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We examined sustained attention in 32 schizotypic and 43 normal control subjects from a large, randomly ascertained nonclinical university population. Schizotypy status was determined with the Perceptual Aberration Scale. Sustained attention was measured with the Continuous Performance Test-Identical Pairs. Schizotypic subjects displayed significantly poorer sustained-attention performance than did control subjects, as measured by d and overall hit rate. Although schizotypic subjects evidenced greater levels of anxiety and depression, sustained-attention performance was not significantly associated with these mental state factors. Our results provide evidence for a subtle sustained-attention deficit among schizotypes and are interpreted in light of previous attention research with actual schizophrenic patients as well as children at risk for schizophrenia. Utility of the psychometric high-risk strategy in psychopathology research is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of cognitive abilities regarding driver behavior is crucially important in the occurrence of traffic violations and preventing tragic motor vehicle collisions. Sustained attention is one cognitive ability that may contribute to safe driving behavior. The present study investigated the relation between sustained attention and traffic violations. One hundred and one Iranian male drivers (age: M = 37.17, SD = 8.37) with at least 2 years driving experience voluntarily participated in the study. Participants were categorized into two groups based on the number of driving rule violations they committed over the last 2 years (n = 48 clean record, n = 53 violators). Sustained attention was measured by performance on the Conjunctive Continuous Performance Task (CCPT). Four CCPT performance measures were computed: (1) Mean reaction time for correct responses (M-RT); (2) standard deviation of reaction times for correct responses (SD-RT); (3) percent of omission errors (failure to respond to target stimulus); (4) percent of commission errors (identification of a non-target stimulus as target). Results showed after controlling for age and education, there was a significant group difference on M-RT, indicating that individuals with no traffic violations had faster reaction times as compared to those who had 1 or more traffic violations. No effect of group on any of the other outcomes was present after correcting for alpha inflation. When assessing the effect of age and education, education was significantly related to average reaction time and percent of omission errors. No significant effect of age was apparent. Findings suggest cognitive function, specifically sustained attention measured with a laboratory-based measure, may be associated with safe driving behavior.  相似文献   

When performing any task for an extended period of time, attention fluctuates between good and bad states. These fluctuations affect performance in the moment, but may also have lasting consequences for what gets encoded into memory. Experiment 1 establishes this relationship between attentional states and memory, by showing that subsequent memory for an item was predicted by a response time index of sustained attention (average response time during the three trials prior to stimulus onset). Experiment 2 strengthens the causal interpretation of this predictive relationship by treating the sustained attention index as an independent variable to trigger the appearance of an encoding trial. Subsequent memory was better when items were triggered from good versus bad attentional states. Together, these findings suggest that sustained attention can have downstream consequences for what we remember, and they highlight the inferential utility of adaptive experimental designs. By continuously monitoring attention, we can influence what will later be remembered.  相似文献   

This study examined developmental changes in playroom observations of activity level and sustained attention among 47 elementary school-age boys. The boys were observed at two different times, approximately 2 years apart. The playroom observations consisted of two 15-minute periods, a relatively unstructured freeplay period and a structured restricted academic period. In general, both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses suggested developmental improvements in the observed behaviors. Both gross and fine motor activity decreased with increasing age, while the time spent on task increased. Consistent with the selective attention literature, there appeared to be a dramatic increase in the boys' ability of focus attention at around age 11. Finally, most of the behaviors in the restricted academic period showed significant stability over time, whereas few of the free-play behaviors did so.This research was supported by NIH Grant No. 32992.  相似文献   

According to feature-integration theory (Treisman & Gelade, 1980), separable features such as color and shape exist in separate maps in preattentive vision and can be integrated only through the use of spatial attention. Many perceptual aftereffects, however, which are also assumed to reflect the features available in preattentive vision, are sensitive to conjunctions of features. One possible resolution of these views holds that adaptation to conjunctions depends on spatial attention. We tested this proposition by presenting observers with gratings varying in color and orientation. The resulting McCollough aftereffects were independent of whether the adaptation stimuli were presented inside or outside of the focus of spatial attention. Therefore, color and shape appear to be conjoined preattentively, when perceptual aftereffects are used as the measure. These same stimuli, however, appeared to be separable in two additional experiments that required observers to search for gratings of a specified color and orientation. These results show that different experimental procedures may be tapping into different stages of preattentive vision.  相似文献   

Whiteside and Lynam (Whiteside, S. P., & Lynam, D. R. (2001). The Five Factor Model and impulsivity: Using a structural model of personality to understand impulsivity. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 669-689) clarified the multifaceted nature of impulsivity by identifying four distinct facets of self-reported impulsive behaviors: urgency, (lack of) premeditation, (lack of) perseverance, and sensation seeking. Building on work by Bechara and Van der Linden (Bechara, A., & Van der Linden, M. (2005). Decision-making and impulse control after frontal lobe injuries. Current Opinion in Neurology, 18, 734-739), the main objective of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that perseverance and urgency map onto the two distinct inhibitory functions distinguished by Friedman and Miyake (Friedman, N. P., & Miyake, A. (2004). The relations among inhibition and interference control functions: A latent-variable analysis. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 133, 101-135): prepotent response inhibition and resistance to proactive interference. Participants (N = 126) completed the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scale and three tasks: a recent-negatives task to assess proactive interference in working memory, and two Go/No-Go tasks at different paces, the slower of which also assessed task-unrelated thoughts (TUTs). Consistent with the hypothesis, TUTs were positively correlated with lack of perseverance, and multiple regressions revealed that urgency was specifically related to errors in prepotent response inhibition, and lack of perseverance to errors due to difficulties overcoming proactive interference.  相似文献   

Three experiments provide converging evidence for the view that both perceived structure and attention change during the elementary school years. Kindergarteners, second graders, and adults performed three speeded tasks: divided attention to conjunctions of features, selective attention to orthogonal dimensions and selective attention to correlated dimensions. The tasks were performed with sizes and shapes that were either spatially integrated or spatially separated. In the divided attention task, conjunctions were identified as quickly as single features with integrated stimuli at all ages, but conjunctions were identified more slowly than single features with separated stimuli by all age group. In the orthogonal dimensions task, interference was observed with integrated stimuli across ages, but the interference in adult performance was asymmetric. With separated stimuli, interference was gradually eliminated with increasing age. In correlated dimensions tasks, younger children showed a redundancy gain with integrated stimuli, but no gain was observed in the performances of the older subjects. With separated stimuli there was no redundancy gain at any age. These results were interpreted to mean that integrated stimuli are initially perceived as wholes by all subjects, but that features become more accessible with increasing age. Even so, attention remains constrained by stimulus structure. In contrast, separated stimuli are initially perceived as features at all ages, and the improvement in performance with increasing age is attributable to the increasing command of attentional resources that accompanies development. Our discussion of these findings focuses on three issues: multiple trends in perceptual development, the characteristics of an adequate theory of perceptual representation and processing, and a comparison of the separability hypothesis and other developmental accounts of perceptual development.  相似文献   

Abrupt visual onsets and selective attention: evidence from visual search   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The effect of temporal discontinuity on visual search was assessed by presenting a display in which one item had an abrupt onset, while other items were introduced by gradually removing line segments that camouflaged them. We hypothesized that an abrupt onset in a visual display would capture visual attention, giving this item a processing advantage over items lacking an abrupt leading edge. This prediction was confirmed in Experiment 1. We designed a second experiment to ensure that this finding was due to attentional factors rather than to sensory or perceptual ones. Experiment 3 replicated Experiment 1 and demonstrated that the procedure used to avoid abrupt onset--camouflage removal--did not require a gradual waveform. Implications of these findings for theories of attention are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms supporting our comprehension of magnitude information represents a key goal in cognitive psychology. A major phenomenon employed in the pursuit of this goal has been the physical size congruity effect—namely, the observation that comparing the relative numerical sizes of two numbers is influenced by their relative physical sizes. The standard account of the physical size congruity effect attributes it to the automatic influence of the comparison of irrelevant physical magnitudes on numerical judgments. Here we develop an alternative account of this effect on the basis of the operation of attention in the typical size congruity display and the temporal dynamics of number comparison. We also provide a test of a number of predictions derived from this alternative account by combining a physical size congruity manipulation with a manipulation designed to alter the operation of attention within the typical size congruity display (i.e., a manipulation of the relative onsets of the digits). This test provides evidence consistent with an attentional contribution to the size congruity effect. Implications for our understanding of magnitude and the interactions between attention and magnitude are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between neuroticism and cognitive functioning was investigated using data from a community survey of the elderly. Contrary to Pearson (1993, Personality and Individual Differences, 14, 265–266), neuroticism was related to poorer performance on a number of cognitive measures, but the pattern of correlations differed between men and women. For men there were correlations with a dementia screening test and with tests of episodic memory and fluid intelligence, while for women there were correlations with reaction time measures. It is hypothesized that correlations with neuroticism reflect the effect of chronic stress on cognitive ageing.  相似文献   

Subjects were presented with sets of four digits, and had to respond only when all the digits in a set were odd. The EEG was measured from occipital-parietal derivations over the left and right hemispheres, and the energy within each of five frequency bands was integrated over 3-sec epochs corresponding to the presentation of individual sets of digits. The EEG abundance was found to be lower the more a digit set resembled a signal, but hemisphere differences in this effect tended to be small and to occur only in certain frequency bands. The effect for stimulus type changed over time in some frequency bands, but there were no differences between the hemispheres in this change. Nor were sex differences in lateralization found. Reaction time was found to correlate positively with (a) EEG abundance, and (b) EEG differentiation of stimuli, in the theta and low alpha frequency bands.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that depressed mood is associated with a defocused mode of attention, allowing irrelevant information to be noticed and processed more than in nondepressed states. Working on a source monitoring task, subclinically depressed college students selected with the Beck Depression Inventory (A. T. Beck, 1967; D. Kammer, 1983) had better memory for irrelevant stimulus aspects than nondepressed control students. However, depressed students' performance on the relevant stimulus aspects was unimpaired. These results are in conflict with a capacity reduction view of depressed mood and support the hypothesized altered, defocused mode, in which attentional resources are more evenly allocated across various aspects of the materials. The results are discussed within the framework of adaptive functions of emotional states.  相似文献   

Viswanathan L  Mingolla E 《Perception》2002,31(12):1415-1437
We examined the allocation of attention in depth using a multi-element tracking paradigm. Observers were required to track a predefined subset of from two to eight elements in displays containing up to sixteen identical moving elements. We first show that depth cues, such as binocular disparity and occlusion through T-junctions, improve performance in a multi-element tracking task in the case where element boundaries are allowed to intersect in the depiction of motion in a single frontoparallel plane. We also show that the allocation of attention across two perceptually distinguishable planar surfaces, either frontoparallel or receding at a slanting angle and defined by coplanar elements, is easier than allocation of attention within a single surface. The same result was not found when attention was required to be deployed across items of two-color populations rather than across items of a single color. Our results suggest that, when surface information does not suffice to distinguish between targets and distractors that are embedded in these surfaces, division of attention across two surfaces aids in tracking moving targets. A final experiment with populations of elements moving within distinct volumes produced similar results, suggesting that spatial separation in three dimensions, rather than confinement to surfaces as such, may explain the improved performance for the two-surface case.  相似文献   

Irrelevant singletons capture attention: evidence from inhibition of return   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous research has shown that a salient feature singleton may capture attention in a stimulus-driven, bottom-up fashion (e.g., Theeuwes, 1992,1994b). This conclusion has been challenged by others claiming that the observed attentional capture by irrelevant singletons may not be stimulus driven but due to top-down attentional control settings and/or nonspatial filtering costs. In the present study, we show that inhibition of return (IOR) occurs at the location of an irrelevant singleton. Participants were slower to detect a target presented at the location of the irrelevant singleton, relative to other locations. Since IOR can be observed only as a result of an exogenous, stimulus-driven shift of spatial attention, it isun-likely that top-down control settings and/or nonspatial filtering costs played a role. In line with earlier claims, the present findings provide strong evidence that salient singletons capture spatial attention in a purely bottom-up way.  相似文献   

An in‐depth, semi‐structured, interview study was conducted with 23 British employed and self‐employed taxpayers in various occupations. The study points to factors discouraging tax communication and proposes social norms as an alternative way of investigating social influence on taxpaying behaviour. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article presents normative data for the Rorschach Comprehensive System (CS) on 100 adult nonpatients from the Belgian French-speaking community. We compare our Belgian sample to a French one (Sultan et al., 2004), data of Exner's (Exner & Erdberg, 2005) and a Californian sample (Shaffer, Erdberg, & Haroian, 1999). Each sample's specific characteristics are explored, as well as findings provided by sample-specific comparisons. Exner's data, ultimate normative reference for the CS, differ significantly from the three other samples for many variables. Cultural factors, examiner's level of experience, as well as participants' selection and recruitment, presumably flow into calculated differences between the four samples. Our findings indicate the necessity for constituting normative data for different communities, as well as the indispensability of examiners' familiarity with the CS, in order to provide reliable clinical information.  相似文献   

The present study (n=154) examines the effects of expectations and stimulus information on the perception of illusory correlation. There have been few studies attempting to integrate expectation-based and data- (distinctiveness-) based processes. These studies suggest that data-based illusory correlation can be overruled by prior expectations, but it is not clear whether this is a consequence of a confirmation bias. In the present study, where participants were not exposed to the specific stimulus information, expectation was manipulated by stating that group B behaved more negatively than group A. Moreover, participants were provided with information contained in a statement-rating task that allowed for the confirmation and disconfirmation of the prior expectations. Participants rated the desirability of these behaviours and also performed the standard illusory correlation tasks. Based on self-categorization theory and Alloy and Tabachnik (1984), we predicted that in the absence of prior expectations, completing the rating task before the illusory correlation tasks would produce stronger illusory correlation than the reverse order. However, in the presence of prior expectations we expected the rating task to undermine illusory correlation, because the information obtained in this task tends to disconfirm prior expectations. Results support the predicted interaction between task order and expectation. We discuss some implications for research on confirmation bias.  相似文献   

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