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The perception of motion during colinear eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present study addressed the question of whether we prefer to make eye movements within or between objects. More specifically, when fixating one end of an object, are we more likely to make the next saccade within that same object or to another object? Observers had to discriminate small letters placed on rectangles similar to those used by Egly, Driver, and Rafal (1994). Following an exogenous cue, observers made a saccade to one end of one of the rectangles. The small target letter, which could be discriminated only after it had been fixated, could appear either within the same or at a different object. Consistent with object-based attention, we show that observers prefer to make an eye movement to the other end of the fixated same object, rather than to the equidistant end of a different object. It is concluded that there is a preference to make eye shifts within the same object, rather than between objects.  相似文献   

We investigated the scanning strategies used by 2- to 3.5-month-old infants when viewing partly occluded object displays. Eye movements were recorded with a corneal reflection system as the infants observed stimuli depicting two rod parts above and below an occluding box. Stimulus parameters were chosen on the basis of past research demonstrating the importance of motion, occluder width, and edge alignment to perception of object unity. Results indicated that the infants tailored scanning to display characteristics, engaging in more extensive scanning when unity perception was challenged by a wide occluder or misaligned edges. In addition, older infants tended to scan the lower parts of the displays more frequently than did younger infants. Exploration of individual differences, however, revealed marked contrasts in specific scanning styles across infants. The findings are consistent with views of perceptual development stressing the importance of information processing skills and self-directed action to the acquisition of object knowledge.  相似文献   

Can people react to objects in their visual field that they do not consciously perceive? We investigated how visual perception and motor action respond to moving objects whose visibility is reduced, and we found a dissociation between motion processing for perception and for action. We compared motion perception and eye movements evoked by two orthogonally drifting gratings, each presented separately to a different eye. The strength of each monocular grating was manipulated by inducing adaptation to one grating prior to the presentation of both gratings. Reflexive eye movements tracked the vector average of both gratings (pattern motion) even though perceptual responses followed one motion direction exclusively (component motion). Observers almost never perceived pattern motion. This dissociation implies the existence of visual-motion signals that guide eye movements in the absence of a corresponding conscious percept.  相似文献   

Changes in eye position were recorded while S experienced visually induced motion. Movement of the eye was not found to correlate, in either direction or extent, with this type of apparent motion. Induced movement was explained, therefore, in terms of a change in phenomenal rather than retinal location.  相似文献   

Visual input is frequently disrupted by eye movements, blinks, and occlusion. The visual system must be able to establish correspondence between objects visible before and after a disruption. Current theories hold that correspondence is established solely on the basis of spatiotemporal information, with no contribution from surface features. In five experiments, we tested the relative contributions of spatiotemporal and surface feature information in establishing object correspondence across saccades. Participants generated a saccade to one of two objects, and the objects were shifted during the saccade so that the eyes landed between them, requiring a corrective saccade to fixate the target. To correct gaze to the appropriate object, correspondence must be established between the remembered saccade target and the target visible after the saccade. Target position and surface feature consistency were manipulated. Contrary to existing theories, surface features and spatiotemporal information both contributed to object correspondence, and the relative weighting of the two sources of information was governed by the demands of the task. These data argue against a special role for spatiotemporal information in object correspondence, indicating instead that the visual system can flexibly use multiple sources of relevant information.  相似文献   

Are visual and verbal processing systems functionally independent? Two experiments (one using line drawings of common objects, the other using faces) explored the relationship between the number of syllables in an object's name (one or three) and the visual inspection of that object. The tasks were short-term recognition and visual search. Results indicated more fixations and longer gaze durations on objects having three-syllable names when the task encouraged a verbal encoding of the objects (i.e., recognition). No effects of syllable length on eye movements were found when implicit naming demands were minimal (i.e., visual search). These findings suggest that implicitly naming a pictorial object constrains the oculomotor inspection of that object, and that the visual and verbal encoding of an object are synchronized so that the faster process must wait for the slower to be completed before gaze shifts to another object. Both findings imply a tight coupling between visual and linguistic processing, and highlight the utility of an oculomotor methodology to understand this coupling.  相似文献   

In the primate visual system, there is a significant delay in the arrival of photoreceptor signals in visual cortical areas. Since Helmholtz, scientists have pondered over the implications of these delays for human perception. Do visual delays cause the ' position of a moving object to lag its 'real' position? This question has recently been re-evaluated in the context of the flash-lag phenomenon, in which a flashed object appears to lag behind a moving object, when physically the two objects are co-localized at the instant of the flash. This article critically examines recent accounts of this phenomenon, assesses its biological significance, and offers new hypotheses.  相似文献   

The lateral eye movements of 24 college students were videotaped as they reflected on spatial and analytical questions. As predicted, participants with more initial movements to the left had significantly higher scores on the leftist (or humanistic) index of the Tomkin's Polarity Scale. The direction of this relationship was reversed for the rightist index (right movers scoring higher) but this difference was not significant. Results are interpreted as additions to evidence which suggests a connection between the left and right sides of the human body and more global dichotomies of ideology or personality.  相似文献   


The present study examined the effects of emotions on eye movements, head motion, and iPad motion during reading. Thirty-one participants read neutral, emotionally negative texts and emotionally positive texts on a digital tablet and both participants’ eye movements and body movements were recorded using respectively eye-tracking glasses and a motion capture system. The results showed that emotionally positive texts were read faster than neutral texts, and that readers’ movements decreased when reading emotional texts regardless of valence polarity. Recent studies suggested that postural movements may reflect cognitive engagement and especially the engagement in the task to be done. Our findings seem to validate this hypothesis of a bodily engagement in reading emotional contents. The present results suggest that the novel methodology of eye and postural movement recordings is informative in studying the readers’ embodied engagement during reading emotional materials.  相似文献   

Dyslexia: saccadic eye movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes an extensive study of the parameters of saccadic eye movement in a group of 28 poor-reading children and a comparative normally reading group of 31 children. Ages ranged from 6.0 to 16.9 yr. Poor readers had normal intelligence but were lagging by at least two years in reading ability as compared to their peer age group. Parameters studied in refixation eye movements included saccadic latency, accuracy, velocity, and acceleration, as well as differences in latency for abduct and adduct movements. Shapes of saccades were also studied. It was shown that eye-movement performance in simple saccadic refixation was not distinguishably different for poor readers and normal readers, even though in reading, which requires higher processing, eye-movement characteristics are quite different. Maturational changes for various saccadic eye-movement parameters were also examined for the normal and poor reading groups.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study examined the effects of cultivated (i.e. developed through training) and dispositional (trait) mindfulness on smooth pursuit (SPEM) and antisaccade (AS) tasks known to engage the fronto-parietal network implicated in attentional and motion detection processes, and the fronto-striatal network implicated in cognitive control, respectively.MethodsSixty healthy men (19–59 years), of whom 30 were experienced mindfulness practitioners and 30 meditation-naïve, underwent infrared oculographic assessment of SPEM and AS performance. Trait mindfulness was assessed using the self-report Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ).ResultsMeditators, relative to meditation-naïve individuals, made significantly fewer catch-up and anticipatory saccades during the SPEM task, and had significantly lower intra-individual variability in gain and spatial error during the AS task. No SPEM or AS measure correlated significantly with FFMQ scores in meditation-naïve individuals.ConclusionsCultivated, but not dispositional, mindfulness is associated with improved attention and sensorimotor control as indexed by SPEM and AS tasks.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the time course of the processing of metonymic expressions in comparison with literal ones in 2 eye-tracking experiments. Experiment 1 considered the processing of sentences containing place-for-institution metonymies such as the convent in That blasphemous woman had to answer to the convent; it was found that such expressions were of similar difficulty to sentences containing literal interpretations of the same expressions. In contrast, expressions without a relevant metonymic interpretation caused immediate difficulty. Experiment 2 found similar results for place-for-event metonymies such as A lot of Americans protested during Vietnam, except that the difficulty with expressions without a relevant metonymic interpretation was somewhat delayed. The authors argue that these findings are incompatible with models of figurative language processing in which either the literal sense is accessed first or the figurative sense is accessed first. Instead, they support an account in which both senses can be accessed immediately, perhaps through a single under-specified representation.  相似文献   

Many experiments have shown that the human visual system makes extensive use of contextual information for facilitating object search in natural scenes. However, the question of how to formally model contextual influences is still open. On the basis of a Bayesian framework, the authors present an original approach of attentional guidance by global scene context. The model comprises 2 parallel pathways; one pathway computes local features (saliency) and the other computes global (scene-centered) features. The contextual guidance model of attention combines bottom-up saliency, scene context, and top-down mechanisms at an early stage of visual processing and predicts the image regions likely to be fixated by human observers performing natural search tasks in real-world scenes.  相似文献   

The relationship between eye movements and spatial attention   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Most previous studies of the attentional consequences of making saccadic eye movements have used peripheral stimuli to elicit eye movements. It is argued that in the light of evidence showing automatic “capture” of attention by peripheral stimuli, these experiments do not distinguish between attentional effects due to peripheral stimuli and those due to eye movements. In the present study, spatial attention was manipulated by varying the probability that peripheral probe stimuli would appear in different positions, while saccades were directed by a central arrow, enabling the effects of attention and eye movements to be separated. The results showed that the time to react to a peripheral stimulus could be shortened both by advance knowledge of its likely position and, separately, by preparing to make a saccade to that position. When the saccade was directed away from the most likely position of the probe, the targets for attention and eye movements were on opposite sides of the display. In this condition, the effects of preparing to make a saccade proved to be stronger than the effects of attentional allocation until well after the saccade had finished, suggesting that making a saccade necessarily involves the allocation of attention to the target position. The effects of probe stimuli on saccade latencies were also examined: probe stimuli that appeared before the saccade shortened saccade latencies if they appeared at the saccade target, and lengthened saccade latencies if they appeared on the opposite side of fixation. These facilitatory and inhibitory effects were shown to occur at different stages of saccade preparation and suggest that attention plays an important role in the generation of voluntary eye movements. The results of this study indicate that while it is possible to make attention movements without making corresponding eye movements, it is not possible to make an eye movement (in the absence of peripheral stimulation) without making a corresponding shift in the focus of attention.  相似文献   

A temporal gap between fixation point offset and stimulus onset typically yields shorter saccadic latencies to the stimulus than if the fixation stimulus remained on. Several researchers have explored the extent to which this gap also reduces latencies of other responses but have failed to find a gap effect isolated from general warning effects. Experiment 1, however, showed a robust gap effect for aimed hand movements (which required determination of a precise spatial location), regardless of whether the hand moved alone or was accompanied by a saccadic eye movement. Experiment 2 replicated this aimed hand gap effect and also showed a smaller effect for choice manual keypress responses (which required determination of the direction of response only). Experiment 3 showed no gap effect for simple manual keypress responses (which required no spatial determination). The results are consistent with an interpretation of the gap effect in terms of facilitation of spatially oriented responses.  相似文献   

Object files (OFs) play an important role in theories of mid-level vision. On some influential views, OFs operate and persist only via spatiotemporal continuity. One open question concerns what occurs when direct spatiotemporal continuity is absent: Do OFs move in accordance with any motion correspondence ultimately resolved? Specifically, do OFs accord with apparent motion (AM) correspondences, which arise despite a lack of continuous spatiotemporal stimulation? In Experiment 1, subjects were presented with an AM display consisting of two circles that, across two frames, were seen as moving between two noncontiguous locations. The two objects were primed with two symbols and were then moved in a single step; a third symbol appeared, and could either match the symbol from the closer or the further object. We found a robust object specific preview benefit (OSPB) for the shorter path, in other words, the path along which AM was perceived. In order to control for the possibility that priming occurs at any nearby object, in Experiment 2, the original two objects never disappeared, but two new objects appeared in the would-be AM locations. No AM was perceived, and no OSPB obtained. In the third experiment the OSPB effect persisted even when motion along the shorter path included an unlikely featural transformation (circles turning into squares). In Experiment 4, which was nearly identical to Experiment 2, no OSPB obtained despite unique featural matches between the initial and new objects, seemingly because no AM was perceived. In Experiment 5, we failed to find an effect of featural priming, even when distance between the objects was equated. Finally, we extended the OSPB effect to two additional kinds of AM—line motion (Experiment 6) and phi motion (Experiment 7), supplying strong evidence that AM correspondences and OF correspondences are controlled by the same basic rules.  相似文献   

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