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研究以故事情境短文为实验材料,探讨了即时与延时48h后虚假记忆变化表现及其与真实记忆相分离的认知神经机制。结果表明,虚假记忆在延迟48h后诱发的LPC走向比即时更正性;即时条件虚假记忆与真实记忆认知加工相分离表现在有意回想加工及额叶后提取加工阶段,延迟48h后仅表现在额叶后提取加工阶段。上述结果为虚假记忆存在随时间变化及其与真实记忆相分离提供了电生理证据。  相似文献   

毛新瑞  徐慧芳  郭春彦 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1111-1123
根据双加工理论, 再认提取可以划分为两种不同的加工:熟悉性与回想。以往的研究普遍认为情绪对再认提取具有增强效应, 但是情绪对再认记忆中两种不同加工方式(熟悉性与回想)的增强效应的神经机制尚存争议。本研究以ERP作为测量手段, 采用修正的“记得/知道”范式对情绪图片进行再认测验, 旨在探究在学习?测验间隔较长的条件下, 情绪信息如何对熟悉性与回想产生增强效应。在行为结果中, 对于知道判断, 情绪图片的记忆表现显著高于中性图片, 情绪效价间没有差异; 对于记得判断, 负性情绪图片的记忆表现要显著高于正性与中性图片。在ERP数据上, 对于知道判断, 情绪图片的FN400新旧效应有增强作用。对于记得判断, 负性图片的LPC的新旧效应波幅显著高于中性与负性图片; 而正性图片的LPC新旧效应增强作用不显著。以上证据表明:学习?测验间隔较长的情况下, 熟悉性再认提取中, 情绪记忆增强效应主要体现在情绪唤醒对记忆强度的提高, 而不仅仅体现在情绪效价对熟悉判断反应倾向的影响。在回想的再认提取中, 情绪效价的调节占据主导地位, 负性情绪图片有显著的情绪记忆增强效应; 正性情绪图片则不具有增强效应。  相似文献   

联结记忆由三种成分构成:项目1, 项目2以及项目1-项目2之间的联结, 其中, 对项目1和项目2的再认称之为项目再认, 而对项目1-项目2之间联结的再认称之为联结再认。双加工理论认为项目再认可以由熟悉性和回想加工来完成, 而联结再认只能由回想加工来完成。但近期有大量的研究发现:当要学习的项目对被整合为一个新的整体表征时, 熟悉性也能够支持联结再认。而关于整合对联结记忆中项目再认的研究较少, 总结已有研究提出两种观点:一种是“只有受益”观点(benefits-only)认为整合在增加联结再认的同时不影响项目再认; 另一种是“收支平衡”观点(costs and benefits)认为整合增加联结再认是以牺牲项目再认为代价的。未来研究应该关注整合对联结记忆中项目再认的影响及其神经机制, 了解整合对联结再认和项目再认的具体作用, 有助于针对具体记忆任务选择合适的编码方式来提高记忆表现。  相似文献   

双加工理论认为熟悉性和回想是支持情景记忆的两种基本加工过程。一般认为熟悉性和回想都可以支持项目记忆,但只有回想能够支持联结记忆。然而,一体化假说提出,当刺激材料在学习阶段得到一体化编码,形成一个单一、整合的表征时,熟悉性也能够支持联结记忆。以往研究主要利用实验材料的固有特征,或使用定义法、交互表象法来实现对刺激材料的一体化编码,然后通过配对联结再认范式或来源记忆范式验证一体化假说。神经成像研究发现,位于内侧颞叶的嗅周皮层能够支持编码阶段一体化表征的形成和基于熟悉性对一体化表征的提取。未来研究应克服以往研究中存在的方法学缺陷、从功能神经网络的角度考察一体化加工的脑神经机制、并注重一体化编码策略在特殊人群中的应用价值。  相似文献   

摘 要 为探索情绪刺激如何影响虚假记忆及其在分离虚假记忆与真实记忆神经活动中的作用,以IAPS图片为标准情绪刺激,19名大学生为被试,使用DRM实验范式,从行为、眼动和ERP三个方面进行了联合分析。结果发现,情绪的唤醒度和效价都能促使虚假记忆的产生,只是唤醒度影响时程更早。眼动和ERP的联合分析还发现了在情绪刺激下虚假记忆与真实记忆在神经活动层面上存在差异:早期虚假再认图片比真实再认图片需要更深的加工来实现对目标的识别;晚期虚假再认需要更多的信息搜索、比较等加工来完成其决策行为。  相似文献   

本研究检验了情绪的效价和唤醒对记忆提取阶段熟悉性过程和回想过程的影响及其心理机制。结果发现,编码阶段无分心任务时,积极图片的高、低自信再认准确率均高于消极图片,而唤醒对于高自信再认准确率的影响只限于消极图片;在编码阶段设置分心任务时,发现积极和消极的高唤醒图片的高自信再认准确率显著高于低唤醒图片。这些结果说明情绪的效价影响了熟悉性和回想两类记忆过程,而唤醒只影响回想过程,效价效应是编码阶段被试调用认知资源对积极图片进行精细加工的结果,而唤醒对回想过程的影响是自动编码高唤醒刺激细节的结果。  相似文献   

叶晓红  陈幼贞  孟迎芳 《心理学报》2015,47(9):1101-1110
为了探究基于回想和熟悉性的外显记忆及基于启动的内隐记忆在编码阶段的认知加工差异, 该文采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术, 并结合迫选再认测验和相继记忆(Dm)范式, 把学习项目分为四类:随后记住、随后知道、随后启动及随后忘记。结果表明, 与启动关联的Dm效应表现在刺激后700 ms开始的中央区, 随后启动比随后忘记更为负走向, 即负走向的Dm效应; 与回想关联的Dm效应表现为从400 ms开始的右前额区正走向Dm效应以及800 ms开始的枕区负走向Dm效应, 而与熟悉性关联的Dm效应表现在300~400 ms的前额区及500~600 ms的顶区正走向Dm效应。为了进一步确定这些Dm效应与不同记忆类型的关联, 第二个实验中在编码阶段同时设置了干扰任务, 以探究编码干扰下Dm效应的变化, 结果发现, 在编码干扰的作用下, 与启动关联的中央区负走向Dm效应仍有存在, 而与两种外显记忆:回想和熟悉性关联的Dm效应发生了不同的变化, 即在编码干扰下并未发现任何与回想关联的Dm效应, 但与熟悉性关联的正走向Dm效应仍有存在, 主要表现在600~800 ms的右侧额区。综合这些结果, 表明回想、熟悉性与启动在编码阶段的脑机制应该存在着分离的现象。  相似文献   

在定向遗忘条件下探讨DRM词加工时产生的错误记忆现象,并探究造成这一现象的深层原因。实验一和实验二分别操纵了词的深、浅加工以及词所处的情境。实验一的结果发现只在深加工时,F指令下的DRM词受到抑制激活,低于R指令下的再认正确率,关键诱词的错误再认也与各指令下DRM词的恢复提取密切相关;实验二的结果发现集中情境和随机情境均会受到遗忘指令的影响抑制DRM词的正确再认,但集中情境下关键诱词的错误再认与各指令下DRM词的恢复提取关联更紧密。在定向遗忘条件下,用FTT理论解释实验一的结果较为合理,用AAT理论解释实验二的结果较为合理。  相似文献   

本研究采用ERP技术和学习-再认范式考察视觉输入的颜色和记忆中的物体颜色知识一致性对情景记忆编码和提取的影响。结果显示, 在对物体图片进行编码时颜色不一致图片诱发更大N400, 而提取阶段则对颜色一致图片有更多熟悉性加工(实验1); 物体名称能够更快激活典型颜色知识, 对颜色一致名称有更多细节回想(LPC更正) (实验2)。实验结果表明, 颜色一致促进知觉水平的记忆编码, 而阻碍语义水平编码。同时, 颜色一致促进物体图片提取(知觉水平)中的熟悉性和回想过程; 而对物体名称提取(概念水平)的促进作用仅表现在回想上。此外, 颜色与物体名称有着密切联系, 同样影响物体的语义表征, 支持激活-扩散模型理论。本研究从知觉和概念水平上为揭示物体颜色在联结记忆中的作用提供了证据。  相似文献   

本研究采用学习-再认范式和复杂数字记忆材料,考察自然数码奇象记忆法相对于机械记忆法在记忆提取上的优势及神经机制。行为结果表明,自然数码奇象记忆法比机械记忆法的再认准确率更高。事件相关电位分析结果显示,再认提取阶段奇象记忆条件下诱发的N400和N700波幅显著更低,这说明奇象记忆提取更容易。在自然数码奇象记忆条件下,正确再认旧数字诱发的前额区、左顶枕叶区及中顶枕叶区N700成分与使用自然数码奇象记忆有关。本研究表明,采用自然数码奇象记忆可以减少或跨越语义加工,从而提高个体对材料的记忆效率。  相似文献   

Retrieval monitoring enhances episodic memory accuracy. For instance, false recognition is reduced when participants base their decisions on more distinctive recollections, a retrieval monitoring process called the distinctiveness heuristic. The experiments reported here tested the hypothesis that autobiographical elaboration during study (i.e., generating autobiographical memories in response to cue words) would lead to more distinctive recollections than other item-specific encoding tasks, enhancing retrieval monitoring accuracy at test. Consistent with this hypothesis, false recognition was less likely when participants had to search their memory for previous autobiographical elaborations, compared to previous semantic judgments. These false recognition effects were dissociated from true recognition effects across four experiments, implicating a recollection-based monitoring process that was independent from familiarity-based processes. Separately obtained subjective measures provided converging evidence for this conclusion. The cognitive operations engaged during autobiographical elaboration can lead to distinctive recollections, making them less prone to memory distortion than other types of deep or semantic encoding.  相似文献   

The question of interference (how new learning affects previously acquired knowledge and vice versa) is a central theoretical issue in episodic memory research, but very few human neuroimaging studies have addressed this question. Here, we used event-related potentials (ERPs) to test the predictions of the complementary learning systems (CLS) model regarding how list strength manipulations (strengthening some, but not all, items on a study list) affect recognition memory. Our analysis focused on the FN400 old-new effect, a hypothesized ERP correlate of familiarity-based recognition, and the parietal old-new effect, a hypothesized ERP correlate of recollection-based recognition. As is predicted by the CLS model, increasing list strength selectively reduced the ERP correlate of recollection-based discrimination, leaving the ERP correlate of familiarity-based discrimination intact. In a second experiment, we obtained converging evidence for the CLS model’s predictions, using a remember/know test: Increasing list strength reduced recollection-based discrimination but did not reduce familiarity-based discrimination.  相似文献   


Recent theories of recognition memory have identified two bases on which recognition-memory judgments may be made: recollection, which involves retrieval of contextual information from an earlier episode of stimulus presentation; and familiarity, which is distinguished by a general sense of familiarity in the absence of recollection. Four experiments were conducted to test whether the word frequency effect (WFE) in recognition memory (superior performance with low- in comparison with high-frequency targets) results from recollection-based processes, familiarity-based processes, or both. In two of the experiments, superior memory for aspects of the study context was found for low-frequency in comparison with high-frequency words, suggesting frequency-related differences in recollection. The other two experiments used Jacoby's (1991) inclusion/exclusion paradigm to provide estimates of the contribution of recollection and familiarity to recognition. In both experiments the data suggested that the WFE is primarily a recollection-based phenomenon. These findings suggest that the recognition memory WFE for old items results primarily from the effects of word frequency on recollection. The implications of these findings for theories of recognition memory are discussed.  相似文献   

The memory-strengthening manipulations of increased presentation duration and increased number of times items were presented were manipulated in the memory conjunction paradigm. Participants viewed parent words once or three times during the study portion of the experiment for 250 ms, 1000 ms, or 3000 ms. After an old/new recognition test participants were asked to give explanations for their answers from the recognition test. The results of true and false recognition as well as recall-to-reject responses (e.g., I know I did not see blackbird since I saw blackmail) indicated that both familiarity and recollection were influenced by the memory-strengthening manipulations. The results provide evidence for dual-process theories of recognition memory and the opposing processes of familiarity and recollection.  相似文献   

Two types of encoding tasks have been employed in previous research to investigate the beneficial effect of unitisation on familiarity-based associative recognition (unitised familiarity effect), namely the compound task and the interactive imagery task. Here we show how these two tasks could differentially engage subsequent recollection-based associative recognition and consequently lead to the turn-on or turn-off of the unitised familiarity effect. In the compound task, participants studied unrelated word pairs as newly learned compounds. In the interactive imagery task, participants studied the same word pairs as interactive images. An associative recognition task was used in combination with the Remember/Know procedure to measure recollection-based and familiarity-based associative recognition. The results showed that the unitised familiarity effect was present in the compound task but was absent in the interactive imagery task. A comparison of the compound and the interactive imagery task revealed a dramatic increase in recollection-based associative recognition for the interactive imagery task. These results suggest that unitisation could benefit familiarity-based associative recognition; however, this effect will be eliminated when the memory trace formed is easily accessed by strong recollection without the need for a familiarity assessment.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of electronic communication distractions, including cell-phone and texting demands, on true and false recognition, specifically semantically related words presented and not presented on a computer screen. Participants were presented with 24 Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) lists while manipulating the concurrent presence or absence of cell-phone and text-message distractions during study. In the DRM paradigm, participants study lists of semantically related words (e.g., mother, crib, and diaper) linked to a non-presented critical lure (e.g., baby). After studying the lists of words, participants are then requested to recall or recognize previously presented words. Participants often not only demonstrate high remembrance for presented words (true memory: crib), but also recollection for non-presented words (false memory: baby). In the present study, true memory was highest when participants were not presented with any distraction tasks during study of DRM words, but poorer when they were required to complete a cell-phone conversation or text-message task during study. False recognition measures did not statistically vary across distraction conditions. Signal detection analyses showed that participants better discriminated true targets (list items presented during study) from true target controls (items presented during study only) when cell-phone or text-message distractions were absent than when they were present. Response bias did not vary significantly across distraction conditions, as there were no differences in the likelihood that a participant would claim an item as "old" (previously presented) rather than "new" (not previously presented). Results of this study are examined with respect to both activation monitoring and fuzzy trace theories.  相似文献   

Two studies with moderately large samples of participants were conducted to examine correlates of false recognition. In Experiment 1 false recognition of words was found to be a robust and reliable phenomenon at the level of individuals, and the tendency to classify critical lures as old was more closely related to the correct classification of old items as old than to the incorrect classification of unrelated new items as old. False recognition was not significantly related to any of the cognitive abilities that were assessed, including episodic memory, or to other factors such as personality and chronic mood. In Experiment 2 these findings were extended to include dot pattern and face stimuli. Although measures of veridical memory were significantly correlated across the different types of stimulus material, false recognition rates only had modest and generally not significant correlations, which suggests that the tendency to produce false recognitions may be a task-specific characteristic of individuals.  相似文献   

The remember-know procedure is widely used to investigate recollection and familiarity in recognition memory, but almost all of the results obtained with that procedure can be readily accommodated by a unidimensional model based on signal-detection theory. The unidimensional model holds that remember judgments reflect strong memories (associated with high confidence, high accuracy, and fast reaction times), whereas know judgments reflect weaker memories (associated with lower confidence, lower accuracy, and slower reaction times). Although this is invariably true on average, a new 2-dimensional account (the continuous dual-process model) suggests that remember judgments made with low confidence should be associated with lower old-new accuracy but higher source accuracy than know judgments made with high confidence. We tested this prediction--and found evidence to support it--using a modified remember-know procedure in which participants were first asked to indicate a degree of recollection-based or familiarity-based confidence for each word presented on a recognition test and were then asked to recollect the color (red or blue) and screen location (top or bottom) associated with the word at study. For familiarity-based decisions, old-new accuracy increased with old-new confidence, but source accuracy did not (suggesting that stronger old-new memory was supported by higher degrees of familiarity). For recollection-based decisions, both old-new accuracy and source accuracy increased with old-new confidence (suggesting that stronger old-new memory was supported by higher degrees of recollection). These findings suggest that recollection and familiarity are continuous processes and that participants can indicate which process mainly contributed to their recognition decisions.  相似文献   

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