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Cette recherche analyse les effets différentiels des exigences du travail et du hors‐travail et de la gestion des rôles sur le conflit travail/hors‐travail, le projet de démission, la démission et l’absentéisme dans trois groupes ethniques. Des questionnaires ont été proposés à des infirmières juives (N= 102), musulmanes (N= 88) et chrétiennes (N= 50) dans trois hôpitaux israéliens. Des renseignements objectifs sur l’absentéisme et le turnover ont été obtenus auprès de l’administration de ces hôpitaux. Certaines liaisons parmi les variables de travail et de hors‐travail différaient selon le groupe ethnique. Par exemple, l’emploi à plein temps influençait le conflit travail/hors‐travail seulement chez les Juives et le contrôle hiérarchique avaient des effets opposés dans deux groupes. Davantage d’enfants entrainait plus de projets de démission chez les Arabes et moins chez les Juives. Plus de prise en charge personnelle provoquait moins de démissions réelles pour les Arabes et plus pour les Juives. Pour ce qui est du taux d’absentéisme, le contrôle hiérarchique et les pressions émanant du travail avaient des effets favorables chez les Arabes et des effects inverses mais plus faibles chez les Juives; le résultat est le méme en ce qui concerne le soutien organisationnel. Ces observations doivent rendre prudents les spécialistes des sciences‐humaines quand il s’agit d’extrapoler à d’autres situations culturelles les relations travail/hors‐travail découvertes dans une société. This study examined the differential effects of both work and nonwork demands and inter‐role management on work/nonwork conflict, turnover intention, turnover, and absenteeism across three ethnic groups. Data from Jewish (N= 102), Muslim (N= 88), and Christian (N= 50) female nurses at three Israeli hospitals were collected by survey questionnaires. Objective data on absenteeism and turnover were collected from the hospitals’ records. Several relationships among the work and nonwork variables differed across the ethnic groups. For example, full‐time employment had an effect on work/nonwork conflict only for Jews and supervision had opposite effects across the two groups. More children meant more intention of turnover among Arabs and less among Jews. More personal coping meant lower actual turnover for Arabs and higher turnover for Jews. In the case of absence frequency, supervision and job tension had favorable effects for Arabs and smaller, adverse effects for Jews. Organisational support had a favorable effect for Arabs and a smaller, adverse effect for Jews. The findings serve to caution social scientists about generalising work and nonwork relationships identified in one society to other cultural settings.  相似文献   

This article explores the historical concepts and changing values of work. It explains our current nonwork trend and the implications for work satisfaction: expanded leisure time and the counselor's role.  相似文献   

The current paper expands on traditional views of the work-nonwork interface to incorporate the critical component of sleep. We integrate past theoretical and empirical work from the sleep and organizational science literatures to inform a novel framework that will facilitate research evaluating associations among work, nonwork, and sleep, the three major areas of life. We propose that attitudes, behaviors, and states emerging in work and nonwork domains cannot be fully understood without taking into account upstream and downstream sleep quantity and quality effects. Rather, periods of sleep bookend engagement in work and nonwork roles. Thus, we propose the work, nonwork, and sleep (WNS) conceptual framework and, in doing so, identify specific, underlying resource mechanisms (i.e., human energy and time) operating both intra-individually and inter-individually. We also discuss contextual factors that act as predictors and moderators of these relationships. We suggest that a unifying framework explaining connections and underlying processes among work, nonwork, and sleep is necessary for applied psychology and management disciplines to significantly contribute to future research, intervention development and dissemination, and ultimately policy change. We provide a number of avenues for future investigation, including relevant special populations and methodological approaches. Although a plethora of work-nonwork theoretical frameworks exist, none have incorporated the third major area of life: sleep. We call for the expansion and acknowledgement of sleep, an important source of variance in everyday attitudes, behaviors, and states, and ultimately in long-term organizational, family, and individual health and well-being.  相似文献   

The Buddhist practice of mindfulness is being used more often both to help clients and to facilitate counselor effectiveness. A growing body of research supports these uses of mindfulness. Most authors also emphasize that those who teach mindfulness must also apply it themselves. However, little is known about how counselors and counselor educators incorporate mindfulness into their personal and professional lives. The current study used semistructured interviews to elicit such information from 6 counselors and counselor educators. A constant comparative method was used to analyze the data and synthesize themes. Emergent themes included practices used to cultivate mindfulness and the results of mindfulness practices.  相似文献   

Qualitative, phenomenological research provides rich information about the constructive, life span perspectives of the manifestation and development of altruism. Using an interpretive phenomenological approach, this study investigated altruism as described by 34 older persons in a continuing care retirement community. The findings identified 13 overarching, common, emergent themes related to this construct. Implications are provided for helping professionals.  相似文献   

Although scholars typically assess an individual's nonwork role orientation relative to career as a unitary construct, we argue that a person's orientation toward nonwork roles is multi-dimensional. Drawing on a literature review demonstrating the need for improved constructs capturing changing relationships between career and multi-faceted nonwork orientations, and empirical data from three studies with samples at different career stages (early and mid-career), we use factor analysis and data from qualitative and longitudinal studies to develop three unique scales to assess a person's nonwork priorities relative to career orientations: family, personal life, and community service. There were generally positive relationships between the protean career scales and the new nonwork role orientation measures. Future research should move beyond a binary work–life or work–family models and include multi-dimensional measures of nonwork orientations relative to career.  相似文献   

This ethnographic examination examines interpersonal, intragroup conflict between Southern Baptist pastors in the USA with a focus on the factors that contribute to such conflict. First, literature is provided to demonstrate the history of the denomination, reasons for relational intragroup conflict between pastors working together in the same churches, and information on the prevalence and instances of interpersonal conflict. Second, this study employs qualitative research methods, namely in-depth interviewing and participant observation. Through engaging in interviews with the participants, statements were elicited from six Southern Baptist pastors (Pastors #1, #2, and #3, and Outside Baptist Pastors #1, #2, and #3) on the nature, reasons, and prevalence of such conflict between Southern Baptist pastoral leaders. As the sources of such conflict are diverse (i.e., historical events, spiritual reasons, organizational conflict, interpersonal differences, etc.), I argue that qualitatively analyzing and reporting on this subject is of value to scholars of ethnographic research and interpersonal communication in the religious and spiritual realms. Furthermore, since the consequences of conflict can be severe (i.e., forced pastoral terminations, damaged churches, failed spiritual missions, etc.), this study is important as it examines matters that give rise to conflicts. Finally, areas for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals who flee their countries of origin may arrive in host countries with persecution‐related mental health problems. This qualitative study explored facilitators and barriers to mental health care in Canada for forced migrants who are LGBT through the perspectives of 22 service providers and 7 migrants. Using thematic analysis, the authors identified 4 themes: recognizing stigma and shame, accessing competent mental health providers, managing distress/manifesting resilience, and healing through community connections. The authors discuss implications for counseling.  相似文献   

Although scholars typically assess an individual's nonwork role orientation relative to career as a unitary construct, we argue that a person's orientation toward nonwork roles is multi-dimensional. Drawing on a literature review demonstrating the need for improved constructs capturing changing relationships between career and multi-faceted nonwork orientations, and empirical data from three studies with samples at different career stages (early and mid-career), we use factor analysis and data from qualitative and longitudinal studies to develop three unique scales to assess a person's nonwork priorities relative to career orientations: family, personal life, and community service. There were generally positive relationships between the protean career scales and the new nonwork role orientation measures. Future research should move beyond a binary work–life or work–family models and include multi-dimensional measures of nonwork orientations relative to career.  相似文献   

The present study explores the relationship of meaning in life with subjective well-being among a sample of young adults launching their career. Using a qualitative approach, ten young adults were asked to share their life experiences using a semi structured interview schedule. A grounded theory analysis revealed that happiness forms a core concern for an individual where it depends not only on the cultural norm involving an individual where social relationships form an important part, but also goals and aims (s) he/she wishes to achieve in life. It exists in temporality but is impacted by the larger dimension of meaning in life which is relatively stable and covers a huge expanse of an individual’s existence. Finding a meaning in life involves both personal goals such as self growth and attainment of peace, and also professional goals like fulfillment of one’s academic aim. Meaning in life is also seen as being impacted by an individual’s past happenings, belief in self- worth and social responsibility.  相似文献   

线上社交焦虑指个体在社交媒体交往情境中感知到的紧张和恐惧等人际负性体验,包含隐私担忧、交往焦虑和负面评价恐惧三个方面。线上社交焦虑可以通过质性分析法、实验诱发法和问卷测量法进行研究。线上社交焦虑既会受到社交媒体自身特点、个体特征因素、网络欺凌和文化因素的影响,还会对个体的心理与行为产生后效。未来研究者需要开发有效的本土化测量工具、探索其形成和作用机制、关注线上社交焦虑悖论以及推动对其干预。  相似文献   

Work Motivation and Performance: A Social Identity Perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Work motivation and performance were analysed from the perspective of social identity theory and self-categorisation theory. Central in this analysis is the relation of organisational identification with the motivation to exert effort on behalf of the collective. A theoretical analysis as well as a review of empirical studies of the relationship of organisational identification with motivation and performance leads to the conclusion that identification is positively related to work motivation, task performance, and contextual performance to the extent that (a) social identity is salient, and (b) high performance is perceived to be in the group's or organisation's interest.  相似文献   




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