther's Invocavit Sermons (preached in March 1522 and published outside Wittenberg in 1523), Gemach shows what Gordon Rupp called Karlstadt's ‘best polemical writing.'  相似文献   

Author's note: By the time it is published this article will have been written more than a year ago; it was conceived and sketched out in letters to friends as far back as four years past, when the ideas in it would huve been considered quintessentially weird. Some things have changed since then–even since the summer of 1970 the most important being a climate of opinion antong a number of literate people, who are not yet in power anyplace in the world that I know of. Books have been published in the interim, Toper's Future Shock, Matson's The Broken Image, Mumford's The Pentagon of Power, Reich's The Greening of America, among others (Mumford is still the heavyweight); books of disparate vulue which are, nevertheless, symptomatic of the change, none of which I had the opportunity to read before I wrote this article. There are signs that the patient—us—may have a fighting chance. Only a chance, mind you, for there have appeared reactions which grow less subtle day by day, antagonisms that probably could have been predicted by anyone familiar with power's way of justifying its love affair with death. My article attempts to be predictive only to the extent that phenomena which are manifest imply their own futurity; if cause for optimism has appeared like a single power upon a dung heap, that too was always there in the nature of things. And high time!  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1966,7(1):72-104
St Anselm's‘Proslogion’with‘A Reply on Behalf of the Foo? by Gaunilo and‘The Author's Reply to Gaunilo’. Translated with an introduction and philosophical commentary by M. J. Charlesworth . Christian Discourse. Some Logical Explorations. By Ian Ramsey . Philosophy and Religion. By Axel Hägerström . Translated by Robert T. Sandin . Spirit as Inquiry. Studies in Honour of Bernard Lonergan, S.J. Edited by Frederick E. Crowe , s.j. The Existential Background of Human Dignity. By Gabriel Marcel . The Moral Teaching of the New Testament. By Rudolf Schnackenburg . The Power and the Wisdom. By John L. Mc Kenzie . Christ in Christian Tradition. Alois Grillmeder , s.j. Translated by J. S. Bowden . The Athanasian Creed. J. N. D. Kelly , d.d. St Jerome as a Satirist. By David S. Wiesen . Early Thomistic School. By Frederick J. Roensch . Cardinal Bainbridge in the Court of Rome, 1509 to 1514. By D. S. Chambers The Dangerous Queen. By Francis Edwards , s.j. Commentarios al Codigo de Derecho Canonico. Vols I-IV. The Politics of Johannes Althusius. Translated and abridged by Frederick S. Carney . With a Preface by Carl J. Friedrich . No Rusty Swords. Letters, Lectures and Notes 1928–1936 (from the collected works). By Dietrich Bonhoeffer . Edited and introduced by Edwin H. Robertson . Translated by Edwin H. Robertson and John Bowden . The New Reformation? By John A. T. Robinson . The Secularization of Christianity. By E. L. Mascall . Die Arnoldshainer Abendmahlsthesen. By W. L. Boelens , s.j.  相似文献   


Exploring the reception in Wittenberg of the historiographically often puzzling English Reformation, this article examines Luther’s and Melanchthon’s reactions in their correspondence. Relationships between Henry VIII and the Wittenberg Reformers deepened with an English embassy, led by Edward Foxe, to the Schmalkaldic League. The delegation was based in Wittenberg 1537–38; German deputations were in England in 1538 and 1539 (the year of the conservative Act of Six Articles). The Reformers’ responses show good general knowledge of events in England. Although Wittenberg had hoped for English conversion, Henrician theological ambiguity impeded negotiations with the League. The executions of Thomas More, Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell caused the Wittenbergers to regard Henry with scepticism. Finally, Melanchthon's relationships to England after the deaths of Luther and Henry VIII are discussed. Developments under Edward VI made the English Reformation recognizable as part of the wider movement, and Melanchthon advised that English exiles in Germany should be treated as fellow-believers.  相似文献   

This article discusses the importance of spiritualism and mysticism for nineteenth-century German Jews though the lens of a book about a Jewish female clairvoyant in 1830s Berlin. In 1838, Morris Wiener published Selma, die jüdische Seherin, a widely read story about his sister's miraculous healing and prophetic visions after being treated by a physician specializing in Mesmerism. This article proposes that we consider Selma's unusual story as an expression of nineteenth-century German Jews' experiences of bourgeois religion. In their attempt to prove that their religion was compatible with modern life, many German Jews sought to show not only how rational their religion was, as scholars have long emphasized, they also sought to demonstrate how spiritual Jews could be and to suggest that Judaism, like Protestantism and Catholicism, could engender multiple forms of mystical religiosity.  相似文献   

In their debate over my interpretation of Heidegger's account of das Man in Being and Time, Frederick Olafson and Taylor Carman agree that Heidegger's various characterizations of das Man are inconsistent. Olafson champions an existentialist/ontic account of das Man as a distorted mode of being‐with. Carman defends a Wittgensteinian/ontological account of das Man as Heidegger's name for the social norms that make possible everyday intelligibility. For Olafson, then, das Man is a privative mode of Dasein, while for Carman it makes up an important aspect of Dasein's positive constitution. Neither interpreter takes seriously the other's account, though both acknowledge both readings are possible. How should one choose between these two interpretations? I suggest that we choose the interpretation that identifies the phenomenon the work is examining, gives the most internally consistent account of that phenomenon, and shows the compatibility of this account with the rest of the work.  相似文献   

Frederick Olafson criticizes Hubert Dreyfus's interpretation of Being and Time on a number of points, including the meaning of being, the nature of intentionality, and especially the role of das Man in Heidegger's account of social existence. But on the whole Olafson's critique is unconvincing because it rests on an implausible account of presence and perceptual intuition in Heidegger's early philosophy, and because Olafson maintains an over‐individuated notion of Dasein and consequently a one‐sided conception of the role of das Man. Unfortunately, since Dreyfus confines his commentary exclusively to Division I, he in effect forgoes any attempt to explain how das Man might be understood as playing the simultaneously constitutive and destructive role Heidegger seems to have envisioned for it. I conclude by arguing that the conformity and the conformism represented by das Man are bound together by Heidegger's notion of standoffishness (Abständigkeit).  相似文献   

This article investigates Karl Barth's ethics of war and its reception by placing the discussion within the larger framework of the general ethics of Church Dogmatics II/2 and the special ethics of Church Dogmatics III/4. It gives careful attention to the infamously problematic “exceptional case” to illumine what sort of “exception,” if any, the provocative passages on war entail. The outlines of Barth's ethical framework and the Grenzfall, or borderline case, provide the background for the re‐evaluation of three common interpretations of his views on war.  相似文献   

《The Ecumenical review》1972,24(2):221-235
Book reviewed in this article: CONCILIARITY PAST AND PRESENT: Councils and Assemblies, ed. G. J. Cuming and Derek Baker CONCILIARITY PAST AND PRESENT: “La Structure Synodale de l'Eglise dans la Théologie orientale”, by Pierre Duprey CCIA RETROSPECT: The Churches and the Nations, by Dr. O. Frederick Nolde, with foreword by Dr. W. A. Visser 't Hooft AN ECUMENICAL PIONEER: Alphonse Koechlin, pasteur et chef d'Eglise. Préface de W. A. Visser 't Hooft, by Henri d'Espine THE INFALLIBILITY DEBATE CHURCH AND SOCIETY THE DEBATE CONTINUES: Technology and Social Justice, by Ronald H. Preston (ed.)  相似文献   

Abstract: Beginning from Pope Pius IX's doctrinal definition in Ineffabilis Deus, this article explores the circular paradox of the Virgin Mary's immaculate fiat. Fully contingent on Christ's work of reconciliation (and ‘immaculate’ by virtue of it), Mary's fiat paradoxically precedes that work and consents to it. The article suggests that this circularity is integral to the intimate bond that unites Mary's fiat to the Son's kenosis on the cross. Her fiat thus points the way of redeemed creation into the reflexivity of God's own intra‐trinitarian communication. Mary is hereby read as ‘the way to prayer’, the ‘epiphany’ of the Holy Spirit (as Alexander Schmemann names her) who cries ‘Abba, Father’ on behalf of those who do not know how to pray.  相似文献   

Recent interpreters of John Owen incorrectly argue that Owen's trinitarian theology undermines the doctrine of inseparable operations (Opera Trinitatis ad extra sunt indivisa). On the contrary, this article argues Owen upheld this doctrine like his Reformed Orthodox contemporaries, using the incarnation as a test case. Owen maintained the incarnation was an undivided act of the Trinity, which had its appropriative terminus on the Son alone – a pattern of thought he extended to the Spirit's work on the Son's humanity. Owen's creative use of the tradition is an example for contemporary theologians who would emphasize the Spirit's role in Christology.  相似文献   

This article begins by arguing that diakonia is an imperative for the church, be it at the local, national, regional, or global level. It goes on to describe how diakonia has been part of the identity of the World Council of Churches during its 70 years of existence, and highlights the struggle of diakonia and development within the fellowship and ecumenical partners. The article focuses on the document Called to Transformative Action: Ecumenical Diakonia as the most recent attempt to reflect on who we are and what we do as church. It identifies one important aspect of diakonia as reflected in the Pan‐African Women's Ecumenical Empowerment Network perspective on theological education. The article concludes by reflecting on the author's vision for a just community of women and men in prophetic diakonia.  相似文献   

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