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物理是一门与生活实际密切相关的科学,教育学家陶行知先生认为,学生受教育的最直接的目的就是生活,这是学生的内在,不是任由外界制定的。假设只为学习物理而进行物理学习,那么就是在割裂物理学习与实际生活两者间的联系,失去生活联系的学习是低效的学习,是死读书、读死书式的学习,完全不符合生活教育理论里活读书、读活书的理念。  相似文献   

在大学里,很多学生都会丢这丢那的,或者是一时大意丢失,或是不小心被盗。因此出现了许多千奇百怪的寻物启事。  相似文献   

传统与现实生活   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近十余年来,传统与现实的关系问题,一直是人们议论的话题。在“弘扬传统文化”的呼声下,出现了关干“传统文化”和“文化传统”的诸多看法。其中有一种流行说法,叫做“传统断裂”论,认为“五四”新文化运动的“反传统主义”,“切断”了民族文化的传统;因此,世纪之交的中国面临着“跨越五四文化断裂带”的任务。这实际上向我们提出了一系列需要从哲学层次上回答的问题:怎样认识和把握一个民族文化传统的主流?民族的文化传统能否因为一次文化革新运动而发生“断裂”?民族传统是“贯通古今而不变”的东西,还是不断发展的?等等。本…  相似文献   

刘奔 《现代哲学》2006,1(2):1-7
作为时代精神之精华的哲学必定懂得现实生活。哲学与现实生活的关系可以通过哲学与民众、哲学与社会实践、真理与价值、知识与信仰、理性与非理性、哲学家的使命感等问题展开出来。人民大众的实践活动,是哲学智慧的源泉。哲学是人类特有的智慧,其特色就在于它的批判性。对现存事物不合理、不公平因素的否定和批判,唤起人民的觉悟,是哲学的革命性、批判性锋芒的光辉体现。哲学不能故步自封,不应固守单纯知识的领地。应该突破哲学就是认识论的唯科学主义的眼界,向价值的领域、信仰的领域、非理性的领域挺进,开拓思想的自由。哲学家是哲学智慧的人格化,促进文化发展和人的全面发展是哲学家的光荣职责和使命。  相似文献   

陈大治 《天风》2005,(4):36-38
"神学"就是"教会在思考"。丁主教在其文集中将 这种神学思考总结为如何把基督教的信仰和生活的现 实结合起来,成为既合乎理性又具有超越能力的理论。 因此,当前中国基督教会正在开展的神学思想建设就 是在具体看得见的事工中所进行的思考和行动。旨在 调整和甄别存在于现今教会中一些信仰的误区和极端, 帮助信徒建立起全面、正确、平衡的圣经观和释经观, 从而引领信众寻求和认识上帝正确的启示和带领,以 指导现实社会处境中的生活行为。最终的目的,是要使 我们回到圣经的启示中生活。  相似文献   

什么是灵修?灵修,就是灵性修养,或者灵性生活。更清楚地说:就是教友信仰生活中的自我培育、自我圣化。因为我们接受了圣教会的信仰,领洗入教,成为基督妙身的肢体、圣教会的成员之一、天主的儿女;因此,我们与世俗事务,在精神上、在信念上是隔离的。虽然我们处身于人世间,生活于社会中,  相似文献   

网络时代的人们同时面对现实和虚拟两个空间,只有将网络空间与现实生活整合起来,才会对一个人的身心有益。实现网络空间和现实生活的整合策略。  相似文献   

非名相 《佛教文化》2007,(1):100-101
世界:《楞严经》卷四:“世为迁流,界为方位。汝今当知,东、西、南、北、东南、西南、东北、西北、上、下为界,过去、现在、未来为世。”现指人类所居之地球为世界。  相似文献   

有的读者可能提出问题,说:“李白写出‘白发三千丈’的诗句,《西游记》里创作出孙悟空,这不也是思维的结果吗?这个结果能和存在同一吗?谁见过三千丈长的白发人?谁见过猴头猴身却会说人话、聪明、比人的本事还大得多的猴”?这个问题涉及艺术思维和其他思维(日常生活思维、实践思维、科学思维等)的共性及艺术思维特有的个性的关系问题。艺术思维的对象是现实生活,艺术作品所反映的必须是真实的现实生活;如果艺术作品不反映真实的现实生活,只是主观任意地胡编乱造,这样的作品是没有人看的。  相似文献   

转向现实生活世界的哲学变革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
转向现实生活世界的哲学变革高清海,孙利天转向生活世界是这个世纪哲学变革的主题。这不仅是现代西方哲学经历的事情,我国十几年哲学改革的探索也在悄然地实现着这种转向。生活世界不是科学认识所建构的科学世界,也不是哲学反思建构的观念世界、本体世界或理想世界,同...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It is common in studies of interpersonal characteristics to examine personality variables as static predictors. Yet in recent years it has also become possible to examine personality and related interpersonal processes as they unfold over time in association with event specific cues. The present article reviews research that (1) identifies behaviors that reflect the occurrence of hostile-irritable-quarrelsome traits in daily life, (2) demonstrates both the stability and within-person variability of these behaviors over time, (3) documents event-level interpersonal cues that are systematically associated with within-person variation in quarrelsome behavior, and (4) describes how dispositional level agreeableness and irritability moderate the associations of event-level cues with quarrelsome behavior. The influence of the neurotransmitter serotonin on quarrelsome behavior is also considered. The studies indicate that quarrelsome individuals have reduced affective reactivity to engaging in quarrelsome behavior, increased behavioral reactivity to perceptions of quarrelsomeness in others, and greater responsiveness to change in serotonin levels.  相似文献   

Current work on autobiographical memory does not take the term autobiographical seriously enough. Doing so requires taking not just single events, but the whole life and its coherence, into account: Only memories that are linked to self through their emotional or motivational significance over one's life are truly autobiographical. We introduce a new construct, the life story schema, a skeletal mental representation of life's major components and links. The life story schema provides 5 conceptual extensions to current models of autobiographical memory. The conclusion that results from these extensions is that the life story schema serves to bind autobiographical memory and the self over time. Research needed to substantiate our claims and further questions generated by the life story schema construct are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>丘处机带领十八弟子离开山东后,在留守山东的全真高道中,最著名的就是郝大通高徒普照真人玄通子范圆曦。范圆曦,号玄通子,宁海人,生于金大定十七年(1177)。他幼时即显示出与众不同的品格,据宋子贞撰《普照真人玄通  相似文献   

Life Tasks and Daily Life Experience   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT This article explores the assumption that the goals on which an individual works structure the experience of daily life. One set of important goals are those consensual tasks that reflect the age-graded expectations of a living environment (e.g., the task of being on one's own at college). Whereas most members of a common age group share these consensual life tasks, individuals in a group differ in the relative importance they place on different tasks and in their appraisals of them. In the present study of 54 women living in a college sorority, the importance of a life task was associated with increased relevance of the task to daily life events, as revealed in experience sampling. The women were more emotionally involved in events that they saw as highly relevant to their life tasks than in less relevant events and, for each person, positive affect and emotional involvement in task-relevant events were related to her initial life task appraisals.  相似文献   

Jan Bransen 《Metaphilosophy》2004,35(4):517-535
Abstract: This article argues that the little everyday things of life often provide excellent entries into the intellectual problems of academic philosophy. This is illustrated with an analysis of four small stories taken from daily life in which people are in agony because they do not know what to do. It is argued that the crucial question in these stories is a philosophical question—not a closed request for empirical or formal information but an open question about how best to conceive of human experience. A discussion follows of the merits and shortcomings of transcendentalism as an attempt by philosophers to make progress. It is argued that reformulating questions is what philosophers can do to contribute to people's comfort in life. This is illustrated with an argument showing that in the small stories discussed the question of what to do should be reformulated as the question of who to be.  相似文献   

Robinson  Kelly A.  Obler  Loraine K.  Boone  R. Thomas  Shane  Howard  Adamjee  Riaz  Anderson  John 《Sex roles》1998,38(9-10):821-831
To determine the extent to which perceivedgender enters into judgments of credibility indaily-life situations, 46 raters (23 males and 23females matched for age and education) read a set ofaccusations and rated synthetic speakers' audiotapedresponses to the accusations on how believable the maleand female synthetic speakers were. The results suggestthat on the daily-life scenarios posed, both male and female speakers are equally likely to judgefemale speakers to be more credible than male speakers,whether the accusation is deemed to reflect anintentional or negligent act.  相似文献   

In modern societies, adults typically provide their lives with some sense of unity and purpose by constructing self-defining life stories that serve as their identities. Such stories are told to others and to an internalized audience or listener who serves as an ultimate judge and interpreter of the narrative. Defense mechanisms specify narrative strategies that persons use to shape how their lives are told to others and to their internalized audiences. Life events and experiences are incorporated into a life story to the extent that the internalized audience can make sense of the telling. Defenses function to make some stories more tellable than they might otherwise be and to keep other potentially storied accounts from ever reaching the status of being told.  相似文献   

The Cognitive-Affective Processing System (CAPS) was used to examine effortful control (EC) as a moderator of daily interpersonal behavior. Participants (N = 240) were nonclinical young adults who completed a 7-day event-contingent experience sampling study of interpersonal perception and affect. Multilevel linear models indicated that EC moderated within-person covariation of interpersonal warmth and affect activation; high EC individuals reported greater momentary warm behaviors when perceiving others as affectively activated. EC also amplified between-person covariation of interpersonal warmth between self and others; high EC individuals generally responded to perceptions of another's warmth with a greater degree of warm behavior. Varying levels of EC predict responses to interpersonal perceptions and affect in daily life, suggesting an important dimension for interpersonal functioning.  相似文献   

生活中不利健康的因素很多,人们把这些因素称为“催老剂”。铝生活中人们使用的铝制品,如盘、铲、锅、勺等含有大量的铝元素。人体摄取过多的铝,会直接破坏人体神经细胞内遗传物脱氧核酸的功能,不仅使  相似文献   

绍琦是一位被当代中国学术界几乎遗忘了的明代中期四川禅宗临济宗高僧,由于资料的缺乏,人们对其禅学思想无法加以深入研究。四川石经寺方面最近推动了对于绍琦的研究,寻访并影印发布了绍琦的语录,使得学术界对于绍琦的深入研究成为可能,这一研究将改变人们对于明代禅宗史的传统看法。作为一种基础性研究,本文简要介绍绍琦研究所需要的基本资料,并梳理绍琦的生平事迹,研究其法嗣成员,以使人们对于绍琦有一个基本的学术性了解。  相似文献   

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