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The temporal characteristics of auditory memory were investigated using a reaction time paradigm. The study attempted to determine whether or not there are functionally distinct left and right hemisphere components of auditory memory with different capacities for the retention of nonlinguistic information, such as fundamental frequency, over the course of several seconds. The results indicated that fundamental frequency information in auditory memory remains substantially unchanged over the course of 2 sec. No evidence was found for the existence of separate left and right hemisphere components of auditory memory with different temporal characteristics. The implications of this finding for the organization of auditory memory in the brain are discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency discriminability of a 70-dB SPL, 20-msec test tone followed 5 msec later by an equally intense 500-msec, 800-Hz interference tone was studied in a single-interval procedure for one diotic condition and three dichotic conditions. The test tone (T) and interference tone (I) were presented the same to both ears (ToIo, diotic condition) and in three dichotic conditions: (1) the interference tone was presented to the right ear (R) and the test tone to the left ear (L) (TLIR), (2) the interference tone was presented the same to both ears and the test tone to one ear (TmIo), and (3) the interference tone was presented the same to both ears and the test tone to both ears with an interaural phase reversal (TπIo). The threshold value for test tone frequency discrimination in the diotic temporal interference condition was approximately six times greater than that obtained without an interference tone. The three dichotic temporal interference conditions yielded essentially equivalent threshold values which were approximately 2.4 times that obtained when the test tone was presented without an interference tone. Therefore, although never equaling interference-free conditions, dichotic test tone presentations can improve frequency recognition relative to diotic conditions at intensities well above threshold. It is postulated that this improvement may be due to the spatial separation of test and interfering tones, rather than to possible differences in diotic vs. dichotic subjective intensities. Dichotic-diotic frequency recognition differences did not occur when a 100-msec interval separated the test and interfering tone or when the interfering tone preceded the test tone.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to systematically investigate quantitative fundamental frequency measures prior to moments of stuttering, and relate these measures to the severity and type of stuttering. A repeated readings adaptation procedure was employed to acquire samples of the stuttered and identical fluent speech of stutterers. Thirty-six utterance pairs were classified by type of stuttering (absence of phonation, prolongation, or repetition). A fundamental frequency meter was sampled by a microprocessor computer system at a rate of 256 samples/1.024 sec. Four temporal periods (each 256 msec) preceding the stuttering block were compared with the same periods in a fluently produced sample of similar speech. The analyses revealed differences relative to mean fundamental frequency, variation around the mean fundamental frequency, and the number of voiced data points contained within each temporal segment. The results of this study confirm the existence of acoustic changes in the vocal production of stutterers prior to overt blocks. These changes relate to the type of block that follows. Individual variations that emphasize the need for analyses of within subject differences were found.  相似文献   

Lateralization of verbal processing is frequently studied with the dichotic listening technique, yielding a so called right ear advantage (REA) to consonant-vowel (CV) syllables. However, little is known about how background noise affects the REA. To address this issue, we presented CV-syllables either in silence or with traffic background noise vs. 'babble'. Both 'babble' and traffic noise resulted in a smaller REA compared to the silent condition. The traffic noise, moreover, had a significantly greater negative effect on the REA than the 'babble', caused both by a decreased right ear response as well as an increased left ear response. The results are discussed in terms of alertness and attentional factors.  相似文献   

Large and reliable laterality effects have been found using a dichotic target detection task in a recent experiment using word stimuli pronounced with an emotional component. The present study tested the hypothesis that the magnitude and reliability of the laterality effects would increase with the removal of the emotional component and variations in word frequency. Thirty-two participants completed both a dichotic syllable detection task and a dichotic word detection task. In both tasks, stimuli were pronounced in a neutral tone of voice. Each task was completed twice to allow the estimation of test-retest reliability. Results failed to confirm the hypothesis since they were generally similar to those obtained in the previous study. A significant right ear advantage (REA) was found only with the word task. Although no ear advantage was found for the syllable task, somewhat better reliability was demonstrated compared to that obtained with words. The present findings suggest that including an emotional component does not reduce the reliability or magnitude of auditory laterality effects. In fact, the emotional component may have forced participants to focus on the language aspects of the stimuli. This might partly account for the reduced reliability in words and the absence of REA in syllables. Motivational factors inherent to the within-subject design used here are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reaction times for two right-handed subjects who received 6000 trials of dichotic stop-vowels were obtained under response conditions involving the left hand, right hand, and neck muscles. Results indicated latencies were shorter (150+ msec) when targets were presented to the right rather than the left ear. Large and stable differences in latencies remained invariant with the mode of response. Reaction times did not vary as a function of the target's place or manner of articulation. The relationship between obtained measures of latency and percentage correct ruled out speed-accuracy trade-offs as a source of the obtained differences in latencies.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the right ear advantage in dichotic listening to consonant-vowel syllables is affected if a background noise is presented at the same time as the dichotic stimuli. What is not known is, however, if there is also an effect of varying the intensity level of the background noise. We therefore presented conversation or traffic noise background noise simultaneously with the dichotic syllable stimuli to healthy adult subjects. The intensity of the background noises varied between 50-65 dB in steps of 5 dB. The results showed that the right ear correct reports decreased, while left ear correct reports increased as a consequence of increasing background noise intensity. The effects were also stronger for the right ear, and for the traffic background noise condition, particularly at the two highest intensity levels. The results are discussed in terms of alertness and attentional mechanisms.  相似文献   

Evidence from recent laboratory experiments suggests that ethnic identification can lead to negative evaluations of ethnic minorities (Kaiser & Pratt-Hyatt, 2009). The current research considers the generalizability of these findings to face-to-face interactions in contexts wherein impression management concerns are salient: the workplace hiring process. In a field experiment, Black, Hispanic, and Irish individuals applied for retail jobs with or without visible display of their ethnic identification. Analysis of indicators of formal (e.g., application offering, interview scheduling) and interpersonal discrimination (e.g., interaction length, nonverbal negativity) suggest store personnel interacting with other-race applicants exhibited greater positivity and longer interactions when applicants displayed ethnic identification than when they did not. The findings suggest that psychologists need to understand not only attitudes or intentions expressed in the lab, but also the behavioral consequences of manifest group identity as they unfold in natural environments.  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the hypothesis that age-related declines in cognitive functioning are partly due to a decrease in peripheral sensory functioning. In particular, it was suggested that some of the decline in serial recall for verbal material might be due to even small amounts of degradation due to noise or hearing loss. Older and younger individuals identified and recalled nonsense syllables in order at a number of different speech-to-noise ratios. Performance on the identification task was significantly correlated with performance on a subsequent serial recall task. However, this was restricted to the case in which the stimuli were presented in a substantial amount of noise. These data show that even small changes in sensory processing can lead to real and measurable declines in cognitive functioning as measured by a serial recall task.  相似文献   

This study measured the ability of 16 aged listeners, normal for their age (age range, 63 to 84 yr.) to discriminate phonemic contrasts in sentential stimuli (Subtest 13 of the Carrow-Auditory Visual Abilities Test) presented at 50% time-compression rate. A series of linear regression analyses were performed in which each independent variable was regressed against the continuous variable of age. Over-all performance on the time-compressed task significantly decreased as a function of age. Also discrimination of place of articulation and mid- to high-frequency contrasts was significantly and negatively related to age. In general, such findings suggest that the course of aging continuously imposes degrading effects on speech-processing that are related to discrimination of place feature contrasts.  相似文献   

The tendency to hear a tone sequence as 2 or more streams (segregated) builds up, but a sudden change in properties can reset the percept to 1 stream (integrated). This effect has not hitherto been explored using an objective measure of streaming. Stimuli comprised a 2.0-s fixed-frequency inducer followed by a 0.6-s test sequence of alternating pure tones (3 low [L]-high [H] cycles). Listeners compared intervals for which the test sequence was either isochronous or the H tones were slightly delayed. Resetting of segregation should make identifying the anisochronous interval easier. The HL frequency separation was varied (0-12 semitones), and properties of the inducer and test sequence were set to the same or different values. Inducer properties manipulated were frequency, number of onsets (several short bursts vs. one continuous tone), tone:silence ratio (short vs. extended bursts), level, and lateralization. All differences between the inducer and the L tones reduced temporal discrimination thresholds toward those for the no-inducer case, including properties shown previously not to affect segregation greatly. Overall, it is concluded that abrupt changes in a sequence cause resetting and improve subsequent temporal discrimination.  相似文献   

The perceptual grouping of a four-tone cycle was studied as a function of differences in fundamental frequencies and the frequencies of spectral peaks. Each tone had a single formant and at least 13 harmonics. In Experiment 1 the formant was created by filtering a flat spectrum and in Experiment 2 by adding harmonics. Fundamental frequency was found to be capable of controlling grouping even when the spectra spanned exactly the same frequency range. Formant peak separation became more effective as the sharpness (amplitude of the peak relative to a spectral pedestal) increased. The effect of each type of acoustic difference depended on the task. Listeners could group the tones by either sort of difference but were also capable of resisting the disruptive effect of the other one. This was taken as evidence for the presence of a schema-based process of perceptual grouping and the relative weakness of primitive segregation.  相似文献   

Recent research revealed considerable decline in visual perception under low luminance conditions. However, systematic studies on how visual performance is affected by absolute luminance and luminance contrast under low mesopic conditions (<0.5 cd/m2) is lacking. We examined performance in a simple visual discrimination task under low mesopic luminance conditions in three experiments in which we systematically varied base luminance and luminance contrast between stimulus and background. We further manipulated eccentricity of the stimuli because of known rods and cones gradients along the retina. We identified a “deficiency window” for performance as measured by d’ when luminance was < 0.06 cd/m2 and luminance contrast as measured by the luminance ratio between stimulus and background was below < 1.7. We further calculated performance-based luminance as well as contrast efficiency functions for reaction times (RTs). These power functions demonstrate the contrast asymptote needed to decrease RTs and how such a decrease can be achieved given various combinations of absolute luminance and luminance contrast manipulations. Increased eccentricity resulted in slower RTs indicative of longer scan distances. Our data provide initial insights to performance-based efficiency functions in low mesopic environments that are currently lacking and to the physical mechanisms being utilized for visual perception in these extreme environments.  相似文献   

A note on chaining and temporal discrimination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four pigeons were exposed to a two-key DRL procedure. At the start of a trial, key A was illuminated. A response to the lighted key turned it off and simultaneously illuminated key B. Reinforcement was available for responses on key B which followed the initial key A response by more than 2 sec. In the course of exposure to these conditions, all birds acquired superstitious response chains on key A. The distribution of the number of responses on key A preceding a key B response and the distribution of intervals elapsing from the initial key A response to the key B response were of the same form. The suggestion is made that the superstitious responding on key A served to mediate the required delay interval. However, when intervals between successive key A responses were recorded for one subject, they were found to be regularly spaced in time. Thus, the problem remains of how this behavior is itself timed.  相似文献   

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