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If practical reasoning deserves its name, its form must be different from that of ordinary (theoretical) reasoning. A few have thought that the conclusion of practical reasoning is an action, rather than a mental state. I argue here that if the conclusion is an action, then so too is one of the premises. You might reason your way from doing one thing to doing another: from browsing journal abstracts to reading a particular journal article. I motivate this by sympathetically re-examining Hume's claim that a conclusion about what ought to be done follows only from an argument one of whose premises is likewise about what ought to be done.  相似文献   

<周易>古经虽没有出现阴阳、刚柔概念,但已经以奇偶为依据,将二爻、八卦设置为属性阴柔和阳刚的两仪二分结构,重卦而成的六十四卦及每卦中的六爻因此形成上下卦之间、各爻之间种种阴阳刚柔关系.由<周易>对其分合处位的态度以及与之相应的吉凶判定可见其对于阴阳交合、刚柔持衡的钟爱和追求.  相似文献   

In this article, we explore the process of psychoanalytical listening in the context of language. We demonstrate through a clinical example how listening may act as a facilitator of a person's linguistic style, but also how the defence of negation blocks the same process. Guided by the modern speculations on the function of metaphor, we show how listening has been expressed in various metaphors and other “tropes” of language by psychoanalysts, and also how useful metaphors can be in our listening to patients.  相似文献   

唐宋时期的大理是南诏、大理国等六个王朝和政权五百多年的京畿之地,是11世纪世界十四座大城市之一和亚洲文化十字路口的古都.自汉代传人云南洱海地区的易学对南诏、大理国的政治思想、宗教教育、建筑规划、城市布局、艺术创作等皆产生了极其重要的作用和深远的影响.本文通过作者对南诏、大理国都城的系统研究,从王都的选址、整体规划布局及建筑格式与风格等方面来论述易学运用对中国南方少数民族王朝都城建设和规划的影响.  相似文献   

Law  Andrew 《Philosophical Studies》2021,178(4):1301-1314

There is an old but powerful argument for the claim that exhaustive divine foreknowledge is incompatible with the freedom to do otherwise. A crucial ingredient in this argument is the principle of the “Fixity of the Past” (FP). A seemingly new response to this argument has emerged, the so-called “dependence response,” which involves, among other things, abandoning FP for an alternative principle, the principle of the “Fixity of the Independent” (FI). This paper presents three arguments for the claim that FI ought to be preferred to FP.


当前,医学美学作为技术美学涵盖下的一个分支,在口腔修复诊疗工作中,起着从未有过的重要作用.它以哲学的研究方法,运用艺术的手段,正自觉或不自觉地影响着口腔医护人员的工作.本文以口腔诊疗活动中形式美的审美为基点,讨论了几个有关的问题.  相似文献   

工业化革命的动力打造了当代医学的昌明和繁盛,而工业化思维即成为当代医学向高层次发展的新羁绊。工业化思维的价值取向,使当代医学走向刻板和教化,耐日益失去应有的灵性和柔性,其僵硬的模式化治疗体系与高度个性化的代谢性新疾病群形成了巨大的反差。医学的技术语汇应匡正“恶”行,择“善”而为,追求和谐,这是当代医学走出工业化阴影的必然出路。  相似文献   

试论网络文化的心理代偿功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
博玫 《心理学探新》2004,24(4):17-19,61
e时代,网络文化的心理功能成为心理学研究的新领域,本文从网络文化的狂欢性角度,探讨了网络文化在心理代偿机制中的独特性和社会意义。  相似文献   

《周易》尊崇的经典地位是在西汉时期确立的,汉《易》之特色在于象数学大昌。汉代易学既以其哲理观念的宏观层面的影响,更以其卦爻符号、象数模式的具体形态的影响,介入政治、经济、军事、伦理等核心领域,也介入天文历法、物候气象、灾异、医药等自然科学领域,还介入音乐、文学、建筑等艺术领域,表现出易学文化解释功能的扩张。汉代易学文化解释功能之扩张,对当时及后世均产生极大的影响,具有独特的文化意义。  相似文献   

康德伦理学的精髓可以表述为,由于在直觉中获得了道德本体,所以特别有助于产生最清晰的道德概念;由于借助最纯粹的先验分析把它叙述出来,所以它才成为禽兽与异化的生命无论如何都无法超越的“铁门槛”。与中国的儒家伦理学相比,康德伦理学由于是用文明时代最有力的思想武器,复活了人类在轴心时代最高形态的精神生命,因此,它无疑是人类精神哲学中最高的本体论,对于中国儒家也具有十分重要的批判性启蒙意义。  相似文献   

Determined by anatomical characteristics, the binocular visual field has an elliptical shape. Whereas the focus of attention – that area of the visual field in which objects can be consciously perceived – is significantly smaller, its shape is not necessarily dependent on the same factors. Indeed, it is yet unknown if the maximum extents of the attentional focus’ meridians are dimensionally stable or adapt to the egocentric perspective. In this study, we intended to measure the expansion up to which peripheral stimuli can still be perceived while participants were sitting and lying on the left and on the right body side. Results demonstrate that contrary to the visual field the maximum extents along the attentional focus’ meridians remain stable across different head positions with a greater horizontal than vertical alignment. This indicates that the expansion ratios of the meridians of the attentional focus are not dependent on the egocentric perspective. Rather, they appear stable in space and gravity-based. Findings are discussed in terms of our visual environment and current as well as alternative interpretations are weighed against each other.  相似文献   

本研究探析了人格因素与咨询期望的相关性及对临床工作的启示.通过方便抽样选取样本348人,用心理咨询预期简表、卡特尔16项人格因子问卷进行调查.咨询期望在性别之间无差异,心理咨询中的个人承诺与聪慧性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.对咨询师专业性的期待与乐群性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.人格中的有恒性、聪慧性等对个人承诺有正向影响,而忧虑性、怀疑性对其有负向影响.有恒性、乐群性对专业性期待有正向影响,而忧虑性则产生负向影响.在临床心理咨询中要想达到理想效果,需要依据来访者的人格特点,评估并适时调整咨询期望.  相似文献   

本研究探析了人格因素与咨询期望的相关性及对临床工作的启示.通过方便抽样选取样本348人,用心理咨询预期简表、卡特尔16项人格因子问卷进行调查.咨询期望在性别之间无差异,心理咨询中的个人承诺与聪慧性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.对咨询师专业性的期待与乐群性、稳定性等人格因子呈正相关;与怀疑性、忧虑性等呈负相关.人格中的有恒性、聪慧性等对个人承诺有正向影响,而忧虑性、怀疑性对其有负向影响.有恒性、乐群性对专业性期待有正向影响,而忧虑性则产生负向影响.在临床心理咨询中要想达到理想效果,需要依据来访者的人格特点,评估并适时调整咨询期望.  相似文献   


This review article looks at some of the parallels between the contents of this special issue on the paranormal and insights from the anthropology of religion, the anthropology of consciousness, transpersonal anthropology and the anthropology of the paranormal. The paper introduces the history of anthropology’s engagement with the paranormal, from the early evolutionist perspectives of anthropology’s pioneers to the most recent experiential approaches of the anthropology of consciousness. The paper concludes by highlighting the potential benefits of a cross-pollination of psychotherapeutic and anthropological research on the paranormal.  相似文献   

Two types of matching designs, static and dynamic, are differentiated. While all matching designs are logically the same in terms of the probability model which determines chance level of performance, an attempt is made to demonstrate that there is an interaction between the tactics, strategies, and actual knowledge ofS and the type of design used which will, in turn, lead to different results even whenS's knowledge is held constant. It is suggested that analogous situations may exist within the framework of the traditional psychometric model.The work reported in this paper was supported by a National Science Foundation Undergraduate Research Participation Grant (NSF-G15797) to the senior author. The authors are indebted to Joel E. Greene for his advice and criticism.  相似文献   


Faced with evidence that what a person said is false, we can nevertheless trust them and so believe what they say – choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is particularly notable when the person is a friend, or someone we are close to. Towards such persons, we demonstrate a remarkable epistemic partiality. We can trust, and so believe, our friends even when the balance of the evidence suggests that what they tell us is false. And insofar as belief is possible, it is also possible to acquire testimonial knowledge on those occasions when the friends know what they tell us. This paper seeks to explain these psychological and epistemological possibilities.  相似文献   

The existence of the Dao 道 (the Way), according to the Yizhuan 易传 (the Commentary), is something intangible. The connotation of the Dao is the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang. The main functions of the Dao are “to change” and “to generate”. The intangible refers to the law of change caused by the interaction between yin and yang, and the law is expressed by the divinatory symbolic system (卦爻符号, the trigrams or hexagrams). It is through the unique permutation of yin and yang lines of a trigram or hexagram that the law of change is explained as a universal model uniting celestial, terrestrial and human laws. The symbolic system is used to express the universal nature of continual generation of life. __________ Translated from Zhongguo Zhexue Shi 中国哲学史 (History of Chinese Philosophy), 2005(4) by Yun Yufen  相似文献   

在中国易学发展史上,魏晋南北朝至唐初是一个比较重要的历史阶段.本文认为这一时期易学演变与发展的显著特征,彰显为魏晋南北朝时期象数与义理两大学术流派自始至终的既斗争又统一,以至于唐初之走向融合.  相似文献   

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