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The models for assimilative integration presented in this issue are considered. It is concluded that some grounding theories may be too structured, or one's interpretation of them too rigid, stifling psychotherapeutic flexibility and creativity by excluding potentially useful interventions. Alternatively, models may be too unstructured, or one's interpretation of them too loose, leading to treatment forms lacking specificity, direction, and coherence. As noted originally by Messer, assimilative integration operates most beneficially when practitioners address the limitations of their therapeutic models, or tap their models' progressive implications in ways that respect the fundamentals of their shared clinical theories. Practiced in this balanced way, assimilative integration can offer a useful, flexible way of navigating a creative yet disciplined psychotherapeutic course between unbridled technical eclecticism and technical and theoretical rigidity. The author also examines and extends some of the integrative ideas put forth in this issue, from a two-person or intersubjective perspective based on a relational psychodynamic treatment model.  相似文献   

There are great goods desired by all of us, and the lack of themmakes for bad lives. One sample of bad African lives involves aloss of 20 million years of living time. The questions raised bythese and other facts are to be answered by the Principle ofHumanity, about bad lives and rationality. It is superior tomorality of relationship and all else, and in a way is undeniable.The principle together with other things issues in six propositions.One gives us a moral responsibility, our politicians at our head,for the terrorism of September 11. To be ordinary is not to beinnocent. Another proposition is that the Palestinians have a moralright to their terrorism. The latter proposition can be given stillmore support than in the book from which this paper derives.  相似文献   

The commentaries provided by Kruger, Galek, and Burrus and Sedikides, Gregg, Cisek, and Hart spark some speculations concerning future questions to study. The belief harmonization approach may provide an explanation, for example, for why people tend to be more dissatisfied with complex rather than simple decisions. In addition, if individual differences in self‐esteem and related constructs matter, then the impact of self‐image motives on consumer behavior, from a historical perspective, may be increasing.  相似文献   


In 2001, a working party at the Anna Freud Centre undertook the task of looking at Anna Freud’s original Provisional Diagnostic Profile and seeing if, in the light of current knowledge, modifications should be made. A broad view of the mind as a complex dynamic system sculpted out of biopsychosocial forces underpins the chapter with reference to allied disciplines and research. The chapter considers the rationale for adding certain features and highlighting and/or reframing others. In shifting the emphases from the original drive theory perspective to an explicitly object relational one, the authors acknowledge the altered metapsychology while arguing that the revisions preserve the original psychoanalytic and developmental template, including the importance of the psychosexual organization. The authors offer their suggestions to the question in 2015: would yet further revisions need to be made and if so which? The working party reconvened in 2016 to further revise the Provisional Diagnostic Profile.  相似文献   

一、对立统一是科学与宗教关系的简单表述我想站在辩证的立场整合先哲和同人业以提供的关于科学与宗教关系的观点。  相似文献   

Scholarly studies of the science and religion question tend to take their cue from the subjective attitudes of individual writers. A potentially more useful approach focuses instead on the logical relationship between scientific and religious statements. Such a strategy generates two main types: a compatibilist model concerned only to show that religious and scientific claims are mutually consistent and an integrationist model that posits a strong correlation between theological and scientific language. Investigation of the two models' strengths and weaknesses suggests that a compatibilist approach is more consistent with the way in which Christian language is deployed on the ground.  相似文献   

路易斯·巴斯德(1822-1895),法国杰出的有机化学家,现代微生物学的奠基人。他首先发现了碳酸盐分子的旋光性,开创了立体化学的研究。通过对发酵现象的多年研究,他证明了发酵是由不同种类的微生物引起,并发明了至今仍广为应用的“巴斯德消毒法”。在同“生命自然发生说”的争论过程中,他用著名的曲颈瓶实验,彻底推翻了“自然发生说”。此外,他还对当时流行的蚕病、鸡霍乱、炭疽病、狂犬病的病原体进行了研究,提出传染病是由病原微生物引起,并提出接种疫苗以防治传染病,为造福人类做出了巨大的贡献。在巴斯德的科学研究生涯中,他一贯踏踏实实,…  相似文献   

This paper evolved from an earlier panel presentation on conceptual tributaries to relational thinking at the 2015 International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy Conference in Toronto. Representing the place of Object Relations theory in the DNA from which Relational Psychoanalysis emerged, I emphasized—and provide here an abbreviated review of—the contributions of Fairbairn, Klein, and Winnicott. Then, as now, believing in the communicative power of clinical examples, I offer an extended clinical narrative in which the medium is the message and clinical phenomena such as multiple self-states, enactments, negotiation, play, and the residue of internal object relations (in both patient and analyst) are brought to life. Also, as the Toronto Plenary overview paper by Jody Davies has developed into its current substantial elaboration of distinctly relational issues (multiple self-states, co-creation, and the interplay of process and insight) and serves as the capstone paper for this published version of our panel, I respond to Jody’s conceptual contributions and her perspective on Relational thinking.  相似文献   

爱因斯坦是科学道德权威的象征。他的科技伦理思想非常丰富,其中,道德是一切人类价值的基础、科技具有伦理二重性以及科学家和工程师担负着特别沉重的道义责任等三个命题构成了他的科技伦理思想的核心。这些思想对于人类在科技活动中正确把握真与善的关系具有重要启迪。  相似文献   

A series of articles has recently appeared in which implications of second-order cybernetics for the practice of family therapy have been discussed. In this article, we attempt to advance the discussion by addressing ideas that we think have not been adequately emphasized thus far. Specifically proposed are ideas about conditions that might facilitate the emergence of consciously pragmatic strategy informed by the kind of systemic wisdom that delicately balances natural systems without the benefit of human planning. It is argued that a shift in the personal habits of knowing and acting that typically organize individual human experience is required. After attempting to specify what this shift might involve, implications of these ideas for the practice of family therapy and for human action in general are discussed.  相似文献   

Family systems are conceptualized as stable, but open, control systems characterized by: (a) formal organization, similar in principle to that of other complex, organic systems — physical, cognitive ( 11 ), or social; (b) freedom of action, reserved for human, "purposefu" systems ( 1 ). These characteristics are linked to auto-regulatory processes mediated by morphostasis ( 16 ), which insures systemic stability, and morphogenesis ( 16 ), which enables the system to change in accordance with the demands of intra- and extra-systemic reality. The latter two concepts, earlier used to construct a typology of family systems ( 19 ), are here further theoretically elaborated and operationally defined ( 1 ). Morphostasis is tied to the system's: (a) behavioral structure, embodied in a network of ground rules and meta-rules, as defined, and organized according to a principle of hiearchical linkage; (b) behavioral functioning, regulated by rule circuits in accordance with a principle of functional linkage. Morphogenesis is conceptualized as a serial, decision-making, change-producing process, dependent on specified, necessary, and sufficient conditions for its occurrence. The role of pragmatic, perceptual meanings ( 1 ) and of biological/experiential and conscious/unconscious factors in the system's auto-regulation are considered, as well as research approaches to some of these problems. The implications of the present theoretical rationale for the systematic testing and clinical use of the published family system typology ( 19 ) and for some more general issues concerning psychological theory, as well as the modern Western family and society, are discussed.  相似文献   

The dramatic rise in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has resulted in a significant explosion in visibility and a substantial increase in the understanding of this complex group of disorders. Over the last decade, what was once defined only as “autism” has become a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders, with variable presentations and levels of impairment that requires an equally broad continuum of care. A wealth of research has not discovered a single “cause” for ASDs, but rather has found a range of genetic/genomic variations that likely play a significant role in the etiology of these disorders. Routine screening for autism is becoming more common, allowing for more timely diagnosis, and hopefully for earlier entry into appropriate and effective treatment. Although there remains no single ‘‘cure’’, there are treatments available that can improve overall functioning and decrease problematic or interfering symptoms across the full spectrum of this disorder. The wide spectrum of ASD presentations complicates treatment planning, with overall ASD severity a factor in determining type, intensity, and duration of interventions and services. This article presents a two-dimensional model of “ASD severity” that considers both the level of specific ASD symptoms/deficits and the level of cognitive resources/limitations as a framework for understanding needs, challenges, and potentially effective interventions for individuals across the ASD spectrum.  相似文献   

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