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Three systems of double extension set theory have been proposed by Andrzej Kisielewicz in two papers. In this paper, it is shown that the two stronger systems are inconsistent, and that the third, weakest system does not admit extensionality for general sets or the use of general sets as parameters in its comprehension scheme. The parameter-free version of the comprehension principle of double extension set theory is also shown to be inconsistent with extensionality. The definitions of the systems and a self-contained exposition of their properties is given, sufficient to develop the inconsistency proofs.  相似文献   

Cantini  Andrea 《Studia Logica》2003,74(3):345-368
We investigate a contractionless naive set theory, due to Grisin [11]. We prove that the theory is undecidable.  相似文献   

Terui  Kazushige 《Studia Logica》2004,77(1):9-40
In [7], a naive set theory is introduced based on a polynomial time logical system, Light Linear Logic (LLL). Although it is reasonably claimed that the set theory inherits the intrinsically polytime character from the underlying logic LLL, the discussion there is largely informal, and a formal justification of the claim is not provided sufficiently. Moreover, the syntax is quite complicated in that it is based on a non-traditional hybrid sequent calculus which is required for formulating LLL.In this paper, we consider a naive set theory based on Intuitionistic Light Affine Logic (ILAL), a simplification of LLL introduced by [1], and call it Light Affine Set Theory (LAST). The simplicity of LAST allows us to rigorously verify its polytime character. In particular, we prove that a function over {0, 1}* is computable in polynomial time if and only if it is provably total in LAST.  相似文献   

认知诊断是新一代测量理论的核心, 对形成性教学评估具有重要意义。项目认知属性标定是认知诊断中一项基础而重要的工作,现有的项目认知属性辅助标定方法的研究工作很少, 并且在应用上存在诸多局限。课堂评估是认知诊断应用的理想场所,但课堂评估中项目的选取具有随意性, 教师难以在短时间内准确标识项目认知属性。本研究首次提出采用粗糙集方法对项目认知属性进行标定, 该方法无需太多被试和项目, 亦无需已知项目参数, 且能当场诊断出结果, 适于采用纸笔测验的课堂评估。通过Monte Carlo模拟研究表明:采用粗糙集方法能迅速地对项目认知属性进行标定, 并具有较高的标定准确率; 而且, 项目认知属性越少、或被试估计判准率越高、或失误率越小则项目认知属性标定的准确率越高。粗糙集方法的引入, 对拓展认知诊断的应用范围, 真正实现其辅助性教学功能, 具有重要作用。  相似文献   

对爱因斯坦的"弯曲时空"理论与生物体DNA双螺旋结构的相关性进行了哲理性思考:控制生命时间程序的生物钟基因编码及调控细胞分裂的正、负向基因对应表达的严格时间程序,在DNA双螺旋结构上可能具有"时空弯曲"的原理.地球上不同经纬度地区的时间流行病学特征应该具有相对同时性.  相似文献   

心理理论的发展对个体社会化具有重要意义。研究通过元分析的方法,表明执行功能能够有效预测个体心理理论的发展水平(r=0.37,p0.001),且具有跨文化和跨人群的稳定性;同时,在个体的毕生发展中,执行功能均与心理理论存在显著相关,证明了执行功能的表达说;但在不同的发展阶段(Q1=411.75,p10.001,df1=90;Q2=219.49,p20.001,df2=50),心理理论的发展会受到执行功能不同成分的影响:0~3岁时抑制控制起关键作用;3~12岁时,心理理论受到抑制控制和灵活转换的共同影响;青春期阶段,灵活转换的作用明显;而到了成年期,抑制控制与灵活转换均会对心理理论产生积极影响。  相似文献   




品牌延伸中母品牌的作用机制   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
品牌延伸研究近年来受到了国外营销学界的普遍关注,母品牌在延伸行为中的作用机制是其中的一个热点问题。文章在查阅有关文献的基础上,对该领域影响比较大的两个延伸评价模型,情感迁移模型和联想需求模型,进行了较为深入的介绍、评述和比较。两个模型都从消费者认知的角度来理解延伸评价的形成,其中涉及到刺激泛化、类化和精细计算加工等认知过程。  相似文献   

In multiple-objective programming, a knowledge of the structure of the non-dominated set can aid in generating efficient solutions. We present new concepts which allow for a better understanding of the structure of the set of non-dominated solutions for non-convex bicriteria programming problems. In particular, a means of determining whether or not this set is connected is examined. Both supersets and newly defined subsets of the non-dominated set are utilized in this investigation. Of additional value is the use of the lower envelope of the set of outcomes in classifying feasible points as (properly) non-dominated solutions.  相似文献   

Two models of second-order ZFC need not be isomorphic to each other, but at least one is isomorphic to an initial segment of the other. The situation is subtler for impure set theory, but Vann McGee has recently proved a categoricity result for second-order ZFCU plus the axiom that the urelements form a set. Two models of this theory with the same universe of discourse need not be isomorphic to each other, but the pure sets of one are isomorphic to the pure sets of the other.This paper argues that similar results obtain for considerably weaker second-order axiomatizations of impure set theory that are in line with two different conceptions of set, the iterative conception and the limitation of size doctrine.  相似文献   

采用句-图匹配范式,以可预测对立意义的句子和图片为实验材料,考察汉语双重否定的加工方式以及句子的形式与语义对句子加工的影响,包括2个实验。研究发现:(1)双重否定是整体加工的;(2)在理解初期(250ms),否定反问句、双重否定祈使句与肯定祈使句的加工模式一致,都是直接表征事件的实际状态;(3)当句子形式与语义不一致时,读者更多地受到句子语义的影响。这表明,在双重否定加工机制的理论解释中,命题表征理论忽略语义,注重句子形式结构,而基于经验模拟理论的两步模拟假设则立足语义,忽略句子形式结构,两者都有一定的合理性,但也都存在一定的片面性。  相似文献   

Paseau  A. 《Synthese》2003,135(3):379-399
Some philosophers have argued that the open-endedness of the set concept has revisionary consequences for the semantics and logic of set theory. I consider (several variants of) an argument for this claim, premissed on the view that quantification in mathematics cannot outrun our conceptual abilities. The argument urges a non-standard semantics for set theory that allegedly sanctions a non-classical logic. I show that the views about quantification the argument relies on turn out to sanction a classical semantics and logic after all. More generally, this article constitutes a case study in whether the need to account for conceptual progress can ever motivate a revision of semantics or logic. I end by expressing skepticism about the prospects of a so-called non-proof-based justification for this kind of revisionism about set theory.  相似文献   

随着临床实践的深入,弗洛伊德在后期对人格结构进行了调整,提出了精神的动力结构,但他在其精神结构中过分强调个体的生物性本能,忽略了矛盾既相互对立又相成相济。事实上,处于“自然-道德”中间状态的人的精神结构,可以用中国哲学中的“阴阳”来理解,即在结构上注重阴阳的对立与平等,在发展上强调阴阳在不同时期的发展和变化。阴阳太极图与弗洛伊德后期的人格理论的中西互补,能够加深对徘徊在自然-道德之间的人的认识,从而为重新审视中国传统思想之于现代和当代精神结构的建设有着重要的启示和价值。  相似文献   

医院规模扩大后的医患关系思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
将 3个城市 4所医院 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 4年间医院规模扩展前后的床位增加、患者反映及医疗纠纷等情况进行对比分析。 4所医院后床位费、护理费较前均有所增加 ;医患纠纷 4年间平均增长 2 1.8%。医院规模扩大为医院的发展带来机遇的同时也隐含了一些实际问题 ,应尽早作出系统发展规划 ,寻找科学化、和谐化发展的医院管理新路径  相似文献   

浅谈临终医疗的双重效应原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双重效应原则常用于临终患者的治疗中,应用药物为患者解除痛苦,但可能导致患者严重不良反应甚至死亡,这在伦理上是可以接受的。但目前仍存在着较大争议,特别是如何认定医师的主观意图。  相似文献   

刘敬东 《现代哲学》2003,(3):113-121
本文从理性、自由、国家观、理性-非理性动力结构、两个世界的历史理念等方面解读了黑格尔历史哲学的意义或启示;阐述了它自身存在的问题和由此受到的批判或挑战。本文从批判与建构的双重维度出发,重新审视、反思了在批判黑格尔历史哲学的过程中存在的问题和教训。  相似文献   

For classical sets one has with the cumulative hierarchy of sets, with axiomatizations like the system ZF, and with the category SET of all sets and mappings standard approaches toward global universes of all sets.We discuss here the corresponding situation for fuzzy set theory. Our emphasis will be on various approaches toward (more or less naively formed) universes of fuzzy sets as well as on axiomatizations, and on categories of fuzzy sets.What we give is a (critical) survey of quite a lot of such approaches which have been offered in the last approximately 35 years.Part I was devoted to model based and to axiomatic approaches; the present Part II is devoted to category theoretic approaches.This paper is a version of the invited talk given by the author at the conference Trends in Logic III, dedicated to the memory of A. MOSTOWSKI, H. RASIOWA and C. RAUSZER, and held in Warsaw and Ruciane-Nida from 23rd to 25th September 2005.  相似文献   

For classical sets one has with the cumulative hierarchy of sets, with axiomatizations like the system ZF, and with the category SET of all sets and mappings standard approaches toward global universes of all sets. We discuss here the corresponding situation for fuzzy set theory.Our emphasis will be on various approaches toward (more or less naively formed)universes of fuzzy sets as well as on axiomatizations, and on categories of fuzzy sets. What we give is a (critical)survey of quite a lot of such approaches which have been offered in the last approximately 35 years. The present Part I is devoted to model based and to axiomatic approaches; the forth-coming Part II will be devoted to category theoretic approaches. This paper is a version of the invited talk given by the author at the conference Trends in Logic III, dedicated to the memory of A. MOSTOWSKI, H. RASIOWA and C. RAUSZER, and held in Warsaw and Ruciane-Nida from 23rd to 25th September 2005. Presented by Jacek Malinowski  相似文献   

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