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A discussion of a 3-pronged approach to an elementary school guidance program, describing the role of the counselor. This 3-dimensional approach requires the services of a developmental guidance specialist whose functions would be to (1) maximize the development of all children within the school, (2) assist the administration in improving the continuity, sequence, and integration of guidance services of the school and the community, and (3) improve the competency of the teacher to a level where she can operate effectively as a guidance person within her classroom. The body of literature concerning the role and function of a guidance resource person at the elementary school level is steadily growing but much of it is focused on the first 2 aspects described above. This article concentrates on the third aspect, illustrating the role of the guidance specialist in the in-service education of teachers.  相似文献   

The Social Class and Classism Training Questionnaire was developed to assess multicultural competency and training of social class and classism for school counselor trainees (SCTs). The authors analyzed the differences between accreditation status, social class backgrounds, and factors contributing to SCTs’ competence and training. Results showed that socially desirable responding, number of multicultural courses, and training level contributed most to perceived competence and training. This study provides insight into factors influencing SCTs’ competence and training of social class. El Cuestionario de Capacitación en Clase Social y Clasismo fue desarrollado para evaluar la competencia multicultural y capacitación en clase social y clasismo de consejeros escolares en formación (SCT, por sus siglas en inglés). Los autores analizaron las diferencias entre el estado de acreditación, la clase social de origen y otros factores que contribuyen a la competencia y capacitación de los SCT. Los resultados mostraron que las respuestas socialmente deseables, el número de cursos multiculturales y el nivel de capacitación contribuyeron en mayor medida a la percepción de competencia y capacitación. Este estudio ofrece una perspectiva de los factores que influyen en la competencia y capacitación en clase social de los SCT.  相似文献   

The developmental stage of an individual receiving human relations training is of critical importance in determining whether the training will be effective and whether it will be incorporated easily or only after overcoming stiff resistance.  相似文献   

Kolb's model of experiential learning and his typology of learning styles are discussed. Their implications for the counseling field are considered.  相似文献   

We compared the effectiveness of and preference for different feedback strategies when training six special education teachers during a 5-day summer training program. In Experiment 1, teachers received written or vocal feedback while learning to implement two different types of preference assessments. In Experiment 2, we compared either written or vocal feedback to vocal feedback combined with video replays of performance while training the teachers to implement two variations of discrete-trial training. The different forms of feedback were similarly effective for all of the participants. However, all of the teachers showed a preference for vocal feedback when they could choose which form of feedback they would receive from the experimenter. Results have important implications for the use of feedback when training teachers.  相似文献   

Building on the forces of change in selling identified in the introductory paper of this Special Issue of JPSSM, we identify and explicate trends, managerial implications, and research opportunities in two important domains of the selling field: training and development (TD) and selection. Part One focuses on TD of salespeople, and argues why a fresh perspective on salesperson TD is essential. Then, taking a knowledge, skills, and ability (KSA) approach, a framework for future TD content is proposed around three levels of KSAs: task-related KSAs, growth-related KSAs, and meta-KSAs. Part Two, on selection, focuses on several important predictors of salesperson success: cognitive ability tests, personality inventories, and biodata. Then, assessment methods are reviewed. Finally, we summarize with a discussion of emerging trends and research opportunities. The focus of the discussion is on both enhancing salesperson performance and affording scholars new research opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perspective that an optimal degree of sexual frustration is an absolutely necessary and irreducible dimension of sexual excitement and pleasure. The pleasure, in fact, is predicated on actual enjoyment of the frustration, of being able to tolerate mounting bodily arousal, excitement, and tension without any guarantee of immediate satisfaction and release. The author explores the particular object relational implications of this unique aspect of sexual experience, elaborating a model that suggests two different interacting but separate subsystems of erotic fantasy, in interaction with very different self/ other configurations. The first of these self/other organizations is organized and defined by moments of sexual arousal and yearning, whereas the second occurs around those defined by satisfaction, pleasure, and release. An extended clinical example is provided.  相似文献   

马克思主义理论研究和建设工程<伦理学>教材编写课题组自2008年7月成立以来,已四月有余.四个多月以来,课题组成员在对伦理学的一些基本理论问题进行充分探讨并达成基本共识的基础上,按照教材编写的知识规范性暨完备性、学理逻辑性和学术科学性之基本要求,明确了提纲由三大板块,即基本理论、规范体系、道德实践构成,包括"导论"和十四章具体内容.  相似文献   

The author presents a four-session, in-service training program in which a counselor serves as facilitator. The focus of the program is training teachers to work more effectively with parents of children with disabilities through the integration of counseling theory and special education practice.  相似文献   

高校青年教师心理健康及团体心理训练设计研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
黄辛隐  张秀敏 《心理科学》2004,27(2):307-310
随着高校青年教师的比例日益上升。高校青年教师的心理健康问题必须予以足够的重视。本研究采用临床症状自评量表(SCL-90)和艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)对高校青年教师心理健康状况进行调查.结果显示高校青年教师主要存在的问题表现在生理与心理问题、人际关系问题、心理压力问题、情绪稳定性问题等四方面。依据高校青年教师的心理特点及其现状。其团体心理训练的主要内容有改善心智模式训练、情绪管理训练、意志力训练、人格魅力训练、人际沟通训练、缓解压力训练、适应与发展训练、身心保健训练等.主要的训练方法是团体讨论和角色扮演。  相似文献   

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