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A technique is described that permits precise synchronization of video recorded behavior with discrete stimuli and responses. These discrete events are recorded as digital data on the video channel of a video recorder on a horizontal line that lies above the visible video information. These data may be observed in single-frame playback mode by underscanning the playback monitor. A circuit is described for computerized decoding of the digital data. Because each video field is uniquely coded, an updating of the data is possible 60 times each second. The described technique has several advantages over current approaches for synchronizing discrete stimulus and response events with video recorded behavior.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to assess the impact of modality of production of think-aloud protocols on reading strategies. Readers in two studies spoke or typed protocols for narrative or science texts and completed comprehension tests for each text. Human judges identified the presence of paraphrasing, bridging inferences, and elaborating within the protocols. Reading comprehension skill was assessed with the Nelson-Denny test. With respect to narrative texts, paraphrasing and bridging were less frequent when readers were typing than when they were thinking aloud. With respect to science texts, less-skilled readers made bridging inferences more frequently when typing than when speaking. Conversely, skilled readers generated more paraphrases than bridges when typing thoughts but not when speaking. These results have implications for computer-based tools for reading assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

Approximately 30% of individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) fail to develop vocal communication and, therefore, use some form of augmentative or alternative communication system. The current study replicates and extends previous research on teaching “Who?” and “Which?” mands for information to 3 young children diagnosed with ASD using a speech generating device. Procedures were evaluated using a multiple baseline across participants design. All participants learned to mand for information and, subsequently, used the information to access preferred items.  相似文献   

As the commonest part of social networks, sharing images in social network not only provides more information, but also gives more intuitive view than text. However, images also can leak out information more easily than text, so the audit of image content is particularly essential. The disclosure of a tiny image, which involves sensitive information about individual, society even the state, may trigger a series of serious problems. In this paper, we design a kind of intelligent image firewall to detect and filter sensitive or privacy images. Two different approaches of the firewall are proposed. In the first approach, we propose an image firewall based on joint sparse representation, which can provide accurate and robust privacy prediction, and also can provide rich spatial relationship information. In the second approach, we propose a method based on the deep learning (Faster RCNN), which can predict the privacy relationships or actions (like kiss, hug and hand in hand) among the persons of an image. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the two kinds of approaches.  相似文献   

VIDANN is a computer program that allows participants to watch a video on a standard TV and to write their annotations (thought/feeling entries) on paper attached to a writing tablet. The system is designed as a Microsoft ActiveXmodule. It can be further adapted by the individual researcherthrough the use of a VBScript. All data, including the participant’s handwriting, are stored in an XML database. An accompanying Wizard has been designed that enables researchers to generate VBScripts for standard configurations.  相似文献   

PROCODER is a software system for observing and coding events that have been recorded on videotape. The system uses a personal-computer-based tape controller to control a VHS tape while observations are recorded. Frequencies of events, durations of events, and calculations of inter-observer agreement of events or intervals are included. Data can be output in ASCII format for use with other statistical programs. A sample study in which the system is used is described as well.  相似文献   

Three experiments examining the information extraction processes are presented. In Experiments I and II, adults and children were presented paragraphs to read and search for specified targets, respectively. Two types of typographical (spatial) manipulations were used: case of the letters within the paragraphs was as normally experienced, or in alternating upper and lower case letters. Spacing between words was either as normal, filled with a neutral symbol, or absent. The response measures were reading and search speed in words per minute. Sensitivity to case (word shape) and space (word boundary) increased as a function of experience and was different for reading compared with search. In Experiment III subjects were asked to judge whether briefly presented pairs of letters were the same or different. Retinal (spatial) location was varied from trial to trial; dependent measure was reaction time. Results showed a developmental progression in response time with complex interactions. Theoretical interpretations of these data are discussed in support of the initial stage of Hochberg's peripheral to cognitive search guidance model.  相似文献   

We have developed CowLog, which is open-source software for recording behaviors from digital video and is easy to use and modify. CowLog tracks the time code from digital video files. The program is suitable for coding any digital video, but the authors have used it in animal research. The program has two main windows: a coding window, which is a graphical user interface used for choosing video files and defining output files that also has buttons for scoring behaviors, and a video window, which displays the video used for coding. The windows can be used in separate displays. The user types the key codes for the predefined behavioral categories, and CowLog transcribes their timing from the video time code to a data file. CowLog comes with an additional feature, an R package called Animal, for elementary analyses of the data files. With the analysis package, the user can calculate the frequencies, bout durations, and total durations of the coded behaviors and produce summary plots from the data.  相似文献   

A laboratory is described that is based on an IMSAI 8080 microcomputer and an IMLAC graphics display system. Procedures for using the system are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

People can acquire both true and false knowledge about the world from fictional stories. The present study explored whether the benefits and costs of learning about the world from fictional stories extend beyond memory for directly stated pieces of information. Of interest was whether readers would use correct and incorrect story references to make deductive inferences about related information in the story, and then integrate those inferences into their knowledge bases. Participants read stories containing correct, neutral, and misleading references to facts about the world; each reference could be combined with another reference that occurred in a later sentence to make a deductive inference. Later they answered general knowledge questions that tested for these deductive inferences. The results showed that participants generated and retained the deductive inferences regardless of whether the inferences were consistent or inconsistent with world knowledge, and irrespective of whether the references were placed consecutively in the text or separated by many sentences. Readers learn more than what is directly stated in stories; they use references to the real world to make both correct and incorrect inferences that are integrated into their knowledge bases.  相似文献   

Before switching a laboratory from analog to digital, for the recording of video files for use in Noldus software such as Ethovision and The Observer, researchers need to proceed with caution. There are obvious advantages in moving to digital recording for behavioral work, including increased storage capacity; no requirement to purchase video tapes; immediate search by date, time, or event; digital images are of higher quality; ability to view study sites remotely by Internet connection; and “smart” features, such as motion detection. But before you throw away your time-lapse video recorders, time code generators, and video multiplexors, there are some important cautions to take account of. Some research groups have bought digital surveillance systems on the assumption that they work with Ethovision and The Observer, only to be disappointed. The vast majority of systems depend on proprietary compression software that must then be converted to work properly in Ethovision or The Observer.  相似文献   

The selection of a computer visual display system suitable for word recognition and reading research is described. The software character generation routines permit flexible definition of character sets. The display software permits control of size scaling and point density of characters being displayed as well as control over the temporal microstructure of presenting and refreshing the displayed text.  相似文献   

Shortly before hospital release, the spouses of 226 male and 70 female coronary artery bypass graft patients were randomly assigned to view an optimistically slanted information tape, a tape that featured coping with more ups and downs, or no tape at all. Results indicated that women, whether as patients or as caregivers, were at elevated risk for a variety of negative outcomes during the subsequent 6 months. However, female patients who had spouses in the optimistic, mastery-tape condition were protected from the elevated levels of problems that characterized women whose spouses received only standard discharge preparation. Results are discussed in relation to research on optimism effects and work that suggests men may generally be less effective caregivers than women.  相似文献   

This article analyses two ‘digital Bibles’, products that allow the user to engage with the Bible through the screen and speakers of his/her mobile phone, tablet or computer. Both products, ‘YouVersion’ and ‘GloBible’, have been created by Evangelical Christian companies. I argue that both are designed to train the user in traditional Evangelical Christian understandings of the work of reading. Digital media offer new opportunities to guide and influence the user, and this article applies the concepts of ‘persuasive technologies’ and ‘procedural rhetoric’ to analyse the design intentions of the two digital Bibles. This approach helps us to appreciate the significance of the material form of a sacred text as a vehicle for religious socialisation and raises important questions about the potential for digital media to re-shape traditional relationships of power in Evangelical Christian communities.  相似文献   

The need for automating behavioral observations and the evolution of systems developed for that purpose is outlined. Video tracking systems enable researchers to study behavior in a reliable and consistent way and over longer time periods than if they were using manual recording. To overcome limitations of currently available systems, we have designed EthoVision, an integrated system for automatic recording of activity, movement, and interactions of animals. The EthoVision software is presented, highlighting some key features that separate EthoVision from other systems: easy file management, independent variable definition, flexible arena and zone design, several methods of data acquisition allowing identification and tracking of multiple animals in multiple arenas, and tools for visualization of the tracks and calculation of a range of analysis parameters. A review of studies using EthoVision is presented, demonstrating the system’s use in a wide variety of applications. Possible future directions for development are discussed.  相似文献   

An on-line computerized program for determining social costs and social benefits for individuals in psychiatric treatment is described. The use of such a program yields a dollar value indicating how much a patient contributes to society. Mental health administrators and program evaluators can therefore be provided with information regarding the economic impact that their mental health programs have upon society. The program displays a series of multiple-choice questions on a CRT which reflect possible costs and benefits. Through the use of branching logic, unnecessary questioning is omitted. Each item is “costed” such that, upon completion of testing, a cost-benefit index is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper are described two systems for spatial (two-dimensional coordinates) and temporal analysis of video images. In the optical version, the Apple IIe generates a pointer on an Apple monitor; the pointer is then superimposed on the video image of a second video monitor, by reflecting the pointer with a half-silvered mirror. In the electronic version, a special card was designed for the Apple IIe to generate a pointer directly on the other video monitor. Both systems use the same software. The procedures of spatial and temporal data acquisition and storage are described as well as the reading, writing, printing, removing, listing, chaining, and dating operations of the digital and graphics files.  相似文献   

While electronic reading devices are extremely popular, research is equivocal regarding their benefits for outcomes such as reader comprehension. Integrating literatures on reading medium comparisons and matching effects in persuasion, this research tested whether comprehension is maximized when the content of the material (e.g., whether it is traditional vs. modern) matches the medium (e.g., reading from a traditional book vs. digital e-reader). In Study 1, participants read a traditional- or modern-themed short story from either a book or an e-reader. Story comprehension was greater when participants read from the printed medium compared to the e-reader, an effect that was marginally moderated by story content, consistent with a matching effect. In Study 2, participants read a persuasive message that emphasized either a traditional versus modern solution to improving health in either a magazine format or on an iPad. Message comprehension was marginally greater among participants who read their message in a printed format. Participants’ interest in weight loss showed evidence of a matching effect – participants were more interested in losing weight when a modern solution to obesity article was presented on an iPad compared to a printed format. The results are applied to the study of reading and attitude change.  相似文献   

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