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生活世界、知识异化与现代哲学的致思路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“回归生活世界”无疑是从近代哲学向现代哲学转向的重要标志之一。然而,发源于启蒙理性的近代哲学何以进入到以“回归生活世界”为核心诉求的现代哲学,它在回应近代科学思维向人文精神领域的渗透时是怎样确立哲学的思考范围并开辟现代哲学的新方向的,这尚是一些需要继续探讨的问题。本文试图分析启蒙时代以来理性的扩张和知识的进步所构建的生活世界图景及其现实困局,以确认现代哲学之“回归生活世界”的合理意义与价值。一、启蒙理性与“卢梭问题”自从弗兰西斯·培根提出“知识就是力量”这一脍炙人口的口号以来,人类社会便进入了一个理…  相似文献   

从十九世纪中期到二十世纪中期,世界上的伟人灿若群星,他们都以不同的方式影响着这个时代;然而,却没有人能象甘地那样对人们的思想和行动产生如此巨大的影响。甘地的思想和行为渗透到了整个人类社会,他实质上是一个在历史上应和佛陀、基督相提并论的人物,是印度向现代世界奉献出的最伟大的人道主义者。卡尔·希思把他形容为“文明的仁慈博爱的人类的典范”。  相似文献   

由市场经济所直接推动的“世界交往”历史形态的生成,标志着人类逐渐进入了一个全球化时代———世界范围内普遍的、自主自觉的类群公共生活时代,或曰“世界公民社会”时代。作为一个内蕴丰富的意义符码,“世界公民社会”最显著、最突出的人文特征在于,它是对交往的普遍化所要求的“公共理性”的表达,是对与之相应的以模塑现代“公民社会”民众之普遍的“公共理性”精神为根本追求的新“公民文化”及其价值观的彰显。就学理性意义而言,在文化多元与一元并存、价值的差异与共识同在等已成为显在现实的当代中国社会,新“公民文化”及其价值观…  相似文献   

行动识别理论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘爱伦  厉康 《心理科学》2004,27(4):913-915
本文介绍Vallacher和Wegner提出的“行动识别理论”。文章结合实验围绕人们行动识别的特点与原则、行动识别与行动的交互作用、决定行动识别水平的因素以及行动识别水平的个体差异和高水平行动识别者与低水平行动识别者的不同行动风格展开介绍。这些研究不仅有其对认知与行动之间关系作科学探索的理论价值,而且对人们更好地实现目标而进行日常行为管理也有着重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

叶浩生 《心理科学》2020,(3):762-767
认知心理学实用性转向的根本涵义在于强调认知对于行动的效用与价值。传统认知心理学视认知系统的主要工作是怎样精确地 “表征” 世界,以便在大脑中建立一个外部世界的心理模型。实用性转向则强调认知系统的主要工作不是 “表征” 或 “反映”,而是指导有机体更有效地行动,认知是有 “效用” 的,它的效用就在于指导有机体适应和改造环境的活动。认知产生于行动、服务于行动,与行动水乳交融。这些理论观点来源于实用主义哲学。詹姆斯、杜威等人的经典实用主义对行动和效果的强调深刻影响了部分认知心理学家,促使他们放弃表征为中心的认知观而转向行动导向的认知观。在作者看来,由于这种转向强调了认知的 “效用”,因而对于认知心理学的健康发展将产生积极影响。  相似文献   

朱承 《哲学研究》2023,(10):65-74+129
合一性是王阳明哲学思维最为突出的特质之一。无论是在对于世界本质的总体把握上,还是在对认知与行动、不同修养工夫、人与天地万物等之间关系的理解上,王阳明哲学都呈现出了合一性的思维特质。这既是心学思维的简约与高妙之展现,更反映了王阳明对人与世界之间不断扩大的分裂性的深切忧患。由此观之,“心理合一”意味着从内在心体来理解世界的普遍一致性,以“心”统“殊”来弥合人心与外在世界的分裂;“知行合一”意味着从意念与行动的一体化来理解人类道德,以此连接道德认知与道德行动之间的脱节;“只是一个工夫”意味着只有将不同修养工夫统一到“良知之悟”,才可能避免形式繁多的修养工夫流入支离;“天地万物为一体”意味着从整体一元来理解人与世界的应然状态,以此消除不同个体的孤立性存在状态。王阳明的合一性思维对于在多样性、分化性的世界中寻找同一性、一致性的理论致思,具有积极的思想资源价值。  相似文献   

确定性代表着规范、秩序和价值。然在现代话语中,确定性似乎已不可能。解构“形而上学”成了现代哲学的基本态度。好象我们真的进入了“什么都行”的多元化世界。确定性陷入了相对主义的困局。的确,我们正在进入一个与传统社会不同的现代性社会。但是,相对主义是一个问题,而不是  相似文献   

共生的理念与现代   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一 前言最近十几年来 ,“共生”这个词语经常被人谈起 ,引发人们的讨论。围绕地球环境遭到破坏这个问题 ,其实从很久以前人们就开始讨论“人与自然的共生” ,而冷战结束后深刻的民族纠纷则使“异民族的共生”成为一个切实的问题。也就是说 ,由“人与自然的共生”开始 ,“异民族的共生”、“异文化的共生”、“男女的共生”、“与残疾人的共生”等种种提法引起了人们的讨论。但是在欧美 ,人们并没有像日本人这么热心地关注“共生”。考虑到这一点 ,我们有必要思考“共生”与现代日本固有的问题之间的关联。“共生”是与现代社会的时代变革相…  相似文献   

近现代是一个中西冲突、新旧交替的时代,面对西学东渐、中西文化的碰撞和传统社会向现代社会的转型,作为传统文化重要组成部分的中国佛教也相应地做出了一系列或主动或被动的转变,特别是更多地面向新时代、新社会、新文化,更多地关注并参与到现实的社会和人生中,可将其称之为入世转型。这里的“入世”并非意味着近现代之前的佛教只有“出世”而没有“入世”的面向,恰恰相反,近现代佛教的入世转型,是对佛教中国化进程中入世化、人生化倾向的继承。但中国近现代佛教的入世转型又有着与历史上的“入世”非常不同的时代境遇、丰富内涵、新的特点及历史效应,它是对大变革时代社会和文化的回应,也是中国佛教自我反思、自我革新的结果,是佛教在新的历史条件下对佛教中国化的承续与创新,是佛教为了在新的社会文化环境中生存发展并更好地展示其独特价值、发挥其独特作用的努力与开拓。佛教通过与新时代的政治、经济、宗教、科学、社会思潮、思想文化等各方面的协调互动,实现了自身在政教关系、组织管理、思想观念、佛法义理、僧伽教育、宗教实践等方面的转型和变革。近现代中国佛教的入世转型,呈现出曲折的历程和多向度的路径,表现出区别于传统佛教入世的新面貌、新特点,...  相似文献   

不同的时代会有不同的日常生活样态并因而会有不同的承诺.中国传统社会对于承诺的理解主要包括“慎诺”、“守诺”与“守义”三个方面;现代社会是一个由“陌生人”构成的社会,人们日常生活中的承诺无论是从对象、内容及兑现方式都与传统的“熟人”社会不同,容易陷入承诺的道德困境;在继承和发扬传统承诺价值观的基础上,完善以“脱域机制”为主的社会信任机制,对于信赖社会的构建具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

In the hotly contested issue of affirmative action, detractors maintain that the use of race-conscious policies to remedy past discrimination is contraindicative of a color-blind society. Supporters of affirmative action maintain that while a color-blind society may be desirable, acts of past discrimination and current institutional racism make it necessary to use race-conscious policies. Past research has shown that the demographic variables of race and sex, as well as modern racist attitudes predict attitudes toward affirmative action. This investigation examined the relationship between color-blind attitudes, modern racist attitudes, and attitudes toward affirmative action. Results confirmed a positive relationship between modern racism and color-blind attitudes. After controlling for race and sex, colorblind attitudes emerged as the strongest predictor of attitudes toward affirmative action, followed by modern racism.  相似文献   

“Liberty” is a core, prior value of modern Western culture, and particularly of Anglo-American political and economic discourse. For more than a century, the US and other Western countries have been doing their utmost to promote the value of liberty around the world. However, different nations and cultures have different value priorities. Considering “liberty” as the essential, unassailable prior value is an Anglo-American cultural particularity without universal applicability. In China, “liberty” as a high value is a new idea imported from the West at the beginning of the modern era which never enjoyed a very important position in ancient China. Generally speaking, in Chinese culture, the value of “ping an,” with its connotations of peace, safety, equality, health, harmony, and tranquility, is obviously a prior value. Different value priorities have different impacts on culture. This paper tries to compare the American value priority of “liberty” with the Chinese value priority of “ping an,” while discussing their different historical backgrounds and cultural impacts. It argues that values and value priorities are neither absolute nor universal, but that they are rather historical, situational, and dynamic. Value priority in a society should be based on that society’s particular social reality and on the stage of development and the life requirements of its people, rather than on an outside imperative. In the era of globalization, different and even sometimes contradictory human values may actually mutually complement and counterbalance one another.  相似文献   

Hannah Arendt’s writings concerning individual responsibility create an important – and under-examined – context for reading J. M. Coetzee’s oeuvre, particularly his novel Waiting for the Barbarians. For Arendt, when a society fails to offer ethical codes of conduct to follow, people should determine those codes by themselves, since morality concerns people in their individuality during totalitarian times. Arendt’s ideas bear important similarities to Coetzee’s representation of the magistrate in the novel, as this character struggles to live with his conscience in a totalitarian regime. In Arendt’s world, introspection is only needed when the world around us fails to guarantee moral laws, and even then one should not focus on oneself only, but instead try to focus on the world around us. Coetzee, however, shows through the character of the magistrate how this internal dialogue easily becomes torturous in its nature. If political action is the most important aspect of Arendt’s thinking, then Coetzee shows through the character of the magistrate how modern, conscientious humans cannot just act politically; instead, their action is always marked by their personal weaknesses, including their feelings of inadequacy. Nevertheless, even if Arendt emphasises political action more than Coetzee, who shows that such action is necessarily marked by individual doubt, self-questioning and other personal inadequacies, the reliance on radical thinking, which is at odds with conformism, is a concern they share.  相似文献   

This review examines the relevance of agency to the citizen's participation in modern society. Recently, a number of authors have proposed that the development of a more communal rather than individualistic-oriented person would remedy the social alienation found in modern society. In this paper I propose that in modern, complex, and technology-oriented societies, agency, or an instrumental orientation, is necessary for citizens to be able to adapt to their cultural environment. Findings from research in peace, community, and organizational psychology are reviewed in terms of the relevance of agency to social action and community participation. Components of agency, such as self-protection concerns, efficacy beliefs, and moral responsibility values, were found to facilitate social action in modern Western societies. Social action, in turn, enables citizens to acquire rights and resources that allow their participation in work and the community. Accordingly, agency as well as communion, are necessary for citizens to establish the requirements for participation in modern and technologically-advanced societies. Implications for social intervention and policy are indicated.  相似文献   

Marx’s thought of community has experienced three stages in logic and is rooted in the social fundamental contradictions between productive forces and universal communication in content. It reflects the evolution of history into world history and human’s free and all-round development tending towards the unity of individuals and communities. Faced with the profound changes never seen in a century, the thought of building a human community with a shared future inherits and carries forward Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, i.e., the practice of building a social community, the ultimate focus on human destiny, and the grand vision of promoting historical development in human society. In addition, under the historical context of socialism and capitalism coexisting, the thought of building a human community with a shared future creates and shows a new state of Marx’s idea of community in three aspects, namely, dimension remodeling, path reshaping, and value reinterpretation. It presents a new model for historical significance and human civilization of a world of openness, probability and promise to promote the transformation from the modern society to a human society.  相似文献   

论中国多元化医疗公正的选择   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生命伦理学面对的最大的道德困惑是公正问题,其中最为尖锐的问题是生命权利与医疗公正.公正原则在实际医疗领域运用中存在着种种误区.公正观的多元化是现代社会包括现代医疗的必然结果,体现在医疗公正方面合理的伦理选择就在于在不同的医疗境遇中,使用不同的公正原则,从而选择现实的生命伦理学道路.  相似文献   

风险社会的伦理意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“风险社会”已是人类可经验到的事实。风险是一个表明自然终结和传统终结的概念,它是预测和控制人类活动的未来结果,即激进现代化的各种各样、不可预料的后果的现代手段,使一种拓殖未来的企图,一种认识的图谱。。在风险社会,风险是永恒存在的,它只具有有限的可控性,对人类是一个很大的挑战。风险和责任是内在关联的。风险社会赋予了伦理以更加丰富的内涵,加强风险社会的伦理研究,建立风险伦理学,将有利于我们更好地防范风险。  相似文献   

马克思主义的人生观和世界观在马克思主义的历史唯物主义中是统一的。历史唯物主义明确反对从“抽象的人”、“人的当下存在”出发理解人生的有关问题,但这并不一定意味着坚持历史唯物论就要排斥从个体生命的视角研究人生的问题。我们的马克思主义理论研究和建设工作,应重视对马克思主义人生观理论的发掘和整理,为社会主义精神文明建设和和谐社会的构建作出贡献。  相似文献   

Religion, defined as ‘the idea of a state that transcends ourselves and our world and the working out of the consequences of that idea’, may influence the ethical thinking of scientists and engineers in two ways. The first is at the level of the individual and how personal beliefs affect the choice of research, design or development projects, relationships with other researchers and the understandings of the consequences of research on other aspects of life. The second level is that of the social and cultural setting in which scientists and engineers work; how society decides which research to sponsor, how to apply the results of scientific discovery and which technology it chooses to develop and for what purposes. In neither of these areas is religious belief a necessary condition for scientists and engineers to pursue one course of action rather than another. The existence of religious belief within the individual and society is, though, part of the ethical framework in which scientist and engineers work and therefore something to which attention should be paid. Religion provides a particular perspective on what should be. Conversely science and technology provide information on the nature of the person and the universe in which we live, which must be taken into account when theologians and religious moralists apply their ethical norms and principles.  相似文献   

现代公共卫生的概念特征及发展方向研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代公共卫生本质上是组织社会共同努力,预防疾病、促进健康的广泛的社会公共事业和人类健康相关的科学与实践活动,其理论观念、目标任务和工作模式等在传统公共卫生的基础上已发生了一系列重大变化.以健康为中心、与经济社会协调发展是现代公共卫生作的重要的发展方向.  相似文献   

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