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A group of 232 married women doctors, lawyers and professors were surveyed about their attitudes toward their roles and how they cope with role conflicts. Close to half of the women reported that it was impossible to rank the relative importance of their family and career roles, and a majority of women stated that they often experienced strains between these roles. Coping strategies such as having family members help with chores, having family members help resolve role conflicts, reducing standards within certain roles, considering personal interests important, and scheduling and organizing activities carefully were found to be significantly related to satisfaction. It is suggested that married professional women who develop effective coping strategies will find the challenge of combining a profession and a family a rewarding one.  相似文献   

The question of whether religion should be considered in psychotherapy continues to be a point of debate. Many authors, notably Boyd-Franklin and Peck, feel that it is a serious oversight for mental health workers to ignore the role of spirituality in the development of the psyche. The present author offers a training program for mental health workers to aid in their understanding of the psycho-spiritual development of their clients. Moreover, the role of religious folk belief in psychotherapy is highlighted to aid therapists in understanding the explanations that clients from culturally diverse backgrounds may give in attempting to explain the causes of mental illness. Finally, a differential diagnosis of spirit possession versus schizophrenia is discussed. Several case examples are presented.  相似文献   

目的:修订中文版正念教学量表并检验其在中国教师群体中的信效度。方法:使用样本1(n1=302)进行项目分析、探索性因素分析;样本2(n2=185)进行验证性因素分析;使用样本1和2检验量表的跨组测量不变性,并考察效标效度;样本3(n3=30)进行重测信度检验。结果:中文版正念教学量表为二因子结构,包括个体内正念和人际间正念两个分量表,具有良好的结构效度、效标效度及信度。且该量表在小学、初中及高中教师中达到部分测量强等值。结论:该量表适宜在我国中小学教师群体中使用。  相似文献   

‘Scientific integrity’ certainly requires that data and references be beyond reproach. However, issues within the theory of scientific explanation suggest that there may be more to it than just this. While it is true that some contemporary, pragmatic analyses of explanation suffer from the ‘problem of relevance’ (an inability to ensure that explanations which are paradigmatic technically are relevant to the question being posed), it does not seem to be true that the addition of formal, metaphysical constraints is necessary to solve this problem. I argue that, when viewed as requests for help with an epistemic problem, explanation-seeking questions reveal the existence of a set of moral criteria centered in trust which, when satisfied, prevent trivial or irrelevant explanations from being offered, thereby broadening the concept of ‘scientific integrity’.  相似文献   

We examined several models representing the relations among parenting practices, family structure, peer pressure, and drug use in a sample of 443 seventh graders. The setting was an urban school system serving a high percentage of African American students from low-income families. Analyses using structural equation modeling supported a mediation model in which both peer pressure and parenting practices had direct effects on drug use, with peer pressure mediating the influence of parenting. Within this model, family structure had a significant direct effect on parenting, however, contrary to hypotheses, children from two-parent families were more likely to report that they received adequate parenting than were children from single-parent extended families. Several gender differences were also found. Peer pressure was more highly related to drug use for girls than for boys, and the relation between parenting and peer pressure was stronger for boys. Examination of a model that included moderator effects revealed that the relation between peer pressure and drug use increased as a function of poor parenting. Results of our study underscore the importance of drug prevention efforts focused on parenting practices.  相似文献   

Personality has been studied as a predictor variable in a range of occupational settings. The study reported is based on a systematic search and meta-analysis of the literature, using the "Big Five" personality framework. The results indicated that there was substantial variability in the effect of personality on workplace accidents, with evidence of situational moderators operating in most cases. However, one aspect of personality, low agreeableness, was found to be a valid and generalisable predictor of involvement in work accidents. The implications of the findings for future research are discussed. Although meta-analysis can be used to provide definite estimates of effect sizes, the limitations of such an approach are also considered.
La personnalité a étéétudiée comme variable prédictrice dans un ensemble de situations professionnelles. Ce travail s'appuie sur une investigation approfondie et une méta-analyse de la littérature faisant appel au modèle de la personnalité du « Big Five >>. Les résultats montrent qu'il existe de fortes variations en ce qui concerne le rôle de la personnalité dans les accidents du travail, avec l'interférence de facteurs situationnels dans la plupart des cas. Cependant, un aspect de la personnalité, une « agreeableness >> basse, apparaît comme étant un prédicteur valide et général de l'implication dans les accidents du travail. On réfléchit à l'intérêt de ces résultats pour de futures recherches. La méta-analyse peut certes procurer une évaluation précise de l'impact d'une variable, mais il faut aussi prendre en considération les limites de cette approche.  相似文献   

Research increasingly demonstrates the detrimental effects of psychologically controlling parenting on children's adjustment. An important and practically relevant question is whether some children are more vulnerable for the effects of psychologically controlling parenting. In the current diary study, we investigated whether daily psychologically controlling parenting relates to children's daily externalizing and internalizing problems and whether these associations depend on child personality. A total of 206 children (M age = 9.93 years; 46.6% female) along with their mothers and fathers (M age = 40.30 and 42.40 years) participated in this multi‐informant diary study. All three family members filled out a diary each day for seven days. Multilevel analyses indicated that daily maternal and paternal psychological control were positively related to daily externalizing and internalizing problems, a pattern that was fairly consistent across informants. Out of the 35 interactions tested, only three turned out to be significant. Overall, the limited number of interactions suggests that psychologically controlling parenting is generally detrimental to children's daily functioning. Still, children differ somewhat in their susceptibility to the effect of psychologically controlling parenting. © 2018 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

Hoffmann  Melissa L.  Powlishta  Kimberly K.  White  Karen J. 《Sex roles》2004,50(11-12):795-810
Numerous studies have documented gender differences in psychopathology; girls generally report more internalizing symptoms and boys generally report more externalizing symptoms. These gender differences are partially accounted for by the gender-typed personality characteristics of boys and girls. This study was designed to investigate how gender roles influence symptoms of psychopathology by examining the mediating effects of self- and peer-rated competencies. Using a multiple regression approach to path analysis with a sample of primarily White, middle-class high school students, gender roles significantly predicted symptoms of psychopathology and mediated the gender differences in those symptoms. In addition, the adolescents' self- and peer-rated competence in various domains helped to explain the effect of gender roles on symptoms of psychopathology. Specifically, self-rated social attractiveness and global self-worth fully mediated the relation between instrumentality (i.e., masculinity) and internalizing symptoms. Global self-worth and both self- and peer-rated achievement/conduct partially mediated the relation between expressivity (i.e., femininity) and externalizing symptoms. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The intense and encompassing nature of medical education can be overwhelming at times. The impact that this effect has on a student can be mitigated if adequately trained, spiritually focused advisors are available and present within the campus setting. This article presents real case examples of, and recommendations for, the role of medical school chaplaincies and why those chaplaincies should be a part of the culture of medical education.  相似文献   

The external validity of the attraction-leniency effect observed repeatedly in jury research was examined by adding two small elements of juridicial realism to the usual paradigm modeled after Landy and Aronson (1969). An attraction-leniency effect was not found when judge's instructions regarding the criteria of guilt were provided, and subjects assessed probable guilt rather than appropriate sentence.  相似文献   

Dietz  Tracy L. 《Sex roles》1998,38(5-6):425-442
Using content analysis, this research examinesthe portrayal of women and the use of violent themes ina sample of 33 popular Nintendo and Sega Genesis videogames. It is proposed that video games, like other media forms, impact the identity ofchildren. This analysis reveals that traditional genderroles and violence are central to many games in thesample. There were no female characters in 41% of the games with characters. In 28% of these, womenwere portrayed as sex objects. Nearly 80% of the gamesincluded aggression or violence as part of the strategyor object. While 27% of the games containedsociallyacceptable aggression, nearlyhalf included violencedirected specifically at others and 21% depictedviolence directed at women. Most of the characters inthe games were Anglo.  相似文献   

Instrumental and expressive (I/E) traits represent stereotypical masculine and feminine personality characteristics that are exhibited at varying levels in both genders, with instrumentality representing masculine traits and expressiveness representing feminine traits (Jolson and Comer 1997). The authors propose and empirically test a theoretical model that identifies salesperson learning, prove, and avoid goal orientations as mediators of I/E traits and performance. Findings indicated that goal orientation fully mediated the instrumental to performance relationship and partially mediated the expressiveness to performance relationship. It was also found that salespeople who have high levels of both instrumental and expressive traits (termed androgynous) were high in learning and prove orientations and low in avoid orientation. In turn, learning and prove orientations had a positive influence on performance, while avoid orientation was not significantly related to performance. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the dimensional structure of acculturation for three prototypic groups of Asian Americans: those who were more Asian identified, those who were more American identified, and those who were jointly Asian and American identified. Three-way multidimensional scaling revealed a two-dimensional structure in which the first dimension consisted of language and culture domains and the second dimension contained cultural identity and values domains. These findings are consistent with the theoretical literature that distinguishes between external and internal aspects of acculturation (e.g., Kwan & Sodowsky, 1997). The first dimension was salient for the American identified prototype group, the second dimension was salient for the Asian identified group, and both dimensions were salient for the Asian and American identified group. Implications of the dimensional structure are discussed with respect to the predominant models of acculturation and identity for Asian Americans (e.g., Berry, 1989; Sue & Sue, 2003; Suinn, Rickard-Figueroa, Lew, & Vigil, 1987), the role of sociocultural context, and Linville's (1987) theory of cognitive complexity. Recommendations are made for the assessment of acculturation among Asian Americans.  相似文献   

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