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This article uses the Comprehensive Mixed-Methods Participatory Evaluation (CMMPE; Nastasi and Hitchcock Transforming school mental health services: Population-based approaches to promoting the competency and wellness of children, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press with National Association of School Psychologists 2008; Nastasi et al. School-based mental health services: creating comprehensive and culturally specific programs. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association 2004) model as a framework for addressing the multiplicity of evaluation decisions and complex nature of questions related to program success in multilevel interventions. CMMPE defines program success in terms of acceptability, integrity, social or cultural validity, outcomes (impact), sustainability and institutionalization, thus broadening the traditional notions of program outcomes. The authors use CMMPE and an example of a community-based multilevel sexual risk prevention program with multiple outcomes to discuss challenges of evaluating multilevel interventions. The sexual risk program exemplifies what Schensul and Tricket (this issue) characterize as multilevel intervention–multilevel evaluation (M–M), with both intervention and evaluation at community, health practitioner, and patient levels. The illustration provides the context for considering several challenges related to M–M designs: feasibility of randomized controlled trials within community-based multilevel intervention; acceptability and social or cultural validity of evaluation procedures; implementer, recipient, and contextual variations in program success; interactions among levels of the intervention; unanticipated changes or conditions; multiple indicators of program success; engaging multiple stakeholders in a participatory process; and evaluating sustainability and institutionalization. The complexity of multilevel intervention and evaluation designs challenges traditional notions of evaluation research and experimental designs. Overcoming these challenges is critical to effective translation of research to practice in psychology and related disciplines.  相似文献   

蛋白质相互作用几乎是所有生物学过程都必需的重要的生理过程,已成为国内外生命科学研究的热点之一.近十年来,多个诺贝尔生理医学奖项目与蛋白质相互作用研究有关.从蛋白质相互作用的特点和重要性出发,结合我们实践中的点滴体会,列举有关实例与数据说明:为什么蛋白质相互作用研究是细胞通讯网络途径中的重要研究环节,从而提出:蛋白质与蛋白质相互作用研究具有丰富的哲学内涵.  相似文献   

The effect of a municipal enforcement program to improve residents' packaging of refuse was analyzed in a multiple-baseline design across two areas of a city. The enforcement program involved instruction concerning refuse-packaging regulations, collection only of appropriately packaged refuse, and feedback notices to residents concerning the reasons for noncollection of their inadequately packaged refuse. Both the number of violations and the percentage of residences violating each day were markedly reduced during the enforcement program. Furthermore, sanitation workers considered that the packaging of refuse and the safety and efficiency of refuse collection had improved. This study served as a pilot evaluation of a policy change in the city sanitation department, and was functional in determining the direction of that policy.  相似文献   

关于现代中医学研究的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以中医学的研究目的为线索,从中医学研究的历史观、现代中医研究的得失观、今后中医研究应当明确的几个问题的发展观三个方面对中医的研究目的进行了探讨,提出今后中医药研究应当明确的问题有:否定是中医学研究的突破口;政策指导是中医学研究的保障;求实是中医学研究的灵魂;研究成果向临床实践转化是中医学研究的生命。  相似文献   

Many community psychologists adhere to a methodological pluralist orientation to research; however, it is often unclear what such a position means in practice. This paper draws out the practical implications of methodological pluralism for community research. It proposes four sets of criteria for how research might be appraised under a pluralistic ethos: criteria applicable to all research, research-relevant community psychology values and principles, criteria specifically applicable to quantitative research, and criteria specifically applicable to qualitative research. The paper also addresses how pluralistic community research may be conducted, at each of three levels: integrating methods within a single study, using different approaches within a research program, and pluralism in the field as a whole.  相似文献   


Contemporary research ethics policies started with reflection on the atrocities perpetrated upoconcentration camp inmates by Nazi doctors. Apparently, as a consequence of that experience, the policies that now guide human subject research focus on the protection of human subjects by making informed consent the centerpiece of regulatory attention. I take the choice of context for policy design, the initial prioritization of informed consent, and several associated conceptual missteps, to have set research ethics off in the wrong direction. The aim of this paper is to sort out these confusions and their implications and to offer instead a straightforward framework for considering the ethical conduct of human subject research. In the course of this discussion I clarify different senses of autonomy that have been confounded and present more intelligible justifications for informed consent. I also take issue with several of the now accepted dogmas that govern research ethics. These include: the primacy of informed consent, the protection of the vulnerable, the substitution of beneficence for research's social purpose, and the introduction of an untenable distinction between innovation and research.  相似文献   

注意能力测评方法的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
本研究自行开发了"BT-LYR注意能力测试软件(1.0版)",并发展了一套融专家经验与实际测试为一体的注意能力模糊综合评价方法.结果显示,注意能力测试软件及模糊综合评价方法都具有较高的信度和效度,值得在实践中进一步检验与推广.  相似文献   

Despite the general acknowledgement that it is important for counselling and psychotherapy practice to be informed by research, it is clear that in recent years a widening gap has emerged between research and practice. This paper briefly reviews some of the factors responsible for the current crisis in therapy research and offers a number of reasons why a healthy relationship between research and practice is necessary. It is suggested that, at present, there exists within psychology and social science a level of acceptance of pluralistic and innovative approaches to research, which may facilitate the emergence of a new genre of practitioner‐oriented inquiry in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. Some of the ways in which Counselling and Psychotherapy Research intends to contribute to this movement are described, for example the promotion of new forms of writing, use of information technology, and the creation of knowledge communities. Readers are invited to participate in this endeavour.  相似文献   

Schools are important settings that can be utilized to yield a positive impact on youth and the many issues our society faces. In this Presidential Address, I identify key issues and directions for the field, advocating that we need to expand our ecological focus, improve school climate, and collaborate with schools to effect change. To illustrate these key themes, findings from four projects with k‐12 youth and educators in the United States are described, and these projects have the following foci: protective factors for youth exposed to violence, teacher‐directed violence as part of an APA Task Force, school climate and neighborhood factors in relation to academic outcomes, and school transitions for students with disabilities. Challenges and future directions to build upon community psychology theory, research, practice, and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

老乡心理的本质是祖籍族群认同。中国人的老乡心理表现在离开家乡到外地后对家乡的怀念、对家乡人的依恋、对家乡方言的认同、老乡之间的相互帮助行为乃至老乡之间的组织行为。研究发现, 老乡心理效应由语言认同、文化认同、情感认同、习俗认同、地域认同等成分组成, 必备条件由中心因素和外围因素构成, 中心因素包括离家在外、地缘切近、文化趋同和相互扶持。采用群体参照效应的研究范式, 考察在本地和外地上学的大学生对老乡的参照效应, 发现被试在外地时, 参照本省(市)人加工的回忆成绩显著优于其他参照条件, 对本省(市)人表现出参照效应; 被试在本地时, 各参照条件下回忆成绩没有差异。老乡心理是形成区域心理性格的基础, 也是区域文化差异与人格差异相互作用的重要标志。老乡心理是民族认同、国家认同的心理基础。老乡认同的核心是社会文化认同, 社会文化认同以语言认同为内核。  相似文献   

Students may exhibit two forms of cognitive biases, belief and hindsight bias, in evaluating a scientific experiment. Counter to disagreement, they may only believe an outcome that agrees with their belief to be more predictable in hindsight than foresight. The focus of this research is on the relationship between these biases. Students were queried about their dichotomous beliefs (learned vs. genetic) about behavior for an animal experiment and then assigned randomly to a no‐outcome or genetic outcome condition. With agreement between students' belief and outcome, the findings revealed hindsight bias (foreseeability) supported by the outcomes for surprise, disappointment, ethics, and research evaluation. With disagreement, hindsight bias was trumped along with perceiving the experiment as being less ethical and scientifically sound. Regardless of the outcome, students seem to adhere to their beliefs. Hence, students may believe that the outcome is inconsequential because it is obvious or contrary to their beliefs.  相似文献   




中国区域跨文化心理学是以文化学、社会学、人类学、人文地理学、社会心理学、跨文化心理学等学科理论为基础, 比较研究中国城乡区域、地理区域、历史区域、行政区域、生态区域等文化区域居民的个体心理和群体心理共同性和差异性的学科。采用系列问卷, 在2004年和2009年先后三次对甘肃省河西、河东汉族为主的地级市属各个县市区城乡居民以及蒙拢、湘拢的跨省域居民进行抽样调查。结果表明, 区域文化同一性和差异性以及具体的生态环境、生活方式、经济发展、政治体制、社会结构、教育水平、风俗习惯、风土人情等差异, 是影响区域居民心理健康、性格特质、社会态度、刻板印象等心理机能的重要变量。今后研究将着力进行学科理论完善和省际、县际比较研究, 更好地运用田野工作等方法, 揭示区域文化与心理行为之间的相互关系和作用机制, 形成理论模型, 为建设和谐社会提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This is the third in a series on residents' meetings (RMs) for municipal disability policymaking in Japan; members included people with disabilities (PWDs). I focused on members' meaning-making process for three community organizational goals: task, process, and relationship. Action research was employed in all three studies during my participation in RMs, which began in 2002. The present study is a follow-up on the meetings' development and covers 2013 to 2019. Meetings were divided into three phases: (a) use of the annual symposium to inform a broader audience about disability policies; (b) appreciation that PWDs can play active roles as supporters of others, especially other PWDs; and (c) recognition that contradiction and dilemma are present in attempts to provide “universal” social equipment for social minorities. The three goals were interrelated through uncertainty and vagueness of RMs; however, it enabled the members to interpret their multifaceted disability-related experiences. PWDs realized their power to help others and developed disability identities through intensive discussions, while they realized the difficulty of social acceptance of their power and the limited solidarity among PWDs.  相似文献   

The study examined the factors that college students perceive to influence their ability to do research. Participants were 160 students from a teachers' college (males=71; females=81; mean age=27; SD=5.32). Data were collected using an open ended survey. For data analysis MS Excel was used. Students perceived a need for support in basic research processes: problem statement, method, analysis and report writing. Participants perceived plagiarism of projects to be rampant. A policy on supervising student research could enable students in their research efforts.  相似文献   

离异家庭儿童发展性研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林洵怡  桑标 《心理科学》2008,31(1):163-165,180
随着世界各国离婚率的提高,离异家庭对儿童发展的影响已经成为众多学者研究关注的焦点.文章着重介绍和分析了离异家庭儿童发展性研究的进展、离异家庭儿童心理和行为问题的产生机制以及离异家庭儿童发展的影响因素和作用机制.最后对公共政策的制定提出建议.  相似文献   

系统梳理了20年来青少年科学创造力的理论研究与实践探索,包括概念与结构、测量与发展、影响因素和机制、培养思路与模式等,分析了科学创造力研究的趋势,提出了若干重要的研究方向。在未来的研究中,要加强几个方面的研究工作,即科学创造力的认知神经机制研究,科学创造力的基因组学研究,基于情境和内容的科学创造力研究,教学活动或项目促进科学创造力发展的神经可塑性机制研究,以及基于聚合科技的科学创造力培养。  相似文献   

理想状态下,跨学科研究的同行评议应该是不同学科对话、学习的重要契机,同时,不同学科的专家参与到同行评议中来,促使跨学科研究项目得到公平、公正、科学的评审。然而,由于评价机制、学科壁垒和个人主观因素等原因,这种理想状态难以完全实现。跨学科研究的同行评议存在的问题及如何改进成为跨学科研究面临的难题和学界的关注点。跨学科研究的同行评议面临着缺乏合适的"同行"、评议者学科分化和偏见、学科壁垒和利益冲突等问题。为了应对这些问题,可以从改进评议人选制度、协调不同学科间意见、改革评议机制、建立风险机制等方面来对跨学科研究的同行评议进行改进。  相似文献   

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