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During the past thirty years, empirical research has amply demonstrated the central role of early mother-child relations for subsequent social, cognitive and affective development. However, this confirmation of the vital role of primary attachment for later personal development has been accompanied by a relative neglect of the contribution of other social partners to the emerging competence of the young child. A critical review of the attachment literature underscores the need to replace the monotropic model of primary attachment by a more systemic model of development within the polyadic context of the family. For both theoretical and empirical reasons, a social ecological approach to early development permits overcoming the prosocial, positivistic biases of a single dimension, dyadic model of early socialization. The formulation of more systemic, multi-dimensional models of early family relations promises to advance our understanding of the complex adaptive processes that serve as developmental foundations for children’s emerging interpersonal competence.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of the empirical literature about the use of hypermedia for learning. It uses the cognitive load theory as a framework to interpreter the results. This framework enables us to structure the review in four main parts, corresponding to the principal sources of the variations of the cognitive cost: the hypermedia, the learner, the leaning task, and the using task, and to their under-components. According to us, the user of an hypermedia for learning carries out a learning activity and a hypermedia using activity, the first being the goal, the second being the means and representing a specific overcost. We propose to interpret the data observed not in reference to a linear correlation training-use but in reference to the implication training-use.  相似文献   

释慧彻 《法音》2007,(7):18-27
受戒、学戒、持戒是出家僧尼进修的正当次第,而犯戒、忏悔、清净则极为可能在进修过程中发生。依此二次第而行即是佛陀所说的两种智人:一专精不犯,二犯而能忏。但有些僧尼存在不敢谈犯戒、犯戒不敢忏悔的不良心理。  相似文献   

李昭君 《天风》2004,(9):48-49
当我在孤独、寂寞、彷徨的时候,上帝派遣了天使般的女孩来到了我的身旁,她把福音的种子播进了我的心房。从此我的身心不再漂泊,我的灵魂找到了永恒的家乡,  相似文献   

在我年长后,通过对道家文化的接触,认识到“神”之于技艺的重要。它是技艺的生命、也是生命的根本。可以引用贞白先生所言:“凡质象所结,不外形神。形神合时,则是人是物;形神若离,则是灵是鬼。”道家的观点历来是“神者,生之本也;形者,生之个也”。它表明了这样一个普遍现象:万物神全则生机活泼,生生不息,如草木春发;失神则死气沉沉,若枯木寒灰。类同此理,技艺方面所需的生命力当然不外于是说。神既然这么重要,那么,它到底是什么呢?它虽然看不见,又摸不着,却可以“体悟”到它的存在。要着意于这个问题,我们先不妨来看看这个中国方块字的字形…  相似文献   


The purpose of the introduction to the special issue “scientific approaches of personality: challenges and controversies” is to present three different approaches to the scientific study of personality and personality judgment: the factorial approach, psychosocial approach, personality assessment at the level of the individual. The theoretical foundations of each field are exposed in the first part of the introduction. In the second part, we present the articles that compose this special issue.  相似文献   

甘肃南部为道教发祥地之一,平凉的崆峒山相传为黄帝向广成子问道处,天水玉泉观为元代邱处机之徒裔梁志通修真处,西和岷郡山为宋代著名道士萨守坚登仙处,而仇池山则同战国至汉初神仙家所说的著名仙人仇生有关。乾隆本《西和县志》“仙释”部分列有二人,一为仇维,一为萨真人。萨真人,原被误为“唐时人”,我已考定为北宋末年著名道士萨守坚,新编《西和县志》已采用之。今对仇维作一考索。乾隆本《西和县志》云:仇维,周时人,居仇池。池为三十六洞天之一。后仙去。山又名仇维。康熙朝编《西和县志》(省图书馆有胶卷)中没有关于仇维的记载。宋代编…  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(3):327-335
The article recounts an uncommon experience in which analysis of clinical situations in a group setting is led and animated by a psychologist who is a member of the same institution as the group of personnel requesting the clinical analysis. Due to the fact that the psychologist is also a member of the institution, this setting seems to go against the psychoanalytical theory, which serves as the main reference for this type of analysis. However, the author hypothesizes that this type of setting may allow a genuine process of subjective elaboration, provided that certain conditions are established in order to respect the principles of "transitional analysis" as defined by D. Anzieu. In this way, it is possible to respond to certain situations, which are organized by experiences or impressions of the "basic default" as theorized by M. Balint, and presented as very little differentiated request.  相似文献   

在中国,只要稍有点文化常识的人都知道“茶禅一味”。 三毛有这样一段话:“阿拉伯人饮茶必饮三道。第一道苦若生命,第二道甜似爱情,第三道淡如微风。”  相似文献   

Rainer  Michael 《Psychopraxis》2018,21(4):158-163
psychopraxis. neuropraxis - Wir präsentieren den Fall eines Patienten, bei dem nur durch eine jahrelange Verlaufskontrolle eine relativ exakte Diagnosestellung möglich war. Der Patient...  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(4):465-478
What do we exactly do, when we use academic studies to train a psychologist? This paper explores the idea that, besides transmitting theoretical knowledge and practical skills, we accompany the students through an intense identity reorganisation, a migration crisis which for them is implied by the discovery of the psychological culture. It is based upon the author's practice, as a psychologist and teacher, with mature students, whose experience constitutes a magnifiying glass to understand the process of this reorganization. Along this way, psychological knowledge cannot be envisioned only as an object to be transmitted, but as an object to be constructed: the model of knowledge acquisition is transformed into a model of reinforcement of thought.  相似文献   

In this paper, the author is interested in two questions: how to impulse the analysis of the activity in a developmental way for the subjects involved? Which scientific knowledge is useful to explain and understand such a process? Based on Vygotski's work, for whom thought undergoes many changes as it turns into speech, we will first suggest to transform the point of view on “what is difficult to say” for the subjects in work analysis to consider it as resources for the analysis. In the continuity of Vygotski's work, we try to understand what constitutes the heart of this development process, in particular the nature of the changes between internal and external language. We will then present the method called “instructions to the double” as it is taken up in our research team “Clinique de l'Activité”. Finally, analyzing a piece of instructions to the double realized by an employee in a group of social workers dedicated to professional integration, we will identify the dialogical movements present in the analysis process. Bakhtin becomes then an essential reference to understand the migrations of the thought.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2006,12(3):331-345
The aim of this paper was to study how the activation of intersexes relations affected the choices of activities linked to “relational” or “market” individualism. Firstly, as in Marro's research (1998), stories were presented in which the protagonists, being female or male, for different reasons (personal, professional, etc.) must decide or not to modify the time allocation that they devote to various activities, such as family, work, leisure, or voluntary help. Next, the subjects had to point out which choice they would personally advise. In addition, an activation of intersexes relations was carried out. The results have shown: 1) that personal advice in favour of “relational” or “market” individualism are found in both sexes ; 2) that the activation of intersexes relations modified more personal advice of female subjects than of male subjects (then more oriented, to family and work for women, to leisure for men).  相似文献   

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