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N D Haig 《Perception》1989,18(3):333-345
A new visual illusion is reported, in which a sine-wave grating appears to tilt when doubly sheared perpendicularly to the grating lines. It is shown that the illusory percept is related to the Münsterberg and Café Wall illusions. The probable mechanism at the root of all such illusions is postulated by reference to the neuroarchitecture of the retina and striate cortex.  相似文献   

In a series of five experiments, we investigated how amodal completion affects pattern recognition, and tested possible models of processes underlying completion of simple shapes. Inferences about processing models were based mainly upon the comparison of ‘same’ latencies in a simultaneous matching task. The major result of experiments 1–4 regards two conditions where a complete target had to be matched with a given stimulus region, belonging to a composite comparison pattern. Matching is faster when this stimulus region is amodally completed than when it looks like an incomplete shape. In experiment 5 we compared complete vs incomplete targets, that were either phenomenally or topographically identical to a given region of the comparison pattern. The failure to show any effect of target completeness suggests that phenomenal identity may be as effective as topographical identity.  相似文献   

Faubert J  Herbert AM 《Perception》1999,28(5):617-621
Circularly repeating patches containing sawtooth luminance gradients produce a sensation of motion when viewed in the periphery. Illusory motion is perceived in a dark-to-light direction, but only when one's gaze is directed to different locations around the stimulus, a point outside the display is fixated and the observer blinks, or when the stimulus is sequentially displayed at different locations whilst the observer fixates one point. We propose that the illusion is produced by the interaction of three factors: (i) introducing transients as a result of eye movements or blinks; (ii) differing latencies in the processing of luminance; and (iii) spatiotemporal integration of the differing luminance signals in the periphery.  相似文献   

Suppose an observer views a distant object through a window in the far wall of a room or corridor--a visual scene constituting a vista. If the observer moves toward the window, then the distant object will shrink in apparent size and appear farther away. These effects are paradoxical, because the distant object appears smaller as its visual angle increases. The vista paradox occurs under many other real-world conditions, such as viewing a distant object while moving out of the mouth of a valley, or driving across a topographic crest. In the present study, framing effects and the equidistance tendency are considered as possible factors. However, an explanation based on the dynamic relationship between the visual angle of the framing portion of a vista and the visual angle of a distant object appears more promising.  相似文献   

The effect of a visual stimulus on the auditory continuity illusion was examined. Observers judged whether a tone that was repeatedly alternated with a band-pass noise was continuous or discontinuous. In most observers, a transient visual stimulus that was synchronized with the onset of the noise increased the limit of illusory continuity in terms of maximum noise duration and maximum tone level. The smaller the asynchrony between the noise onset and the visual stimulus onset, the larger the visual effect on this illusion. On the other hand, detection of a tone added to the noise was not enhanced by the visual stimulus. These results cannot be fully explained by the conventional theory that illusory continuity is created by the decomposition of peripheral excitation produced by the occluding sound.  相似文献   

In tests with naive subjects, it was found that: the apparent length of a test shaft (1) increases with angle of wing to shaft to a maximum of about 160° (wings out), and (2) is an inverted-U function of wing length, with maximum when wing length equals shaft length; (3) all effects are approximately proportional to shaft length; and (4) the angle exerts its effect within a small region near the tip of the shaft, the region extending about one-seventh the shaft length. The effects apparently do not result from simple distortion of the retinal image, but some may result from assimilation or confusion in coding image into lengths, and some effects apparently arise as lengths are combined into judgments. The new data are shown to agree in quantitative detail with results collected from 1896 to the present.  相似文献   


Two Experiments demonstrate the existence of a “collapse illusion”, in which reasoners evaluate Truthteller-type propositions (“I am telling the truth”) as if they were simply true, whereas Liar-type propositions (“I am lying”) tend to be evaluated as neither true nor false. The second Experiment also demonstrates an individual differences pattern, in which shallow reasoners are more susceptible to the illusion. The collapse illusion is congruent with philosophical semantic truth theories such as Kripke's (1975 Kripke, S. 1975. Outline of a theory of truth. The Journal of Philosophy, 72: 690716. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and with hypothetical thinking theory's principle of satisficing, but can only be partially accounted for by the model theory principle of truth. Pragmatic effects related to sentence cohesion further reinforce hypothetical thinking theory interpretation of the data, although the illusion and cohesion data could also be accounted for within a modified mental model theory.  相似文献   

The nonvisual self-touch rubber hand paradigm elicits the compelling illusion that one is touching one’s own hand even though the two hands are not in contact. In four experiments, we investigated spatial limits of distance (15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm, 60 cm) and alignment (0°, 90° anti-clockwise) on the nonvisual self-touch illusion and the well-known visual rubber hand illusion. Common procedures (synchronous and asynchronous stimulation administered for 60 s with the prosthetic hand at body midline) and common assessment methods were used. Subjective experience of the illusion was assessed by agreement ratings for statements on a questionnaire and time of illusion onset. The nonvisual self-touch illusion was diminished though never abolished by distance and alignment manipulations, whereas the visual rubber hand illusion was more robust against these manipulations. We assessed proprioceptive drift, and implications of a double dissociation between subjective experience of the illusion and proprioceptive drift are discussed.  相似文献   

J I Laszlo  P Broderick 《Perception》1985,14(3):285-291
Earlier studies have shown the size of kinaesthetically presented two-dimensional movement patterns to be significantly overestimated. Whether this size overestimation is characteristic of the kinaesthetic system alone has not been established. Two experiments are reported which were designed to investigate size judgment made after kinaesthetic and visual pattern presentation and the effect of environmental cues on the perception of movement patterns. In experiment 1 patterns were presented kinaesthetically (experimenter guided hand movements around the outline of the pattern) or in combination with visual information given by a moving light (pinpoint light attached to the stylus which was moved around the pattern); visual and kinaesthetic cues were either congruent or conflicting with each other; and environmental cues were either present or absent. In experiment 2 static visual display was compared with visually traced pattern presentation, again with or without environmental cues. Overall the results showed that, regardless of experimental manipulation, in all cases where the information was given over time the subject perceived the pattern larger than reality. After static visual display, overestimation of size did not occur.  相似文献   

Phenomenal consciousness: the explanatory gap as a cognitive illusion   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tye  M 《Mind》1999,108(432):705-725

In the reported, experiment participants hit a ball to aim at the vertex of a Müller–Lyer configuration. This configuration either remained stable, changed its shaft length or the orientation of the tails during movement execution. A significant illusion bias was observed in all perturbation conditions, but not in the stationary condition. The illusion bias emerged for perturbations shortly after movement onset and for perturbations during execution, the latter of which allowed only a minimum of time for making adjustments (i.e., approx.170 ms). These findings indicate that allocentric information is exploited for online control when people make rapid adjustments in response to a sudden change in the environment and not when people guide their limb movements to interact with a stable environment.  相似文献   

Gallace A  Auvray M  Spence C 《Perception》2007,36(7):1003-1018
Research has shown that a variety of different sensory manipulations, including visual illusions, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, vestibular caloric stimulation, optokinetic stimulation, and prism adaptation, can all influence people's performance on spatial tasks such as line bisection. It has been suggested that these manipulations may act upon the 'higher-order' levels of representation used to code spatial information. We investigated whether we could influence haptic line bisection in normal participants crossmodally by varying the visual background that participants viewed. In experiment 1, participants haptically bisected wooden rods while looking at a variant of the Oppel - Kundt visual illusion. Haptic-bisection judgments were influenced by the orientation of the visual illusion (in line with previous unimodal visual findings). In experiment 2, haptic-bisection judgments were also influenced by the presence of a leftward or rightward moving visual background. In experiments 3 and 4, the position of the to-be-bisected stimuli was varied with respect to the participant's body midline. The results confirmed an effect of optokinetic stimulation, but not of the Oppel -Kundt illusion, on participants' tactile-bisection errors, suggesting that the two manipulations might differentially affect haptic processing. Taken together, these results suggest that the 'higher-order' levels of spatial representation upon which perceptual judgments and/or motor responses are made may have multisensory or amodal characteristics.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the contributions of data-driven and conceptually driven processing on an implicit word-stem completion task. In Experiment 1, individual words were studied either visually or auditorily and were tested using either visual or auditory word-stems. Keeping modality the same from study to test led to more priming than did changing modality, but there was reliable cross-modal priming. In Experiment 2, subjects read sentences like The boat travelled underwater and inferred the subject noun (i.e. “submarine”) or sentences like The submarine travelled underwater and categorized the subject noun (i.e. “boat”). At test, there was reliable priming for both actually read nouns and inferred nouns. In addition, a modality effect was evident for the actually read nouns but not for the inferred nouns. Taken together, these results imply that there is a basic conceptually driven contribution to priming plus an additional contribution of data-driven processing when surface form is the same at study and test.  相似文献   

The phantom leaf effect seen in Kirlian photography may help researchers better understand near-death and out-of-body experience. While the process responsible for the phantom leaf effect is unknown, variations of Rupert Sheldrake's morphogenetic field theory offer three explanations for this phenomenon. Each of these variations has different implications for near-death and out-of-body experiences.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated anisotropic perception of visual angle outdoors. In Experiment 1, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles ranging from 20° to 80° were constructed with the method of angle production (in which the subject reproduced a visual angle with a protractor) and the method of distance production (in which the subject produced a visual angle by adjusting viewing distance). In Experiment 2, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles of 5°–30° were constructed with the method of angle production and were compared with scales for orientation in the frontal plane. In Experiment 3, vertical and horizontal visual angles of 3°-80° were judged with the method of verbal estimation. The main results of the experiments were as follows: (1) The obtained angles for visual angle are described by a quadratic equation, θ′=a+bθ+cθ2 (where θ is the visual angle; θ′, the obtained angle;a, b, andc, constants). (2) The linear coefficientb is larger than unity and is steeper for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. (3) The quadratic coefficientc is generally smaller than zero and is negatively larger for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. And (4) the obtained angle for visual angle is larger than that for orientation. From these results, it was possible to predict the horizontal-vertical illusion, over-constancy of size, and the moon illusion.  相似文献   

Earlier research on visual occlusion showed some flexibility in the formation of visual completions, as long as the structural aspects (e.g., symmetry) of the visible part of the partly occluded shape were preserved in the completion (de Wit & van Lier, ). In this study, we examined whether changing the overall size of the occluded shape would preserve the overall structure. In Experiment 1, using the primed‐matching paradigm, we found evidence for relative size invariance in the completion process. To investigate whether changes in the structural aspects of shape are generally more salient than those of size, we employed the same stimuli in visual search and change detection paradigms. Experiment 2 demonstrated effects of completion in both paradigms. Experiment 3 showed that the metrical aspects of the shapes used in Experiment 1 are nevertheless detected faster than the structural aspects under search conditions. Because the variation in structural aspects is not more salient than in metrical aspects, we conclude that for these shapes, visual completion is indeed size‐invariant. The relations between performances in the three paradigms are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated anisotropic perception of visual angle outdoors. In Experiment 1, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles ranging from 20 degrees to 80 degrees were constructed with the method of angle production (in which the subject reproduced a visual angle with a protractor) and the method of distance production (in which the subject produced a visual angle by adjusting viewing distance). In Experiment 2, scales for vertical and horizontal visual angles of 5 degrees-30 degrees were constructed with the method of angle production and were compared with scales for orientation in the frontal plane. In Experiment 3, vertical and horizontal visual angles of 3 degrees-80 degrees were judged with the method of verbal estimation. The main results of the experiments were as follows: (1) The obtained angles for visual angle are described by a quadratic equation, theta' = a + b theta + c theta 2 (where theta is the visual angle; theta', the obtained angle; a, b, and c, constants). (2) The linear coefficient b is larger than unity and is steeper for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. (3) The quadratic coefficient c is generally smaller than zero and is negatively larger for vertical direction than for horizontal direction. And (4) the obtained angle for visual angle is larger than that for orientation. From these results, it was possible to predict the horizontal-vertical illusion, over-constancy of size, and the moon illusion.  相似文献   

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