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正字法家族效应是指正字法邻近词越多, 家族越大, 单词识别越快的一种现象。一般使用词汇判断、语义分类任务、快速命名等实验范式研究。影响家族效应的因素有家族词的频率、材料的语言和家族在单词中的位置等。家族效应表现在150~300ms窗口中的早期成分和更大的N400上。家族效应可能与左大脑半球的不同脑区的的语义激活有关, 也可能与中背外侧前额的执行控制功能有关。家族效应的理论模型主要有:多重标准识别模型、交互激活模型和双通路瀑布式模型等。将来的研究可尝试从实验材料和研究方法等方面进行拓展。  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether the balance of neighborhood distribution (i.e., the way orthographic neighbors are spread across letter positions) influences visual word recognition. Three word conditions were compared. Word neighbors were either concentrated on one letter position (e.g.,nasse/basse-lasse-tasse-masse) or were unequally spread across two letter positions (e.g.,pelle/celle-selle-telle-perle), or were equally spread across two letter positions (e.g.,litre/titre-vitre-libre-livre). Predictions based on the interactive activation model [McClelland & Rumelhart (1981). Psychological Review, 88, 375–401] were generated by running simulations and were confirmed in the lexical decision task. Data showed that words were more rapidly identified when they had spread neighbors rather than concentrated neighbors. Furthermore, within the set of spread neighbors, words were more rapidly recognized when they had equally rather than unequally spread neighbors. The findings are explained in terms of activation and inhibition processes in the interactive activation framework.  相似文献   

汉语形声字声旁家族大小对整字发音的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
毕鸿燕  胡伟  翁旭初 《心理学报》2006,38(6):791-797
拼音文字阅读中的“家族效应”是语音通达研究的一个重要角度,然而,汉字语音通达的家族效应研究却未见报道。本文运用快速命名的实验范式,对汉字形声字声旁家族大小对整字语音通达的影响进行了研究。结果发现汉字阅读中也存在家族效应,但是与拼音文字正好相反,声旁家族越大,反应时越长,在不规则汉字阅读中表现更为明显,显示了汉语语音通达有别于拼音文字的特殊性。另外,作者在研究基础上提出了一个汉字形声字阅读的模型,以期更深入地揭示汉字形声字阅读的认知机制  相似文献   

以汉字为实验材料,自变量为汉字正字法笔画家族大小,采用延迟反应的同一字判断任务,记录并研究大学生被试对刺激字的脑电(EEG)。本文对笔画家族的定义是,通过改变1~5笔笔画得到刺激字的正字法家族成员,改变的笔画不构成部件。脑电结果显示:大家族刺激字比小家族刺激字诱发更负的N400和N250成分、更低的P200,其中N400的结果与基于交互激活模型的二阶段理论的预期一致。  相似文献   

印丛  王娟  张积家 《心理学报》2011,43(9):1002-1012
以起始掩蔽启动效应(the Masked Onset Priming Effect, 简称MOP效应)为研究背景, 通过3个实验, 考察了语音和字形在MOP效应产生中的作用, 以及在汉语单字词产生中语音、字形启动的位置效应。实验1表明, 在汉语单字词的产生中, 语音启动的位置效应显著, 声母启动的效应量显著大于韵母启动的效应量, 与拼音文字研究得到的MOP效应类似, 说明在MOP效应中至少包含有语音效应。汉字单字词语音编码的最小单位是音位, 而且具有从左到右序列加工的特点, 支持言语产生的“音节临时形成论”。实验2表明, 与目标字左、右部件相同的启动刺激均能促进掩蔽启动范式中的命名反应, 被试对与启动字的右部件相同的目标字的反应显著快于对与启动字的左部件相同的目标字的反应, 与起始掩蔽启动效应的假设相反, 说明在MOP效应中不包含有字形的作用, 却发现了汉字单字词特有的命名的字形位置效应:右部件启动的效应量大于左部件启动的效应量。实验3采用图-词干扰范式对汉字左、右部件的启动效应做了进一步的探讨, 仍然发现汉字右部件启动的效应量显著大于汉字左部件启动的效应量。整个研究表明, MOP效应是单纯的语音效应, 并不包含有字形的作用; MOP效应产生于言语产生中的语音编码阶段, 支持言语计划理论的观点。  相似文献   

A number of previous studies found that the consistency of sound-to-spelling mappings (feedback consistency) affects spoken word recognition. In auditory lexical decision experiments, words that can only be spelled one way are recognized faster than words with multiple potential spellings. Previous studies demonstrated this by manipulating feedback consistency of rhymes. The present lexical decision study, done in English, manipulated the spelling of individual vowels within consistent rhymes. Participants recognized words with consistent rhymes where the vowel has the most typical spelling (e.g., lobe) faster than words with consistent rhymes where the vowel has a less typical spelling (e.g., loaf). The present study extends previous literature by showing that auditory word recognition is affected by orthographic regularities at different grain sizes, just like written word recognition and spelling. The theoretical and methodological implications for future research in spoken word recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

邹丽娟 《心理科学》2015,(6):1353-1358
听觉词汇识别是由声学信号激活语音最终通达语义的过程。来自行为、脑电、脑成像的研究发现在不需要外显字形任务的听觉词汇识别中,字形信息得到激活并影响听觉词汇识别。本文综述了近年来国内外关于听觉词汇识别中字形激活的一系列研究结果,发现阅读学习是字形激活的主要原因。文章总结了听觉词汇识别中字形激活存在的两种不同观点,即字形的自动化激活与对语音表征的重组。最后结合汉字存在大量同音字的特点,指出字形在汉语听觉词汇识别中具有解歧的重要作用。与拼音文字相比,汉字可以利用同音字和多音字分离出纯粹的字形因素,因此从汉语角度研究听觉词汇识别中字形激活,可以很好地补充拼音文字的研究,为揭示字形的重要作用提供汉语的证据,同时对于认识语言与阅读之间的关系有重要意义。  相似文献   

We present evidence that the visual analysis of Chinese characters by skilled readers is based upon well-defined orthographic constituents. These functional units are the recurrent, integral stroke-patterns, not the individual strokes as previously thought. The speed of simultaneous 'same-different' comparisons of Chinese characters is affected by the number of these orthographic units and, for 'different' judgements, by the proportion of mismatching units, but not by the number of individual strokes. We further define a category of orthographic unit, referred to here as the 'lexical radical', which requires strict positional regularity within each composite character. Violation of positional regularity results in illegal non-characters. In contrast, recombination of orthographic units (stroke patterns) with the lexical radical in its regular position forms a regular pseudocharacter. We show that real characters are matched faster than pseudocharacters and non-characters-a word superiority effect in Chinese. Pseudocharacters are matched faster than non-characters, a pseudoword advantage in Chinese. We also present evidence suggesting that individual stroke patterns may be better recognized in real characters than in pseudocharacters and non-characters-a word superiority effect in terms of unit recognition. These results support the hypothesis that the functional orthographic unit in the recognition of Chinese characters, comparable to the letter in alphabetic word recognition, is the recurring integral stroke pattern.  相似文献   

A subsyllabic phonological unit, the antibody, has received little attention as a potential fundamental processing unit in word recognition. The psychological reality of the antibody in Korean recognition was investigated by looking at the performance of subjects presented with nonwords and words in the lexical decision task. In Experiment 1, the nonwords with a high-frequency antibody were processed more slowly than those with a low-frequency antibody. Experiment 2 showed that separating the antibody unit is advantageous in processing certain types of Korean words. These results indicate that the antibody is a part of the lexical representation system and is a fundamental unit of lexical processing.  相似文献   

通过眼动分析法考察汉字构词力对双字词识别的影响。实验一采用词汇判断任务,考察双字词单独呈现时,词频和首字构词力对词语识别的作用。实验二在句子情景中进一步考察二者的作用。实验结果验证了词频效应,但没有发现汉字构词力对双字词识别的作用。  相似文献   

舒德华  王权红 《心理科学》2013,36(5):1037-1042
以事件相关电位(ERP)技术和语义启动范式,采用同一字判断(靶字延迟反应)作业,考察字形畸变和语境对低频汉字识别的影响。结果发现,无语义启动时,畸变靶字正确率低于清晰靶字;启动效应只体现在畸变时的正确率上。150–300ms窗口,畸变字比清晰字诱发峰值更负的N170;300–500ms时间窗口,不启动条件诱发平均波幅更负的N400,畸变字诱发更大N400。结论是,畸变字诱发的N170成分,在一定程度上反映了字形加工;N400的语义启动效应和畸变效应,扩展Holcomb的研究,并支持语义提取理论。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨以汉语为第二语言的学习者在提取汉字语义时是否受到形音信息的影响。实验以16名在华的韩国留学生作为被试,采用句尾歧义字实验范式,句尾字包括四种条件——符合句义的目标字、目标字的同音字、目标字的形近字和无关控制字,后三种类型的句尾字构成了歧义句。被试的任务是判断句义是否正确。实验结果发现,被试对同音干扰字的反应时明显短于对形近干扰字的反应时,对同音干扰字的判断正确率显著高于对形近干扰字和无关控制字的判断正确率,而形近干扰字和无关控制字无论在正确率还是反应时上均没有显著差异。这个结果表明,以汉语作为第二语言的韩国留学生在阅读汉语时,汉字的语音信息自动激活,并促进语义的提取。  相似文献   

在阅读时,读者可以获取副中央凹处的词汇信息,副中央凹加工是构成流畅阅读的重要因素。本研究从儿童语言发展的角度,通过3个实验(共534名被试),考察了汉语视觉字词加工中2~5年级学生的字形、语音、语义预视效应。结果发现:(1)2~5年级小学生均有字形预视效应;(2)2、3年级学生没有语音预视效应,4、5年级学生有此效应;(3)2年级学生没有语义预视效应,3、4、5年级学生有此效应。这表明,低水平的视觉信息—字形信息在儿童副中央凹加工中一直稳定地发挥作用;高水平的语言信息—语音和语义信息,随着儿童年级的升高和阅读技能的提升,逐渐地在儿童的副中央凹加工中发挥作用。儿童对汉字各类型信息的获取与使用的发展模式不同于拼音文字阅读发展理论的预测。  相似文献   

When reading, orthographic information is extracted not only from the word the reader is looking at, but also from adjacent words in the parafovea. Here we examined, using the recently introduced OB1-reader computational model, how orthographic information can be processed in parallel across multiple words and how orthographic information can be integrated across time and space. Although OB1-reader is a model of text reading, here we used it to simulate single-word recognition experiments in which parallel processing has been shown to play a role by manipulating the surrounding context in flanker and priming paradigms. In flanker paradigms, observers recognize a central word flanked by other letter strings located left and right of the target and separated from the target by a space. The model successfully accounts for the finding that such flankers can aid word recognition when they contain bigrams of the target word, independent of where those flankers are in the visual field. In priming experiments, in which the target word is preceded by a masked prime, the model accounts for the finding that priming occurs independent of whether the prime and target word are in the same location or not. Crucial to these successes is the key role that spatial attention plays within OB1-reader, as it allows the model to receive visual input from multiple locations in parallel, while limiting the kinds of errors that can potentially occur under such spatial pooling of orthographic information.  相似文献   

亚词汇加工是词汇识别研究中的一个重要领域,本研究考察了早期ERP成分P200如何受到汉字亚词汇部件语音信息的影响。在ERP实验中,被试对顺序呈现的启动字和目标字对进行语义判断。实验中“启动字-目标字”字对共享一个共同的可发音或不可发音的部件(如“吹-砍”、“扬-场”)。对目标字的P200效应分析显示:与部件不发音的目标字相比,部件可发音的目标字所诱发的P200显著增强。这种增强的ERP效应表明P200对汉字识别中亚词汇部件的语音加工非常敏感,其效应变化受到亚词汇语音的单独调节,同时也表明在汉字识别的早期阶段亚词汇部件语音信息就已被激活并在汉字加工中起重要作用。  相似文献   

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