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"Representational pseudoneglect" refers to a bias toward the left side of space that occurs when visual information is remembered. Recently a number of demonstrations of such representational pseudoneglect have appeared. In the present article, we report an experiment in which we adopted the classic line bisection paradigm to study representational pseudoneglect. Participants bisected horizontal lines that were shown in extrapersonal space. When the lines were visible on the screen, there was no evidence of any leftward bias. However, when lines were bisected from memory, the participants demonstrated a clear bias to the left. This is the first demonstration of a leftward bias in the bisection of remembered visually presented lines.  相似文献   

Pseudoneglect is a slight but consistent leftward attentional bias commonly observed in healthy young populations, purportedly explained by right hemispheric dominance. It has been suggested that normal aging might be associated with a decline of the right hemisphere. According to this hypothesis, a few studies have shown that elderly tend to exhibit a rightward attentional bias in line bisection. In the present study, we tested this hypothesis in young and older participants using a perceptual landmark task. Results yield evidence for an age-related shift, from a strong attentional leftward bias in young adults toward a suppressed or even a reversed bias in the elderly. Right hemisphere impairment coupled to a left hemispheric compensation might explain the perceptual shift observed in older adults. However, a decline in corpus callosum function cannot be excluded. Alternatively, these results may be in agreement with the hypothesis of an age-related specific inhibition of return dysfunction, an overt attentional orienting mechanism, and/or a decrease of dopamine.  相似文献   

We investigated the precision of the approximate number system (ANS) in three lemur species (Lemur catta, Eulemur mongoz, and Eulemur macaco flavifrons), one Old World monkey species (Macaca mulatta) and humans (Homo sapiens). In Experiment 1, four individuals of each nonhuman primate species were trained to select the numerically larger of two visual arrays on a touchscreen. We estimated numerical acuity by modeling Weber fractions (w) and found quantitatively equivalent performance among all four nonhuman primate species. In Experiment 2, we tested adult humans in a similar procedure, and they outperformed the four nonhuman species but showed qualitatively similar performance. These results indicate that the ANS is conserved over the primate order.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the influence of depth on pseudoneglect in healthy young participants (n = 18) within three-dimensional virtual space, by presenting a variation of the greyscales task and a landmark task, which were specifically matched for stimulus–response compatibility, as well as perceptual factors within and across the tasks. Tasks were presented in different depth locations (peripersonal, extrapersonal) and different orientations (horizontal, vertical) within three-dimensional virtual space, using virtual reality technique. A horizontal leftward bias (pseudoneglect) for both tasks was found, which was stronger in peripersonal than in extrapersonal space. For the vertical condition, an upward bias was observed in the greyscales task, but not in the landmark task. These results support the hypotheses of right hemispheric dominance for visual spatial attention and our study is the first to examine horizontal and vertical orienting biases with the greyscales task in peri- and extrapersonal space. Furthermore, the differences in attentional asymmetries with respect to depth suggest dissociable neural mechanisms for visual attentional processing in near and far space and the lack of significant correlations implies independence of horizontal and vertical stimulus processing.  相似文献   

Experience engenders learning, but not all learning involves representational change. In this paper, we provide a dramatic case study of the distinction between learning and representational change. Specifically, we examined long‐ and short‐term changes in representations of numeric magnitudes by asking individuals with Williams syndrome (WS) and typically developing (TD) children to estimate the position of numbers on a number line. As with TD children, accuracy of WS children's numerical estimates improved with age (Experiment 1) and feedback (Experiment 2). Both long‐ and short‐term changes in estimates of WS individuals, however, followed an atypical developmental trajectory: as TD children gained in age and experience, increases in accuracy were accompanied by a logarithmic‐to‐linear shift in estimates of numerical magnitudes, whereas in WS individuals, accuracy increased but logarithmic estimation patterns persisted well into adulthood and after extensive training. These findings suggest that development of numerical estimation in WS is both arrested and atypical.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted with right-handed adult subjects to investigate motor and sensory components of a tactual line bisection task performed under three conditions: at midline, in the left, and in the right hemispaces. In the sensory experiment we found a left-hand rather than a right-hand superiority under the midline condition and, in the motor experiment, a right-hand rather than a left-hand superiority. The results were discussed with respect to hemispheric specialization and hemispace theories. Furthermore, we found a pseudoneglect (subjects bisected to the left of the midpoint) in the sensory experiment and a surprising reversed pseudoneglect (subjects bisected to the right of the midpoint) in the motor experiment.  相似文献   

How humans perform duration judgments with multisensory stimuli is an ongoing debate. Here, we investigated how sub-second duration judgments are achieved by asking participants to compare the duration of a continuous sound to the duration of an empty interval in which onset and offset were marked by signals of different modalities using all combinations of visual, auditory and tactile stimuli. The pattern of perceived durations across five stimulus durations (ranging from 100 ms to 900 ms) follows the Vierordt Law. Furthermore, intervals with a sound as onset (audio-visual, audio-tactile) are perceived longer than intervals with a sound as offset. No modality ordering effect is found for visualtactile intervals. To infer whether a single modality-independent or multiple modality-dependent time-keeping mechanisms exist we tested whether perceived duration follows a summative or a multiplicative distortion pattern by fitting a model to all modality combinations and durations. The results confirm that perceived duration depends on sensory latency (summative distortion). Instead, we did not find evidence for multiplicative distortions. The results of the model and the behavioural data support the concept of a single time-keeping mechanism that allows for judgments of durations marked by multisensory stimuli.  相似文献   

We argue that to best comprehend many data sets, plotting judiciously selected sample statistics with associated confidence intervals can usefully supplement, or even replace, standard hypothesis-testing procedures. We note that most social science statistics textbooks limit discussion of confidence intervals to their use in between-subject designs. Our central purpose in this article is to describe how to compute an analogous confidence interval that can be used in within-subject designs. This confidence interval rests on the reasoning that because between-subject variance typically plays no role in statistical analyses of within-subject designs, it can legitimately be ignored; hence, an appropriate confidence interval can be based on the standard within-subject error term—that is, on the variability due to the subject × condition interaction. Computation of such a confidence interval is simple and is embodied in Equation 2 on p. 482 of this article. This confidence interval has two useful properties. First, it is based on the same error term as is the corresponding analysis of variance, and hence leads to comparable conclusions. Second, it is related by a known factor (√2) to a confidence interval of the difference between sample means; accordingly, it can be used to infer the faith one can put in some pattern of sample means as a reflection of the underlying pattern of population means. These two properties correspond to analogous properties of the more widely used between-subject confidence interval.  相似文献   

In this research, we test the hypothesis that social status will be an orienting cue to the identification of facial expressions of emotion, particularly angry expressions, especially for those who dispositionally believe that some societal groups should dominate others (Social dominance orientation; Pratto, Sidanius, Stallworth, & Malle, 1994). Using an emotion identification task, the expression of anger was identified with greater accuracy on high-status faces than low-status faces, but only for people who endorsed rigid social hierarchies (i.e., high SDO). Furthermore, people who did not endorse social hierarchies (i.e., low SDO) did not show a preference for high-status anger. Thus, the current findings provide a novel account of how social status can be an informative cue to the expression of anger in online perceptions, especially for those who view social dominance as an important framework for society.  相似文献   

盲人的跨感觉通道重组   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
失去视觉的盲人往往伴随着行为代偿,如听觉和触觉能力的提高。脑成像等认知神经科学研究发现,盲人行为代偿的神经机制之一是大脑皮层的跨感觉通道重组,即盲人的视皮层并没有因为视觉剥夺而失去作用,而是广泛地参与了其他感知觉任务。原本暂时的神经联结由于受到新的感觉信息传入方式的持续激活而固化,从而形成新的神经回路,可能是此类跨通道重组的神经基础。  相似文献   

2004年2月15日下午2时15分,浙江省海宁市黄湾镇五丰村发生一起因群众自发迷信活动引发的特大火灾,40人命丧黄泉。 因从事迷信活动酿成特大火灾,竟然夺走40条人命,堪称迷信活动危害之最了。海宁特大火灾事故的发生深深震撼了我的心灵,促使我提笔撷取了几起近年来发生于我国各地因愚昧迷信酿成灾祸的例子,以期提高人民群众对封建迷信危害性的认识,提高警惕性,防患于未然。  相似文献   

Bipolar control in fixed interfood intervals   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The ability of stimuli correlated with successive periods in a fixed interfood interval to support a response that produced or removed them was examined using pigeons. The degree to which those correlated stimuli elicited directed key pecks was also obtained. Stimuli early in the interval functioned as negative reinforcers, and stimuli late in the interval functioned as positive reinforcers. Stimuli correlated with successively later portions of the second half of the interval supported successively higher rates of elicited pecking and, with the exception of the final stimulus, supported successively higher rates of stimulus production. Stimuli in successively earlier portions of the first half of the interval supported successively higher rates of correlated-stimulus removal. This effect occurred in spite of the addition of a conjoint variable-interval dependency for food. An ogive fit to the mean normalized response distributions resulted in r2s demonstrating that most of the variance in the temporal organization of the behavior was accounted for. The findings were taken to indicate that fixed interfood intervals establish bipolar control.  相似文献   

The author assessed the mechanisms underlying skilled production of keying sequences in the discrete sequence-production task by examining the effect of sequence length on mean element execution rate (i.e., the rate effect). To that end, participants (N = 9) practiced fixed movement sequences consisting of 2, 4, and 6 key presses for a total of 588 trials per sequence. In the subsequent test phase, the sequences were executed with and without a verbal short-term memory task in both simple and choice reaction time (RT) paradigms. The rate effect was obtained in the discrete sequence-production task—including the typical quadratic increase in sequence execution time (SET, which excludes RT) with sequence length. The rate effect resulted primarily from 6-key sequences that included 1 or 2 relatively slow elements at individually different serial positions. Slowing of the depression of the 2nd response key (R2) in the 2-key sequence reduced the rate effect in the memory task condition, and faster execution of the 1st few elements in each sequence amplified the rate effect in simple RT. Last, the time to respond to random cues increased with position, suggesting that the mechanisms that underlie the rate effect in new sequences and in familiar sequences are different. The data were in line with the notion that coding of longer keying sequences involves motor chunks for the individual sequence segments and information on how those motor chunks are to be concatenated.  相似文献   

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