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In this article, the author describes a new theoretical perspective on positive emotions and situates this new perspective within the emerging field of positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory posits that experiences of positive emotions broaden people's momentary thought-action repertoires, which in turn serves to build their enduring personal resources, ranging from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological resources. Preliminary empirical evidence supporting the broaden-and-build theory is reviewed, and open empirical questions that remain to be tested are identified. The theory and findings suggest that the capacity to experience positive emotions may be a fundamental human strength central to the study of human flourishing.  相似文献   

Building on the research in positive psychology, the current study examines the impact of employee savouring on building perceived job performance and tested the extent to which an individual positive affectivity moderated the relationship of savouring and job performance. Using survey responses from 357 salespeople in six Taiwanese insurance companies, the results of hierarchical regression analyses show that savouring is positively related to perceived job performance. In addition, the relationship between savouring and perceived job performance was moderated by employees' positive affectivity. The implications of these results and the limitations of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

Toward a psychology of positive youth development   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
This article analyzes the development of initiative as an exemplar of one of many learning experiences that should be studied as part of positive youth development. The capacity for initiative is essential for adults in our society and will become more important in the 21st century, yet adolescents have few opportunities to learn it. Their typical experiences during schoolwork and unstructured leisure do not reflect conditions for learning initiative. The context best suited to the development of initiative appears to be that of structured voluntary activities, such as sports, arts, and participation in organizations, in which youths experience the rare combination of intrinsic motivation in combination with deep attention. An incomplete body of outcome research suggests that such activities are associated with positive development, but the developmental processes involved are only beginning to be understood. One promising approach has recorded language use and has found that adolescents participating in effective organizations acquire a new operating language that appears to correspond to the development of initiative.  相似文献   

Recent calls for a positive psychology that would deemphasize human pathology and dysfunction in favor of building an understanding of positive features of human life and human flourishing make two assumptions that the author questions in this article. First, he challenges the assumption that disciplinary psychology has been fixated on pathology and dysfunction by considering work in educational psychology that, both historically and currently, espouses the characteristics of positive psychology as articulated by its major advocates. Second, through a brief, critical consideration of research on the self in educational psychology, he contests the assumption that psychology has sufficient resources to develop into the positive psychology envisioned by its promoters. He argues that psychology's emphasis on the individual, whose core self resides in a deep, internal psyche, radically strips psychology of the historical and sociocultural resources that enable self-development, constrain self-understanding, and constitute the self.  相似文献   

Defense mechanisms in psychology today. Further processes for adaptation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Although the concept of the defense mechanism was rejected from academic psychology for a number of years, recent empirical studies show renewed interest in defenses. Cognitive psychologists have confirmed the existence of unconscious psychological processes, a requisite for defenses. Developmental, personality, and social psychologists have all found evidence for defense mechanisms that explicate psychological functioning. The relevance of this new information for clinical practice is discussed.  相似文献   

Contemporary scholars in vocational, applied, and organizational psychology have emphasized that working must be understood as a relational act with important implications for worker well-being. Drawing upon emergent research extending the constructs of adult attachment security and authenticity to the workplace, this study tested a positive psychological model linking adult attachment orientations, and both experienced and expressed features of work authenticity, to the prediction of well-being within a sample of business managers. Findings indicated that, controlling for their gender and length of managerial experience, managers’ levels of adult attachment security and work authenticity accounted for significant and incremental variance in their reported levels of work stress and job satisfaction. In general, managers with high levels of adult attachment security and work authenticity reported lower work stress and higher job satisfaction. Implications of these findings for the counseling of distressed managers are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we outline a new model of supervision practices for offenders who are supervised in community settings. Much of the previous work in this area utilized deficits based approaches that primarily seek to reduce risk or remove offence-related behaviors or thinking. We suggest that the concept of well-being or human flourishing that is articulated in the positive psychology literature has important implications for how offender supervision services could be delivered. We propose that the effectiveness of supervision can be further improved if supervising officers are able to integrate practices which promote psychological protective factors in addition to managing risk of further offending. We further suggest that positive psychological practices can be used to develop a more comprehensive and effective model of supervisory practices. In particular, case supervision designed to increase psychological flexibility, self-efficacy, optimism, and hope are hypothesized to be especially effective in ensuring compliance and promoting the adoption of pro social lifestyles.  相似文献   

The relatively long history of psychology's involvement in the field of epilepsy is discussed. The view of epilepsy is that of a chronic disorder with onset in childhood, at a time when normal development is at risk for interference from the direct and secondary aspects of repetitive seizures, the neurological abnormalities from which they arise, and the clinical interventions that attempt to control them. The objective and scientifically based methods of psychology are viewed as particularly well suited to these topics. Past efforts by psychologists have increased understanding of the syndrome that is epilepsy, and have paved the way for opportunities to further contribute to the theoretically and practically important problems associated with epilepsy.  相似文献   

Flourishing--a state of optimal mental health--has been linked to a host of benefits for the individual and society, including fewer workdays lost and the lowest incidence of chronic physical conditions. The aim of this paper was to investigate whether and how routine activities promote flourishing. The authors proposed that flourishers thrive because they capitalize on the processes featured in the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, specifically by experiencing greater positive emotional reactivity to pleasant events and building more resources over time. To test these hypotheses, the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) was administered to a prescreened community sample of adults (n = 208), and they were recontacted two to three months later. Results showed that relative to those who did not flourish or were depressed, people who flourish generally responded with bigger "boosts" in positive emotions in response to everyday, pleasant events (helping, interacting, playing, learning, spiritual activity), and this greater positive emotional reactivity, over time, predicted higher levels of two facets of the cognitive resource of mindfulness. In turn, these higher levels of mindfulness were positively associated with higher levels of flourishing at the end of study, controlling for initial levels of flourishing. These results suggest that the promotion of well-being may be fueled by small, yet consequential differences in individuals' emotional experience of pleasant everyday events. Additionally, these results underscore the utility of the broaden-and-build theory in understanding the processes by which flourishing is promoted and provide support for a positive potentiation perspective.  相似文献   

Because positive psychology is still an emerging subfield, it can often be difficult to fit dedicated positive psychology courses into academic curricula, particularly at small colleges. This article describes ‘Adolescent Popularity’, a Special Topics course with a ‘balanced’ view of peer interactions that can fit naturally within the developmental offerings of most colleges. The course curriculum focuses on popularity-relevant issues of measurement (both quantitative and qualitative), social behaviors/characteristics (e.g., prosocial behavior, physical attractiveness, athletic achievement, and aggression), and peer relationships (including friendships, romantic relationships, and social groups). Suggested primary readings and course assignments are outlined. Ultimately, the goal of this course is for students to gain a deep understanding of popularity and peer relations during adolescence, as well as a general appreciation for the importance of researching positive aspects of human behavior.  相似文献   

Summary A.R. Luria is one of the most outstanding Soviet psychologists. He played a great role in the development of Soviet psychology and in the formulation of psychological problems on the basis of dialectical materialism. Together with L.S. Vygotskij and A.N. Leont'ev, he put forward a theory of the socio-historical genesis of higher, specifically human, mental functions. Luria carried out numerous investigations into the ontogenetic and historical development of these functions, as well as their disturbance with local brain lesions. As the founder, in the Soviet Union, of the new discipline of neuropsychology, he made a very significant contribution to the study of the cerebral mechanisms of mental activity.Originally published in Voprosy Psichologii 28 (4), 106–115 (1978), and translated by E. Scheerer. The translator gratefully acknowledges the help of Eunice and Josef Broek and Sonia Argyle  相似文献   

Recent research by Chinese and Japanese historians of psychology and education suggests that it was educational reformers' copying of Japan's education system in the 1st decade of the 20th century that provided the context for developing modern psychology in China. Psychology, although not well understood by those reformers, was thought to be useful in teacher training. In 1902 Japanese psychology teachers came to China and some textbooks were translated. Chinese students studying in Japan also brought back psychological knowledge in translations. However, the Chinese attraction to study in Japan declined after 1906. As the United States opened new universities and provided opportunities for Chinese students to study in U.S. schools, it became a more attractive option for later generations of Chinese, who saw psychology become established as a separate discipline.  相似文献   

The current debates about "best practices" within mental retardation reflect key unresolved issues about the nature of mental retardation and the goals of treatment programs. The central axiom proposed is that better integration of basic principles about human development with treatment practices for children will yield substantial benefits to individuals and society. To illustrate the format for this proposed integration, three principles have been abstracted from scientific inquiry in human development: (a) targeted environmental prevention, (b) metacognitive conveyance, and (c) ecological dominion. A contextual analysis, using special education as an example of a major treatment setting, indicates that application of these developmental principles is likely to reduce the prevalence of mild retardation (as currently defined), to minimize social and behavioral problems, and to foster improved levels of environmental mastery (adaptive success) for many children with low IQs and cognitive deficiencies. Consistent with these developmental principles, the current construct of mental retardation is judged inadequate, and an alternative diagnostic strategy is proposed. This strategy is based on repeated developmental profiling of a child and his or her biosocial environmental history.  相似文献   

Happiness-increasing interventions demonstrate significant variation in outcomes, suggesting that the people who use them might be as important as the interventions themselves to determine efficacy. In light of this, instructive interventions might not be necessary to increase happiness given a population with knowledge of happiness-increasing strategies. We recruited 270 participants with knowledge of positive psychology to receive six weeks of online psychoeducation. We explored participants’ use of the website, reported use of happiness strategies, and changes in well-being. Those who spent more time on the website reported smaller changes in well-being than those who spent less time on the website. Conversely, those who reported employing more happiness strategies reported greater increases in well-being than those who used fewer strategies. This shows that for those already familiar with positive psychology, information, rather than instruction, might increase well-being. This has implications for studies evaluating the efficacy of happiness-increasing interventions more broadly.  相似文献   

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