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为了更好地了解吉林省医务人员的吸烟状况,为进一步开展控烟工作提供科学依据,对吉林省50家医疗机构的3787名医务人员进行问卷调查,调查结果显示,男性医务人员吸烟率较高;医务人员对烟草危害认识不全面,控烟意识较为薄弱.应加强对医务人员烟害知识等方面的培训,以改变其吸烟行为、提高控烟责任意识.  相似文献   

香烟,早已不是男人的专利品!据统计,在每年递增的2%烟民中,有相当部分是女性烟民——浙江省城镇成人吸烟率为40.2%,其中2.76%为女性。尤其是女大学生烟民的增加更为显著:杭州某高校的调查,女学生吸烟占总吸烟人数的31%,年龄且集中在20—24岁。在一些女生寝室里,香烟与化妆品公开“陈列”成为一大风景。更有一些女生以入睡前的“夜谈会”中大抽特抽作为一桩乐  相似文献   

对不同社会背景的城市妇女进行深入访谈发现,其赋予丈夫吸烟行为的人类学意义为:成瘾,坏毛病,缺乏责任感,减压,小事情,男人社交方式和男性特征。由此得出结论,就女性而言,开展预防来自于其丈夫的二手烟的健康教育,应在传播吸烟和被动吸烟危害知识的基础上,设法改变其对丈夫吸烟行为的价值判断。  相似文献   

对不同社会背景的城市妇女进行深入访谈发现,其赋予丈夫吸烟行为的人类学意义为:成瘾,坏毛病,缺乏责任感,减压,小事情,男人社交方式和男性特征.由此得出结论,就女性而言,开展预防来自于其丈夫的二手烟的健康教育,应在传播吸烟和被动吸烟危害知识的基础上,设法改变其对丈夫吸烟行为的价值判断.  相似文献   

有关资料表明,我国约有1/4人口的烟民,已位居世界男子吸烟七强国,其中,大中学生的吸烟率已达22.5%,且有吸烟女性化和年龄下移的趋势。尽管“世界无烟日”已几易春秋,但中华大地依然烟雾缭绕,烟火旺盛。吸烟有害健康,于体不利,此乃国人尽知,然吸烟之风为何日盛且波及幼小一代?只要通过学府这方净土上的青少年嗜烟者稍事心理评析,不难从冉冉升起的烟怪圈背后,探出莘莘学子的吸烟心态。  相似文献   

青少年吸烟行为的预防与干预   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
方晓义  林丹华 《心理学报》2003,35(3):379-386
以两所普通中学的573名初一、初二、高一和高二的学生为被试,随机将每个年级的两个斑分成干预组和控制组,干预组接受名为“远离香烟”(SAFT)的预防和干预方案,方案包括四个成分:即健康教育、识别并抵制同伴压力、大众媒体影响以及吸烟认知,以达到延缓或减少青少年吸烟行为的目的。方案共包括7次活动,每次45分钟,每周开展一次活动,共持续7周。结果发现:(1)干预组后测中的上个月吸烟行为比前测降低了5.2%,而控制组后测吸烟行为则上升了2.3%。同样的趋势表现在不同性别、不同年级的青少年身上;(2)预防和干预方案对减少干预组偶尔吸烟者的吸烟行为尤其有效;(3)在吸烟认知的转变上,干预组后测比前测更显著或接近显著地反对吸烟会带来友谊和形象等方面的好处,更赞同吸烟的危害性。而控制组则正相反;(4)方案可以有效地提高干预组的抵制技能;(5)在所有的干预成分中,只有后测吸烟与友谊的认识以及吸烟危害认识可以显著地预测干预组青少年的后测吸烟行为,而没有一个变量可预测控制组后测吸烟行为;(6)预防和干预条件通过后测吸烟好处、吸烟危害认识间接地对青少年后测吸烟行为产生影响。  相似文献   

以2010年7月到2011年12月因下肢动脉硬化闭塞症入院的186名患者为对象,对他们的身体状况、生活方式、吸烟习惯以及对吸烟的态度进行调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析.以调查下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者吸烟情况,同时分析其对于烟草产品危害性的认识.约88.2%的下肢动脉硬化症患者吸烟或经常接触二手烟.而45岁~59岁及59岁以上男性患者组吸烟率高于男性总人群.患者用于治疗烟草相关慢性病的费用较高,66%的患者以要花费30%以上的年收入用于治疗疾病;17.57%患者患病后未戒烟或减少吸烟,继续吸烟的人主要是由于受周围环境的影响,减少吸烟数量或者已经戒烟的人主要是出于自身健康的考虑.可以推断,下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者吸烟率高于全人群.大部分的受调查的下肢动脉硬化闭塞症患者投入了较大的收入比重用于治疗烟草相关慢性疾病.吸烟者对于吸烟的危害性认识不足.  相似文献   

目的探讨降低服刑人员吸烟率的方法和措施。方法对Russell吸烟原因问卷进行修订添加一个社交需要维度以使其更符合中国国情,对修订后的问卷进行信效度检验符合要求后,采用分层随机抽样法抽取157名吸烟的服刑人员进行吸烟原因调查。结果服刑人员在各个因子上占的比列都较高,在享乐、镇静、刺激和社交等因子上比例更是达到了50%以上。结论服刑人员的吸烟原因和需求是多样化的,彼此间都占有较高的比例。引导服刑人员戒烟具有一定的意义和价值。  相似文献   

本文主要区分了吸烟问题中不同的行动者,分为主动的吸烟行为者,与被动的二手烟被动吸收者。通过对二者的分析,提出二者的主体性的概念。并且在公共环境的框架内讨论国家以及行动者自身如何应对吸烟问题。并且在环境社会学理论的指导下提出一种新的视角,论述了吸烟者的权力边界与不吸烟者的权利自觉等概念。并且对解决吸烟问题的手段——空间区隔也稍作了讨论。  相似文献   

比较不同性别的非吸烟的COPD患者的肺功能和疾病严重程度。选择承德医学院附属医院门诊就诊的非吸烟的稳定期COPD患者93例,其中男性34例,女性59例。对两组患者的肺通气功能和弥散功能,过去一年的急性加重次数、改良的呼吸困难评分及疾病严重程度进行比较。非吸烟的COPD患者男性组和女性组在FEVl%pred,FVC%pred,PEF%pred,FEF25—75%pred,FEF25%pred,FEF75%pred,DOSE评分方面比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);在DL—CO%pred和Raw%pred方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。非吸烟的女性COPD患者较男性COPD患者肺通气功能和小气道功能差,疾病严重程度重,可能与女性患者对生物燃料、空气污染等危险因素易感有关。  相似文献   

A comprehensive research project on smoking among Norwegian schoolchildren was started in 1975. Results from two nation-wide questionnaire surveys and from two field experiments were presented. The first field experiment (1978) demonstrated that different approaches to smoking and health education had different effects on the pupils' reported tobacco consumption. In three of four experimental groups, the reported short-term reduction of cigarettes smoked was statistically significant. If the pupils were actively involved, and when their parents were involved, the reported reduction of cigarettes smoked was 21 % compared to only 6% in a group with passive pupils and no involvement of the parents. In a second field experiment (1979-80), a long-term reduction was shown. During the first six months there was a marked decrease in the prevalence of smokers. Compared with a control group, the effect still remained after one year. In the period 1975–1980, a new trend in smoking among young people in Norway was recorded. Irrespective of grade and sex, the proportion of young people smoking daily decreased. The decrease was somewhat stronger for girls than for boys.  相似文献   

This study examined the point prevalence of smoking in patients with anxiety disorders who do not have comorbid alcohol or substance abuse or dependence (ASAD). In a retrospective chart review, the smoking status of 581 patients with anxiety disorders was assessed. Patients, ages 18–65, were seeking treatment for anxiety disorders at an outpatient clinic that specialized in anxiety and related disorders. All participants were interviewed using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule—IV, during which their smoking status was assessed. The prevalence of smoking across all anxiety disorders was 14.8%, which is much lower than found in the general population (23.3%; CDC, 2002) and even lower than previous estimates in individuals with comorbid anxiety and ASAD. Individuals with panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder had the highest prevalence of smoking, although these rates were still considerably lower than those found in previous studies of smokers with anxiety disorders. Reasons for lower prevalence estimates are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to synthesize the national prevalence data from eight surveys on tobacco use in South Africa over the past 13 years. Results from the national studies indicate that tobacco use among adults is on the decline in South Africa. The same applies to daily smoking and daily smokeless tobacco use among adolescents. However, onset of tobacco use and the prevalence of current smoking among adolescents seem not to have changed over the years. While exposure to tobacco smoke outside the home decreased from 56.5% in 1999 to 36.2% in 2002 among adolescents, exposure to tobacco smoke inside the home increased from 41.7% in 1999 to 73.3% in 2002. This change may be attributed to the introduction of the tobacco control act that from 2000 banned smoking in public places. The decline of overall daily smoking in South Africa may be attributed to the tobacco control strategy based on 1) rapidly increasing excise taxes on tobacco, and (2) comprehensive legislation, of which the most important features are banning all tobacco advertising and sponsorship, and prohibition of smoking in public and work places.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence and identify correlates of current cigarette use among 8,470 school-going adolescents (aged 11 to 18 years) in South Africa. A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2008 in South Africa within the framework of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS). Overall prevalence of current cigarette smoking was 16.5%. Significantly more males (22.8%) than females (10.5%) were current smokers (p < .001). Cigarette smoking among boys and girls was positively associated with parental and/or peer smoking and greater risk perception, and among girls smoking attitudes variables (having more friends among girls, greater attractiveness of boys and weight change) and various higher exposure to smoking advertising and promotion activities were positively associated with cigarette smoking. However, antismoking advertising and community and family education were positively associated with current smoking, while only having school or community special groups or classes for students who want to stop smoking was protective of smoking. Cigarette smoking and other tobacco use is a significant public health problem in South Africa. Public health efforts aimed at preventing adolescent cigarette/tobacco use should incorporate knowledge on the associated factors related to smoking.  相似文献   

Assessed the usefulness of carbon monoxide (CO) breath validation of self-reported smoking status in a large worksite population (N = 4,647). CO assessment was performed as part of a baseline survey procedure. CO levels differed substantially in relation to self-reported smoking status and amount smoked. Correcting for ambient exposure (estimated by mean CO levels among never smokers) produced more satisfactory results than uncorrected CO levels. Striking company differences were observed in mean CO exposures among self-reported never smokers. An unexpected finding was that 17.1% of current smokers reported smoking less than daily. Although the CO measure was excellent in detecting moderate and heavy smokers, it was inadequate in detecting occasional and light smokers. If detection of occasional or lighter smoking is critical to the purposes of the study, the more expensive (but more accurate) cotinine measure is preferred.  相似文献   

The present study tested three assumptions often made by smoking prevention researchers and practitioners regarding the nature and causes of smoking prevalence estimates. Specifically, it is often assumed that (a) adolescent prevalence estimates of all levels of smoking are inflated, (b) youths at different stages of smoking onset all overestimate smoking prevalence, and (c) the predictors of these estimates are the same for youths at different stages of smoking onset. Measures of smoking behavior based on self-reports using a bogus pipeline procedure, estimates of cigarette smoking prevalence (trying behavior and weekly use), and reports of smoking in significant others were obtained by the same youths when they were in eighth and ninth grades. Results indicated that, taken over all youths, estimates of trying cigarettes were accurate, whereas estimates of weekly use were inflated. When responders were defined by their stage of smoking onset, either as a nonsmoker, trier, or regular smoker, analyses revealed that triers were accurate regarding prevalence estimates of trying, whereas non-smokers made gross underestimations and regular smokers made overestimations of trying. All groups of youths overestimated prevalence of weekly smoking. Analyses of variance revealed that both youths' smoking status and interpersonal smoking environment additively predicted prevalence estimates, and estimates of smoking prevalence were relatively higher in youths who began to smoke, or increased their levels of smoking, within the next year. Thus, previous assumptions were partially confirmed. Future research and prevention programming should focus more on regular smoking as the focus of normative smoking distortion effects and correction efforts.  相似文献   

We describe the demographic, functional, and clinical status of children served across six California counties implementing a longstanding integrated system of care approach called the California System of Care Model. The children enrolled in the care systems are an ethnically diverse group of predominantly pre-adolescent and adolescent males. The level of functional impairment and degree of symptomatology is high. Seventy to 80% of the youth were in the clinical or borderline clinical ranges as measured by the Child Behavior Checklist. Scores on the Child and Adolescent Functional Assessment Scale, provided by the treating clinician, indicated that up to 94% of the youth were in the moderate to severe levels of impairment. Children and adolescents rated themselves on the Youth Self Report as having lower levels of impairment than did parents. Caregivers and youth ratings emphasized externalizing rather than internalizing problems. Clinician ratings as captured by the CAFAS and the clinical diagnoses, presented a mix between internalizing and externalizing diagnoses and functional impairment areas. The six counties are serving children who have levels of impairment, similar to, or higher than, youth enrolled in other systems of care nationwide.  相似文献   

Using the data from the South African World Health Survey (WHS), the current study aims to assess the self-reported prevalence of diabetes and associated risk factors by socio-economic characteristics in South Africa. A population-based survey of 2314 participants (1116 men and 1236 women) was conducted in South Africa in 2003. Results indicate an overall self-reported diabetes prevalence of 9.1%, 7.1% for men and 10.8% for women. In terms of diabetes risk factors, high rates of overweight or obesity (58.4%), physical inactivity (55.2%), less than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day (69.3%), and medium or high stress levels (63.3%) were found; 18.4% were smoking daily and 7.3% were risky drinkers. Univariate regression analyses found that from the six different risk factors none apart from having high stress were associated with the occurrence of diabetes. Greater age was associated with obesity and inversely associated with insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables. Daily smoking and being physically inactive were inversely associated with risky drinking. Low socioeconomic background was associated with unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and stress.  相似文献   

The present study examined an integrated treatment for comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and smoking entitled “Smoke-Free to Overcome PTSD: An Integrated Treatment” (STOP IT program). A nonconcurrent multiple-baseline design was used with six community-recruited adult smokers with PTSD to investigate both patient acceptance of the treatment and its initial efficacy on both PTSD and smoking. Potential order effects of exposure-based and affect management components were also examined. A gold-standard assessment strategy that included the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (Blake et al., 1995) and biochemical verification of self-reported smoking status was employed to measure primary targets of treatment. Results suggested that the STOP IT program was well tolerated. There were clinically significant improvements in PTSD outcomes, but only temporary reductions in smoking. Participants’ relatively low posttreatment smoking levels increased by the follow-up assessment, although not to baseline levels. Treatment component order did not appear to affect treatment outcomes, but those who were assigned to the exposure-focused writing prior to affect management training condition appeared more likely to discontinue treatment before beginning exposure. These preliminary data support the safety, acceptability, and potential efficacy of the STOP IT program. Future investigation of the STOP IT program should include testing the incremental efficacy of increasing the dose of smoking-focused intervention, as well as randomized controlled tests of the treatment that employ gold standards for treatment outcome research.  相似文献   

This study used 1 longitudinal and 2 cross-seconal population surveys to compare stability of low-rate daily smokers (less than 5 cigarettes per day) with other daily smokers and occasional smokers. Few low-rate smokers maintained consumption level; 36% retained smoking status after 20 months, compared with 82% and 44% for regular daily and occasional smokers, respectively. In a dynamic process, established smokers quit smoking and/or modified (decreased or increased) consumption. Low-rate and occasional smokers quit at higher rates than regular daily smokers (odds ratios 3:1) but were replenished by new members, many converted from regular daily smoker. The overall trend is an increasing proportion of low-consumption smokers while smoking prevalence declines. The dynamic process has implications for tobacco control efforts and for addiction theory.  相似文献   

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