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Meta-analyses on job crafting reveal that while approach-oriented job crafting (e.g., increasing job resources or challenging job demands) relates positively to employee performance, avoidance-oriented job crafting (e.g., decreasing hindering job demands) has either non-significant or negative implications for employee functioning. However, the joint effects of approach and avoidance job crafting remain an underdeveloped area of research. We administered a three-week diary survey among 87 employees to test interaction effects of approach and avoidance job crafting on employee (other-referenced and past-referenced) work performance and employability. Results revealed that decreasing hindering job demands related positively to other-referenced performance when increasing social job resources was higher than employees’ average, and to past-referenced performance when increasing structural job resources was higher than employees’ average. Also, decreasing hindering job demands related negatively with employability only at lower levels of increasing challenging job demands, while the relationship was non-significant at higher levels of increasing challenging demands. These results indicate that considering job crafting strategies in tandem adds to our understanding of their role for employee functioning.  相似文献   


Literature provides mixed results on the effect of participatory practices on outcomes such as individual performance and job stressors. By examining these relationships via the mediation of job crafting behaviors, while considering the moderating effect of autonomy, we help clarifying the reasons behind the apparently ambiguous effects of participation. We surveyed 318 employees in an Italian mass retail company. On the one hand, we found a positive effect of participation on performance and a reduction of both role conflict and role overload thanks to increased job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking job resources. On the other hand, we also found that participation and autonomy may augment job stressors because of an associated increase of job crafting behaviors aimed at seeking challenging demands.  相似文献   

This study proposed that job crafting serves as a mechanism reflecting how proactive personality affects creative performance, and this study explored whether these relationships are moderated by high-involvement work systems. Drawn from the conservation of resources theory to develop a cross-level moderated mediation model, a three-wave longitudinal study was conducted with 346 employees and their supervisors in 27 high technology firms in China. This study found that proactive personality was positively related to creative performance and that job crafting mediated the relationship between proactive personality and creative performance, and an indirect effect of proactive personality on creative performance through job crafting was significant when high-involvement work systems was low but not high. Thus, the research results indicate that when human resource management involves less participatory management, incentive rewards, extensive training and information sharing, proactive employees can draw from their personality to craft their job tasks, relations and cognitions, thereby improving creative performance. The theoretical and managerial implications, limitations, and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between supervisor job experience and ratings of the importance of eight skill components for performing subordinates' jobs. When examining these correlations, statistical control was utilized to ensure that supervisor and subordinate characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience were not affecting hypothesized relationships. As predicted, there were statistically significant positive correlations between supervisor job experience and ratings on 6 of the 8 components. Also as predicted, controlling for the characteristics confounded with supervisor job experience made a substantial difference in results; 13 of the 16 correlations using statistical control significantly differed from correlations that did not. This illustrates that future research on SME characteristics should consider controlling variables confounded with the focal characteristic(s) under study in order to more thoroughly understand characteristic–rating relationships. Implications of these findings for research and practice are discussed and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

基于工作要求-资源理论,检验工作投入在专念与工作重塑之间的中介作用。以238名医务人员为研究对象,开展两阶段的追踪问卷调查。专念对工作重塑有积极的直接预测作用。另外,在横断数据中,工作投入在专念与工作重塑之间的中介作用显著。在纵向数据中,专念(T1)能正向预测工作投入(T2),进而影响工作重塑(T2),中介效应显著。专念(T1)能正向预测工作投入(T1),但工作投入(T1)不能显著正向预测两个月后的工作重塑(T2)。在一定的时间范围内,专念可以通过激发工作投入,进而促进工作重塑行为。  相似文献   

The current study examined the interactive effects of an environment high in political decision making and political skill on job satisfaction. We predicted that as perceptions of political decision making increase, the satisfaction of individuals low in political skill would decrease. Conversely, the negative effects of political decision making on job satisfaction would be minimized among individuals high in political skill. Data were gathered from 105 managerial employees of a financial‐services organization. Results provided strong support for the hypothesized political decision‐making/political‐skill relationship. Implications, strengths and limitations, and avenues for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Job crafting theory suggests that misalignment between an employee’s preferred and actual amount of job characteristics acts as a motivational trigger for job crafting. We test this unexplored, yet key proposition underlying job crafting theory. To do so, however, we take a more comprehensive misfit perspective than previously applied, evaluating person-job undersupply and oversupply. We propose that task interdependence misfit motivates a reductive form of job crafting, decreasing hindrance demands. We also propose that low autonomy mitigates the misfit to decreasing hindrance demands relationship. To empirically evaluate this direction, we employ moderated polynomial regression and response surface analysis. Study 1 (N = 159 English-speaking respondents) findings suggest that task interdependence misfit (both undersupply and oversupply) is positively related to decreasing hindrance demands. Study 2 (N = 363 Dutch-speaking respondents) findings replicate and support our misfit hypothesis. Further, as expected, low levels of autonomy neutralize the relationship between task interdependence misfit and decreasing hindrance demands. Theoretical and practical implications regarding the misfit-as-motivation hypothesis, and the simultaneous investigation of job crafting facilitators (i.e., autonomy) and motivators (i.e., misfit) are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether career competencies could enhance an employee's subjective career success in terms of perceived employability and work–home balance via job crafting behaviors. Based on Job Demands‐Resources (JD‐R) Theory, we examined a potential motivational process in which career competencies, as a personal resource, would enhance career success through expansive job crafting. The results showed that job crafting mediated the positive relationship between career competencies and both internal and external perceived employability. In addition, job crafting mediated the positive relationship between career competencies and work–home enrichment. We expected a negative association between job crafting and work–home interference, yet our results indicated that career competencies are indirectly and positively related to work–home interference via job crafting. With our findings, we add to JD‐R Theory by (1) showing that career competencies may be considered a personal resource, (2) empirically examining the role of job crafting in motivational processes, and (3) showing that enhanced subjective career success can be an outcome of motivational processes. Organisations may use these findings to implement developmental HR practices aimed at increasing career competencies and job crafting.  相似文献   

Although theory suggests that guilt motivates approach tendencies and shame motivates avoidance tendencies, research has not always supported these relationships. The present study examined the degree to which shame and guilt are uniquely predictive of avoidance and approach motives, respectively, for both self-caused and other-caused wrongdoings. Results revealed that shame and guilt are more highly correlated for self-caused compared to other-caused wrongdoings. This greater blending of shame and guilt in response to self-caused acts makes it somewhat more difficult to distinguish between different unique motivational correlates of these two emotions. However, in response to other-caused wrongdoings, shame uniquely predicted avoidance tendencies (distancing from the event), whereas guilt uniquely predicted approach tendencies (repairing the event). The implications for research on motivation, emotion, and social relations are discussed.
Toni SchmaderEmail:

This article investigates the mediating role of job dissatisfaction in the relationship between employees’ perceptions of workplace incivility and their helping behavior, as well as the buffering role of political skill in this process. Three-wave, time-lagged data collected from employees and their supervisors revealed that employees’ exposure to workplace incivility diminished their helping behavior through their sense of job dissatisfaction. This mediating role of job dissatisfaction was less salient, however, to the extent that employees were equipped with political skill. For organizations, this study accordingly pinpoints a key mechanism—namely, unhappiness about their job situation—through which rude coworker treatment links to lower voluntary workplace behaviors among employees, and it reveals how this mechanism can be better contained in the presence of political skill.  相似文献   

Cette recherche part de l’hypothèse que les valeurs culturelles sont l’un des déterminants des réactions des salariés face à l’insécurité professionnelle. Dans la première investigation, les valeurs culturelles ont été appréhendées au niveau de l’individu à partir des réponses de 141 salariés de diverses origines ethniques appartenant à une grande entreprise agro‐alimentaire américaine qui réduisait ses effectifs. Les répondants ont rempli des questionnaires évaluant leurs valeurs culturelles, leur perception de la sécurité au travail, leurs attitudes professionnelles, leurs réactions affectives vis‐à‐vis de la réduction des effectifs et leur niveau de stress lié au travail. Les résultats ont montré que le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle avait un impact généralement négatif sur les employés. Toutefois, les salariés présentant des valeurs culturelles communautaires ressentaient plus négativement que leurs homologues individualistes le sentiment d’insécurité professionnelle. Dans le second volet de la recherche, la culture a été définie au niveau national. On a proposé aux salariés de sept organisations, quatre chinoises et trois américaines, de remplir des questionnaires appréciant leurs réactions à leur perception de l’insécurité professionnelle. Il apparut que les Chinois (mentalité communautaire) réagissaient plus négativement que les Américains individualistes face à la menace constituée par l’insécurité professionnelle. Les résultats sont analysés à la lumière du développement de pratiques organisationnelles qui comprennent la réduction des effectifs et autres procédures qui impliquent une moindre stabilité des emplois. This research explored the hypothesis that cultural values moderate employee reactions to job insecurity. In the first study, cultural values were measured at an individual level of analysis based on responses from one hundred and forty‐one ethnically diverse employees of a large US‐based food‐processing company undergoing a downsizing. Participants completed surveys assessing their cultural values, perceptions of job security, job attitudes, affective reactions to the downsizing, and job‐related stress levels. Results indicated that the perception of job insecurity had a generally negative impact on employees. However, employees with collectivist cultural values were more negatively affected by the perception of job insecurity than their individualist counterparts. In the second study, culture was operationalised at the national level of analysis. Employees from seven organisations (four based in China; three based in the US) completed surveys assessing their reactions to perceived job insecurity. Results suggest that Chinese (i.e. collectivist) employees reacted more negatively to the threat of job insecurity than their US counterparts (i.e. individualist employees). These results are discussed in light of growing organisational trends that include the use of downsizing and other techniques that herald a decrease in job stability.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for workplace proactivity has directed scholarly attention to job crafting as a voluntary and proactive form of job design. While mounting research has examined the impact of employee job crafting on work outcomes, little is known about the role of job crafting on the part of store managers in predicting unit-level performance. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the link between store manager job crafting and store performance, and proposes job resources as boundary conditions affecting this relationship. We collected survey-based data from 235 restaurant stores in South Korea and performed multilevel regression analyses. Results indicated that store manager job crafting was positively associated with store sales performance. This relationship was more pronounced when store managers received performance feedback than when they did not. However, autonomy and opportunities for development did not moderate the store manager job crafting–store performance relationship.  相似文献   

Building on social exchange theory, this study examines the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and employee performance and interpersonal skills. We hypothesized that perceptions of organizational politics create an imbalance in the exchange relationship between employee and organization, which leads to organizational deviance. We also hypothesized that supervisors may attempt to rebalance the exchange relationship by providing lower performance and interpersonal skills ratings. Finally, we suggest that politically skilled employees avoid an increase in negative ratings. The present study demonstrates that perceptions of organizational politics may lead to negative employee behaviors and reduced supervisors’ ratings in an effort to rebalance the exchange relationship. In addition, politically skilled employees may avoid increased negative ratings when politics perceptions are high.  相似文献   

Based on social influence theory, we develop a model in which the use of peer intimidation by Machiavellian employees results in greater promotability ratings by supervisors. However, consistent with interdependence theory, we expect that this process is qualified by job autonomy and the political skill of the supervisor making the promotability rating. Based on a sample of 204 supervisor–subordinate dyads, we find that peer intimidation mediates the Machiavellianism–promotability relationship when supervisor political skill is low rather than high, and when job autonomy is high rather than low, thereby yielding a pattern of moderated mediation, and supporting the hypotheses. These results suggest that job autonomy and supervisor political skill represent key interdependent mechanisms that regulate the effectiveness of social influence attempts made with intimidation in organizations.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence about the dimensions of supervisor evaluations of employee job performance. Factor analytic results supported the conclusion that supervisors were able to distinguish between two dimensions of job performance. While bivariate correlational analysis indicated that these two dimensions of job performance were similarly related to other measures, a multivariate regression analysis suggests that they are distinguishable constructs.  相似文献   



Drawing mainly upon Applicant Attribution-Reaction Theory (AART), we clarify and underscore the role of attribution dimensions (personal control, external control, and stability) in forming applicant fairness perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral reactions.


Students seeking (or about to seek) jobs (N = 264) participated in an experimental study in which procedural justice rules and outcome favorability (selected or rejected) were manipulated. Participants reported their attributions, fairness perceptions, and behavioral intentions. Hypotheses were tested through SEM and bootstrapping.


Applicant attributions were predicted by outcome favorability and the extent to which the interview process satisfied/violated procedural justice rules. In line with AART, process fairness perceptions mediated relationships between applicant attribution dimensions and both organizational perceptions and behavioral intentions.


Organizations should satisfy justice rules in employee selection processes because such rules affect applicant attributions, which in turn predict perceptions and behavioral intentions. In addition to identifying antecedents and consequences of fairness perceptions, antecedents and consequences of applicant attributions should be investigated, as both relate to important organizational outcomes.


This study is one of a very few to test propositions from AART. Through an experimental design of high internal validity, we show that outcome favorability and the satisfaction/violation of justice rules predict job applicant attributions (personal control, external control, and stability). We further show that applicants’ attributions explain unique variance in their perceptions of the employing organization and in their behavioral intentions (e.g., recommend organization to others; litigate) beyond that explained by selection outcome and fairness perceptions.  相似文献   

During the past decade, the construct of political skill has attracted a lot of attention. In particular, its relation to job performance has been examined. With regard to this link, it is typically proposed that political skill affects job performance in a positive linear manner. However, in this article it is suggested that intermediate levels of employees' political skill yield the highest job performance, implying that this association is in fact represented by an inverted U‐shape. Findings from two field studies (N1 = 178, N2 = 115 employee‐supervisor‐colleague triads) that incorporated different sample characteristics (early career employees, established employees), job performance dimensions (overall, task, contextual, and adaptive performance), and rating sources (supervisors and colleagues) supported this idea. Across different analyses, employees with intermediate levels of political skill received higher job performance ratings compared to those with lower and higher levels, respectively. In addition, the nature of the relationships between employees and their raters was found to moderate this curvilinear effect. Specifically, besides the fact that employees who had close working relationships with their raters generally received higher job performance ratings, the decreases in the job performance ratings of employees high in political skill were less pronounced when they had close relationships.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated a positive relationship between leader–member exchange (LMX) quality and positive outcomes. However, little is known about how the dispositional variable of subordinate political skill impacts LMX–consequence relationships. Thus, this study investigated this interaction in predicting turnover intentions and job satisfaction. Additionally, we employed a relatively unexamined multidimensional measure of LMX, which could then help to establish the generalizability of outcomes related to LMX. We investigated these hypotheses in a sample of 239 working employees, and found support for the moderating role of subordinate political skill.  相似文献   

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