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This study was an attempt to investigate the relationship between child-naming practices and the perpetuation of traditional sex-role expectations of masculine and feminine behaviors. It was hypothesized that desirable male and female first names would be rated as more sex-typed the more frequently they occurred in the culture. No relationship on a cross-sex-typed effect was predicted for undesirable first names. Psychology undergraduates (N=149) nominated desirable and undesirable male and female first names. The frequency of nomination was correlated with ratings of masculinity or femininity of the names, and the results supported the hypotheses. A significant correlation was found between frequency and degree of stereotypy of first names rated as desirable, but no effect was found for undesirable first names. These results were discussed in terms of role-conflict theory. Secondary issues raised were the use of androgynous first names and the effects of first names on affirmative action procedures.  相似文献   

Two hundred married professional women with small children were surveyed to investigate what types of occupational and role-conflict stresses are associated with physical and depressive symptoms, and whether social support could protect individuals from the negative health effects of stress. Six stress indices predicted physical and depressive symptoms, both Concurrently and 1 year later. These stresses reflected perceptions of lack of authority and influence on the job, sex discrimination, a heavy work load, work imposing on relaxation, family imposing on relaxation, and overall suffering from role conflict. Social support yielded no stress-buffering effects.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that women have lower pay expectations and a lower sense of personal entitlement with respect to pay than similarly qualified men (cf. Major & Konar, in press; Major, McFarlin, & Gagnon, 1984). The present research examined, in two liking simulation experiments, the impact of a job applicant's pay expectations and gender on starting salary offers, hiring recommendations, and evaluations made by management students. Results of both experiments indicated that, given identical applicant qualifications, the higher the salary requested by an applicant, the higher the salary he or she was offered, regardless of the applicant's gender. However, women with moderate pay expectations were offered significantly more money (Experiment 1) and were significantly more likely to be hired (Experiment 2) than were men with moderate expectations. Amount of pay expected had no impact on other evaluations of the applicant. The role that gender differences in pay expectations may play in perpetuating nonperformance-related pay differences between women and men is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we review the literature on impression management to determine if there are substantial gender differences in the employment of impression management tactics in organizational contexts. Based on a social roles theory perspective (Eagly, 1987), we examined use of impression management tactics in organizational settings for gender differences in behavior. We expected that men and women would generally report using impression management tactics consistent with gender role expectations and that this might not be advantageous to women in the corporate world. Our review of the literature supported our expectations. We conclude with implications of these findings for an enriched understanding of organizational behavior.  相似文献   

The impact of exposure to media representations of aggressive, attractive, female protagonists on audiences?? gender role expectations for women was explored through a laboratory experiment with 122 undergraduates from a large university on the west coast of the United States. Participants viewed a segment of a major Hollywood motion picture that featured a female protagonist who was either highly attractive or less attractive and either highly aggressive or not aggressive. Viewing clips featuring a female protagonist who was both aggressive and stereotypically attractive led to greater endorsement of stereotypically feminine and stereotypically masculine gender role expectations for women. The effect on endorsement of stereotypically masculine expectations was partially mediated by the perception that the protagonist was a good role model for women. Although women endorsed both feminine and masculine gender role expectations for women more strongly than men, the effects of exposure to aggressive, attractive, female protagonists were similar for both male and female participants. Results are discussed in terms of gender stereotype activation and superwoman expectations for women.  相似文献   

Business students were asked to indicate their pay expectations and anticipated negotiation strategies for a specific management trainee job. They also indicated expectations for their and the recruiter's target and resistance points for the negotiation process. Men, compared to women, indicated higher pay expectations, a higher likelihood of active negotiation, less likelihood of using traditional self-promotion strategies, and more opportunity for legitimate negotiations. Significant correlations were found between pay expectations and negotiation strategies. Intervention strategies for changing women's pay outcome and negotiation expectations are discussed, as well as the need for a better understanding of effective negotiation behaviors.This research was supported by the Colorado State University College of Business Summer Research Grant Program. An abbreviated version of this article was presented at the 50th Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Women in Management Division, August 13, 1990, San Francisco, California.We gratefully acknowledge the critical comments of Kevin R. Murphy, Jeanette N. Cleveland, and Russell Cropanzano on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

We tested a role-conflict, depletion, and enrichment model, in which work-based benefits (enabling resources, psychological rewards, and psychological involvement) and work-based demands (time-, strain-, and behaviour-based demands, and hours worked) were antecedents to work–university conflict and work–university facilitation, which, in turn, were antecedent to students' academic engagement (dedication and vigour) and well-being (general and context-specific feelings about university). We also tested whether conflict and facilitation acted as mediators in the relationships between benefits and demands and the outcomes of engagement and well-being. The hypotheses were tested using 185 university students (77% female; mean age = 22.7 years) who were working while studying. Work-based benefits (enabling resources, rewards, and involvement) were associated with higher work–university facilitation; more time demands and fewer psychological rewards were associated with more work–university conflict; facilitation was associated with more engagement (dedication) and general well-being; and conflict was associated with more negative feelings towards the university. There were no mediation effects. Working while studying is related to students' engagement and well-being, although modest effects were explained by role-conflict theory.  相似文献   

Gender-role conflict theory has suggested that women athletes will experience role conflict because they are attempting to enact both feminine and masculine gender roles, yet research findings have shown mixed support for this notion. The purpose of this study was to explore how women rugby players negotiate gender-role expectations and conflict as women participating in a traditionally masculine sport. Eleven Caucasian women, noncollege rugby players between the ages of 25 and 38 were interviewed. The results indicated that women rugby players perceived numerous discrepant gender-role expectations. In addition, three different types of gender-role conflict emerged; however, similar to previous findings, participants perceived conflicting expectations for their gender-role behavior more than they seemed to experience conflict about those expectations. Participants actively employed various strategies to resolve or avoid experiencing gender-role conflict. The resiliency displayed by the women athletes in coping with discrepant gender-role messages provides new considerations for gender-role conflict theory.  相似文献   

Previous research on how categories are learned from observation of exemplars has largely ignored the possible role of prior expectations concerning how exemplars will be distributed. The experiments reported here explored this issue by presenting subjects with category-learning tasks in which the distributions of exemplars defining the categories were varied. In Experiments 1 and 2 the distributional form of a category was found to affect speed of learning. Learning was faster when a category's distribution was normal than when it was multimodal. Also, subjects in the early stages of learning a multimodal category responded as if it were unimodal. These results suggested that subjects enter category-learning tasks with expectations of unimodal, possibly normal, distributions of exemplars. Experiments 3 and 4 attempted to manipulate subjects' prior expectations by varying the distribution of exemplars in the first of two consecutive category-learning tasks. Learning a multimodal category was influenced by the shape of a previously learned distribution and was facilitated when the earlier distribution was either multimodal or skewed, rather than normal. These results are interpreted as support for a dual-process model of category learning that incorporates the effects of prior expectations concerning exemplar distributions.  相似文献   

The relation between type or form of alcoholic beverage consumed and expectations about emotional or behavioral concomitants of drinking was investigated. One hundred and thirty-four Finnish undergraduates (45 men and 89 women) with a mean age of 20.9 years were administered a survey inquiring about the association between each of 86 feelings or actions and four categories of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, mixed drinks, and straight drinks), assuming comparable levels of intoxication. Multiple discriminant analyses indicated that distinctive and stable expectancies were associated with beer (tension reduction), wine (social pleasure), and straight drinks (mainly negative consequences often related to heavy drinking), while expectancies for mixed drinks were shared by other beverage types. These findings replicated and extended those obtained with a U.S. sample.  相似文献   

Followers' implicit leadership theories for new group leaders, including their prototypes of new-leader behavior, consist of organized expectations. If met, these expectations may afford a leader greater influence. Subjects' prototypes for new leaders were assessed by subjecting an 87 x 87 co-occurrence matrix of leader behaviors, based on subjects' similarity classifications, to hierarchical cluster analysis. At the proposed basic level of hierarchy (Rosch, 1978) were 16 categories of expectations for leader behavior, including giving ideas to the group, being responsible, and accepting others, which formed four abstract superordinate categories: learning the group's goals, taking charge, being a nice person, and being nervous. The results are discussed with relation to (a) the synthesis of the universal-trait and situation-contingent-behavior approaches for predicting leadership effectiveness, (b) cross-situational and cross-cultural comparisons of leader categorizations, (c) expectations for established leaders, and (d) leader selection and training.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine ethnicity, acculturation, and religiosity as predictors of European American and Korean American evangelical female college students' role expectations. Fifty-seven European American and 37 Korean American single women, who ranged in age from 17 to 24 years, completed a demographic questionnaire, a role expectation measure, three religiosity measures, and an acculturation measure. The results indicated a significant negative correlation between fundamentalism and role-sharing expectations for European American women and a significant positive correlation between level of acculturation and role-sharing expectations for Korean American women. The results suggest that fundamentalism is a stronger predictor of role expectations than religious commitment in European American women and that acculturation is a more accurate predictor of role expectations than generation in the United States among Korean American women.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found that self-monitoring can enhance the job performance of women in traditional male occupations (computer sales, management). The present study tested for this same enhancement effect among men in the traditional female job of staff nurse. Correlations between nurses' scores on the revised Self-Monitoring Test and hospital performance evaluations indicated that the self-monitoring factor of Sensitivity to Expressive Behavior of Others was highly correlated with male nurses' job success but was uncorrelated with female staff nurses' job success. This same self-monitoring factor was also correlated with the job success of female nursing administrators, a job that is "nontraditional" for women in the sense that masculine occupation expectations are generally associated with leadership and management behaviors. It was concluded that self-monitoring ability can facilitate adaptation to nontraditional occupations for both men and women probably because the social skills associated with high self-monitoring can enhance perceptions of occupation legitimacy.  相似文献   

A theoretical and conceptual review of stressors facing urban career women in southeast Asian countries is presented within a chronological age-bracket framework. Similarities and distinguishing differences from findings in the United States, Europe, and Australia are discussed. Younger attractive women were more likely to encounter sexual harassment and be taken less seriously at work. In the middle years, family demands with young children pose more of a distraction for the women. Southeast Asian career women have an edge compared to their Western counterparts in better access to support for household duties and child-minding from live-in maids and parents. However, they are expected to care for elderly parents and be responsible for efficient home management. In higher management appointments, they face similar stressors in critical perceptions of their authority and leadership by both men and women subordinates. Management initiatives to inculcate attitude change and transparency in addressing convoluted and irrelevant gender-role expectations can yield substantial organizational benefits.  相似文献   

Questions constitute an important component of reading instruction and several studies suggest that the Pearson‐Johnson taxonomy of comprehension questions can be applied in classroom situations. However, the validity of the taxonomy has not been directly investigated. The present study was conducted for this purpose and involved 82 fourth‐ and fifth‐grade students. Three research questions were investigated: (1) do mean scores for the taxonomy categories correspond to theoretical expectations regarding difficulty?; (2) do response patterns to questions correspond to taxonomy categories?; and (3) are the relationships among scores on the types of questions logical and to be expected? The results of the study generally conformed to theoretically derived expectations.  相似文献   

Research focused on salary expectations consistently reports gender-based differences in expectations for entry and peak career. Although a number of variables (e.g., value placed on work-facets, fair pay standards) have been found to mediate the relationship between gender and salary expectations, little research has attempted to assess how expectations may be formed. Based on suggestions by Martin (1989) and social comparison theory, we examined the role that sources of career information (e.g., professors, family) play in shaping college students' salary expectations. Results suggest: (1) differences in entry level salary expectations were associated with gender-linkage of college major and differences in peak salary expectations were associated with gender and gender-linkage of college major, (2) women gathered more information from female sources than did men, and men gathered more information from male sources than did women, and (3) career information was not predictive of either entry or peak salary expectations.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to explore domain differences in young children's expectations about the structure of animal and artifact categories. We examined 5-year-olds’ and adults’ use of category-referring generic noun phrases (e.g., “Birds fly”) about novel animals and artifacts. The same stimuli served as both animals and artifacts; thus, stimuli were perceptually identical across domains, and domain was indicated exclusively by language. Results revealed systematic domain differences: children and adults produced more generic utterances when items were described as animals than artifacts. Because the stimuli were novel and lacking perceptual cues to domain, these findings must be attributed to higher-order expectations about animal and artifact categories. Overall, results indicate that by age 5, children are able to make knowledge-based domain distinctions between animals and artifacts that may be rooted in beliefs about the coherence and homogeneity of categories within these domains.  相似文献   

Two hundred and forty-seven female and 138 male college students completed a survey that asked them to judge the advantages and disadvantages of being a member of the other sex. Both sexes were found to perceive males to have significantly more advantages and significantly fewer disadvantages than females. Men based their judgments of female advantages to a significantly greater extent upon social considerations than women did for males. The reverse was true for disadvantage responses. Multivariate and univariate analyses of the responses within advantage and disadvantage categories revealed several significant differences between the sexes. These findings revealed a complex pattern as to how each sex perceives the other. Discussion relates these differences to differences between the sexes in life experiences and expectations. Suggestions for further research are offered.Appreciation is expressed to Barry Arbuckle and Tina Tanner for their assistance in the coding of the data.  相似文献   

Women’s feminist identification is associated with a growing list of favorable outcomes, predicting that these correlations will extend to egalitarian and assertive role expectations for committed and sexual partnerships, respectively. Surveying 165 undergraduate US women, nonfeminist passive acceptance was linked to low egalitarian expectations overall and across all seven subscales of the marriage role expectation inventory. It also was related to depressed sexual assertiveness overall and specifically in initiating sexual encounters and engaging in safe sexual practices. These negative associations were nonsignificant or positive for women with stronger feminist identification. When endorsement of passive acceptance was controlled for, the positive correlation between egalitarian and assertive expectations fell to nonsignificance, consistent with regarding nonfeminist attitudes as a confounded third common factor.  相似文献   

Identifying patients’ expectations of and need for healthcare chaplaincy is important in terms of appropriate intervention. Therefore, a sample of 612 patients from 32 general hospitals and psychiatric clinics in the German part of Switzerland was surveyed about their expectations of chaplaincy service. A principal component factor analysis of participants’ ratings found that the survey items fell into three distinct categories. These were the need for (1) emotional support, (2) help to cope with illness/disease, and (3) religious/spiritual assistance. Among the expectations, the need for emotional support was rated most important, followed by help to cope and, lastly, religious/spiritual assistance. Gender, religious denomination, general religiosity, and subjective health status significantly influenced these expectations. The results showed that fulfilling patients’ expectations increases their overall satisfaction with, and the importance they accord to the chaplain’s visit, as well as their confidence in the chaplain.  相似文献   

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