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一直以来,胡瑗与王弼、程颐一道被视为易学发展史上义理易学的三个典型代表,而他所承继的汉代象数易学的学术内涵常常被忽略。实际上,胡瑗所秉持的,仍是象数义理合一的易学基本理路。作为汉代象数易学主流学说的卦气说,在其思想中依然占有基础性的地位。他在很大程度上正是基于此一卦气说语境阐发其义理内涵。而其卦气说所涉及的,主要有十二消息说和《乾》《坤》十二爻配十二月说两个方面的内容。基于卦气说的语境,胡瑗契接汉唐经学本天道立人道的基本精神与人文价值视野,力陈圣贤君子认清自己所处时势,以强烈家国天下担当,积极投入到天下事业中去,以此非但实现个体生命之意义,更深切关怀天下之有序与和谐。  相似文献   

赵晓翠 《孔子研究》2019,(5):108-116
惠栋对乾嘉时期甚至整个清代学术的影响是巨大而深远的,他开启了经学研究的新局面,在由"宋学"向"汉学"以的范式转换中起到了重要作用。就易学而言,"汉易"以偏于天道之自然哲学为主要特征,"宋易"以偏于人道之人文哲学为主要特征。本文认为,惠栋在西学东传、中西互交的时代思潮下,试图重构汉代象数宇宙图式,包括宇宙生成图式和宇宙变化图式,最终以落实宇宙大合的价值为旨归,由此推动了乾嘉时期易学研究从偏于人道之人文哲学向偏于天道之自然哲学的范式转化。乾嘉之后,偏于天道之自然哲学思想占主流地位,甚至影响了近代学术的形成。  相似文献   

吴澄是光显于元代的著名理学家、经学家和易学家.他在易学的象数之学方面整合汉宋而创辟己见,而在义理之学方面则以全新理学视野解读<周易>经传,开显出<周易>吴氏学--一种理学视野下的独特易学天人之学.其基本内容是:天道为人道的终极价值根据,人宜推天遭以明人事,法天道以开人文;天道性命相贯通,由理气所造化出的天人万象相互内在,息息相通,一体无隔,构成一无限宏大的一本而万殊的有机宇宙生存共同体与生命共同体;万象如此而相连一体、动态流转着的这个世界,亦遂成为人的整个生活的世界;人应透过自觉的德性涵养修为工夫,变化气质,最大限度地彰显出与天地之理一而不二的本然正性,豁醒自足之整体人文生命理性意识,令生命最终达致成为天地之理圆满化身与自觉而圆融体现者的天地境界,进而挺立自己生命的主体性,确立应然的正大宇宙人生担当,促成天理沛然流行、和谐有序而通泰的有机人的生活世界的建立.  相似文献   

汉代易学大家京房在其八宫易学体系与世应格局中发明飞伏体例,对六十四卦进行创造性解说,揭示爻象或卦象显现与隐伏的两种存在状态,以及特定的爻与爻之间、卦与卦之间以及爻与卦之间互相对待、变化生成的关系。京房易学飞伏说以卦爻符号的飞伏显隐符示涵摄阴阳二气的消息变化,其理论来源于古人占候地气的观测实践,具有深远的历史渊源。京房易学飞伏说将天道运行彰显为阴阳、五行的气化流行,揭示了人处身其中、生生变化的生存境遇,体现了汉代易学沟通天人之际、深沉浩大的宇宙论品格,成为汉代易学尤其是汉易卦气学说的经典案例。  相似文献   

郑玄易学的爻辰说与律吕音声说密切相关,在汉易卦气说的易学大语境下,以爻辰图式呼应八卦卦气图式,视爻为基本单元,涵摄符示了整体天地宇宙间阴阳二气之消息,物候节气时序之更替,万物万象之生化,并令汉代经学所彰显的人文礼乐精神,所重建起的儒家礼乐形态的整体哲学文化价值系统,透过以爻辰说为代表的易学的独特语境,相当完备地传达出来,以此也赋予<周易>郑氏学以突显礼乐文化精神的全新天人之学底蕴.这一爻辰说,继京房易学之后,又一次突显了五行在易学中的显赫位置,还承载了宇宙发生演化的信息,点醒人们深切体悟无字之宇宙大<易>.  相似文献   

俞琰是宋末元初著名的易学家和杰出的道教学者。其学以《易》为本,他"首读朱子《本义》,次读《程传》",后又获道教异人传授,于《参同契》多有发挥。其易学可分为义理易、象数易、道教易三个方面,本文着重探讨其义理易学思想。俞琰易学的义理之学源于其深厚的儒学修养,又以程、朱易学为本,多有发微,形成其富有特色的义理思想。其内容具体包括天道观、人性论、修养论三个不可割裂的部分,其天道观援"气"入"理",秉承儒家"至诚无息"、"天道好谦"、"天道好生"、"福善祸淫"的义理传统,是其人性论与修养论的前提和基础;其人性论则是法天道以立人道的表现;修养论则是其实现回复天道、止于至善的重要途径。  相似文献   

<易纬>以儒家思想为根基,吸收了道家、阴阳五行说、占卜、象数等思想,利用先秦气论资源,承创易学思维理路,对天道、人道进行了以气论为纲,以宇宙、生命、道德、治乱为目的系统思考,在易学体系内最大程度地完成了在宇宙、生命、道德、政治四方面的气本论哲学,阐发了本天道立人极,经人事法天道的天人哲学体系.  相似文献   

《内圣外王的贯通一北宋易学的现代阐释》,余敦康著,学林出版社1997年1月版.此书正文分为八章,分别对北宋时期著名易学家李靓、欧阳修、司马光、苏轼、周敦颐、邵雍、张载、程颐的易学思想作了深入、细致、新颖的研究.除正文外,附录部分探讨了汉代易学、魏晋易学以及金岳霖、冯友兰、熊十力三先生的易学思想.因而,全书事实上勾画出了汉代以来易学发展的基本线索.  相似文献   

易学诠释原则与方法的演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了易学诠释原则与方法的演变过程,指出易学诠释学问题肇始于先秦,其诠释原则与方法形成于汉晋、综合于唐、成熟于宋、存续于元明清。古代易学家提出的主要释易原则有整体取义、得意忘象、体神明理、推究本义、推类旁通及历史主义等原则;其所用释易方法在汉代偏于取象法,在魏晋重于取义法,在唐宋则是取象取义相互结合,相互补充,从而标志着易学诠释学的基本成熟。  相似文献   

丁若镛是李朝朝鲜时期的易学家。他通过解释《易传》和汉宋卦变而提出"推移说"。此说的基本内涵是以汉代卦气说十二辟卦和中孚小过闰月卦之推移,变出其他五十衍卦,融卦气与筮法为一体,整合了汉易中的卦变法尤其是清代毛奇龄移易说,又吸收了宋代以朱熹为代表的卦变说。应该说其学是在融合汉宋卦变说基础上而建构起的一种具有新意的学说,是对于中国古代卦变说的整合和发展,拓展了象数易学研究的思路。此说以独特的符号话语阐发了易学中阴阳聚散、升降、消息、推移等变化思想,客观呈显了自然界阴阳变化的不同形式和表现特征,深化了中国古代以变化为核心的自然哲学思想。  相似文献   

Depression is typically treated as a homogeneous construct despite evidence for distinct cognitive, affective, and somatic symptom dimensions. Anxiety sensitivity (AS; the fear of consequences of anxiety symptoms) is a cognitive risk factor implicated in the development of depressive symptoms. However, it is unclear how lower order AS dimensions (i.e. physical, cognitive, and social concerns) relate to depressive symptom factors. Confirmatory factor analysis, followed by structural equation modeling, were conducted to examine the factor structure of depression and to then examine the relations between these factors and the lower order factors of AS. This study was conducted in a sample of 374 adults (M age = 35.5, 54.3% female) with elevated levels of psychopathology (89.2% meeting criteria for at least one DSM-5 diagnosis, 25.6% primary depressive disorder). In this study a two-factor model of depression, composed of Cognitive and Affective/Somatic factors, was superior to one- and three-factor solutions. AS cognitive concerns were related to both cognitive and affective/somatic symptoms of depression. Neither of the other AS dimensions was related to depression symptom dimensions. These findings provide a better understanding of the relations between AS and depression symptoms.  相似文献   

《Body image》2014,11(4):438-445
Although much research suggests that ethnic identity is positively correlated with psychological health for ethnic minority women, research examining ethnic identity's relationships to thin-ideal internalization, weight concerns, and eating concerns is sparse. Consequently, this study examined these relationships in European American, African American, Latina, and Asian American college women (N = 816). As expected, univariate analyses of variance indicated that European American women scored lowest on ethnic identity and highest on eating and weight concerns, whereas African American women scored lowest on thin-ideal internalization. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that ethnic identity was negatively associated with eating and weight concerns, while body mass index and thin-ideal internalization were positively associated. Ethnic identity moderated the relationship between thin-ideal internalization and eating concerns such that the relationship was stronger for participants with lower ethnic identity. These results suggest ethnic identity may be a direct or interactive protective factor against eating concerns in ethnically diverse college women.  相似文献   

In three studies, we examined how individuals evaluate a rape victim based on whether she reports or does not report her rapist. Across all three studies, a victim who did not report the perpetrator was evaluated more negatively than a victim who did report the perpetrator. In Studies 2 and 3, symbolic concerns (the view that the victim’s actions violated shared values and disempowered herself) mediated the effect of reporting on evaluation of the victim. The effects of the victim’s relationship to the perpetrator (Study 1) and the victim’s decision to forgive the perpetrator (Study 2) were also examined. Results indicate that observers evaluate victims who do not report their perpetrators more negatively, and that this evaluation may be the result of perceptions of not reporting rape as a transgression.  相似文献   

ObjectiveExamine the higher-order latent dimensionality of the Sport-Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale-2 (Sport-MPS-2: Gotwals & Dunn, 2009).DesignCorrelational.MethodA total of 1605 athletes (562 female) from eight independent samples completed the Sport-MPS-2. Athletes in one sample (n = 239) also completed a portion of the Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport (MIPS: Stoeber, Otto, & Stoll, 2006). The correlation matrices among the Sport-MPS-2 subscales for five samples were analyzed with exploratory factor analyses. The covariance matrices for the subscales in the three remaining samples (including the sample that completed the MIPS) were analyzed with confirmatory factor analyses and exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM: Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009).ResultsTwo highly interpretable factors—labelled Perfectionistic Strivings and Perfectionistic Concerns—were obtained for each data set.ConclusionTheorists note the importance of using multiple indicators to measure perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns in sport. The current factor-analytic and ESEM results indicate that the six subscales comprising the Sport-MPS-2 may help to achieve this objective.  相似文献   

Pediatric topics have potential importance to school psychology given the field's new, broadly conceived definition, reconceptualization of schools as health delivery sites, burgeoning pediatric knowledge with educational implications, and expansion of pediatricians' roles into behavioral realms. This article addresses the rate at which pediatric-related articles were published among school psychology journals (Journal of School Psychology, Psychology in the Schools, School Psychology International, School Psychology Review, and School Psychology Quarterly) from 1981 to 2001. The overall number of such articles increased from 11 during the 1981-1983 interval to more than twice as many during every subsequent 3-year interval. Articles, some reporting empirical findings and others offering reviews or practice suggestions, concerning traditional health conditions and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) appeared to be ample. Fewer articles concerned with school psychologists as health care providers and school psychologist-pediatrician collaboration were found. The available literature seems to support school psychologists' widening role definition.  相似文献   


Administrators and teachers have long been challenged by student discipline problems. In the last few years more efforts have been aimed at the prevention of both disruptive and violent behavior through school-wide discipline programs. These programs have great promise as effective ways to address disruptive behavior. In this article we examine laws and policies that support the use of school-wide discipline programs. To do this, first we present a brief overview of the primary components of these policies. Next, we examine laws and court cases that address school-wide discipline policies and procedures. Finally, we discuss the legal implications when developing school-wide discipline policies and procedures.  相似文献   

对未来可作这样的区分:一是在政治上有资格考虑的未来,二是那些在政治上无资格考虑的未来。前一段时期的长度取决于实际上对现在的政治决策施以影响的那种未来利益。这些未来利益的性质与我们现在的利益的性质很相近,都是一种关涉到自己的利益。政治上无资格考虑的未来则是一个在我们所及的世界之我的世界,那个世界中的利益对我们来说 一个他考虑的利益。然而,政治上无资格考虑的未来利益应进入我们的道德考虑而不是深谋远虑的评价之中,对政治上无资格考虑的未来利益的关注型地是道德层面的事情。  相似文献   

We investigate how the direct activation of relational versus instrumental concerns affects reactions to decisions made by an authority. It is demonstrated that when instrumental concerns are experimentally induced, people’s evaluations of the authority (Studies 1 and 2) as well as their intentions to protest (Study 3) are more strongly affected by how the procedures used by the authority affect anticipated outcomes (i.e., whether procedures are favorably or unfavorably inaccurate) than when relational concerns are activated. By contrast, authority evaluations (Study 2) and protest intentions (Study 3) are more strongly affected by whether procedures used are fair (accurate) or unfair (inaccurate) when relational (versus instrumental) concerns are activated. These findings extend previous research where relational versus instrumental concerns were inferred, but not directly examined, to explain differences in responses to authorities’ decisions.  相似文献   

This study explored the interrelations among attachment, home stimulation, and language development in 58 toddlers (36 medically high risk and 22 low risk) at 24 months of age. The results indicated that there were additive effects of attachment and home stimulation on language competence, especially on receptive abilities. Mothers who had established secure relationships and provided stimulating home environments had children with the highest language scores.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the connection between motivation for weight loss and autobiographical memory by comparing characteristics of autobiographical memories between dieters and non-dieters. Study 1 involved 29 normal/overweight dieters and 48 non-dieters, and Study 2 involved 18 obese dieters and 18 normal weight non-dieters. Memories recalled in response to dieting-related cue words were rated as more central to the person's identity and life story and contained more body- or weight-related elements for the dieters than the non-dieters. No differences between dieters and non-dieters were found on memories recalled in response to neutral cue words. The findings are discussed in relation to the notions of the working self (Conway & Pleydell-Pearce, 2000) and current concerns (Klinger, 1978).  相似文献   

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