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“学习迁移”(以下简称迁移)是现代认知心理学的一个重要范畴,指学生将一种情境中习得的知识与技能运用于另一种情境中的能力。迁移是一种能力,学生只有将在学习情境中获得的知识、技能在其他情境中进行广泛迁移,才能形成能力。武警初级指挥院校在教学中遵循迁移规律,就是使学员将获得的知识与技能完成有效迁移,运用迁移的知识与技能分析、解决部队工作中的问题,提高执勤和处突能力。  相似文献   

康慨 《美与时代》2007,(10):122-124
如何更快更好地普及合唱艺术,提高合唱水平,关键在于要尽快地培养出一支合格的合唱指挥人才队伍,这就给我们高校合唱指挥教学提出了明确的要求.怎样更快、更好地培养合格的合唱指挥人才,已是合唱与指挥教学的一个重要课题.笔者在多年的教学实践中,为了让学生更快更好地掌握合唱指挥的基本规律和要求,归纳出"合唱指挥知识、素质、能力几个方面的要求及对应的培养方法.  相似文献   

初级军官心理选拔的预测性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:通过建立院校学员胜任特征及初级军官评价模型,探讨初级军官心理选拔检测系统的预测性。方法:某军校340名男性本科学员入校时完成初级军官心理选拔检测,毕业前进行院校胜任特征评价,对162名学员毕业后1~5年进行部队工作表现追踪评价。结果:中国MBTI-G人格类型测验对院校学员管理能力、影响力、约束力、口头表达、军人气质、人际关系等有较好的预测性,预测符合率72.13%;中国军人明尼苏达个性调查表6项精神障碍维度对情绪稳定性有较好的预测,预测符合率71.90%;院校学员一般能力倾向测验对学业成绩、文字表达、口头表达、人际关系和决策能力等胜任特征也有一定的预测性,预测符合率66.70%;三项测验院校胜任特征总预测符合率达81.70%,部队胜任特征总预测符合率76~87%。结论:为我军初级军官心理选拔提供了实用工具,为提高心理选拔预测准确性提供了科学依据  相似文献   

审美能力是高职院校艺术类课程要求培养的重点,它对学生认识美、感受美、爱好美、表现美、鉴赏美、创造美的能力有着十分重要的影响。然而,不少高职院校在美术教育专业学生审美能力培养方面,还存在重视程度不足、教学内容不够丰富、教师专业水平和审美教育能力不高等问题,影响了审美育人的效果。因此,要进一步加强对审美育人的重视,并针对存在的具体问题,探索适合高职院校学生美术审美能力培养的具体策略。  相似文献   

高等职业教育的目标决定了高职院校专业英语教师必需同时具备扎实的专业英语理论知识以及较强的专业实践能力。本文从分析高职院校专业英语教师实践能力的现状出发,指出了培养高职院校专业英语教师实践能力的途径。  相似文献   

高科技的发展与应用,给军队与战争都带来了显著的变化.其中的一个重要特点是其智能化趋势的增强、数字化军队也许就是其雏型。95年初,美国陆军决策部门提出:21世纪要把美国陆军建设成数字化的新型陆军、所谓数字化的新型陆军,是数字化士兵、数字化弹药、数字化指挥控制和数字化战场的总称。95年4月美国陆军对数字化装备及系统进行了综合测试,取得了阶段性成果。可以肯定的说.数字化(或信息化)军队代表了未来军队发展的基本样式.这里先就教子化士兵的情况作些简要介绍。21世纪的士兵不仅装备了高效能、精确化的枪支、弹药、而且还…  相似文献   

音乐院校行政管理的改革是音乐院校发展的必然趋势,而音乐院校因其专业的特殊性,在行政管理方面也有其自身的特点。通过对音乐院校行政管理的现状和存在的弊端分析,探讨了音乐院校行政管理改革的必要性,在此基础上提出了相应对策和措施,从而以创新的思路推动音乐院校行政管理的进一步发展,逐步提升音乐院校行政管理的各方面能力。  相似文献   

基于近年来本科美术教育向"应用型"教育的转变,根据现有地方院校美术师范生的培养计划,认为应用型定位下地方院校美术师范生培养,需注重授课能力、通识素养、美术创作和创作思维等方面的培养。为此,提出了加强认知引导、革新课程与教学、增强创新引导、强化通识素质、优化教育实习与实践等相应的对策与措施。  相似文献   

工作室教学模式能够实现教学和项目的创造性结合,在激发高职院校艺术专业设计类人才职业实践能力培养方面尤为重要。目前高职院校艺术设计类专业教师工作室教学模式的应用时机已然成熟,具备了专业学生参与校企实习的条件,从而能够显著强化高职院校艺术设计类专业人才的职业技能,间接拉动高职艺术专业就业率的提高。  相似文献   

2015年,国家提出了"大众创业、万众创新"的号召,"双创"成为促进国家发展的重大战略,为社会经济发展带来了新的机会,同时也对人才培养提出了更高的要求。高职院校作为我国高等教育的重要组成部分,担负着为国家输出"双创"型人才的重要使命。高职院校美术专业除了要培养学生的道德意识和审美素养外,也要注重培养学生的创新创业能力。基于"双创"背景,分析目前高职院校美术课程中存在的问题,从美术课程体系、美术课程实践、美术人才评价体系等多个方面提出教学改革与实践的建议,以期推动高职院校具有创新意识和创业能力的综合型美术人才的培养。  相似文献   

蔡晓晖  戴忠恒 《心理科学》1993,16(6):338-343
本实验探讨思维能力训练课程对于中学生(初一和高一)智能的影响。实验历时三个月,12课时。结果表明:中学生在掌握了一定的思维策略后,能够在较短的时间内提高其智能水平;在一定的范围内思维能力训练效果是可以迁移的;性别、年龄差异对训练效果没有显著影响;学生原有的智能水平与训练效果之间存在着交互作用。  相似文献   

To support her divine motivation theory of the good, which seeks to ground ethics in motives and emphasize the attractiveness of morality over against the compulsion of morality, Linda Zagzebski has proposed an original account of obligations which grounds them in motives. I argue that her account renders obligations objectionably person‐relative and that the most promising way to avoid my criticism is to embrace something quite close to a divine command theory of obligation. This requires her to combine her desired emphasis on the imitation of God with a contrasting emphasis on submission to God. I conclude that her divine motivation theory of the good, if it is to have an adequate account of obligation, is dependent on a divine will or divine command theory of obligation.  相似文献   

Four methods of instructing summarization skills were compared to determine which was most effective in improving summaries written by junior college students of two ability levels. The four methods that differed in explicitness were (a) self-management alone, (b) specific rules (i.e., strategies) for summarizing, (c) self-management plus specific rules, and (d) self-management integrated with specific rules. The need for explicit, detailed pairing of self-management and strategy training varied as a function of students' ability level and strategy difficulty. These results are discussed in light of current theories of meta-cognition.  相似文献   

A significant challenge faces any ethic that endorses the view that divine commands are sufficient to impose moral obligations; in this paper, I focus on Kierkegaard's ethic, in particular. The challenge to be addressed is the “modernized” problem of Abraham, popularized especially by Fear and Trembling: the dilemma that an agent faces when a being claiming to be God issues a command to the agent that, by the agent's own lights, seems not to be the kind of command that a loving God would issue. Against a solution to this problem proposed by C. Stephen Evans in Kierkegaard's Ethic of Love, I argue that Kierkegaard regards this scenario as never actually resulting in a fully responsible agent's performance of some horrendous action on account of her non‐culpable misinterpretation of God's will and/or failure to discern correctly whether a perceived moral imperative truly is divine in origin.  相似文献   

从一所普通中学六个年级随机选取801名被试,使用自编测验研究了中学生写作文本形成能力的发展特点,结果发现:(1)中学生写作文本形成能力起点较高,初三年级是其基本形成的关键期;(2)中学生写作文本形成能力在高中阶段发展平缓;(3)中学生写作文本形成能力分维度的不同方面发展不均衡,较高水平方面受到认知加工容量、概括水平和抽象逻辑思维水平等心理因素的制约;(4)中学生写作文本形成能力存在性别差异,女生优于男生。  相似文献   

Hoping to create my own analytic voice, I experienced complex pressure to conform to the venerated rules of American ego psychology. I could find myself looking over my shoulder, and my training could become saturated with received ideas. Using complex systems theory as a ground, I contrast the constricting pressure to conform that I experienced with three supervisors with the openness that I found with my fourth. I propose that analytic training is a nonlinear, complex developmental process that occurs in a space of “chaotic possibilities” (Glatzer-Levy, 2004)  相似文献   

中小学生语文阅读能力结构的发展特点   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
莫雷 《心理学报》1992,25(4):12-20
本研究对小学六年级、初中三年级、高中三年级三个年龄切面的学生的阅读能力结构构成进行分析,揭示该能力结构的发统特点。结果表明,语文阅读能力结构随年龄的增长而发生变化。一方面表现为因素的数量逐步增加,另一方面表现为比较复杂、层次较高的因素在整个结构中的相对地位不断增强。研究结果进一步指出,该能力结构因素增加的实现方式不同于西方心理学界所认为的分解模式,而是表现为“接替”模式,亦即通过“基础能力因素”对活动的影响作用为新的因素所接替而实现。  相似文献   

Mature workers are and will continue to be an important source of labor in the economy. By 1975 approximately one-half of the labor force will be over 45 years of age. Problems of training, re-training, and counseling these workers are examined in this paper in terms of some of their characteristics, such as slower work habits, decreased physical strength, adaptability, and lack of self-confidence. Ways to alleviate or compensate for possible handicaps of older employees through training and counseling programs are suggested.  相似文献   

小学儿童奖赏公平性的认知发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方富熹  王文忠 《心理学报》1994,27(4):354-361
采用信息加工研究途径并假设故事情境探索小学儿童对奖赏公平性的社会认知发展,并将儿童的发展与成人作对比。研究结果表明,7,9岁儿童容易将"均等"与"公平"混淆,还没形成一个稳定的分配模式,而12岁儿童已能运用"努力"、"成果"、"能力"等规则较为稳定地作出公平奖赏决定或评价,但还没达到对更高层次的社会准则的理解和掌握。儿童这一发展制约于他们的信息加工能力以及获得有关社会价值观的社会化过程。  相似文献   

Error management training explicitly allows participants to make errors. We examined the effects of error management instructions ("rules of thumb" designed to reduce the negative emotional effects of errors), goal orientation (learning goal, prove goal, and avoidance goal orientations) and attribute x treatment interactions on performance. A randomized experiment with 87 participants consisting of 3 training procedures for learning to work with a computer program was conducted: (a) error training with error management instructions, (b) error training without error management instructions; and (c) a group that was prevented from making errors. Results showed that short-and medium-term performance (near and far transfer) was superior for participants of the error training that included error management instructions, compared with the two other training conditions. Thus, error management instructions were crucial for the high performance effects of error training. Prove and avoidance goal orientation interacted with training conditions.  相似文献   

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