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Reinforcing effects of caffeine in coffee and capsules.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a residential research ward the reinforcing and subjective effects of caffeine were studied under double-blind conditions in volunteer subjects with histories of heavy coffee drinking. In Experiment 1, 6 subjects had 13 opportunities each day to self-administer either a caffeine (100 mg) or a placebo capsule for periods of 14 to 61 days. All subjects developed a clear preference for caffeine, with intake of caffeine becoming relatively stable after preference had been attained. Preference for caffeine was demonstrated whether or not preference testing was preceded by a period of 10 to 37 days of caffeine abstinence, suggesting that a recent history of heavy caffeine intake (tolerance/dependence) was not a necessary condition for caffeine to function as a reinforcer. In Experiment 2, 6 subjects had 10 opportunities each day to self-administer a cup of coffee or (on different days) a capsule, dependent upon completing a work requirement that progressively increased and then decreased over days. Each day, one of four conditions was studied: caffeinated coffee (100 mg/cup), decaffeinated coffee, caffeine capsules (100 mg/capsule), or placebo capsules. Caffeinated coffee maintained the most self-administration, significantly higher than decaffeinated coffee and placebo capsules but not different from caffeine capsules. Both decaffeinated coffee and caffeine capsules were significantly higher than placebo capsules but not different from each other. In both experiments, subject ratings of "linking" of coffee or capsules covaried with the self-administration measures. These experiments provide the clearest demonstrations to date of the reinforcing effects of caffeine in capsules and in coffee.  相似文献   

Human visual attention operates in a context that is complex, social and dynamic. To explore this, we recorded people taking part in a group decision-making task and then showed video clips of these situations to new participants while tracking their eye movements. Observers spent the majority of time looking at the people in the videos, and in particular at their eyes and faces. The social status of the people in the clips had been rated by their peers in the group task, and this status hierarchy strongly predicted where eye-tracker participants looked: high-status individuals were gazed at much more often, and for longer, than low-status individuals, even over short, 20-s videos. Fixation was temporally coupled to the person who was talking at any one time, but this did not account for the effect of social status on attention. These results are consistent with a gaze system that is attuned to the presence of other individuals, to their social status within a group, and to the information most useful for social interaction.  相似文献   

The present study sought to investigate the effects of smoking on the speaking fundamental frequency of adult women. The results indicated that, in the reading condition, fundamental frequency for the smokers was significantly lower than fundamental frequency for the nonsmokers. Eighty-seven percent of the smokers examined by an otolaryngologist exhibited some abnormality in appearance of the vocal folds. The results also suggest that menopause may contribute to a lowering of the speaking fundamental frequency of adult women.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationships between three predictor variables (attitude toward school, parent-child communication, and school commitment action) and the criterion variable (parent involvement) in a representative sample and to examine if these relationships were consistent across three groups (English speaking Caucasian family, English speaking Latino family, and Spanish speaking Latino families). Using a national database (N = 9.841), multi-group SEM analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between three predictor variables and the criterion variable in three family groups. While all three predictor variables significantly predicted parent involvement in English speaking Caucasian and Latino families, only two variables (parent-child communication and school commitment actions), significantly predicted parent involvement in Spanish speaking Latino families. The results of this study suggest that when administrators, teachers and counselors in school strive to share specific school-related information with Latino families, Spanish speaking families are more likely to become involved with schools.  相似文献   

Sigmund Koch's legacy is not merely a record of robust criticism aimed at (now mostly failed) dominant perspectives in psychology. Rather, his prescient and tutored thought captured particular habits of mind and institutionalized modes of inquiry likely to retard progress in psychology indefinitely. In important respects, it is Koch's critical assessments of his own earlier commitments and enthusiasms that exemplify his project for any "scientific" psychology worth having. It is in these self-criticisms that Koch discloses both the source and the costs of trimming and reducing reality merely to prosecute research of the approved type. Furthermore, it is in these self-criticisms that Koch exemplifies the integrity and disinterested judiciousness so characteristic of science at its best.  相似文献   

Pastoral Psychology -  相似文献   

Baum SR 《Brain and language》2001,76(3):266-281
Two experiments examined the influence of context on stop-consonant voicing identification in fluent and nonfluent aphasic patients and normal controls. Listeners were required to label the initial stop in a target word varying along a voice onset time (VOT) continuum as either voiced or voiceless ([b]/[p] or [d]/[t]). Target stimuli were presented in sentence contexts in which the rate of speech of the sentence context (Experiment 1) or the semantic bias of the context (Experiment 2) was manipulated. The results revealed that all subject groups were sensitive to the contextual influences, although the extent of the context effects varied somewhat across groups and across experiments. In addition, a number of patients in both the fluent and nonfluent aphasic groups could not consistently identify even endpoint stimuli, confirming phonetic categorization impairments previously shown in such individuals. Results are discussed with respect to the potential reliance by aphasic patients on higher level context to compensate for phonetic perception deficits.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that rats which have learned a response when hungry will continue to make that response when tested satiated, a phenomenon labeled resistance to satiation. Here we showed that rats which were previously trained hungry will learn a new response for the opportunity to consume pellets in a new situation when tested satiated. In four experiments various groups received each of the components of the training given when rats learn an instrumental response when hungry. Rats were placed in the goalbox of a straight alley and given food pellets when hungry or were hungry only in their home cages prior to running a straight alley in the satiated test in Experiment 1. In Experiments 2, 3, and 4 learning of a differential conditioning problem for pellets in S+ (nonreward in S?) was measured in the satiated test. Groups given pellets in their home cages when hungry with or without alley exposure learned to run more rapidly in S+ than in S? in the satiated test phase. The tendency to eat pellets in the apparatus and the reinforcing effect of eating the pellets was larger for rats which ate the pellets when hungry in their home cage than for rats which ate the pellets when satiated in their home cage. Being hungry in the home cage with no pellets was not sufficient to produce eating or running for pellets in the satiated test, indicating that any inherent reinforcing effect of the pellets is not sufficient to produce eating or running, and that incomplete satiation cannot account for the learning. These data indicate that a reinforcing effect of eating pellets under satiation is an important determiner of resistance to satiation.  相似文献   

It is well known that numerous aspects of sentential context can influence the manner in which a word within the sentence is identified. We investigated two such contextual effects, that of the speaking rate of the sentence in which the target word occurs and that of the semantic congruence between the sentence and the target word. We observed that although the two effects are similar on the surface, in that each is realized as a change in the identification of acoustically ambiguous (but not unambiguous) items along a speech series, they are strikingly different in their susceptibility to changes in task demands. Specifically, changes in the task that readily eliminate the semantic congruity effect do not serve to eliminate the rate effect, suggesting that the two effects arise at different stages of analysis. The implications of this finding for models of speech processing are discussed.  相似文献   

Victoria Seitz (Developmental Review, 1981, 1, 361–373) has misperceived and misunderstood our position (A. D. B. Clarke & A. M. Clarke, Developmental Review, 1981, 344–360). For example, our argument endorsed a transactional and not a main-effect model, nor was our aim to argue that early intervention has no important later consequences, nor did we dispute Consortium findings (I. Lazar & R. Darlington, Lasting effects after preschool, Washington, D.C.: DHEW Publication No. (OHDS) 79-30178, 1978). In fact, agreements with Seitz greatly exceed disagreements. Our skepticism about whether a behavioral treatment can have long-range effects without also having earlier ones remains. Long-term changes appear to result from ongoing long-term processes.  相似文献   

Clark HH  Fox Tree JE 《Cognition》2002,84(1):73-111
The proposal examined here is that speakers use uh and um to announce that they are initiating what they expect to be a minor (uh), or major (um), delay in speaking. Speakers can use these announcements in turn to implicate, for example, that they are searching for a word, are deciding what to say next, want to keep the floor, or want to cede the floor. Evidence for the proposal comes from several large corpora of spontaneous speech. The evidence shows that speakers monitor their speech plans for upcoming delays worthy of comment. When they discover such a delay, they formulate where and how to suspend speaking, which item to produce (uh or um), whether to attach it as a clitic onto the previous word (as in "and-uh"), and whether to prolong it. The argument is that uh and um are conventional English words, and speakers plan for, formulate, and produce them just as they would any word.  相似文献   

Karlin and Kestenbaum (1968) reported a series of apparently complex interactions between S-R uncertainty and RT in an experiment using the psychological refractory period paradigm. McLeod (1977) showed that these effects could be predicted by a parallel processing limited capacity model. Kantowitz (1978) criticised that paper on the grounds that it paid insufficient attention to the predictions of response conflict theory and made no mention of errors.It will be shown (a) that response conflict theory, as described by Kantowitz, fails to predict the effects found by Karlin and Kestenbaum (b) that the comments about errors miss the point of McLeod (1977) (c) that in his final section Kantowitz falls into an old trap which awaits the unwary analyser of PRP data.  相似文献   

An important issue in vision research concerns the order of visual processing. S. P. Vecera and R. C. O'Reilly (1998) presented an interactive, hierarchical model that placed figure-ground segregation prior to object recognition. M. A. Peterson (1999) critiqued this model, arguing that because it used ambiguous stimulus displays, figure-ground processing did not precede object processing. In the current article, the authors respond to Peterson's (1999) interpretation of ambiguity in the model and her interpretation of what it means for figure-ground processing to come before object recognition. The authors argue that complete stimulus ambiguity is not critical to the model and that figure-ground precedes object recognition architecturally in the model. The arguments are supported with additional simulation results and an experiment, demonstrating that top-down inputs can influence figure-ground organization in displays that contain stimulus cues.  相似文献   

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