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This paper reports on exploratory research and therapeutic work with a neglected but highly important family triangle, the grandmother-mother-daughter triangle. Some characteristic relationships are described from a clinical sample of 18 daughters for whom such a triangle was important. The triangle may signal both problems and strengths for therapy and the daughters.  相似文献   

Although interaction in analysis of variance has an unequivocal theoretical meaning (and so it appears in the statistic literature), frequent misconceptions are found in empirical research, which, in many cases, lead to wrong conclusions. In this paper, 150 articles are reviewed: in 12.7% of them, no attention is paid to the interaction (either because it is not analysed or because it is analysed but not discussed); in 79.1%, interaction is studied through simple effects analysis; and only in 8.2% of the cases, interaction is correctly discussed. It could be that psychology researchers tend to analyse and interpret the interaction between factors incorrectly because the most widespread statistic packages (with SPSS in the lead) do not allow performing the comparisons needed to analyse a significant interaction in factorial designs with randomized groups. In order to contribute to eradicating this problem, we herein show how to design some of the linear comparisons that allow isolating the interaction effect, and we explain how to use SPSS to compute these comparisons.  相似文献   

Young adults are more likely to correct an initial higher confidence error than a lower confidence error (Butterfield & Metcalfe, 2001). This hypercorrection effect has never been investigated among older adults, although features of the standard paradigm (free recall, metacognitive judgments) and prior evidence of age-related error resolution deficits (see Clare & Jones, 2008) suggest that they may not show this effect. In Study 1, we used free recall and a 7-point confidence scale; in Study 2, we used multiple-choice questions, and participants indicated how many alternatives they had narrowed their options down to prior to answering. In both studies, younger and older adults showed a hypercorrection effect, and this effect was equivalent between groups in Study 2 when free recall and explicit confidence ratings were not required. These results are consistent with our previous work (Cyr & Anderson, 2012) showing that older adults can successfully resolve learning errors when the learning context provides sufficient support.  相似文献   

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a relatively common and often disabling disorder with high morbidity and mortality. Both psychotropic medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are considered first-line treatments for BDD, and medication treatment is often essential for more severely ill and suicidal patients. In this practical overview of the pharmacotherapy of BDD, we briefly describe BDD's clinical features, associated morbidity, and how to recognize and diagnose BDD. We describe the importance of forming a therapeutic alliance with the patient, the need for psychoeducation, and other essential groundwork for successful treatment of BDD. We review available pharmacotherapy research, with a focus on serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, or SRIs), which are currently considered the medication of choice for BDD. Many patients have substantial improvement in core BDD symptoms, psychosocial functioning, quality of life, suicidality, and other aspects of BDD when treated with appropriate pharmacotherapy that targets BDD symptoms. We also discuss practical issues such as dosing, length of treatment, and potential side effects associated with the use of SRIs. In addition, we discuss pharmacotherapy approaches that can be tried if SRI treatment alone is not adequately helpful. Finally, some misconceptions about pharmacotherapy, gaps in knowledge about BDD's treatment, and the need for additional research are discussed.  相似文献   

Conclusions Except for Mowbray, the commentators approach the issue of mental health services quite differently than we do, a fact which may have contributed to some of their misconceptions. Although not stressed in our original report, our view of mental health services is eclectic and pragmatic, encompassing a wide range of psychosocial approaches. We agree with Salem that a range of options needs to be developed and maintained. The motivation for the development of both the ACT and DIC programs was to address the needs of a population neglected by existing mental health services. By contrast, the commentators' agendas converged on the promotion of nonprofessional forms of help-giving. Like the commentators, we have long advocated for consumer choice, self-help groups, and the use of natural supports. Where we part company with them is what we hypothesize would be a minimally sufficient response to over 2 million persons with SMI in the United States. For us, it is not enough to assert that self-help groups might be a partial answer. For us, the self-selection into self-help groups and drop-in centers (which all of the commentators readily acknowledge) leaves open some troubling questions from apolicy standpoint about what happens to those who do not self-select into such groups, especially because we believe that those who select themselves out are likely to include some of the most vulnerable segments of the SMI population. Editor's Note. This paper is an invited reply to several commentaries on an earlier paper by the authors.Preparation of this report was supported in part by Research Scientist Development Award MH 00842-01 from the National Institute of Mental Health to the first author. Our thanks to Debra Pavick for her help in preparing the drop-in center statistics cited in the report.  相似文献   

《儒道佛与中医药学》由中国书店出版社于近期出版。该书是由南京中医药大学薛公忱教授等所承担的国家哲学社会科学“九五”规划项目的最终成果,它的最大特色是从儒道佛与中医药学相互关系入手,既从传统文化角度探索中医药学的发展条件和规律,又从中医药学层面考察评价儒道佛的社会历史功能。全书不仅挖掘了中医药学从传统文化中获得的源头活水,也分析了中医药学的理论实践对儒道佛思想的发展深化。书中阐述了从医家的世界观、社会历史观、人生观、价值观,到中医药学的生理、病理、病因、病机、药理和防病愈疾的治则、治法无不打上儒道佛思想烙印,指出儒道佛是中医药学生命力的重要源泉。该书还对儒道佛思想对中医药学的负面影响作了分析批判。  相似文献   

Methodological naturalism has been defended on both intrinsic and pragmatic grounds. Both of these defenses agree that methodological naturalism is a principle of science according to which the scientist ought to eschew talk of causally efficacious disembodied minds. I argue that this is the wrong interpretation of methodological naturalism. Methodological naturalism does not constrain the theories that scientists may conjecture, but how those theories may be justified. On this view, methodological naturalism is a principle of science according to which supernatural methods of justification, such as faith, are eschewed.  相似文献   

Three basic concepts in psychometric theory are homogeneity, consistency, and stability. These terms, however, are not singular in meaning as used in the literature and as a result often lead to confusion. The pluralities involved are discussed and alternatives are recommended.  相似文献   

This study was designed to analyze the knowledge, misconceptions, and lacks about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in a sample of 193 teachers, as a replication of the study carried by Sciutto, Terjesen and Bender in 2000. Teachers completed the Knowledge of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (KADDS) (Spanish version), adapted by the authors of this research, to measure knowledge of ADHD in three content areas: general knowledge, symptoms/diagnosis, and treatment. Results indicated an average of correct responses of 31.67, 63.88 and 40.46% in general knowledge, symptoms/diagnosis and treatment, respectively. Teachers displayed significantly more knowledge in the Symptoms/Diagnosis scale than in the other scales. Their knowledge correlated positively with: years of experience with hyperactive children, number of hyperactive pupils in their classrooms, and level of perceived self-efficacy. These findings are consistent with those obtained by Sciutto and colleagues.  相似文献   

Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics -  相似文献   

What have modern Buddhist ethicists to say about abortion and is there anything to be learned from it? A number of writers have suggested that Buddhism (particularly Japanese Buddhism) does indeed have something important to offer here: a response to the dilemma of abortion that is a 'middle way' between the pro-choice and pro-life extremes that have polarised the western debate. I discuss what this suggestion might amount to and present a defence of its plausibility.  相似文献   

Simon G. Smith 《Religion》2013,43(4):311-321
The idea of a fragmented, de-traditionalized society has been much discussed over recent years. While Anthony Giddens has suggested that the issues surrounding postmodernism and postmodernity do not constitute the end of modernism and modernity, there has been a significant disjunction in the modernist narrative. Indeed, the project of modernity has been instrumental in the perceived de-traditionalization of society through an intensification of globalization where local contexts are invaded by abstract systems. In this paper, using the existence of Buddhism in the West as an example, I argue that this does not signify the end of tradition as such. Introducing certain aspects of Theravada Buddhist philosophy as a means of comparison, I further argue that it is possible to reclaim a place for religion by suggesting that traditions may exist in their own cultural niches which appear throughout society; as well as at various times during the life of an individual. This I call a de-universalized society in which religious tradition persists, albeit not in an inclusive form.  相似文献   

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