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金相文 《学海》2002,(4):147-152
本文认为发生于 16世纪欧洲西北部的宗教改革 ,首先发端于对罗马教廷的专制和腐败的批判 ,随着宗教改革的深入和原罗马天主教统一局面及宗教权威的打破 ,形成了众多教派和教派之间的纷争。宗教改革的年代是欧洲资产阶级力量上升时期 ,是社会资源在封建贵族、教会势力和新兴资产阶级之间重新分配时期。世俗势力与宗教纷争的汇合 ,使得宗教改革最终带着血腥味从宗教冲突走向宗教宽容。宗教改革之后的宽容观是这场宗教改革留给历史的最宝贵财富 ,因为这种宽容观使信仰自由和宗教个人主义增加了世俗的意义。信仰自由和宗教个人主义 ,在随后的基督教世界的历史进程中 ,对早期世俗自由和个人主义的政治哲学观形成有着深刻的影响。  相似文献   

梁漱溟一生竭力复兴中国文化的合理价值,努力重构儒学体系向现代形态转变,他以一种宗教式的超越气度,带着一种救世主的姿态,思考整个人类的关怀和中国社会的危机,试图重建新的价值体系与意义世界来回应西方文化的挑战,提出了著名的"文化三路向"说,其宗教社会思想是他对中国以及整个人类未来命运思考的结果.他认为中国没有系统宗教,儒学非宗教,但她发挥了类似于宗教的作用,维系中国社会秩序稳定运转.  相似文献   

美国是一个移民组成的国家,许多人将其比作民族"大熔炉"。移民们不仅将基督教三大分支——新教、天主教、东正教带进了美国,也将犹太教、伊斯兰教、佛教、印度教等带到了美国。此外,美国还存在着土生土长的宗教如摩门教和难以计数的小型宗教派别。在这个宗教多元的国度里,如此多的教派何以能够和谐共处?本文从政教分离、司法独立、崇尚教育、法律完备、移民的美国化、慈善机构的作用以及美国社会等方面作了一些探索和分析。  相似文献   

如何从多维视野来审识中越两国的宗教现实问题,发挥宗教的积极作用,中越两国宗教研究者创造性地采用多学科方法进行探讨,不仅整体性认同了通过疏导心灵和满足诉求来构造有序社会的共识,而且还展示了中越跨境民族宗教问题研究的前景框架。  相似文献   

20世纪初,当无产阶级革命向着建立社会主义制度冲 刺、社会主义向着苏联走来的时候,列宁写下了《社会主义 与宗教》的名篇,提出了一个复杂、敏感,关系到社会主义 国家团结安定,关系到社会主义制度兴衰存亡的政治难题:社会主义国家的执政党和国家政权如何对待宗教,宗教又如何适应社会主义社会?此后,不同国度、不同时代的共产党人,多方探索,经验丰富,教训深刻。 21世纪初,当社会主义在中国站稳脚跟并蓬勃发展的时候,江总书记在全国宗教工作会议上就宗教问题,作了一个集中国共产党三代领导集体探索之大成的,全面、系统、深刻的讲话,标志着中国共产党人肩负着引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应的重担,写出了“社会主义与宗教”的历史新篇。 “我们共产党人是唯物主义者,我们不信仰宗教,同时我们坚持以科学的观点和方法对待宗教,努力认识和掌握宗教自身的规律”,是这个新篇的主旨。 创新、透彻、稳妥,是这个新篇的特色。 积极引导宗教与社会主义社会相适应,是这个新篇的点睛之笔。  相似文献   

从近代到本世纪,美国的宗教自由保护从强调基督教之于美国社会的重要性转到立足宗教作为个人信仰的本质。建国阶段,国父们将基督教视为美国的立国基础,给予特殊的尊重和保护,基督教因此成为事实的国教。由于人们逐渐认识到国家不能持有特定的宗教立场乃至道德立场,宗教的特殊价值随之减弱,宗教本身也逐渐成为个人的选择。人们从个人信仰和个人选择的角度来认识宗教自由的价值,宗教自由逐渐从宗教的自由过渡到个人信仰的自由,隐私权的观念相应产生。  相似文献   

在跨人21世纪的征途上,在邓小平理论指引下,三明市解放思想、深化改革、扩大开放、加速发展、强市富民的浪潮蓬勃兴起。在这种大潮中,正确分析当前宗教工作的形势,清醒认识存在的问题,思考解决问题的办法,是进一步做好宗教工作,服务改革、开放、发展大局的一个前提条件。  相似文献   


Disputes concerning state interference in the religious practices and traditions of citizens have created uproar in public debate in India and Europe during the past decades. The contributors to this colloquium on Europe, India, and the Limits of Secularism point to the importance of two domains in addressing these disputes: the comparative study of court decisions and the budding domain of comparative political theory. In this response, I discuss several issues that emerge from these domains and argue that the problem of cultural asymmetry continues to create major pitfalls in the debates on secularism and religious freedom.  相似文献   

有些学者高调主张宗教进入社会所有公共领域,"宗教自由"是主要的法理依据,赋予宗教一厢情愿的功能则是它的理论基础。本文仅就法理而言,这类主张来自美国《国际宗教自由法案》宣扬的宗教无政府主义,实质在搅乱舆论,干涉他国内政。它驾凌于他国的法权和主权之上,也违背美国的建国宗旨和宪法原则——政教分离。所以这一《法案》在其本国无效,我们的响应者也到了该打住的时候了。  相似文献   

The literature indicates that the IQs and school performance of children tend to decline with increasing order of birth. A hypothesis is here presented that the effect of birth order upon intellectual performance may result from an increasing probability of maternal immune attack upon the fetal brain in utero with order of parity. In support of this hypothesis, evidence is adduced from the literature that the fetal brain is antigenic, that fetal antigens may reach the immune system of the mother, that the incidence of maternal sensitization to fetal antigens increases with parity, that antibodies may readily cross the placenta and reach the fetal brain, that antibodies can be highly teratogenic, and that certain antibodies may damage, in a lasting way, the structure, function, and learning capacity of brains in experimental animals and human infants.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the conditions under which the negative consequences of social influence attempts can be mitigated by freedom-affirming interventions. Eighty-eight high school girls received an influence message, presumably written by a co-worker, containing either a threat or a promise. In addition, subjects were or were not given a choice option as to mode of compliance, if they chose to comply with the message. In half the cases, the Interpersonal condition, subjects received their choice/no choice option from their co-worker; in the other half of the cases, the Noninterpersonal condition, subjects were assigned the choice/no choice option by a random event unknown to the influencing agent. As anticipated, in the Interpersonal as compared to the Noninterpersonal condition, (a) threats produced greater compliance when a choice was offered than when it was not, and (b) promises and threats were more equivalent in gaining compliance when a choice was offered than when it was not. These results, which suggest that in a social setting individuals' concerns about freedom are interpersonally motivated, are discussed in terms of their relation to and implications for reactance theory.  相似文献   

Titus Hjelm 《Religion》2013,43(1):28-45
This paper analyses the legislative discourse regarding a Members' Initiative to enact a law which was discussed in the Finnish parliament in 2006 and which proposed changes to the constitution and several laws, the purpose of which was to balance the privileged position that the Lutheran Church of Finland enjoys. The author uses critical discourse analysis to examine four different discourses emerging from the debate: inequality of religions in the eyes of the law; the ‘completeness’ of the freedom of religion in Finland; the justified hegemony of the ‘folk church’; and the church as a value base in a pluralising world. He argues that the discursive struggle between the different positions is a struggle between ‘minimalist’ and ‘maximalist’ definitions of freedom of religion and that the discussion represents a case of ‘national piety’, a conflation of discourses of religious equality, freedom of religion and national identity that reproduces the status quo.  相似文献   

Cyr  Taylor W. 《Synthese》2020,197(10):4439-4453

One way that philosophers have attempted to defend free will against the threat of fatalism and against the threat from divine beliefs has been to endorse timelessness views (about propositions and God’s beliefs, respectively). In this paper, I argue that, in order to respond to general worries about fatalism and divine beliefs, timelessness views must appeal to the notion of dependence. Once they do this, however, their distinctive position as timelessness views becomes otiose, for the appeal to dependence, if it helps at all, would itself be sufficient to block worries about fatalism and divine beliefs. I conclude by discussing some implications for dialectical progress.


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