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象山心学有着深层易学根基之支撑。基于易学的天人之学,他敞开了以大中至正之道、之理为根基根据的整体宇宙图景。认为人的本心存在的敞开着宇宙大千世界中的一切。《易》的"穷理尽性以至于命"的价值期许,遂具体落实为人人之开显对于本心的高度明觉,挺立个我生命的主体性,积极构建基于此心的属于自己的意义的世界。  相似文献   

In contemporary moral and political philosophy, there are two leading approaches to the justification of rights. These could be broadly identified as deontological theories and consequential theories. These two schools of theories each have their own strengths and weakness, while there is also a third contractual approach that is under represented. Because Rawls' and Scanlon's well-known contractual theories are designed for purposes other than the justification of rights, the purpose of this paper is to establish a principle of rights on the basis of Rawls' justification device of the "original position." First, it supplies a criterion based on human conduct or action. Second, based on this account of human conduct, different types of relationships are constructed and presented to the parties in the "original position." Third, it will show that the parties in the "original position" would choose one of these relationships as the principle of rights. Finally, Rawls' first principle of justice will be reformulated. The procedure of choosing a principle of rights in this paper could also be viewed as a demonstration that, when properly situated and motivated, human beings exhibit their potential as rational beings.  相似文献   

The essay starts by questioning how the debate at the dam over the Hao River between Zhuang Zi and Hui Zi arose. It describes the source of ideas that led Zhuang Zi to speak on the enjoyment of the fish (yuzhile 鱼之乐) and points out that the meaning of the debate rests in bringing about the emergence of the true subject of “enjoyment.” It highlights this meaning by analyzing the essential content and value orientation of Zhuang Zi’s ideas on the joy of heaven (tian le 天乐) and perfect enjoyment (zhile 至乐). Following up on this thread, the essay goes further to analyze the true meaning of Zhuang Zi’s theory concerning the “great speech” of “non-speaking.” This essay holds that the debate is a parable, an external representation that unfolds an internal tension between two different levels contained within Zhuang Zi’s thought, rather than simply a debate between these two thinkers.  相似文献   

Russell's letter to Frege of June 16, 1902 contains the famous paradox of the class of all classes which are not members of themselves as well as a second paradox of the predicates that cannot be predicated of themselves. The latter paradox arises out of Russell's theory of classes and class concepts in Principles of Mathematics.  相似文献   

《孙膑兵法》的流传、失传及研究价值初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过考察《孙膑兵法》的流传情况、分析其失传原因,认为《孙膑兵法》的根本价值在于对《孙子兵法》的诠释,同时,对佚而复出的古书源流研究提出新的思考。  相似文献   

It is challenging to estimate the degree to which the system of the Trigrams and Hexagrams in The Book of Changes (Yijing) had an impact on the whole history of Chinese thought. The universal paradigm from which it was derived formed the basis of a semiotic theory of evolution which, because of structural analogies, was applied to all fields and aspects of human life where decision making and action in correspondence with a cosmic principle was required. To achieve that goal, countless commentaries on and interpretations of the Yijing have been written. They can be divided into two schools. The first used the Yijing as a book for divination, in combination with manifestations of the universe and nature. The second interpreted it with a philosophical background, making it part of the tradition of Confucian thought. Modem scholars have also contributed some new approaches to the Yijing. My paper is based on the assumption that the Trigrams and Hexagrams of the Yijing cannot be understood in a purely representational way. They do not represent things apart from their relation to human needs or consciousness. Because of the co-determination of text and reader as a task without determinate end-points, it proves to be a unique case of effective-history. In the Yijing, there is no real line between culture and nature, sign/image/language and fact, the universe of semiosis and other universes. With its use of signs, images and language, the Yijing confirms that the universe of semiosis is the universe of heaven, earth and man. Against this background, my explanations will not only focus on the Trigrams and Hexagrams. My paper will also deal with the following topics: (1) interpenetration of linguistic meaning and objective reality and (2) the social nature of verbal or literary expression.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine the general issue of how reference is possible in philosophy of language through a case analysis of the "double reference" semantic-syntactic structure of ideographic hexagram (guaxiang 卦象) names in the Yijing text. I regard the case of the "hexagram" names as being quite representative of the "double-reference" semantic-syntactic structure of referring names. I thus explore how the general morals drawn from this account of "hexagram" names can engage two representative approaches, the Fregean and Kripkean ones, and contribute to our understanding and treatment of the issue of reference.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue first for a revisionary ontology, that is, for an understanding of "existence" as the property of a field not to be empty. In this context, I distinguish between "metaphysics" (the theory of totality or of fundamental reality) and "ontology" (the systematic investigation into the meaning of "existence"). In the second part, I provide a sketch for a corresponding revisionary theory of the modalities in light of the new ontology proposed.  相似文献   

I argue that Confucian ethical practice can be considered as a feasible method of creating and sustaining Whiteheadian beauty. I first investigate Whitehead’s understanding of value, beauty and morality. Next, I show the affinity between Confucius and Whitehead in their understanding of value, beauty, and morality through an analysis of the Analects (Lunyu 论语), focusing on the aesthetic aspects of Confucian ethics understood as role ethics. Finally, I argue that Confucian ways of moral self-cultivation can be viewed as methods that foster our disposition to create and sustain the beauty of experience.  相似文献   

By following the Wittgensteinian view that the sense of an ethical term such as “nature” (xing 性) should be understood through an examination of its function in its actual philosophical context, this article takes a look at the notion of xing in the Mencius from an alternative perspective. Proceeding from this perspective, it re-examines the view that xing in the Mencius should be understood in biological terms. A discussion of xing in relation to the “Why be moral?” question follows. I then offer an alternative interpretation of Mencius’ ethics by focusing on the meaning of the ethical particulars. Contrary to common perception, I argue that Mencius’ theory of human nature (renxing 人 性) need not occupy a central place in his moral philosophy; the ultimate foundation of Mencius’ moral philosophy lies in the meaning or sense of morality. Through participating in concrete, ethical thinking and by paying attention to the ethical particulars, human beings develop their grasp of moral and ethical meaning.  相似文献   

One of the challenges facing nonprofit organizations today is the demand for measurable results. Increasingly, these organizations are focusing less on program outputs and program outcomes in favor of community outcomes or changes demonstrated in the larger community. Success by 6(R) is a popular United Way initiative that emphasizes defining and measuring community outcomes. In this paper, we describe our work with 24 Success by 6(R) initiatives around the country. It is clear that not all of these initiatives are measuring community outcomes. Of those initiatives that are experiencing some success measuring community outcomes, similar measurement strategies are reported. Additionally, our experience suggests several United Way employees express dissatisfaction with the logic model as a framework for defining and measuring community outcomes although no preferred alternative model is identified. Evaluators working with community-wide initiatives must find ways to communicate the differences between program and community outcomes to key stakeholders and funders.  相似文献   

Opposed to a commonly held interpretation that Confucian discourse regarding tianren heyi (天人合一) is simply a human-centred philosophical fusion of humanity and nature, this article argues that the Confucian discourse is in fact composed of two contradictory orientations, one ren-centred (roughly equivalent to “anthropocentric”) and the other tian-centred (“nature-centric” in a specific sense), which generally correspond to the two major camps of environmental philosophy in the West in the twentieth century. It will be further argued that the two orientations of the Confucian view have different yet related functions with regard to environmental protection and conservation: the tian-centred understanding establishes a metaphysical and religious framework for Confucian eco-ethical norms, in which ecological prohibitions and policies are built into the political and religious infrastructure, while the ren-centred orientation adds practical values and meanings to the ontological care of the human relation to the environment. In modern times, the two orientations of Confucian eco-ethics are under further development, moving away from being dualistic philosophies and converging on the eco-ethical way of life. Contemporary Confucians are investigating how the two traditional “orientations” can be unified as one holistic perspective which could provide theoretical and practical guidance for our understanding of the human position in the universe, the harmony between humans and nature, and the value of environmental protection and conservation.  相似文献   

In this article, I discuss Baudrillard's critique of metaphysics based on his work The Mirror of Production, in which he stresses the principle of production--i.e., dichotomy and derivation. In the development of classical German philosophy, the principle of production was speculatively established, first as Descartes' cogito, then as Fichte's Tathandlung, and finally as Hegel's labor, and grew to be a major principle of modem metaphysics. At the article's conclusion, the meaning of Symbolic Exchange--Baudrillard's utopian condition lying beyond the principle of production--will be discussed.  相似文献   

荀子性恶论的多维解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在传统思想研究中,苟子是以性恶论而与孟子、老庄一同构成了中国古典人性论。其实,深入阅读苟子读本,笔者发现荀子对人性的评判较为复杂。传统性恶论远不能揭示荀子人性论思想的丰富性和多元性。笔者现从苟子之“性”的中性色彩、苟子之“恶”的真实解释、苟子人性论中的向善和知善、人和环境的互动四个层面予以展开论述。  相似文献   

潘明 《心理学探新》2009,29(4):68-71
采用分层回归分析方法检验“大五”人格对薪酬公平感与工作满意度的关系影响。通过薪酬公平感量表、工作满意度量表、“大五”人格量表对高校300个教师样本进行结构化问卷调查,结果表明:“大五”人格中开放性和神经质对薪酬公平感与工作满意度的关系起到一定程度的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

林海 《管子学刊》2010,(4):76-78
本文对周初之"象舞"的产生及其影响进行了初步的分析与梳理。作者从对"象"的文字训诂入手,分析了在中华民族文明发展的滥觞期,汉字、《易》和原始舞蹈的创生过程中,"象"作为早期先民的一种模仿、象形的交流、互动的信息传递手段,发挥着不可或缺的沟通载体作用。对"象舞"在华夏舞蹈史发展过程中的承先启后的历史地位,本文也进行了梳理,肯定了其审美主体意识的自觉与回归、启动了舞蹈世俗化、人性化、规范化、社会化的艺术进程的重要作用。  相似文献   

This theoretical note proposes a two-dimensional cognitive architecture for dual-process theories of reasoning and decision making. Evans (2007b Evans, J. St. B. T. 2007b. On the resolution of conflict in dual process theories of reasoning. Thinking and Reasoning, 13: 321339. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2008a Evans, J. St. B. T. 2008a. Dual-processing accounts of reasoning, judgment, and social cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 59: 255278. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], 2009 Evans, J. St. B. T. and Frankish, K. 2009. In two minds: Dual processes and beyond, Oxford, , UK: Oxford University Press. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) distinguishes between two types of dual-processing models: parallel-competitive, in which both types of processes operate in parallel, and default-interventionist, in which heuristic processes precede the analytic processes. I suggest that this temporal dimension should be enhanced with a functional distinction between interactionist architecture, in which either type of process influences the content and valence of the other, and independent architecture, in which they do not. Override architecture is a special case of the latter, which postulates statistical interaction, but no interaction of valence and content. I show that this added dimensional distinction casts doubt on two assumptions of statistical modelling that Evans makes: independence and linearity. However, Evans' (2007b Evans, J. St. B. T. 2007b. On the resolution of conflict in dual process theories of reasoning. Thinking and Reasoning, 13: 321339. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) point, that statistical modelling is underspecified vis-à-vis the verbal theory, is given further support. The functional dimension is crucial to interpreting the statistical model, as well as to theoretical understanding of the cognitive architecture and its educational applications.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the extent to which narcissism was associated with volunteer motivation. Study 1 investigated a sample of United Way volunteers and Study 2 examined a sample of college student volunteers. As hypothesized, results found that narcissists tend to volunteer for self-interest rather than for humanitarian values. Results remained significant even while controlling for self-esteem (Studies 1 and 2) and empathic concern (Study 2). Discussion involves the current climate for volunteerism, which includes mandated volunteering as part of high school graduation and other requirements.  相似文献   

The current research explored children's ability to recognize and explain different concepts both with and without reference to physical objects so as to provide insight into the development of children's addition and subtraction understanding. In Study 1, 72 7- to 9-year-olds judged and explained a puppet's activities involving three conceptual relations: (a) a+b=c, b+a=c; (b) a-b=c, a-c=b; and (c) a+b=c, c-b=a. In Study 2, the self-reports and problem-solving accuracy of 60 5- to 7-year-olds were recorded for three-term inverse problems (i.e., a+b-b=?), pairs of complementary addition and subtraction problems (i.e., a+b=c, c-b=?), and unrelated addition and subtraction problems (e.g., 3-2). Both studies highlighted individual differences in the concepts that children understand and the role of concrete referents in their understanding. These differences were related to using efficient procedures to solve unrelated addition and subtraction problems in Study 2. The results suggest that a key advance in children's conceptual understanding is incorporating subtractive relations into their mental representations of how parts are added to form a whole.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(2):97-116
In this study, we examined the potential of job knowledge tests as surrogates for hands-on criteria in the development of classification systems that use the tests of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (McLaughlin, Rossmeisel, Wise Brandt, & Wang, 1984 McLaughlin, D. H., Rossmeisel, P. G., Wise, L. L., Brandt, D. A., & Wang, M. M. (1984). Validation of current and alternative ASVAB area composites based on training and SQT information of FY81 and FY82 enlisted accessions. Technical Report 651. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. [Google Scholar]). Based on U.S. Army data for 15 Military Occupational Specialties, the study compared the outcomes of an assignment simulation using 2 criterion measures: one containing only job knowledge and the other containing both job knowledge and hands-on components. In this study we found comparable predictive validities for the Army operational job families and a high positive mean correlation between the 2 types of criterion in the joint predictor–criterion space. Similarities also exist in the mean predicted performance produced by the assignment simulation using each criterion measure. This outcome equivalence suggests that job knowledge measures could be useful, affordable surrogates for hands-on criteria in developing classification procedures.  相似文献   

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