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Faculty and chairpersons (N = 102) at 34 programs granting doctoral degrees in health education were asked to rate the quality of professional journals related to health education. The American Journal of Public Health was the highest rated journal. Health Education Quarterly was second, and Health Education Research, the only other health education journal, was rated in the top 10 (rated 7). The journals from the epidemiology area rated higher than journals from other areas. The respondents were least familiar with journals on the environment, safety, and death education.  相似文献   

Studies of choice holding food‐amount ratio constant while varying food‐rate ratio within sessions showed that local changes in preference depend on relative amount of food. The present study investigated whether sensitivity of choice to food‐rate ratio and sensitivity to food‐amount ratio are independent of one another when food‐rate ratios are varied across sessions and food‐amount ratios are varied within sessions. Food deliveries for rats’ presses on the left and right levers were scheduled according to three different food‐rate ratios of 1:1, 9:1, and 1:9; each food‐rate ratio lasted for 106 sessions and was arranged independently of seven food‐amount ratios (7:1, 6:2, 5:3, 4:4, 3:5, 2:6, and 1:7 food pellets) occurring within sessions in random sequence. Each amount ratio lasted for 10 food deliveries and was separated from another by a 60‐s blackout. Sensitivity to rate ratio was high (1.0) across food deliveries. Sensitivity to amount ratio was low when food rates were equal across alternatives, but was high when rate ratio and amount ratio opposed one another. When rate ratio and amount ratio went in the same direction, choice ratio reached an elevenfold limit which reduced sensitivity to approximately zero. We conclude that three factors affect sensitivity to amount: (1) the limit to preference, (2) the equal effect on preference of amounts greater than four pellets, and (3) the absence of differential effects of switches in amount in the equal‐rates (1:1) condition. Taken together, these findings indicate that rate and amount only sometimes combine independently as additive variables to determine preference when amount ratios vary frequently within sessions.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated whether study choice was directly related to judgments of learning (JOLs) by examining people’s choices in cases in which JOLs were dissociated from recall. In Experiment 1, items were given either three repetitions or one repetition on Trial 1. Items given three repetitions received one on Trial 2, and those given one repetition received three on Trial 2—equating performance at the end of Trial 2, but yielding different immediate Trial 2 JOLs. Study choice followed the “illusory” JOLs. A delayed JOL condition in Experiment 2 did not show this JOL bias and neither did study choice. Finally, using a paradigm (Koriat & Bjork, 2005) in which similar JOLs are given to forward and backward associative pairs, despite much worse performance on the backward pairs, study choice again followed the mistaken JOLs. We concluded that JOLs—what people believe they know—directly influence people’s study choices.  相似文献   

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for a range of chronic diseases, many of them caused by excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and insufficient consumption of healthy foods. The present study aims to experimentally test the effect of being exposed to injustice on the intention to consume healthy and unhealthy foods, through self-regulation. We predicted that injustice decreases self-regulation which in turn increases the intention to consume unhealthy foods and decreases the intention to consume healthy foods. Undergraduate students (N = 175; 89% women; Mage = 24.28, SD = 7.36) were randomly exposed to a scenario describing an unjust or a just academic situation. In a subsequent allegedly unrelated task, participants were asked to indicate their intention to consume each of 26 food items (half depicting unhealthy foods and half healthy foods, random order) during the subsequent week. As expected, injustice decreased self-regulation which in turn increased the intention to consume unhealthy foods and decreased the intention to consume healthy foods. These results highlight the central importance of justice perceptions in the study of consumption and contribute to frame it in the study of the consequences of economic inequalities for nutrition.  相似文献   

Color preference and food choice among children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of color on children's food choices were investigated. Subjects were 120 children who were equally distributed among each of the combinations of age (5 vs. 9 years old), sex (male vs. female), food type (3 types of candies), and color (red, green, yellow, and orange) in a counterbalanced, factorial, analysis-of-variance design with repeated measures on subjects. A significant main effect for color indicated that children preferred foods that were red, green, orange, and yellow, in that order. Interpretation of this main effect was not interfered with by main effects or interaction terms involving age, sex, or food type, which served as alternative rival hypotheses.  相似文献   

Ethical values and motives driving organic food choice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • The role of ethical motives in consumers' choice of organic food was investigated. A self‐administered questionnaire was conducted on a representative sample of 1283 Norwegian adults. The relations between ethical food choice motives, attitudes and intention to consume organic food was studied by estimating a structural equation model. Environmental and animal rights issues had a strong influence on attitudes towards organic food, suggesting that the more people are concerned about these issues, the more positive attitude they have towards organic food, and the more likely it is that they will consume organic food. Also, political motives had some positive influence on attitudes, while religion was not important as a food choice criterion. Implications of our findings for marketers are discussed.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Richard A. Young 《Sex roles》1984,10(7-8):485-492
The study investigated the relationship of values, internal-external locus of control, and two career maturity variables — career planning orientation and knowledge and use of resources for planning — and the occupational aspiration of 590 adolescent women. Significant value differences were found among females who chose innovative, moderately innovative, or traditional occupations for women. The values clean, forgiving, and helpful were ranked as more important by females aspiring to traditional occupations, while the values courageous, imaginative, and independent were ranked as more important by women aspiring to innovative occupations. No significant differences were found among the three groups on locus of control and career planning orientation. The mean of knowledge and use of resources for planning was found to be significantly higher for the moderately innovative group than the traditional group. The findings of this study are used to propose the utility of values as a representation of sex-role beliefs and the use of values in self-confrontation procedures to change occupational aspirations.The author gratefully acknowledges the comments of Milton Rokeach and Robert Tolsma on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous sample of adult women and men responded to a Photo Choice Task (PCT) in which they were asked to make 24 choices between two persons for a hypothetical interaction; eight of the choices were between a woman and a man. Participants also responded to a measure of adherence to Sex Role Stereotypes and to a measure of Adversarial Sexual Beliefs. On the eight choices between a woman and a man on the PCT, men over 30 and younger than 30 chose women below chance level. Women over 30 made other-gender and same-gender choices that did not differ from chance, but the women under 30 chose women over men reliably more than chance. Small but significant positive correlations were found among the scores on the PCT and the belief measures; for the total sample, the greater the choice of men over women for hypothetical interactions, the greater the agreement with sex role stereotypes and with adversarial sexual beliefs. An examination of mean differences in belief scores among groups of persons whose PCT scores (choice of men over women) were low, medium, and high revealed that men who were more likely to turn away from women in hypothetical situations were also more likely to adhere to stereotyped beliefs about sex roles and to view relationships between women and men as adversarial. This same pattern of individual differences was found among women but, for women, only the relationship between PCT scores and sex role stereotyping was significant.  相似文献   

Factors affecting choice of signaled or unsignaled food schedules   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Choice between signaled and unsignaled food schedules was assessed in two experiments using a shuttlebox. Experiment 1 examined preference with both a five-second signal and a thirty-second signal. Subjects preferred the unsignaled side with a five-second signal but preferred the signaled side with a thirty-second signal. Experiment 2 assessed preference using either a commitment procedure (a shuttle response resulted in exposure to the schedule for a fixed time) or a noncommitment procedure (each shuttle response changed the schedule in effect). Subjects preferred the signaled condition with the commitment procedure but the unsignaled condition with the noncommitment procedure. These results indicate that the discrepant findings of earlier studies are due to procedural differences involving signal duration and choice commitment. The data are consistent with a conditioned reinforcement interpretation of choice.  相似文献   

Nausea in response to an appetizing food stimulus was assessed in bulimic women and healthy control subjects. Nausea was assessed via subjects' self-report and changes in levels of plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP), a hormonal correlate of nausea. Converging evidence was obtained indicating that bulimic women experienced nausea in response to the sight, smell, or taste of the palatable food stimulus. The possibility that the observed nausea is a learned response that may contribute to the bulimic binge/purge pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Jerry B. Briscoe 《Sex roles》1989,21(7-8):557-567
For men, a legal background was considered a helpful recommendation for entering politics, but today's women attorneys appear less interested in a political career. For women, training in law today appears more likely to be chosen for legal work alone, since women attorneys are not becoming politicians in the same ratio as men in the law. This small exploratory survey examined the assessments of political realities by women attorneys in Stockton, California, comparing developmental history, current family situation, attitudes toward feminine roles, attitudes toward the moral quality of politics, experience of discrimination, concern regarding remuneration, and perceptions of professional prestige. Since the profession of law was once considered convergent with the profession of politics, and full equality of all potential candidates is an ideal of American democracy, the reasons for the lack of female participation are of interest.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in vocational maturity of women across different levels of internal-external control and typical versus atypical vocational choice. It was predicted that internally controlled women would have higher vocational maturity scores than externally controlled women; women who make atypical vocational choices would have higher vocational maturity scores than women who make typical choices. Data from the Attitude Scale of Crites' Career Maturity Inventory, MacDonald and Tseng's I-E Scale, and dichotomized ratings of typical versus atypical vocational choice were obtained from 179 freshmen to senior female student volunteers in a large New England university. Analysis of variance indicated that internally controlled women had significantly higher vocational maturity than externally controlled women (p <. 01); no differences were found in vocational maturity between those making typical or atypical vocational choices; the lowest level of vocational maturity was found for externally controlled females making atypical vocational choices. Implications of these findings for counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

Choice between signaled and unsignaled response-independent food schedules was assessed in three experiments using a commitment procedure. In Experiment 1, subjects tested with a 5-s visual signal consistently changed from the signaled to the unsignaled schedule. Changing from the unsignaled to the signaled schedule was observed only occasionally and only at low levels. The same outcome was observed in Experiment 2 with different types of visual signals and with different stimulus combinations identifying the signal period, the signal-absent period, and the unsignaled schedule. In Experiment 3 the visual signal was replaced with an auditory signal for four of the subjects tested in Experiment 2. The subjects then changed from the unsignaled to the signaled schedule or showed a substantial reduction in choice for the unsignaled schedule. The data were assessed using a conditioned-reinforcement interpretation of choice.  相似文献   

Given a commodity available at different prices, a unit-price account of choice predicts preference for the cheaper alternative. This experiment determined if rhesus monkeys preferred remifentanil (an ultra-short-acting micro-opioid agonist) delivered at a lower unit price over a higher-priced remifentanil alternative (Phases 1 and 3). Choice between equal-priced alternatives also was assessed (Phase 2). A discrete-trials procedure was arranged in which three monkeys chose between two remifentanil alternatives by responding on one of two levers. Different prices were arranged by manipulating drug dose (0.3 and 0.1 microg/kg/injection) and/or the ratio requirement. Monkeys usually chose the larger-dose alternative even when it was more expensive. Only when unit prices were relatively high (e.g., large response requirements) did monkeys choose the cheaper (or equally priced) smaller-dose alternative. Employing larger doses (0.9 and 0.3 microg/kg/injection) attenuated the larger-dose preference. The results demonstrate that choice was not determined simply by unit price. An alternative model that employs demand-function analysis to generate choice predictions is proposed.  相似文献   

Serotonin has been implicated in promoting self-control, regulation of hunger and physiological homeostasis, and regulation of caloric intake. However, it remains unclear whether the effects of serotonin on caloric intake reflect purely homeostatic mechanisms, or whether serotonin also modulates cognitive processes involved in dietary decision making. We investigated the effects of an acute dose of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram on choices between food items that differed along taste and health attributes, compared with placebo and the noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor atomoxetine. Twenty-seven participants attended three sessions and received single doses of atomoxetine, citalopram, and placebo in a double-blind randomised cross-over design. Relative to placebo, citalopram increased choices of more healthy foods over less healthy foods. Citalopram also increased the emphasis on health considerations in decisions. Atomoxetine did not affect decision making relative to placebo. The results support the hypothesis that serotonin may influence food choice by enhancing a focus on long-term goals. The findings are relevant for understanding decisions about food consumption and also for treating health conditions such as eating disorders and obesity.  相似文献   

Elderly women in subjectively good health--free of acute illness and major sleep pathologies--who were self-identified as good (n = 22) and poor (n = 16) sleepers were compared on measures of physical health, psychological symptoms, psychosocial status, and life-style. Poor sleepers reported longer sleep latencies, less total sleep time, more nonrestorative sleep, and more daytime fatigue than did good sleepers. Sleep recordings confirmed subjective reports, with shorter total sleep times and trends for lower sleep efficiency, longer sleep latencies, and more wake-after-sleep onset among women with subjective poor sleep. Poor sleepers also were more frequent users of sedative-hypnotic medications in the past. Current medication use, alcohol and caffeine use, daytime napping, and exercise were equivalent in both groups. Psychosocial status failed to discriminate groups. Poor sleepers reported significantly more psychological symptoms than did good sleepers. The levels of both psychological symptoms and sleep disturbance were mild.  相似文献   

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