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江红艳  王海忠  何云  朱力 《心理学报》2016,48(1):95-105
由于消费者和品牌之间的关系与人际关系存在许多相似之处, 反映人际感知的刻板印象内容模型为品牌感知研究提供了全新的视角。然而, 以往研究多关注品牌感知两大维度--“感知能力”和“感知温情”二者之间的作用关系, 鲜有研究同时基于公司层面和产品层面考察品牌感知不同维度的前因变量及其交互作用机理。鉴于此, 本文实验1考察了公司形象/产品属性超越的不同维度与“感知能力”和“感知温情”的对应关系, 在此基础上进一步发现公司形象和产品属性超越对购买意愿的协同效应。具体而言, 当公司形象为能力型时, 产品享乐性(相对于功能性)属性超越下消费者的购买意愿更高; 当公司形象为诚信型时, 产品功能性(相对于享乐性)属性超越下消费者的购买意愿更高。而且, 品牌赞赏感在上述协同效应中发挥中介作用。实验2探究感知风险调节公司形象和产品属性超越对购买意愿的协同影响。文章最后讨论了本文的理论贡献, 对企业如何实现公司形象策略和产品属性策略的协同促进等方面的营销启示, 以及未来研究方向。  相似文献   

认知诊断是新一代测量理论的核心, 对形成性教学评估具有重要意义。项目认知属性标定是认知诊断中一项基础而重要的工作,现有的项目认知属性辅助标定方法的研究工作很少, 并且在应用上存在诸多局限。课堂评估是认知诊断应用的理想场所,但课堂评估中项目的选取具有随意性, 教师难以在短时间内准确标识项目认知属性。本研究首次提出采用粗糙集方法对项目认知属性进行标定, 该方法无需太多被试和项目, 亦无需已知项目参数, 且能当场诊断出结果, 适于采用纸笔测验的课堂评估。通过Monte Carlo模拟研究表明:采用粗糙集方法能迅速地对项目认知属性进行标定, 并具有较高的标定准确率; 而且, 项目认知属性越少、或被试估计判准率越高、或失误率越小则项目认知属性标定的准确率越高。粗糙集方法的引入, 对拓展认知诊断的应用范围, 真正实现其辅助性教学功能, 具有重要作用。  相似文献   

以往有研究指出在线评论的不一致性会给企业带来负面影响,也有研究发现存在正面影响。之所以会存在两种截然相反的结论是因为,以往研究没有深入分析评论内容,忽略了造成不一致性的根源所在。通过引入产品属性及消费者调节定向,力图解释以往两种看似冲突的结论。结果表明:评论不一致性会通过影响消费者对产品的风险和独特性感知进而影响其购买意向;垂直属性评论(水平属性)不一致性越高,越会激发消费者的风险感知(独特性感知),进而降低(提高)购买意向;并且消费者调节定向对产品属性的调节作用会进一步调节。  相似文献   

聂春艳  汪涛  赵鹏  崔楠 《心理学报》2018,50(12):1438-1448
文化混搭产品因涉及到不同国家的文化符号的同时呈现, 可能导致母国文化的完整性与生命力受到威胁, 引发外国文化入侵母国文化的感知进而降低消费者的产品评价。本研究从文化混搭产品的营销传播视角出发, 基于前人的研究基础之上, 探讨了不同信息表述框架策略的采用会如何影响消费者的文化入侵感知进而影响他们对文化混搭产品的评价, 并重点探究了它可能存在的两个边界条件, 即消费者的比较焦点和企业的不同解释策略。两个实验的结果不仅再一次验证了前人所得出的研究结论, 即文化混搭产品采用“外国文化-母国文化”的框架策略时, 会使消费者产生外国文化改变了母国文化的感知, 导致消费者对产品的评价要显著低于采用“母国文化-外国文化”的框架策略, 其中感知文化入侵起着完全中介的作用。更重要的是, 深入揭示出上述的这种不同文化混搭框架效应只有在启动的是消费者的差异性聚焦以及企业采用的是属性解释策略时才存在, 而当启动的是消费者的相似性聚焦以及企业采用关系解释策略时, 这一效应将会消失。本研究不仅深入剖析出了引发消费者对文化混搭现象产生排斥性反应的内在机理, 拓展了前人研究结论的普适性, 也为企业的文化混搭产品的营销推广提供了有用的实践启示。  相似文献   

崔楠  徐岚  谢雯婷 《心理学报》2016,(4):423-434
从消费者的不作为惯性反应差异出发,探讨运动模式和评估模式的消费者在错过第一次合意机会、面对第二次次优机会时购买可能性的差异及原因。通过3个研究发现,相比评估模式的消费者而言,运动模式的消费者具有更高的二次购买可能性。在自我调节模式影响次优购买可能性的过程中,预期后悔起到重要的中介作用。此外,研究还发现,当第二次次优机会中提供了与第一次机会中的产品类似但不同的替代产品时,运动模式和评估模式消费者之间的购买可能性差异消失了。  相似文献   

本研究采用2评论类型(属性型VS体验型)×2调节定向(促进VS预防)的眼动实验,深入探讨消费者对在线评论的加工过程和感知有用性的认知机理。研究发现:(1)与属性型评论相比,个体对体验型评论的认知过程更短,感知有用性却更高。(2)相对于预防定向个体而言,促进定向个体对在线评论的认知加工过程更短,感知有用性更高。(3)评论类型和调节定向的交互效用,在属性型评论情境中显著,但在体验型评论情境中不显著。研究结果揭示了评论类型和调节定向影响消费者对在线评论认知评估的作用机理。  相似文献   

王雪芳  张红霞  陈振杰 《心理学报》2017,(10):1344-1356
在营销实践中,多位代言人同时出现在一则广告中的组合代言广告日益增多,却很少有研究关注。本文探究了组合代言中代言人关系类型(合作型组合代言vs.冲突型组合代言)对广告效果的影响。研究发现,相对于合作型组合代言,冲突型组合代言会产生更好的广告效果;这种作用是通过消费者感知到的广告生动性所中介的;消费者的情感强度可以调节这种作用,对于情感强度较高的消费者,冲突型组合代言能产生更好的广告效果,而对于情感强度较低的消费者没有显著影响;此外,代言人之间的差异程度也可以起到调节作用,即当消费者对组合代言中代言人们的评价相差较小时,冲突型组合代言能提升广告效果,当对代言人们的评价相差较大时,则没有显著的促进作用。文章还对这些发现的理论贡献、营销启示和未来研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

在认知诊断中还没有指标能在无作答数据情况下直接评价项目的属性分类准确率或属性判准率。项目水平上的属性分类准确率,与项目属性向量、项目参数、先验分布和作答反应等有关。综合各个影响因素定义了项目水平上的属性期望分类准确率指标,并将其用于组卷。模拟研究显示:新指标可十分准确地评价项目的属性判准率,新指标对于项目筛选十分重要;以模式分类准确率为评价指标,基于新指标的组卷方法与经典的组卷方法表现相当。  相似文献   

为探讨主题关系在儿童归纳推理中的作用,采用经典的三角归纳范式,设计了主题关系和知觉相似冲突、主题关系和分类学关系冲突两种情形,来考察4~5岁儿童在内在属性和情境性属性任务中的归纳推理。结果显示:当主题关系和知觉相似冲突时,从4.5岁开始儿童主要基于主题关系对情境性属性进行归纳推理,而对于内在属性的推论,4~5岁儿童在基于主题关系和基于知觉相似上没有显著差异。当主题关系和分类学关系冲突时,从4.5岁开始儿童主要基于主题关系对情境性属性进行归纳推理,从5岁开始儿童主要基于分类学关系对内在属性进行归纳推理。两个实验结果均发现5岁和5.5岁儿童能够依据不同的属性使用不同的关系推理,表现出归纳灵活性  相似文献   

当用户参与产品开发(user participation in product development,UPPD)成为企业创新战略的一部分时,如何向外围消费者(未参与产品开发的消费者)传递UPPD信息变得至关重要。基于“消费者心理感知”视角,本文梳理了UPPD通过外围消费者感知的企业、产品、品牌特征和企业关系两条路径影响他们消费行为的文献和理论。未来研究可以进一步探索UPPD标签和用户真正参与影响的差异,探究社会影响和品牌在UPPD对外围消费者行为影响中的作用,并考虑网络和信息技术带来的挑战。  相似文献   

The effects of list-method directed forgetting on recognition memory were explored. In Experiment 1 (N = 40), observers were instructed to remember words and their type-cases; in Experiment 2 (N = 80), the instruction was to remember words and their colours. Two lists of 10 words were presented; after the first list, half of the observers (forget) were instructed to forget that list, and the other half (remember) were not given the forget instruction. Recognition of items (words) as well as source (encoding list + case/colour) was measured for forget and remember observers. The forget instruction affected case/colour memory more consistently than item and list memory; a multinomial analysis indicated that source information was affected by the forget instructions. The results indicated that recognition of source information may be a more sensitive indicator of forgetting than recognition of items.  相似文献   

Recognition memory for lists of items was investigated in pigeons using a YES-NO recognition technique. Experiment I showed that increasing the exposure duration of the first item of a two-item list improved recognition for that item without impairing recognition of the second item. Experiment II showed that decreasing the inter-trial interval had no effect on correct YES responses but significantly increased the number of false YES responses. Experiment III showed that recognition for the last two items of a three-item list was no poorer than that for lists of only two items. Experiment IV showed that increasing the delay between presentation and test of a two-item list (from 0·25-1 s) had a more disruptive effect on recognition for the second than for the first item. The data from these four experiments support a model proposed by Roberts and Grant, according to which memory traces are independent, and decay as a negatively accelerated function of time. Experiments V, VI, and VII investigated recognition for lists of three, four, and five items, and found no evidence for a primacy effect, performance being a linear function of time since sample offset.  相似文献   

We were concerned with the effects of item repetition, list length, and class of item on free recall in elderly as compared with young adults. In Experiment 1, samples of young and elderly adults recalled a list of 27 words and a list of 27 action events (minitasks performed by the subjects). Some items were presented once and some twice. Although the younger subjects showed better recall on both types of lists, the older sample benefited from item repetition as much as did the younger sample. This finding was replicated in Experiment 2. A second finding in Experiment 2 was a significant aging effect in the recall of long but not of short lists of both words and action events. The absence of an Age X Repetition Effect interaction was ascribed to the strength nature of the repetition manipulation. The age effects in the recall of the long lists were attributed to possible deficits in retrieval proficiency.  相似文献   

What are the minimal conditions for the formation of chunks by a pigeon learning an arbitrary list? Experiment 1 compared the acquisition of two types of chunkable list (each composed of colors and achromatic geometric forms): A----B----C----D'----E' (or A'----B'----C'----D----E) and A----B----C'----D'----E' (or A'----B'----C----D----E). The first type of list was acquired more rapidly than the second. On both lists, however, evidence of chunking did not emerge until the four-item phase of training (e.g., pauses at the end of one category of list item). In Experiment 2, chunking was shown to occur on four-item lists in which colors and forms were segregated (A----B----C'----D' and A'----B'----C----D), but not on lists in which the two types of items were interspersed (A----B'----C'----D and A'----B----C----D'). As in Experiment 1, evidence of chunking (pauses at chunk boundaries) did not appear until the fourth item was added.  相似文献   

Recall of the last one or two items of a spoken list is impaired when the list is followed by a nominally irrelevant item. At issue here was whether this suffix effect is reduced with repeated exposure to the irrelevant item. The effect was found to decline over successive blocks of trials, but only slightly (Experiment 1). No decisive evidence for adaptation to the irrelevant item was found when it was spoken after each of the list items rather than after the last one only (Experiments 2 and 3). The strongest evidence for adaptation was obtained when the irrelevant item was repeated in an unbroken stream that extended through the presentations and recall periods of successive lists: The recency effect and the level of recall at the last position within a list were greater under these conditions than when the irrelevant item was presented only once after each list (Experiments 4, 5, and 6).  相似文献   

Current models of verbal short‐term memory (STM) propose various mechanisms for serial order. These include a gradient of activation over items, associations between items, and associations between items and their positions relative to the start or end of a sequence. We compared models using a variant of Hebb's procedure in which immediate serial recall of a sequence improves if the sequence is presented more than once. However, instead of repeating a complete sequence, we repeated different aspects of serial order information common to training lists and a subsequent test list. In Experiment 1, training lists repeated all the item–item pairings in the test list, with or without the position–item pairings in the test list. Substantial learning relative to a control condition was observed only when training lists repeated item–item pairs with position–item pairs, and position was defined relative to the start rather than end of a sequence. Experiment 2 attempted to analyse the basis of this learning effect further by repeating fragments of the test list during training, where fragments consisted of either isolated position–item pairings or clusters of both position–item and item–item pairings. Repetition of sequence fragments led to only weak learning effects. However, where learning was observed it was for specific position–item pairings. We conclude that positional cues play an important role in the coding of serial order in memory but that the information required to learn a sequence goes beyond position–item associations. We suggest that whereas STM for a novel sequence is based on positional cues, learning a sequence involves the development of some additional representation of the sequence as a whole.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the difference in recency effect between vowel-contrasting and stop-contrasting lists of syllables in immediate ordered recall can be explained by item discriminability and regular short-term memory mechanisms, without any recourse to echoic memory or precategorical acoustic storage (PAS). In Experiment 1, the short-term memory mechanisms were manipulated by reducing amount of output interference and length of retention interval. The partial-report technique was used. The most important finding was the usual final-position recency effect (difference in recall between the fifth and sixth serial positions) for the vowel lists but not for the stop lists, regardless of the type of report. Thus the PAS theory could not be rejected. In Experiments 2 and 3, the last item was differentiated from the other items of the list, either by lengthening the interstimulus interval between the last and the next-to-last (Experiment 2) or by increasing the intensity of the last item (Experiment 3). In both cases, an increase of the final-position recency effect was found even for stop lists. Since a drop in recall errors was also obtained for the fourth item when its intensity was increased (von Restorff effect), this final-position recency effect for stop lists is likely to be due to item discriminability, and not to echoic memory for the last item. Item discriminability appeared to be the critical factor.  相似文献   

Source attributions for falsely remembered material were investigated in two experiments. A male and a female speaker each presented either an entire word list or half of the items from each of multiple Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) lists commonly used in this paradigm. In the latter condition the tendency of each list half to activate a nonpresented, critical list theme item was manipulated. All of the list halves differed in backward associative strength (BAS), and each was presented by one or the other of the two speakers. In these correlated conditions, when critical items were falsely recognized (Experiments 1 and 2) or recalled (Experiment 2), source attributions were more frequently made to the speaker of the list items with the higher average BAS. This source attribution effect appears to result from the binding of list item source characteristics to activated critical items during encoding, as opposed to being the result of a biased retrieval process. The results are interpreted as consistent with an activation/monitoring account of false memory in the DRM paradigm.  相似文献   

Abstract— Studying a list of words associated to a critical nonpresented word results in high rates of false recall and false recognition for that nonpresented item (Roediger & McDermott, 1995) Two experiments examined the effect of manipulating the number of associates presented on false recall and later false recognition of a nonpresented item. In Experiment 1, associate lists of varying lengths were studied, in Experiment 2, list length was held constant and the number of associates within the list was manipulated. In both experiments, the rate of critical intrusions in recall increased steadily with increasing number of associates studied Most notably, the filler words used in Experiment 2 to equate the list lengths did not affect the rate of critical intrusions, although they did depress recall of studied words. False recall and false recognition appear to be tied to the total, not the mean, associative strength of items in the list.  相似文献   

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