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俞琰(1253——1314)字玉吾,江苏吴郡人。自号“古吴石洞道人”、“林屋山人”、“洞天紫庭真逸”等,道号“全阳子”。乃宋末元初的著名易学家与道教内丹修炼家。其易学与道教内丹修炼相关的著作主要有:《周易参同契发挥》、《周易参同契释疑》、《易外别传》、《水中金诗》、《玄牝之门赋》等。其经学易方面的著作还有《周易集说》、《读易举要》等。对于易学与道教修炼的关系,早在东汉时期,便有魏伯阳的《周易参同契》对此作了专门的探讨。但此书所谈,一般认为讲的是炼外丹。自唐、五代以后,道教内丹修持渐趋兴盛,有不少…  相似文献   

<周易参同契>作为道教易学的重要代表作,其最重要的特色是会归"大易"、"黄老"和"炉火"三家之理,借<周易>言黄老说炼丹.本文将<周易参同契>置于汉代易学的背景下,从黄老道家哲学与道教仙学的发展中,来探讨<周易参同契>如何托<周易>卦爻象为象征符号来隐喻金丹道之内涵,以展示易学在道教中的传播与影响.  相似文献   

程智是明清之际的重要思想家,与佛教、道教往来甚为密切。程智不仅精研《老子》《庄子》《周易参同契》,而且师从高道,修持内丹。更为重要的是,程智与明末清初江南全真龙门派往来密切,成为全真龙门派"明"字辈弟子。程智与江南全真道龙门派的往来,必然将丰富我们对中国明清道教史的认识。程智所开创的"易教门"与明清民间宗教三一教无涉,"易教门"乃是易学非民间宗教。  相似文献   

谢正强 《宗教学研究》2003,2(3):100-104
钟吕内丹是五代宋初开一代风气之先的丹法系统 ,它以道教传统的天人合一思想为其理论基础 ,而这一思想基础更直接的来源则是汉代道教经典《周易参同契》。本文将《周易参同契》与钟吕内丹派经典《灵宝毕法》、《钟吕传道集》、《西山群仙会真记》等相比较 ,并参以其它内丹经典 ,深入分析了《参同契》对钟吕内丹道理论建构的重要影响 ,包括天道观、药物论、火侯说等。  相似文献   

早期道教,一般认为,以太平道、天师道和金丹道为代表。太平道的主要经典是《太平经》,天师道的早期经典是《老子想尔注》,而金丹道教的著作可以《周易参同契》作为重要的代表之一。我们简略考查一下《老子想尔注》、《太平经》、《周易参同契》中是否有与道教易学相关联的内容。一《老子想尔注》据唐玄宗《道德真经疏外传》、杜光庭《道德真经广圣义》所载,作者为东汉张道陵;唐陆德明《经典释文·序录》存《老子想尔》二卷,注称“不详何人,一云张鲁或云刘表”。此书已佚,只有敦煌残抄本一件,基本保存了原书的上卷。饶宗颐先生据此而整理成《…  相似文献   

清儒毛奇龄提出,《太极图》的第三层图,窃自于《周易参同契》之"三五至精图"。这一说法目前无法从版本学的角度予以验证。对此问题,我们试图从比较《太极图》与《周易参同契》和《悟真篇》这三部著作对于"三五"思想的不同表述入手做出回答。我们认为:首先,毛奇龄在论证《太极图》与《周易参同契》在"三五"思想上存在一定的渊源关系时,误将《悟真篇》的表述等同于了《周易参同契》的说法,论证极不严谨。其次,《太极图》的第三层图对五行思想的表述,与《周易参同契》和《悟真篇》对"三五"思想的表述,均有所不同。再次,《太极图》的第三层图与《太极图说》中"五行一阴阳也"的表述一致,从而体现出相当的原创性。从这个角度判断,我们认为《太极图》当出自周敦颐本人之手,与道教思想并无直接性的渊源关系。  相似文献   

从《道藏》中检索出所有有关《周易参同契》的引文,然后去掉干扰、冗余信息,剩下的引文以年代为序重新辑录。再将这些引文与现存诸本(主要以《道藏》所存阴长生注《周易参同契》、容字号无名氏《周易参同契注》、彭晓《周易参同契分章通真义》以及朱熹《周易参同契考异》)一字一句逐文对校,找出与现存诸本之关系,然后进行统计。通过统计、分析,得出结论:南宋前道书所引《参同契》文本与现存阴注、容注更为接近,而与彭注、朱注距离较远。这似乎可以证实两点:一、《参同契》在历史上存在多个文本系统;二、阴注、容注确如陈国符、孟乃昌所论是《参同契》的早期注本。  相似文献   

强昱 《中国道教》2002,(2):22-26
一、刘知古的生平历史开启对《周易参同契》研究新风的是隋代苏元朗,继踵而起的是唐人刘知古。在刘知古之前的李淳风、袁天纲、王勃、王远知等,也曾经有易学著作,由于他们的著作散佚殆尽,因而已不能知悉其是否对《周易参同契》有所评论。真正使《周易参同契》走向内丹思想方向的则是刘知古的《日月玄枢论》(《全唐文》卷三三四),这部作品进一步确定了苏元朗的“归神丹于心炼”的内丹思想。刘知古的传记除载于《历世真仙体道通鉴》之外,《三洞群仙录》为节录本,但其最早的出处应是《道门通教必用集》。《必用集》成书于南宋,资料来源…  相似文献   

《周易参同契》全书均为韵语。古无韵书,《三百篇》即为韵书。孔子传《易》,亦不能改方音。所以,通过用韵来判断《周易参同契》作者的籍贯,是十分可靠的方法。为此,我们为传世本《周易参同契》作了厘定韵例、编制韵谱的工作,并从中分析出这部书用韵的特点。再根据已有的秦汉方音研究成果参校比勘,说明《周易参同契》一书具有十分明显的齐鲁方音的特点,进一步证明它应该是齐鲁作者所著。  相似文献   

李刚 《周易研究》2012,(2):3-10
魏伯阳所撰《周易参同契》是运用《周易》原理来支撑金丹之道的滥觞。它以《周易》的变易原理作为道教神仙存在学说的理论基础,通过论说"物性可变",进而说明人也可变。人通过服炼金丹能够变化自己的身体而为神仙之体,即"変形而仙",从而可以超越生死。"变形而仙"思想并非《参同契》独创,而是有所本的。这一思想对后世道教产生了巨大而深远的影响,如葛洪、陶弘景、沈汾等人皆明显继承了《参同契》的"变形而仙"说。  相似文献   

紫阳真人张伯端以<周易>阐述的宇宙观为本,结合自己的修炼实践,以易学象数学理论为依据,说明内丹之周天火候和成丹过程的阴阳变易之理,从而形成了深具易学渊源、崇尚性命双修的道教内丹理论.  相似文献   

Racism en Route     
This article argues that in Africa, the nature and advent of racism has to be traced back to the earliest encounters between Africans and Europeans, including the first seven centuries but especially during the slavery and colonial eras. Religion (notably Islam and Christianity), trade, education, culture, and “science” were important incubators and justifiers of racism, in earlier as well as recent times. The paper concludes by proposing some ways in which African theology can stay agile and keep pace with the resilient and adaptive forms of racism in contemporary Africa.  相似文献   


As more persons live longer and enjoy relatively good physical health, new ethical questions arise. One set of questions regards the continuation of sexual life among older persons, especially among older unmarried persons. Women live many years longer than their spouses and often were of a younger age than the spouses. The Judeo-Christian tradition affirms the vitality of sex as a basic part of God's gift of physical creation. A large majority of older people view sexual expression as important and many see it as crucial to a good relationship with a partner. These issues are raised for the awareness of pastoral counselors to understand and be responsive to the varied sexual alternatives m the later years m order to offer practical help to older persons.  相似文献   

Some studies suggest that religiosity may be related to health outcomes. The current investigation, involving 92,395 Women's Health Initiative Observational Study participants, examined the prospective association of religious affiliation, religious service attendance, and strength and comfort from religion with subsequent cardiovascular outcomes and death. Baseline characteristics and responses to religiosity questions were collected at enrollment. Women were followed for an average of 7.7 years and outcomes were judged by physician adjudicators. Cox proportional regression models were run to obtain hazard ratios (HR) of religiosity variables and coronary heart disease (CHD) and death. After controlling for demographic, socioeconomic, and prior health variables, self-report of religious affiliation, frequent religious service attendance, and religious strength and comfort were associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality [HR for religious affiliation = 0.84; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.75–0.93] [HR for service attendance = 0.80; CI: 0.73–0.87] [HR for strength and comfort = 0.89; CI: 0.82–0.98]. However, these religion-related variables were not associated with reduced risk of CHD morbidity and mortality. In fact, self-report of religiosity was associated with increased risk of this outcome in some models. In conclusion, although self-report measures of religiosity were not associated with reduced risk of CHD morbidity and mortality, these measures were associated with reduced risk of all-cause mortality.  相似文献   

This article addresses the tensions between the sense of responsibility that university administrators feel to protect student privacy with the requirement to be accountable and transparent to the public. This discussion is placed in the context of the history and purpose of post-secondary education.  相似文献   

Abstract : Lutheran Christians in particular have been taught in the Catechism to “fear and love God.” This article questions the assumption that in a contemporary context, fear and love can helpfully co‐exist, examining the different ways in which “fear of God” is a challenging concept for twenty‐first‐century Christians to understand. The article concludes with suggestions for how “fear of God” might be re‐interpreted and re‐articulated in a constructive way, leading to a more meaningful Christian life in the world today.  相似文献   

It is possible that the physical and mental health of crime victims might be improved by forgiving those who have offended against them. To date, no research has been undertaken to examine the processes that influence victims' forgiveness. The goal of this project was to examine the forgiveness process in primary and secondary victims of violent and sexual crimes. In Study 1, qualitative data were collected by interviewing 21 people who had been affected by sexual or other violent crime. Data analysis identified five themes that were common to both primary and secondary victims, namely benefit of forgiveness, self‐forgiveness, perspective taking, offender behaviour, and time. An empowerment theme was unique to primary victims, and a principal victim theme was unique to secondary victims. To further explore these qualitative findings, a quantitative survey of 60 primary and secondary victims was conducted. Results confirmed that primary victims are pragmatic forgivers who are internally focused and forgive because that will benefit their healing. Conversely, secondary victims did not think forgiveness benefited, or would impact on, their own or the primary victim's recovery process. Neither group saw forgiveness as a moral issue, nor thought that forgiveness should influence whether an offender should face court.  相似文献   

A three-wave panel study of auto plant closings focused on the mental health effects of unemployment on blue-collar workers. This paper explores how the impact of long-term unemployment varies across race and gender. We also examine whether other demographic factors can themselves modify the impactsof race and gender. Dependent variables include two measures of distress and two drinking measures. Results showed that the effect of long-term unemployment on distress and drinking was more severe among less educated workers, and responses of blacks were especially sensitive to level of education. In addition, men showed a greater association of long-term unemployment with depression (and to some extent anxiety) than did women. Marriage affected the responses of men but not of women, and of whites but not of blacks. Explanatory variables—the worker's experiences of financial hardship, other negative life events, and lack of a confidant—largely accounted for male-female differences. We conclude by discussing theoretical implications of these effects and address the limitations of the traditional term “vulnerability” in describing them. A prior version of this paper was presented at the North Central Sociological Association meeting in Dearborn, Michigan, April 25, 1991. Funds for the research were provided by the Michigan Health Care Research and Education Foundation and by the International Union-UAW. We are especially grateful to the men and women of the UAW, whose experiences and views form this investigation. We thank Kiseon Chung, Scott McKearney, David Rauma, and the anonymous reviewers for their comments on earlier drafts.  相似文献   

"科技的人性化"辨义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技的人性化近两年来成了学术界讨论的重要问题,但有关“科技的人性化”的含义却较模糊和混乱。对“科技的人性化”进行了概念上的疏理,“科技的人性化”有三层含义:复归科技固有的人性、限定科技的非人性属性的范围、赋予科技以人性关怀。理清“科技的人性化”,将有助于为科技异化的消除寻求到具体途径,有利于科技的健康发展。  相似文献   

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